The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, October 02, 2000, Image 12

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Page 12
Monday, October
Hurricane strikes Yucatan, Beliz
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CHETUMAL, Mexico (AP) — Coastal resi
dents of Mexico’s Yucatan peninsula and north
eastern Belize fled their homes Sunday as the dan
gerous core of Hurricane Keith came ashore,
bringing strong wind and torrential rain.
With the storm packing 125-mph winds,
scores of people in Chetumal, a bay-side city of
130,000, abandoned their homes. Many live in
low-lying areas, in shacks made of wooden slats
and cardboard.
Mexican authorities set up 15 shelters and
evacuated 800 people from high-risk areas in the
region, about 190 miles south of Cancun.
Many residents seemed to take the weather in
stride; families waded through streets flooded
with ankle-deep water. Others rode bikes through
the pounding rain and old men drank coffee on a
covered sidewalk.
Hurricane Keith was stationary Sundayafter-
noon, about 50 miles south-southeast of Chetu
mal, and about 40 miles northeast of Belize City,
where power lines were reported down, said the
National Hurricane Center in Miami.
The U.S. government issued a travel warning
to Americans in Belize because of extensive
flooding, the State Department said. Peace Corps
volunteers and U.S. government employees in
non-emergency jobs were moved out..
The Belize village of San Pedro was one of the
hardest-hit areas, Red Cross officials said. Winds
battering the village were clocked at 83 mph be
fore the instrument measuring the wind broke.
Gusts were reported up to 110 mph.
“We have reports that roofs are blowing off
houses,” said Judith Reid, of the Red Cross in Be
lize City. "The rain is coming on strong and the
wind is picking up here, and we are stil I far south
of where the action is.”
Forecasters warned of flash floods and mud
slides as heavy rain fell throughout Belize, Hon
duras, Guatemala and Nicaragua, although the
slow-fnoving hurricane was expected to weaken
as it moved inland.
There were no reports of deaths or injuries by
midday in the state of Quintana Roo, where!
mal is located, said Jose Irabien, an official
governor’s office.
“The stonn is acting strange, usually the
are a lot stronger than this when a storm
nitude is this close, but this time we haven!
that," Irabien said. “We're working 24houri,
to keep people informed and to help anyone
needs it.”
Maria de la Cruz, from the nearby coi
of Izcalac, abandoned her shack Saturday
husband, five children and four other relatives
“They told us it’s going to hit hard,”
Cruz, one of 217 area residents sleeping
school in Chetumal. "Thank God we haves
place to go.”
A hurricane warning remained in effect;
day along the Yucatan peninsula’s eastern
from Cabo Catoche south to Monkey
Town. Belize. A hurricane watch was ineffet
the Yucatan’s north coast, west of CaboCa:
to Progreso.
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BRADY CREEL/The Battalion
Vandals spray-painted Texas Tech's logo on benches and columns at the Jack K. Williams Ad
ministration Building over the weekend. It is not known whether the graffiti was painted be
fore or after Saturday's game, in which A&M defeated Tech, 33-15.
\\ Gore anc
Bush clashei
ion drug as
ind abortion
:ampaign di
Doini in the i
est in a gene
Combat iv
VATICAN CITY (AP) -P^harged that
John Paul II declared saini
Sunday for 120 Chinese and fort
missionaries killed in the eta
five-century — and ongoing
struggle in China. Stung
called the martyrs
ners” and their canonization
open insult.”
Naming of the church's firstf
nese saints threatened to worsen
ready stiff relations with Cte
which at home is combatting Vi
can-allied Roman Catholicisms vh svlL | ulset
‘spend more
wealthiest 1 [
pending he
loses for e
ion, health
'evildoin- ^enption
Tind nationa
ense all
But Bush,
ng a few feel
in a debate si
he Univers:
dan would o
other banned spiritual movement
sees as challenges to its authori*j[~ c | a “ s "
The date of the canonizatioT “£ ver yb 0(
was enraging to China —falling I, e t relief,” he
China’s National Day celetaito
51 years of communist rule. bigger covet
their chosen subject: 87 Chip X p anc j ec j p r(
and 33 foreigners, most killej bureaucrats,
what China still views as theiM “It empow
eous 1900 Boxer Rebellion agspite governor,
foreign imperialism and religifi tional viewin
John Paul, looking wanandi eVest Texas
on a rainy morning in St. Pelt 3 V er and ov
Square, insisted that “the celebtf ‘fn/z.y math.”
is not the time to make judgment
"The church only intends ton three presiden
ognize that those martyrs are ant
ample of courage and coherence
two weeks,
man seeking
all of us, and give honor to diet vantage in a re
ble Chinese people,” the pope®
John Paul named three ottier®'
saints as well, all nuns
27 killed
in riots
ian gunmen, cheered by rock
ing rioters, fired on Israeli
from rooftops and abandoned bni
ings in clashes across the WestBt
and Gaza Strip on Sunday. Se
Palestinians were killed when
raelis returned fire, for a total of
in three days of bloodshed overall
terly contested Jerusalem shrine.
An Israeli border policeman"
critically wounded, trapped
hours in a tiny Israeli enclave inti
West Bank town of Nablus, as Pali
tinian fire blocked rescue tea(
from reaching the area.
The latest fighting came as Istf
and Palestinian peace negotiators®
ed harsh accusations instead ofm
ideas on how to solve their dispute'
In an ominous sign of escalade I
across the West Bank and GazaS®
Israeli troops fired anti-tank missile
hurled grenades and shot fromhel
copter gunships. Several Israeli tail! Ajp+it liyi
Gore and
close that poll
poll shows
within, a poi
two of one am
Their vice j
dential candic
Democrat Jc
Lieberman air
publican Did
eney, debate T
Jim Lehrer
operating und
advance fc
camps. It was,
first of three
tween the twe
format that ex
Pat Buchanan
In a reprise
at this summe
Convention, G
to stand up to tl
maceutical cot
“Big drug c
ernor Bush’s p
al,” he said. “T
Bush made
heard that, and
swift rebutta
By Brian Ruff
rumbled toward the Palestinian^
towns of Nablus and Ramallah
warning gesture, but did notcrossl| The Battalion
lines of jurisdiction.
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“The alarm;
said Bonnie W
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