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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 21, 2000)
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Q OMEGA The sign of excellence Clofin [b.Ji an tku ^ Class of '79 J 313B South College Ave. College Station, TX 77840 (979) 846-8916 NEED A JOB? THE KIDS KLUB IS SEEKING STAFF FOR THE 2001 SPRING SEMESTER -0-K >\I£>S College Station Are you a fun person? Do you enjoy working with kids? Looking for valuable work experience? Are you available Mon.-Fri., 2:45 p.m. to 6:15 p.m.? If you answered yes to any of these questions, we may have a job for you. Applications are now being accepted for the Kids Klub After School Program at the College Station Conference Center thru November 29 th at 5 p.m. Employment to begin January 2, 2001 College Station ISD is an Equal Opportunity Employer For more information call: the kids Male & Female l_ l j R ^ 64-38 3 1 Staff needed! 1 ^ u Page 6 NEWS Tuesday, Novembu: THE BATTALION Peru’s Fujimori resign country caught off guar LIMA, Peru (AP) — President Alberto Fujimori re signed in a letter to Congress on Monday, ending a 10- year reign in which he crushed leftist insurgents and tamed runaway inflation — but also bullied the country's democracy to fit his iron-fisted rule. Fujimori’s resignation caught the country’s leadership by surprise and left a trail of confusion over who would succeed him. The president was on a visit to his ancestral homeland Japan and stepped down in a letter to Congress President Valentin Paniagua. “I submit to you, Mr. President of Congress, my for mal resignation as president of the republic,” Fujimori wrote in the two-page letter, a copy of which was faxed to the Associated Press by the Government Palace. “I am the first to recognize that there is a new politi cal scenario in the country,” said Fujimori in the letter. It was not clear when — or if — Fujimori would return to Peru. Japanese officials said Fujimori had not requested political asylum. But Mary Ellen Countryman, a spokes woman for the U.S. National Security Council, said Mon day that Pemvian officials have informed the U.S. govern ment that Fujimori would stay in Japan indefinitely. Paniagua said Congress would be called into session Tuesday to take up the resignation. Fujimori’s letter spoke of a hew correlation of forces.” It was an apparent reference to the fact that op position lawmakers won control of Congress last week. The letter did not elaborate, but a motion had been placed before the 120-seat legislature to remove Fuji mori as president on constitutional groundsel incapacity.” Fujimori acknowledged “errors” during hisllB of rule but insisted he had always acted in Perum terests. He said he was stepping aside for the god|j country. Fujimori had announced in a written slatemesi er Monday that he would resign within 48 houn Fujimori was initially popular for defeating^ erful Marxist Shining Path and Tupac Amaruf tionary Movement guerrillas — which controlld of Peru’s countryside and shantytowns, andem nual inflation that topped 7,000 percent whentsi office in 1990. But his popular support was eroded by lit: poverty, weariness with his autocratic ways close ties to his shadowy spymaster Vladimirc tesinos, who critics charge with'corruptionanii rights abuses. The signature moment of his autocratic, ti leadership style came in 1996 when he persi reeled the rescue of 74 hostages held by Tupac^ rebels in the Japanese ambassador’s residence^ The siege ended with commandoes storming Ik ing, killing all 14 rebels. Fujimori and Montesinos had controlled alms pects of Peruvian society — from congress tofe to television stations — and his resignation has id; power struggle to fill the vacuum he leaves. Jy Jason A president’s fall ECUADOR Peruvian President Alberto Fujimori resigned in a letter to Congress on Monday, ending a 10-year reign the economic chaos of the 19808^" during which he defeated leftist insurgencies and helped end the economic chaos of the 1980s. His support was eroded, however, by lingering poverty, his autocratic ways and his close ties to shadowy spymaster Vladimiro Montesinos President September 14 - Videotape showing spy chief Vladimiro Montesinos paying opposition congressman money to join Fujimori’s ruling Alberto' bloc is leaked to Fujimori media. 16 - Fujimori deactivates the feared National Intelligence Service run by Montesinos. Fujimori will cut short his third five-year term and convene new elections. 21 - Peru's armed forces support Fujimori’s call for new elections. 23 - Montesinos flees the country. 26 - Peru’s judiciary shelves criminal investigation against Montesinos. to April 8 election date. Fujimori launches an unsuccessful search for Montesinos. 28 - Fujimori forces resignation of military leaders loyal to Montesinos. November 2 - Justice minister announces request from Switzerland for help investigating alleged money laundering by Montesinos involving Swiss bank accounts totaling more than $48 million. 3 - Attorney general loyal to Montesinos quits. 4 - Criminal October 20 - Fujimori’s government insists on amnesty for officials accused of human rights abuses. Opposition leaders accuse Fujimori of trying to grant Montesinos and his military allies impunity. 23 - Montesinos returns to Peru. 25 - Peru's opposition groups agree complaints filed against Montesinos for corruption, money laundering and illicit enrichment. 6 t Judge issues arrest warrant for Montesinos. 7 - Police raid luxury apartment of Montesinos’ family, seizing documents as well as 1 2 $600,000 worth of watches, jewelry and T \ clothing. 9 - Fujimori announces discovery of more foreign bank accounts linked to Montesinos totaling about $10 million. 13 - Congress president forced out by opposition, which opens the way for debate on whether to remove Fujimori on constitutional grounds of moral incapacity. Fujimori attends summit in Brunei .of Pacific Rim nations. 16 - Political moderate elected Congress president, giving the opposition legislative control of Peru for first time since 1992; threat of Fujimori’s ouster increases. 17 - Fujimori heads to his ancestral homeland of Japan unexpectedly, supposedly to obtain loans for Peru. 18 - Japanese Foreign Ministry says Fujimori will remain in Tokyo longer than planned. Speculation increases that Fujimori plans to resign and might not return to Peru. PERU "be Baft Poor ^hooting jheTexa home op [unately ;urge on inough t UNT the samt in Dentc 'as grat Tha dog bi fatkins A&N >ack co ind Jam lown i lilchris :wo fret they did King •ebounc land layi the Ag^ could n londs. K son’s la of the n “It Jgame ■ bount Pacific Oct SOUTH AMERICA || did n : lead i i . nical Wash minu ' the ci 19- Fujimori issues*# statement in Tokyo confirming he will res^ within 48 hours. Source: Compiled from AP wire reports Austin’s Aggie Party *•★★★★★★★★★★★★★ Headquarters 401 [.Sixth Street * Austin.Texas * (SI2) 478-33S2 Bob Popular on Sixth Street becomes The Tap Austin's Wildest Hotspot Goes Maroon! Throw-down Thursday Anything $ in the House All Night Long! Friday * Nov. 24th First Beer FREE with Maroon Free Shuttle To the Game from Mangos Six Clubs in One!