The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, July 18, 2000, Image 6
Gallery and Custom Framing 404 University Drive East College Station,Tx. (979) 693-6894 ONE HOUR DIPLOMA FRAMING Graduation Weekend, August 11 and 12, 2000 10% OFF with this coupon • Best Quality ir»»Town • Best Value • 100% Satisfaction Guaranteed Friday, August 11th 10:00 a.m. - Midnight • Saturday, August 12th 8 a.m.-6 p.m. r • THE ORIGINAL BUY 1 TACO# GET 1 I Boondocks i i ‘Expret'S r Nail& ‘Prafe&fiitmal 'Nail Care Recreation Ranch Just 10 minutes from CS on the Huntsville Highway (Hwy. 30) I I Great SpeeiaLs ! I I I I Paint Ball l l •OF EQUAL OR LESS VALUE. OFFER GOOD FOR UP TO I ORDERS. OFFER GOOD AT BOTH LOCATIONS. THRU 07-10-00. I I /ift L. r * r COLLEGE STATION 701 TX. AVE. 691-1904 ODEN 24 HRf« BRYAN 2410 BRIARCRBfT DR. T76-0555 i I 10% OFF all activites - good for one day Jl «J 10658 CR 175, lola (979) 696-9300 L. r • i HOUSTON EXPRESS I DAILY SERVICE TO/FROM COLLEGE STATION AND HOUSTON INTERCONTINENTAL AIRPORT LOPsHj John SltVEKlS $ 19 Full Set (409) 268-7220 s 10 s 23 s 20 $ 3 w/coupon Reg. *20. Refill Manicure & Pedicure Spa ! Solar Nails i" Pedicure ■ Reg. ’35 i* |To avoid damag collapse, the rt fire has been ca iGenevive G. Sti Ewer) for Texas l forced the rein ny College Static le of spoliation/ Ration fronvdesl ; party's case, pr ining logs to a le "This tragedy 1 te agencies and ;the extra mileo ibe and everytl Appointments & Walk-Ins Welcome. I We carry OPI Products. FREE Quick Dry with every service. 4323 TVt'/kent 'Hitytui 'Mon ■ 'Fri 9-8 Sal 9-F I 2S SB AdSSe Now accepting Aggie Bucks! * 9mm * mmmmmm m mmmtm • mmmmmm m mmmmmm m mmmmmm m mmmmmm m mmmm E BPj NEW TOWN CAR SEDANS • LIMOUSINES • SHUTTLE COACHES ( •LARGE GROUPS ARE WELCOME • LICENSED AND INSURED • ALL MAJOR CREDIT CARDS ACCEPTED THE HOUSTON EXPRESS IS OPERATED BY FORMAL AFFAIR LIMOUSINES PROFESSIONAL « RELIABLE EXPERIENCED 8081 Texas Ave. College Station and 3224 S. Texas Ave. Bryan i i Rolled Sandwiches L r RESERVATIONS 888-595-5990 We accept checks. ft 1 ALL you can eat Fish or Chicken i $ 5.49 Drink & Chips w/Purchase of Full Sandwich Expires 08/15/00 Iron i r All Day Everyday! 693-1225 ■T 1 I I I ANJC? r-T Defensive Driving with a Punch (Line)l i i AAA 1 Defensiye Mim _ _ O L. r 2414 Texas Ave. Parkway Square Shopping Center » (near Kroger’s) I Smmu SMOOTHIE KING Mte. / ^oiiig#' A $ DEFENSIVE DRIVING ... COMEDY STYLE (Only $25 with Coupon) USA Training Co. Inc. C0928 I I I •Convenient Saturday classes •State-approved for ticket dismissal/insurance reduction •Taught by professional comic Bobby Bernshausen '90 •Aggie Owned and Operated*Held at 4.O&G0 Tutoring • I I To register, call 778-GRIN (778-4746) I 1 Petal Patch law) r Lot-of-fun, Lciugh-a-lot Ticket dismissal, insuraitce discount. M.-Tu. (6 p.m.-9 p.m.) or W.-Th. (6 p.m.-9 p.m.), Fri. (6 p.m.-8 p.m.) & Sat. (10 a.m.-2:30 p.m.) or Sat. (8 a.m.