The Battalion Classified 7y v ds To place a classified ad: Phone: 845-0569 / Fax: 845-2678 Office: Room 015 (basement) Reed McDonald Building ad). This rateapp; j get an additional 5 • iled to end to qua! XJ MUSIC Business Hours 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Monday through Friday Insertion deadline: 1 p.m. prior business day VISA Private Party Want Ads $10 for 20 words running 5 days, if your merchandise is priced $1,000 or less (price must appear in ad). This rate applies only to non-commercial advertisers offering personal possessions for sale. Guaranteed results or you get an additional 5 days at no charge. If item doesn't sell, advertiser must call before 1 p.m. on the day the ad is scheduled to end to qualify for the 5 additional insertions at no charge. No refunds will be made if your ad is cancelled early. PLOYMENT OR RENT Classified contiune from page 2B FOR RENT n the country 4bdrm/2bth, central heats air, fenced iackyard, 8-minutes from campus, pets okay, room for orses, available now. $1000/mo. +$1000 deposit. 979- 79-9523. lale to share new 4-bedroom home. Deck, large yard, ireplace. 1-yr. lease, $325/mo. +utilities. 979-693- 1731 (JC), 254-698-7261, anufactured homes- 2S3/bdrm, 1S2/bath, $400-up. lose to tamu. No pets. 823-3106. One month's free contiune on i ew 3bdrm/2bth duplex, CS, fenced- pets allowed, w/d, n bus route, off 2818S Holleman. 764-6712. ieveral great locations near campus. 1 S2 bedrooms ivailable. Call 777-3371. WASHERS & DRYERS FOR RENT Don't buy, rent a Washer S dryer, $28/month (plus tax). UniversityLeasing, Local, Faster, Better, 764-3902. WE CAN HELP! We LOCATE ALL property types throughout the B/CS area! Alpha-Omega Properties, Inc. Broker 693-0868. FOR SALE [Bicycles mountain Bicycles racer Bicycles 10-22speed [Bicycles. New/used, $30-$200. 846-8295. [Buy/ Sell A&M Fooball Tickets. Call 1-800-776-9488 or (210)349-0317. ( C.S. duplex fully remodeled 2bdrm/1,5bth each side top income and location. Live in one side and rental will pay I most of your mortgage, Desk for sale. $85. Call 696-4478. HELP WANTED HELP WANTED $$$Dancers, dancers, dancers$$$. Flexible hours. Silk Stocking 690-1478. 18+only. Kaleido Scoops now hiring smiling, friendly faces for counter help. Apply at SWPkwy &TX location. ****ATTN: STUDENTS'*** $11.00 BASE- APPT.**** RT/FT! Flex scheds. Scholarships, Resume exp., Customer Service/Sales, will train. Conditions Apply. (979)696-7734. Koppe Bridge Bar & Grill, part-time counter help need ed. 764-2933. Local Business needs part-time warehouse help/deliv ery driver. Must have good driving record. Need to be Aerobics instructor needed: Caldwell, certified pre ferred. Call for details 979-567-3800 leave message. available Monday-Friday. Please call 779-7043 for application. Ag to work TU/TR for a/c contractor, 4-8 hrs/day, $6/hr, 696-7881, 255-9214. Make money/have fun. Work The Texas Renaissance Festival. Call Debi 979-279-3274. Aggieland Printing is looking for an experienced part- time press operator to join our team. Great pay for great skills & attitude. Apply at 1801 Holleman C.S. 979-693- 8621. Needed: babysitter for 9-month child. 10-15 hours per week. Experience preferred, references needed. 979- 694-2658. NEW SEMESTER, NEW JOB! PT WORK- FT PAY! Bass guitar player for country band with steady gigs. Call Crystal 693-7334. Ideal tor students, will train. (979)695-1386. *** Bryan Outboard, part-time, mechanically inclined, $7- $8/hour. 822-6836, ask for Jeff. Ninfa's is now accepting applications for all positions. Inquire Mon.-Fri. between 2pm-4pm. Jobs For Students: lexible Hours! 