fmmm Page 4 AGG!E$ WITH Km 3 Ph <£r TONIGHT Informational meeting -JW STl'DENf Li rlFE <5r ^ o » Laser sion t i o n Choice Is Clear On Site Visx Laser (You never leave town) Free Consultations Free Monthly Seminars Several Financial Options The most experienced Lasik team in our area. If you dream of clearer vision, call today for your evaluation! Mark R. Coffman, M.D.P.A. Joseph sph S. Allison, O.D. Texas B^egiunal Eye "Center Laser Vision 979-774-0498 1-800-462-7648 2806 E. 29th St., Bryan, TX. Oar ohowme, For tU LtuM,,, Proposition No: 1 Coliseum Bonds Brazos County Exbos!t|on v Center November 7, 2000 Why a new Exposition Center? Our County needs a center for Family Entertainment and Recreation. The quality of our Communities’ entertainment impacts our quality of life. Exhibitions and fairs will provide year-round varied events appealing to the widest possible interests of our citizens'. The Vision 2020 Committee's Survey identified the need for an Exposition Center as the number one priority for the County. The Brazos County area is one of the largest metropolitan communities in the State of Texas without a facility of this kind. Texas A&M University has been a generous neighbor by sharing their facilities, but Brazos Coucty should not depend on TAMU to accommodate the community for all events. $18,500,000 Can we afford the Exposition Center? What will our new Exposition Center be like? The Center will include an air-conditioned 6,000 perma nent seat Coliseum Building, designed With the option for later expansion of those scats, two covered outdoor auxiliary facilities, outdoor arenas, livestock stables and pens. The Main Building will have a 30,000 square foot floor area arid an additional capacity for 1,500 temporary floor scats. RV facilities will be provided to accommodate visitors to the Center, County, Bush Library and TAMU The Brazos County Exposition Center is a wise invest ment for the community. Catering to a broad range of mid sized events, the Center fills the void left between Reed Arena and the Brazos Center. The exec. V.P. of Abilene Expos Center reports that their facility yields an annual direct 'spend of 535 million dollars to their county. Texas A&M International University report ed that for every dollar invested in Laredo's new 335 million dollar facility the community will generate a 53 to S4 return annually to iheir local economy. A Brazos County taxpayer with a property value of SI00,000 will pay approximately $2.50/month to finance our Exposition Center. It will be a priority for the Center to keep the rents for local groups affordable and occupancy rates high. The following residents of Brazos County confirm support for the bond election, November 7 The Brazos County Exposition Center will showcase many events such as: County Fair Rodeos Concerts Horse & Livestock Shows Civic Events Religious Gatherings Sporting Events Festivals Car Shows Corporate Events Conventions Receptions Sporting Events Auctions Tractor Pulls Circus & Carnivals Scout Jamborees Pet Shows Auto/Boat Shows Arts & Crafts Shows Home & Garden Exhibitions Wedding Shows Antique & Gem Shows Ice Skating Performing Arts Medical Symposia Reunions Trade Shows and much more! Community... Where will the Exposition Center he? Several sites are being evaluated. High visibility, easy access, and available utilities are desired prerequisites. How may voters make design suggestions? Jim Singleton Architects invites all inter ested user groups and individuals to partic ipate in design input for the final design. \19 The Brazos County Exposition Center • Mulli-purposc facility providing enter tainment and recreation for our families and our youth. • The quality ofa comuiunilyi’s entertain ment impacts the quality olTifc. • Will consist of a Main Mulli-purposc Activity Center, two auxiliary facilities, outdoor arena, livestock stables and pens. • Designed for future expansion of 3,000 additional seats. • Will be affordable for users. • Future users wilt have opportunity to help with the design. • Abilene reports that Iheir facility yielded ; $35 million impact annually on Iheir coun- V)®- WsCfe BSB0 BOND ISSUE NOVEMBER 7 • Laredo states that every SI .(X) invested in that county facility generates S3.00 to $4.00. • Cost to taxpayer will be approximately $2.50 per month for a $IIH),000 home. • Catering to mid-size events; will fill the void between Reed Arena and Ihc Ura/os Center. • B/CS is one of the largest metropolitan areas in stale without a facility of litis type. • The Vision 2020 Committee identified an Expo Center as the III priority. • B/CS should not be totally dependent on A&M to accommodate events. AGGIELIFE Monday, N'ovembeiS. THE BATTALION Mock the Vote Forget Bush and Gore— Wolverine for Pn T omorrow, millions of Americans will head to the voting booth to exercise their constitutional right to choose the lesser of two (or more) evils. Some people will vote for the stuffy, pompous career politician, Al Gore. Others will cast their bal lots for George W. Bush, the bum bling underachiever who might just be the first man to win the presiden cy by reading cue cards. Then there are Ralph Nader and Pat Buchanan, but their winning is about as likely as Joseph Lieberman taking a Saturday cruise down the highway in an SUV while chatting on a cell phone with Yasser