-2:30 p.m.) Lowest price allowed by law. $25 Cash 111 Univ. Dr., Ste. 217 846-6117 (In Bank of America. Next to Black Eyed Pea.) Walk-ins welcome. Arrive 30 minutes early. cpoi/ 1 OFF 1 1 1 1 1 1. any size smoothie* w/ the purchase of any extra •Excludes power meals & kid kups. Expires 08.31.00 i i w yfauae w Friday Flowers (roses, lillies, daisies, misty blues, tulips) 1 wtm T 9:00am-8:00pm M-F 1 1:06am-8:00pm Sat-Sun NORTHGATE 601 UNIVERSITY 268-7668 7:30am-10:00pm M-F 10:00am-1Opm Sat 1 l:00am-10pm Sun KROGER CENTER SOUTHWEST PARKWAY 696-5464 I I 2998 Texas Avenue South College Station J 1 (979) 764-3101 I 1 All Wrapped Flowers Cash & Carry. All Major Credit Cards Accepted. We accept Aggie Bucks. 1/2 PRICE 1919 Texas Ave. S College Station • 696-6713 8:30 a.m. - 6 p.m. Monday-Friday 9 a.m. - 2 p.m. Saturday 2 Chicken Fried Steaks for 9." 2005 S. Texas Ave. 696-2076 I I Next to Sonic Near College Station Wal-Mart I I 3610 S. College Ave. 846-4275 I I Freshly made Sandwiches, Soups & Desserts I Expires 08/27/00 « WWWMB—I W PRO-NAILS I a*ui 'Kail (^ane QUALITY & FRIENDLY SERVICE BEST SERVICE & LOWEST PRICE W/e Carry OPI Polishes SPECIALS FREE CHIP & DRINK! w/purchase of any sandwich OIL, LUBE S FILTER WITH TIRE ROTATION Martin Cr the fence \ COMPUTERIZED ALIGNMENT *17“ i 25V. OFF Includes: Lube where applicable • New oil filter installed • Up to 5 quarts Exxon brand oil, most vehicles • 4 tire rotation - r Not valid w/any offer. Expires 01/10/01. Must present coupon Includes: Front caster, camber & toe set to manufacturer’s specifications, where applicable. Not valid w/any offer. Expires 01/10/01. Wate NX-Con axLua i Greek and American Grill Authentic Greek Food 1 Vegetarian Dishes • Gyros ’ Texas Size Hamburgers Baklava w ; MANICURE T ! & PEDICURE ; REFILL : JACUZZi 1 j SPA PEDICURE ; FULL SET i $ 23.00 i L • . $ 10.00 j $ 20.00 ! $ 20.00 w/coupon 5% off w/purchase of entree plus FREE soft drink w/this coupon* Expires 07-17-00 , Present coupon before ordering Expires 08/11/00 2416 Texas Ave. S • College Station 696-DELI Fax: 693-6606 Open: Mon. 11 a.m. -3 p.m., Tues. - Sun. 11 a.m. - 10 p.m. *1 coupon per person, please Appt. Hours: 10 a.m.-7:00 p.m. Mon.-Sat. Delivery available. $20 minimum Sobi ■ mmmmmm a mmmmmm m mmmmmm m mmmmmm m mmmmmm 1 m mmmmmm a mmmmmi ■ mmm &C Walk-ins Welcome Offer good at this Location only. L. . Monday - Friday 9 am - 8 pm Saturday 9 am - 7 pm Now accepting Aggie Bucks! 99 isk mmm m mmssm a mmmm 1919 S. Texas Ave. College Station, TX 77840 | (409) 696-7250 1 i next to iom's BBQ) 1804 Welsh 693-2337 2818 in Welsh] j | Mauri TheL An upgrade at run througl is been ongoir onths, and sh I' mid-Decemt I The waterlii irtof theDom iprovement F inducted by Ti lion company i The project \ to Tex-Con for! Charles Pros er for Tex-Con, jor aspects of grade project is ;a new water tai for undergrour "We're buil pion-gallon tanl iconnecting wa the system," F tCxtending a 30 terline along V wing onto an f ^iRoad. The lint lie point of tic