3ola Bottling! ed, hardwortunga ig positions: rs (Part-TimeMTme rehouse Positions(Eir Holick made Senior Boots. Like new. 10.5 D, $ Contact Hugh at 817-488-5196. Hollck's senior boots. Original owner size 8, $495. Kevin 1-888-880-8989. iter, tied, Moving Sale! Spacious desk- $60; entertainment cen- [ ter- $25; twin bed, complete set- $40, Finite Math book- J $45, O.B.O. Email: I Twin water bed for sale, $50. Call 695-6994. | Worldwide Phonecards 1c Minute Anywhere In USA. . $10 Card Max 951 Minutes. International Cards. Great 4 rates available to 149 countries around the world. 936- * 293-8147 ATHLETE S FOOT STUDY Volunteers ages 12 and up needed for a research study of a medication for the treatment of athlete’s foot. Subjects must have active signs and symptoms of athlete’s foot. Eligible volunteers will be compensated up to $200.00 for 8 clinic visits. For more information call: 979-846-5933 J&S Studies, Inc. 4309 Wellborn Road Bryan, TX 77801 Church nursery worker needed Sunday mornings 9:15- 12:15. Call Pam @778-0014. Clerical, data entry, receptionist. Special events and day labor, f/p-time. 846-8555, ask for Cassia. College Seniors/ Grads. Exc. part-time work, secret shopper, $15-$17/hr. Must have car Sinsurance. Call David or Sandra 1-877-540-5500. Copy Comer- part-time help needed. Customer ser vice/production, Sun. &Tues. nights Ssome weekends. Graphic Artist- evenings &weekends. Pagemaker, Illustrator and Photoshop experience preferred. Must be able to work directly with the public. Come by 1404 Texas Avenue South, CS to complete an application. Earn extra income by cleaning offices M-F, after 5p.m. 823-5031. Experienced Dental Lab Technician. Apply in person 3200 Kent St., Bryan or call 776-7905. Fatburger-C.S. Help wanted all positions. Drivers earn up to $11/hr. Immediate hiring. 725-A University. Help Wanted! Full or part-time! Graphics Artist experi enced in Corel Draw. Must work well with clients. Please apply with Elizabeth Raney at Collegiate Illustrations, 300-S. Bryan, downtown at the corner of 28thSt. 822-0495. Housekeeper needed, flexible hours, $6-$7/hour nego tiable. 776-1975, leave message. Immediate openings 11pm-7am Mon+Fri. in warehouse and feed-mills. Apply in person at Producer's Co-Op, 1800-N. Texas Avenue. PART-TIME AUTO PORTERS Looking for a way to help finance your college expenses? Sterling Auto Group currently has openings for Porters. Job duties include new/used vehicle preparation and lot and building maintenance. Requirements include valid driver's license and energetic work habits. Flexible afternoon work hours: Mon-Sat. If you enjoy working in a fast paced, multi-tasked environment, contact Amy Zalmanek (979)779-1000 An Equal Opportunity Employer Newsday Crossword MATERIAL WITNESS by Norma Steinberg Edited by Stanley Newman i billion, mpany 3 rate ind f ACROSS 1 Corporate execs: Abbr. 5 Camel feature 9 Good-natured one 14 Palo CA 15 Huge continent 16 Short putt 17 Casino transactions 18 Wind spurt 19 11 we devils?" 20 Daydreaming 23 Under the weather 24 Many months: Abbr. 25 Writer de Beauvoir 29 Author Zane 31 Faux 34 Sun-dried brick 35 Threesome 36 Classify 37 Dessert choice 40 Domesticated 41 Crosby’s “Road” partner 42 VCR button 43 Shrewd 44 Insignificant 45 Caught some Z’s 46 Fido’s foot 47 -de-sac 48 Former Steelers quarterback 55 Turn on a dime 56 Yearn 57 Iraqi, e.g. 59 Adversary 60 Poet Sexton 61 Actress Russo 62 Male voice 63 Lagoons 64 Crown of the head DOWN 1 Truck’s passenger area 2 Skyrocketed 3 Director Preminger 4 Middling 5 Dicker on price 6 Customary 7 Atomizer output 8 Trail 9 Like some night skies 10 11 12 13 21 22 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 35 Helen’s abductor Unwrap Betrothal symbol Blasting need Flaxen fabric newt Seasons, as soup Utopian Kid’s cry Clarinet cousin Complaint Widespread Suddenly appear Get out of bed Horse Thunder god 36 38 39 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 Button alternative Like caramels Milky gems Long-suffering one Pokes “Coming soon” announcement Clever Fork part Level Spill the beans Author Jaffe Arthur Marx’s instrument Vicinity “For of a nail . . .” German shepherd or gerbil Apiary