1, November |J prsday, November 16,2000 IA fg IfromM li just have iot actuals ■it some easier w i [the lab] eras project art will allot n as new le. the dei 'Cs from >ite. Grider, ited a Wei ‘du/beam, us were a 7 and met work will she expects; emorabiliai memorial, 'resident fe icipatesarc. AGGII life, Page 3A p 10 top-10 lists on the Internet provide useless advice and lampoon traditions week's men| aid. decisiottl lemorabil ic display.!] ually like:] lor showing II a littleejl ose items."] s a very sea] collapse] is 's minds, 'the colleen] erms of bos I there, and 1 be like,! said studd nU) any i :se items red — represer e students m "I think witkj 't havei at the colled ■n to thepq for a puli i rider then pc: rd sign that »i e collapsetoei ures. /ears front®? int tocomei daddy, thats' ned this sip illy, [the co lybody in; here." r he Internet has been heralded as one of the greatest in ventions of modern times — in moments, one can download music, find which movie is No. 1 in Pakistan Ind buy cheese direct from Wisconsin. However, the Internet Is also a place of strange sites full of misinformation and pro paganda. With this and the popularity of top-10 lists in mind, [tere is a compilation of the top 10 top-10 lists on the Internet. #10 Top 10 stupidest things to do with a brick T his list is on the Top 10 list for its inane qualities. Most of the “stupid things” are not particularly funny — in fact, they are downright pathetic. However, the list [does manage to incite both violence and sexual deviance. iDavesite.com’s stupid things get it on this list: No. 9: Go to a football game and chuck [the brick] at the I opposing team. No. 2: Have an affair with it. #9 Top 10 censored news stories of the year T his piece is a serious list of stories the author believes have been kept from the mainstream media because of their inflammatory nature. The No. 3 story on this | list is about the “glass ceiling” for sex workers. The cited article by Magdelen Gaitskill of the Left Sex Observer said prostitutes and pornographic models’ careers are “over by 35.” This is but one of the terribly important news stories that has been kept from the public. Simpleton.com’s list of the top 10 censored news stories comes in at No. 9 on this meetings Friday that in ;aid ports the Assu Colleges I iat campus dt ye positive I majority t iprovestud pus and pe.'rAN. tx zt’T&o'Zl m • git The Dance Arts Society presents Fall Curtain Call Sunday, Nov. 19, 2000 2:00 p.m. • Rudder Auditorium Tickets: s 3 students • $ 5 adults available at the MSC box office