The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, May 31, 2000, Image 6

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    Page 6
Wednesday, May 31
Green m
orst of colle
Ok students. You have
10 minutes to solve the
differential Equation on
the blackboard..
res i l n
' wj/ ■The Texas Boai
■ns to take its tir
1 Wekltt the 1999 Aggi
^ -r JThe nine-mem
J -r^w ...
~ ernor will assi
isti for its June
[Victoria Hsu, e
estigation into
)n the agenda.
|The board met
feel review the re
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Israel receives
U.N. invitation
pnmission on tb
■Hsu said sugg
3rd an take reg
talf of licensed
on Tuesday accepted an invitation to
temporarily join a U.N. regional group,
which gives the Jewish state the chance
to be represented on U.N. bodies in New'
York for the first time in four decades.
The invitation from the U.N. re
gional group of European, North
American and other countries on Fri
day capped a lengthy campaign led by
the United States, Israel's main ally at
the United Nations.
U.S. Ambassador Richard Hol
brooke expressed delight that one of
the America's priorities during the
Clinton administra
tion's last year had
been fulfilled.
"We were told it
couldn't be done, but
here we are to cele
brate it," Holbrodke
said. "It is a historic
step forward in the
elimination of a huge
Tlae campaign to
bring Israel into the
world body's fold will
continue, because this
week's invitation was
limited only to the re
gional group in New
York — not in Gene
va, Nairobi and Vien
na, where the United
Nations also operates.
But Holbrooke
said "New York is the
mothership" of U.N.
operations, and Israel's
It's very im
portant, taking
into considera
tion that we
have been ex
cluded for 40
years, that we
were consid
ered a sort of
pariah of the
community ”
"This is a new chapter we areot
ing with the United Nationsanc
family of nations."
Secretary-General Kofi Anna;
who had increasingly voiced®
about Israel's isolation at thel
Nations and worked behind the®
to correct it — was glad that WE
had issued the invitation, accordias
his spokesperson, Fred Eckhard.
Under U.N. rules, the regie
groups decide the 10 rotating seat
the Security Council and otherl
com m i ttee assignments. Israel wj i
only U.N. member that was not j)lj
a regional group
cause Arab nafe
have blocked its
mission to theA 1 -
Group—where it
longs geographic;
Israel's mentl
ship in the Eiiro|
group is only te®
rary, and Israeli®;
continue to try to
the Asian group,
the Netherto
U.N. Ambassador
ter van Walsum.
"The arrange®
is for four years/
then we will ret
sider," said vanh
sum, the Euro|R
group's chair, j/
Other condij
prevent Israel fe
submitting cat
dates for contesii
— Yehuda Lancry
Israel's U.N. ambassador
into the European group was the crit
ical hurdle.
Israel's U.N. Ambassador Yehuda
Lancry said his government was hap
py with its admission to the West Eu
ropean and Others Group.
"It's very important, taking into
consideration that we have been ex
cluded for 40 years, that we were con
sidered a sort of pariah of the inter
national community," Lancry said.
posts for two years. Israel alsow*
accept the European group's exi#
rotation for U.N. posts, whichwf
effectively bar the country from®'' j se | o 1 r
bershipon the U.N. Economic and' i other younc
cial Council and other bodies forti to experien<
siderably longer, van Walsum said j
"We accepted a series oflimitadB
since these limitations appear to irj
ical," Lancry said. "You can'tjustei
and disturb all the rotation sy
that have been reached."
News in Brief
Smokers awarded
damages in court
fig its final le
feting a rebu
Two Spanish tee®*"?; j
MIAMI (AP) — Youth anti-smok
ing ads produced by tobacco com
panies are actually recruitment
pitches for new customers, a pub
lic health expert testified Tuesday
in a landmark smoking case.
Dr. Michael Siegel, a specialist
on cigarette promotions, singled
out the industry’s “Think, Don’t
Smoke” slogan for conveying the
opposite of its stated message.
Siegel is testifying on behalf of
300,000 to 500,000 sick Florida
smokers in a class-action lawsuit.
The jury has already ruled that
cigarette companies make a dan
gerous product and awarded
$12.7 .million in compensatory
damages to three smokers repre
senting the class.
' timony that it
kill friend for ‘fame | The comp
, Financial ma
MAC)RID, Spain (AP) — pected to ii
Spanish teen-age girls said! brp _ klin nrn .
killed a 16-year-old friend becaw ® Kup p ° 1
it would help them “become® Microsoft
mous,” news reports said Ties! T 16 Justice C
The girls, 16 and 17, wiic :; competing e
names were not released, were!; Microsoft
rested Sunday in the souttif its “offer of
town of San Fernando de Cad! y g Dj S t r j C t
ter police found the body of Of tn Hnc^ thP<
Garcia with 18 stab wounds ii'|L f
nearby field. The two were ja^ '' 1 ''
Monday on murder charges. Ij 165865 - ' pe
The killing, which occurred^ ,ster - callecl '
day, has been front-page news; Microsoft
the Spanish newspaper ElPaisj months to ge
The private television ne»' would disput
Tele 5 reported that after! a breakup is
killing of Garcia late Friday, that y , behav
girls returned home to change* | ntjcompetit
then went out.