resident 25~ 26 27 28 34 37 40 43 46 44 48 49 55 59 62 CREATORS SYNDICATE © 2000 STANLEY NEWMAN 9/19/00 , Reliant Energy eligion, sex, diS' (Tltick’s Pizza PIZZA STROMBOLI HOAGIES Medium Mopping Pizza $ 3.50 ‘order 3 for free delivery '693-BUCK Answer to previous puzzle A S K S S K 1 L T Y N E A W E D u T S G E A L K R 1 S N P 1 N E R A N G E A N G E R E P, a hot internet start-up company if cur rently seeking students to fill p-time matketing/ public relations on campus internship positions. This job is a ton of fun, a great way to earn money, and an excellent resume builder. Salary ranges from $75-$100/wk with and average of only 5hrs of work per week. If interest ed please call Robin at 1-866-OYOGEAR. P-time job helping handicapped. Male student pre ferred. $270/mo., lOhrs/wk. 846-3376. Parl-fime childcare M-F, 11:30-5:00. Call 694-0913. Part-time clerical position available in large insurance agency. Hours are Tues/Thurs 1-6pm and every other Saturday 10-2pm. $7/hr. Please send resume to 1100- B Harvey Rd. C.S., TX 77840. Part-time physical therapy assistant for busy rehab cen ter. Will train, morning only. Fax resume 979-775-0383. Part-time warehouse loaders needed M-F, 4-8pm. Start at $6/hr. Apply at Jack Hilliard Distributing Co., 1000 Independence, Bryan. Partners Food Delivery now hiring delivery drivers. Motorcycles a-plus. Flexible hours, good pay. Apply in person at 113-Walton, CS. Semen Donors Needed (Between 18-44 yrs.) to assist infertile couples. Excellent Compensation. Contact Fairfax Cryobank at 713-799-9937 or E-Mail Houstoncryo @ Shop assistant needed 15-25 hours per week. Flexible. Ability to do basic car maintenance. Start at $7/hr. Apply at Jack Hilliard Distributing Co., 1000 Independence, Bryan. MOTORCYCLE 1985 Honda Shadow. 700cc, 16K-mi. Runs great. Clean with helmet/ A&M parking pass. $2500/060. 693-1689. ‘82 Yamaha Seca-750, new tires, runs great, low miles. Perfect for student. $2200/080. 775-3665. Semester & Short Term Leases Available For Furnished Rooms w/AII Bills Paid. FREE Private Shuttle to TAMU. CALL 779-7091 Weekly trip to Houston. 485-0932. HURRY!! Sign Now & Save $100 on 1st Months Rent 2 Bedroom Starting @ $545 TIMBER CREEK 801 SPRING (Behind The Hilton) 846-2976 Toll Free: 877-810-7409 HUGE T^lOUIMTAIMSi Complete College Ski Package includes 5 nights lodging, 4 day lilt 51 pass, and Exclusive(Ojjjj) Events. ♦TuxASmvice _ _ (1-888-754-8447) 1-88U-SKITHIS For more Info W r . - a ■ - www.ljSlcilllliS.coin Coil Ski & Snowboard Week • 6 Days & 5 Nights \n Siop^skte Condos • 4 Full Day & Night Lift Pass • Ski or Snowboard Rentals & Lessons • Non-Stop Parties & Happy Hours • Roundtrip Airfare or Motorcoach l-800-SKI -a.fski . -1300-4S £9 www.Mtosltl.caiw §°t smiles? Bring your smiling faces to AR Photography to get your FREE Senior picture taken for Texas A&M’s 2001 Aggieland yearbook. No appointment needed. Extended sittings available for $10. Visit AR Photography at 1410 Texas Ave. South (next to Copy Corner) or call 693-8183. AGGIELAND (979)845-2681 Tuesday, September 19, 2000 Page 3B THE BATTALION MOTORCYCLE Honda Nighthawk, 450-cc, $1200. Call Warren 268- 5895. MUSIC Guitar and Music Instruction. Call Alan at 260-4977. PERSONAL Loose 2-8 pounds every week guaranteed, www.get- 1-877-284-2815. PETS 1.1 98 L.M.Greeri (kingsnakes) unrelated; eating frozen/ thawed adult mice $ 125/pair contact Eric: 764-8020. Adopt: Puppies, Kittens, Cats, Dogs. Many pure breeds! Occasional birds, snakes, rabbits & others. Brazos Animal Shelter- 775-5755. Free to good home! Adult mice, very tame! Make great pets! Easy and entertaining! Call 696-3107. Lab puppy, yellow, male, 8-wks-old, first shots, full- blooded, $250. Call 695-7872. Miniature Reveille. Great personality, well trained, quick learner, house broken, registered, 7-mos., all shots, $350/060. Call 691-8065. The Cat's Cradle, a rescue &adoption shelter for cats Skittens, has fabulous felines of all ages for adoption. Spayed/neutered, de-wormed, de-flead, vaccinated. 