The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, September 21, 2000, Image 6

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    Page 6A
rand Opening of
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Thursday Seplemb J da - V ~ Sc P te , r »
Fast Movers
John Sherwood
Published by Free Press
Members of the Corps of Cadets
unite. This book is sure to be a hit
among military buffs due to its de
scriptions of combat scenes and rev
erence for the men who fought in the
Vietnam War.
Fast Movers is a historical ac
count of the air war over Vietnam
from the point of view of American
pilots who fought it. While the book
is a useful historical tool as it takes
the reader inside the minds of the
men who flew combat missions in
the war, it is also absurdly testos-
Unfortunately, the book details
the lives of only the most decorated
pilots and leaders. While this will
likely stir the patriotic blood of any
Michigan militiaman, it leaves a
large p;u1 of the story untold. The
stories of men who left their wives
and families and endured countless
hardships so they could feel the
“rush" of battle one more time are tit
for a John Woo movie, but they lack
realism. This book concentrates on
the brilliant exploits of the pilots fly
ing the missions every day, but after
reading the book, a reader might be
left with the impression that the
United States won the war.
Still, there are poignant moments
in the b<x)k, and interv iews with for
mer pilots lend the book an insider's
point of view. One portion of the
book in particular brings home the
reality of the life of a combat pilot
when a former pilot describes leav
ing his friend, who had been shot
down, behind to die in a Vietnamese
prison camp. His descriptions of
how this event haunted him for the
next 25 years are moving, indeed.
-Gov. Georg
lush should
ar a moratoi
n Executions
is appointed
ale board sU
_nplenient or
ivii rights gi
For anyone who is devouth ritical of ca]
terested in military history, this unpshment in
assable enr Wednesday.
Hi he ban on
is a must, bu
ment at best.
(Grade: (
aaii; until two
Be®|eeon\ iction:
nd propose 1
Unjaltv syste
as Ci\ il Ri
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s office ai
_ _ _ _ _ _ ^ , iavc the powt
* * * :d findings in
■‘While Gc
ET PILOTS *» «! VIETNAM EXPEflhe views of
4 pijis. includi
ieve that th
JOHN DARRELl| au,t s' saidB
SHERWOOD ■The non-pi
lortcd on pro!
Thus Spoke Zarathustra
Friedrich Neitzsche
Published by Modern Library
Thus Spoke Zarathustra is one of the most influen
tial books ever written. It is also one of the most diffi
cult to read.
This book is known mostly because it was the work
in which Neitzsche first posed the idea of the Overman
— a new human being who is intelligent enough and
powerful enough to move beyond such restrictions as
religion and morality. In this book. Neitzsche uses
Zarathustra, who has been called an autobiographical
character, as the herald of the coming of the Overman.
The book follows Zar
cate people about the Overman.
In Neitzsche’s theory, man is a 1
and the Overman. However, man n
come Overman, which is what Zai*;
book convincing people to do.
Much of the book is written parallel toiiiesion;
of the Bible, which is a brilliant innovation, butliL; dies a
Bible, it takes dedication to read and comprehend:.
Many people may find Neit/
and morality deplorable, but
much can be learned from hi
jects. (Grade: B+)
views 01 reliao
is no denyingtfe
uirses on those>
Jason Bennv:
Literary classic
A cut above
Passable reading
Don't buy it
Jones, who 1
the college t
el for more t
of unknown
Tom Landry
was 52.
His wife,
told The Da
that her hus
Wa ste
of paper j n g a stress
Medical Cer
— ~ be rushed t
Medical Cer
.were unable
Jones co
-32 years an
ball High Si
He was an <
. Wilmer-Hutc
Lincoln and
He also v
•at now-defu
'for nine ye
^continued ft
In additio
-is survived
^Javetta, 13,
-son, 21, am
l Funeral c
.mot availabh