The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, October 02, 2000, Image 2

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Fish Camp *01
Chairperson Applications Now
Available in the
Fish Camp Office!
by R.DeLuna Aguirre
Applications are DUE Friday. October 13. 2000
by 5:00 p.m. in the Fish Camp Office
Applicants MUST attend ONE of the MANDATORY
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December LSAT courses start
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Monday. Oclofc:
Htay. Octobe
Continued fromi
[Mexico’s] Secretary of Det-
Welsh said. “[The cadets] were,
of Texas A&M's long military
tion and also recognized
were at a w orld-class univer®
were honored to have them inti
During their stay, the Me
cadets participated in all (
events, including formation!
day’s Corps run and Midniglil
Practice. On game day, the Me
cadets formed the final unito
Coips march-in.
Welsh said one of the mosts
icant parts of the experience
Mexican and American cadel
the cultural awareness that
“We saw a lot of similari|
tween our governments and
Anything we d
do to involve Mm
ico andLatint^igl
America / we stilt? il ' there
tvrh yoi
y° ur har
do. It's an fromi The soluti
for A&M.” Idelicacy^'i
— Veronica! I ftillji
assistant director of the Offcfi You have
Latin American Progrrieen the lobsi
'^Mial stores <
taries." he said. “It's great to s these hard-s
Cup of Jo
i)g Wnman HctIw b M »1lh prfiv*«»i i «law StfMfts
Statement of Ownership, Management, and Circulation
1. Publication Title
The Battalion
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3. Filing Date
Sept. 28, 2000
4. Issue Frequencydally Monday through Friday durlnte. Number otlssues Published Annually
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ursday during the summer session (except 182
iversltv holldaYs and exam periods) 1
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015 Reed McDonald Building, Texas A&M University, 1111 TAMU
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Division of Student Media
015 Reed McDonald Building, Texas A&M University, 1111 TAMU
College Station, Brazos County, Texas 77843-1111
Editor (Name and complete mailing address)
Beth Miller (address same as above)
allels between our country andthi ifrs. Simpl\
Veronica Jijon. assistant dirt ►|rk for assis
of the Office of Latin Americans
grams at A&M, said Heroic Mii:«
College is an officer training set*
and. after graduation, cadetseitk*
straight into the military or goo*^"""
receive professional degrees. •
Heroic Military College isM*
eo’s oldest military academy. I
On behalf of the Heroic MiM
College, the visiting cadets preserlf
Gen. M.T. “Ted" Hopgood.comir*
dant of the Corps, with a saben*
traditionally wear on their uniforrfi
Jijon said programs like tliisil
benefit relations between Texas®
Mexico and the United States®
Mexico. 8
“Anything we can do to involl
Mexico and Latin America, wewl
do. It's an honor for A&M,” she sail
Eduardo Migoni, a Mex/’cJ
cadet, said he enjoyed his experience
at A&M because of the friet\4Vj%
“I think this is one of the qi
beautiful universities in AmelB
Migoni said. “The cadets andf
regular students are very kinds
make me feel like one of them!
cause they taught me of their cii [
and traditions.”
Managing Editor (Name and complete mailing address)
Jeff Kempf (address same as above)
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October 2nil-6th
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Other locations
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Peat the Hell Outfa Stress!
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Sponsored by the Student Counseling Sendee. The Student Counseling Service Is a department In the Phdsion of Student Affairs.
Beth Miller
Editor in Chief
The Battalion (ISSN #1055-4726) is published daily, Mi
through Friday during the fall and spring semesters ami
Monday through Thursday during the summer session (eiraiil
University holidays and exam periods) at Texas A&M Uniwsl
Periodicals Postage Paid at College Station, TX 77840,
MASTER: Send address changes to The Battalion, lem0
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News: The Battalion news department is managed by sin-
dents at Texas A&M University in the Division of
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are in 014 Reed McDonald Building. Newsroom phone: 845-
3313; Fax: 845-2647; E-mail: Ttiebattalion@tioMcWt
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Advertising: Publication of advertising does not imply spoir
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lied advertising, call 845-0569. Advertising offices are«
015 Reed McDonald, and office hours are 8
Monday through Friday. Fax: 845-2678.
Subscriptions: A part of the Student Services Fee entitles
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scriptions are $60 per school year, $30 for the fall or stuiif
semester, $17.50 for the summer and $10 per
charge by Visa, MasterCard, Discover, or American Express,
call 845-2611.
an catapult t
pair into the
Idiots wou
Every four
ning in Amer
lours of peop
over things ar
ing. Through
ing this glorif
horrific strug|
he world seei
den, disease-r
Every gyrr
with a butter 1
and persevera
letic world. E
appendix rem
glass eyes anc
through high:
soul torn out 1
accident — th
day, every da}
Dimitry Sa
Nemov misse
Amy Van Dyl
shoulder surgt
to college thoi
she was pregn
The 01ym(
ment from the
the sports. Pei
Own touching