15- miles south of CS. 936-825-8610. REAL ESTATE B/CS- STOP PAYING RENT! Free Special Report. Visit Broker, Century 21 Beal. ROOMMATES Female roommate, 1 or 2 rooms in 3/2 house. $330/mo. +1/3bills. 229-5600. Large room, close to campus, all bills paid (including local phone), $285, lyr-lease, non-smokers. After 3:30pm, 764-8512. Male needed ASAP! 4bdrm/2bth mobile house, $350/mo. all bills paid. Call Mike 694-2667. Roommate needed, $250 deposit, $350/mo., negotiable, very nice place, 2818 SWelsh, Close to campus. 696- 0448. Roommate wanted to share 2bdrm/1bth apartment, $200/mo. +phone and electric. 1-mile from Northgate. 260-5473. SERVICES AAA Texas Defensive Driving. Lots-of-fun, Laugh-a-lotl! Ticket dismissal/insurance discount. M-T(6pm-9pm), W-Th(6pm-9pm), Fri.&Sat.- Fri(6pm-8pm) &Sat(10am- 2:30pm), Sat(8am-2:30pm). Inside BankofAmerica. Walk-ins welcome. $25/cash. Lowest price allowed by law. 111-Univ. Dr., Ste.217. 846-6117. Show-up 30/min. early. (CP-0017). Looking for a place to live? Your move off campus! TRAVEL SKI STEAMBOAT with Pat Green and Cory Morrow at the Nations Largest College Ski Week Party. CODY WAGES/The Battalion University Police Department Director Bob Wiatt bids farewell to former Vice President Dr. Jerry Gaston, who was promoted to deputy chancellor at a reception in Gaston's honor earlier this week. with students, especially after spend- SlPPIAL Continued from Page 1A very critical for us to make sure we provide good service and good food.” The departments have an operat ing budget that is more than $180 million, but about half the resources come from local funding. ‘'My job is to make sure proper service is provided in the most eco nomical way,” Sippial said. Making sure his departments have the resources they need to do their jobs is not the only objective Sippial has in his new position. “I want us to be viewed as the most efficient and hardest working division within the University,” he said. Sippial is a retired Air Force colonel who served for 21 years and worked at the Pentagon for 18 months as chief of the engineering and design section. Before coming to A&M as assistant vice president for the Physical Plant, he was the direc tor for the physical plant at San Diego University. ‘‘1 am more driven by myself than anyone else can ever drive me,” Sip pial said. “I put more pressure on my self because I want to be the best vice president of administration that this University has ever had. So I push myself to not only do the job, but to learn this job and other folks’ job as it impacts mine. That’s the kind of person I am.” Sippial said service and respect are important for success. Working Transport you or stuff. Call MPO WINTER BREAK/ SPRING BREAK Ski & Beach Trips on sale now! or call 1-800-SUN- CHASE TODAY! TUTORS Elementary certified teacher ottering tutoring & baby sit ting. Call 680-3100. WANTED Buy/ Sell A&M Fooball Tickets. Call 1-800-776-9488 or (210)349-0317. WEIGHT LOSS Metabolite 356 & MeTrimPlus! New Lower Prices! Still Free Delivery in B/CS! Cash, Checks, Credit Cards. JCS Enterprises, 695-6983. Continued from Page 1A Moving the tracks is not the only option. Parks said. The MPO is tak ing other solutions into account. “We may have two tracks running side by side,” he said. If two tracks are next to each oth er, two trains can run at the same time, decreasing the length of time it would take if two trains ran one after the other, he said. Some students think the reloca tion of the tracks will be a short in convenience that will be worth it in the end. “The construction to move the tracks will create a lot of traffic in the Wellborn [Road] area, but train traf fic is only going to increase, so things ing almost 23 years of his life in a military atmosphere, has been re warding for