Arafat. Over the past few months, the presidential campaign has become so drab that the media swoons and the population gasps in amazement whenever the word “rats” appears for a fraction of a second on a Re publican commercial. In an effort to add some excite ment to the campaign, here is a brief catalog of pop icons who should run for president. Wolverine Who cares if Wolverine does not know crap about the history of the dispute in the Middle East? The guy has razor-sharp claws that spring out from his hands. If that does not draw voters to the booth, America is tally in the grips of political apathy. The downside is that Wolverine suffers from the same debilitating label that has seamed such figures as Howie Mandell and Jason Priest ley — he is Canadian. price: having to listen to ’NSyrc the next four years, when, in the ural course of boy bands, they should be gone in two. John Holmes The “King of Porn” would make an entertaining commander-in-chief. At a minimum, V^hite House philan dering would finally be openly pub lic (possibly even videotaped) and, with Holmes’ 13-ineh endowment, the American public would only have to think about cigars when new smoking bans are instituted. With a unique approach to na tional defense that would not have to include a validation of “man hood,” the lives of countless young soldiers may be saved. Unfortunately, Holmes is dead, but at least this is one less presiden tial hopeful who will be doing Via gra commercials. Stephen Hawking Ignoring the fact that the Os- ford-educated physicist wasnoi born in America and couldnolii for president, the country w hard-pressed to find a more man to put into office. Over the few years, nerdiness has grown more accepted, and Hawking v bring in a new era of intellectu; leadership while keeping Ameri;, out of economic recession black holes alike. However, the neurological disease that keep: Hawking from moving any beds part with the exception of a few gers would make press conferee tragically long. Having a preside: waffle his way through answers bad enough — now imagine the same runaround as heard throat Speak-and-Spell. Monday JASF the ere amphi The C dens v the ad Sei to the The re nal de “[1 pie of Pei Bonfi stude Bartsi Th of sig petiti ed. 1 throu and alum Snoop Doggy Dogg With the possible exceptions of David Duke and Pat Buchanan, who would not like to see the “D- O-double G,” complete with corn rows, run for office? There has been a lot of talk about finally putting an African-American in the White House, but most of that talk has centered around mellowed people like Colin Powell. What Washing ton, D.C., really needs is a rough neck to bust a cap in the deficit. However, turning 1600 Pennsyl vania Avenue into “Tha Dogg House” has its downside. If elected president. Snoop would not have time to turn out rap albums be tween getting his smoke on and groove on with Tony Blair and threatening to “glock” Saddam Hussein. ’NSync As opposed to Holmes, the boys from ’NSync have girls screaming out of sheer joy — and it is that kind of solid support that a candi date needs to get elected. Justin, Lance, J.C., Chris and Joey could be what it takes for America’s youth to finally head to the voting booths. More people know who Justin Timberlake is than who Al Gore is, and Timberlake never has needed to solicit money from Buddhist monks. However, shaking the dust from voter’s apathy comes at a None of these candidates tea have what it takes to be the com mander-in-chief, which is why everyone should vote fortheAs’:| kid from The Goonies, Data. He:; charisma and a bad-ass trencho By now. Data’s bound to be rum; a seven-figure software compam and most likely has some good ideas about how to run the count' With a foreign policy that cot include investigating Iraq fort' by traps" and saving the econon. from every falling with his "Pin ers of Power,” Data is the kindc forward-thinking head of state America needs to lead it into the. next millennium. Besides, itisf time America had a leader-who fr elicits thoughts of kids with spiii loaded boxing gloves under the:! amoi T1 in the al Stu hies i ings. coats instead of semi-automatic; machine guns. Zach De La Rocha One must consider the politi cally outspoken, former frontman of Rage Against the Machine. Since the breakup of the band, he has free time to either record a solo alburn or save the world from the many faces of despotic totalitarianism. It is possible that De La Rocha knows more about welfare reform than Bush (or least he might know Social Security is a federal pro gram). Unfortunately, a De La Rocha administration would be short-lived as he would likely be the first president to assassinate himself. Willie Nelson As the Farm Aid pa triarch, Willie has shown concern for one of the most important, but underreported is sues facing America. As an added bonus, he smokes more pot by 9 a.m. than Matthew McConaugh ey does all day. Unfor tunately, Willie just does not have the backing to win the presidency. He does not even have enough money to keep the banks from foreclosing on his house. Niil .tilu'flUinvni I’v tlv Fxnn (enkf I’AC N ir.l Thorot*,.'.-! Tie. How’s Your ’World? Talte a new course for tie Environmentally Clialiemied AGR0 489-500 Life & Tie Physical Environment Spring Semester oi TR 11:10 - 12:25 No Prerequisites //soilcrop.tamu.edii/agro489/