him, he said. “Young people are fun to be around,” he said. “They keep you young, and our caliber of students here at Texas A&M is high quality. One of the things we like to talk about in the military is degree of in tegrity. You don’t quiver around the truth. You are honest. I see a lot of that starting with Ray Bowen and the other vice presidents.” Bowen said he believes Sippial will bring good leadership to the position. “He will be a great support of the students and faculty,” Bowen said. Sippial has a good working rela tionship with Bowen and other ad ministrators, a quality he said will be useful. “I am proud that [Bowen] had enough faith in me to give me the op portunity to do this job,” Sippial said. “I have watched him through the whole Bonfire situation, and I have never had more respect for an indi vidual as 1 do for Ray Bowen. He is one of total integrity.” Sippial realizes his job is tough, but plans to be successful. “If you work hard, not every thing you want is going to happen to you, but there are a lot of good things that are going to happen to you,” he said. “One of my best ac complishments in life was making full colonel two years ahead of my contemporaries. 1 set that as a goal. Good things will happen if you give it your best effort.” will be less congested when the con struction is over,” said Leslie Richer, a senior economics major. Other students who frequent West Campus are not thrilled about the construction, but realize it is out of their hands'. “It will definitely be a pain to get to class, but as long as they plan this right, with reroutes and de tours, the traffic won’t be too bad,” said Trissa Campbell, a senior so ciology major. The MPO is planning for the next 50 years rather than the near future, so the town will not be undergoing railroad construction continuously, Parks said. The MPO hopes to de velop rail operations plans by this winter, do an environmental analysis by spring, and make a recommenda tion by summer 2001. TMC Continued from Page 1A “Aggie Bonfire ... is not about di vision, arrogance and revolt,” the let ter stated. “We feel confident that the administration will work with us and that although our version of Bonfire is gone forever, the spirit that sur rounds it will remain.” Rigamonti said he believes that, of the thousands of supporters KTFB boasts, many are not in favor of the off-campus bonfire. He said that when many people signed the peti tion, they were supporting the ulti mate continuation of Aggie Bonfire, not an off-campus bonfire to be held this year. “There were people who signed up for that, not understanding that that was where [KTFB] was going with it,” Rigamonti said. Rigamonti said TMC has not stepped forward until now because the group believed that the issues sur rounding Bonfire would work them selves out. “It is not so much that we have been keeping quiet,” said Bill Davis, vice president of TMC and a junior accounting major. “We haven’t felt that we needed to say anything until now.” Teachers’ union helps moderate Repubhcans WASHINGTON (AP) — The National Education Association, which heavily favors Democrats with its political donations, quietly has been pay ing $4,000 a month to a tax-exempt group run by moderate Republicans to help the teachers’ union reach out to the GOP, tax records show. The union has been paying the Republican Mainstream Commit tee for several years so executive director Ken Ruberg can advise the NEA on establishing relationships with sympathetic GOP officials. Because the committee is tax-exempt, it did not have to disclose the money until Congress this summer passed a new law requiring such groups that engage in politics to report their donors and expenses just like cam paign committees. So far this year, NEA has given $29,450 to the group formed by mod erate Republicans such as Rep. Jim Leach of Iowa, according to the new filing with the IRS.