The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, May 05, 2000, Image 8
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VERY TRULY YOURS, AGGIES HELPING AGGIES! STATE Page 8 THE BATTALION Friday, May! Jackson executed for rape, murdeiU^ iday. May 5. 2000 HUNTSVILLE (AP) — After a lengthy final statement, a twice-paroled bank robber and burglar who lied from an Austin halfway house was execut ed Thursday evening for abducting, raping and fa tally shooting a University of Texas student more than 16 years ago. Tommy Ray Jackson, 43, insisted to the end that he was innocent of the Nov. 17, 1983, murder of 24- year-old Rosalind Robison although he was arrest ed driving her car and was carrying her automated bank teller card. He claimed the two were friends. “1 cannot show any remorse for something I did not do,” he said before being injected with the lethal dose of drugs. “If I did. I’d be faking, and there’s nothing fake about me. I’m at peace. Please believe me. I figure that what I’m dying for is for what I’ve done in my past, not for killing Roz.” He looked directly at her father through a window a few feet away and said, “I called her Roz.” There was no reaction from Dr. Roger Robison. As the drugs began to take effect, Jackson whis tled and sputtered. Just after he slipped into un consciousness, thunder rumbled outside the Huntsville Unit. The time of death was 6:24 p.m., 11 minutes after the lethal dose began. “We’re very grateful to the state of Texas for hav- “1 watch people die every day,” he said, this was very humane.... It’s hard in our society to anybody to death as violently as they puttheirvic to death. It’s enough that he’s put to death.” But lie added that the electric chair, OldSpj state Supreme “J cannot show remorse for something I did not do.... ” would have “put on a better show.” Jackson is the 13th condemned Texas initial of Oregon’s wc — Tommy Ray Jackson death row inmate ing the death penalty,... to the people who persevered after 16 years to obtain this judgment,” Robison said. “It’s somewhat reminiscent of my affair with Rita Hayworth back in the ’40s,” he said of Jackson’s claim of a relationship with his daughter, a claim he referred to as a fantasy. “It would have been the ulti mate odd couple.” Robison, an oncologist, said he had no difficulty watching Jackson die.. receive lethal injection this year and the firs!of en scheduled for this month. Two more prisoner set to die next week. Evidence showed Jackson and a compan James Clary, disabled an alarm at an east At ow 'j' n g ^ ^se halfway house where both were sent following g-, e 0 parole from prison and wound up on the Univei Du ^ c h ance 0 f of Texas campus. Robison, an engineering student fromlerreHi hid., was emerging late at night from a buildingni chologist to te: she had gone to retrieve some notes when shews ducted, forced to withdraw money from herta damage, the h ATM machine, raped in her ear and driven non the city to a rural area of Williamson County. Sk shot once in the head with a .25-caliber pistolli son rented from an Austin street vendor. Gun control group links Bush with NRA Prison chaplain Supremi overturn SALEM, On overturned the ordering a new ng for Daytor who was convi murdering six | The trial cou Supreme Cour court also faik die causes o In 1989, a < ty jury convich vated murder him to die for rr titutesand dun in a wooded ar seventh, unic was found w Rogers was no' death, but his ited in court th; performs exorcism WASHINGTON (AP) — Hoping to link George W. Bush to the gun lobby, a gun control group is airing a new TV ad featuring tape of a National Rilie Association (NRA) official tout ing its clout in a potential Bush White House. “If we win we’ll have a president... where we work out of their office,” Kayne Robinson, the NRA first vice president, tells a gathering in footage used by Handgun Control Inc. The group calculates that voters will be less likely to support Republican Bush — and more likely to back Democrat A1 Gore, a gun control advocate governor’s pro gun views. The Gore campaign was thrilled with the NRA tape, with spokesperson Chris Lehane calling it “the proverbial smok ing gun.” “George W. Bush is carrying the NRA’s leg- if they know the Texas “If there is a Republican administration in 2001, there will be a much more favorable view of an American's right to keep and bear firearms than there currently is,” said Del fay, president of the National Shooting Sports Foundation. The ad says Bush signed a law that al lows concealed weapons to be carried, “in churches, nursing homes, even amusement parks.” Actually, the laws bans concealed weapons from such places, but Bush signed follow-up legislation saying the law can only of dollars on the ad buy. The group obtained the Robinson clip from a videotape "Neither the NRA nor any special interest group sets Governor Bush's agenda.” — Scott McClellan Governor Bush spokesperson purchased txom the NRA Website, and NRA officials did not back off their views that a Bush presidency would be good for their issue. “I want tell you a piece of news that I just don’t think that you probably knew before,” islative ammo hag but is trying to conceal it,” he said. The Bush campaign said that’s not true.- “Neither the NRA nor any special interest group sets Governor Bush’s agenda,” said Bush spokesperson Scott McClellan. Meanwhile, negotiations have broken down between gunmakers and 31 cities that have sued them in an attempt to hold gun man ufacturers liable for gun violence, accusing them of failing to use safety features. A gun industry representative, Robert Delfay, said today that gunmakers don’t want the Clinton administration, which has threatened a federal suit of its own, to be part of the talks. Robinson said. “We like George Bush better than A1 Gore.” The comment about working out of the White House, he said, was a response to the Clinton administration, where the gun control advocates have had found tremen dous support. “Handgun control and he anti-gun people have had literally unlimited access to the White House ... working right out of the of fice,” said Robinson, who also chairs the Iowa Republican Party. Reaching for his Iowa roots, he said the gun control people have been like a giant pig at the state fair while the pro-gun side is just a “poor little duck.” FORT WORTH (AP) — Chaplains’ efforts to exorcise a demon from an inmate violated security regulations at a North Texas jail,' according to a pub lished report today. Sheriff’s documents obtained Wednesday by the Fort Worth Star-Telegram show that two chaplains breached security when they took the prisoner to an isolated area of the Tarrant Coun ty Jail and began commanding Satan to “leave this man’s body” in an exorcismlike ritual. The reports show the jail min isters violated safety rules by re moving the inmate, 'who is charged with sexually assaulting a child, from his cell without no tifying the shift commander. The ceremony was so noisy that it was distracting, they contended. “1 am requesting this inci dent be reviewed by jail com mand staff,” wrote sheriff’s Capt. Dan West. Guards who heard the ritual about 8:30 a.m. Sunday in the county jail’s Green Bay unit be lieved that the “inmate was as saulting the chaplains” and rushed to the scene, according to witness statements and interoffice memos filed with the Tarrant County Sheriff’s Department as part of an internal investigation. The commotion, which the guards described as “loud and dis ruptive,” involved an inmate sit ting upright on a table, according DALLAS (Af old son of a sIe woman testil about the gru< his mother will to the report, while a volute chaplain placed his handout prisoner’s forehead. The jail preacher was j ing very loudly, stating for & to get out of the inmate'sba scissors, use< and heart,” wrote sheriffsoftiHslash her thro Curtis I lickey. “He shouted this sere times, then started speakk language that was unknown me,” wrote Hickey The volunteer i cording to another report,pa odically shouted in “unto tongues.” Full-time jail chaplainA! Faries was holding the iniwi hand and had his head bow apparently in prayer, accord! to I iickey’s report. A shift commander all jail’s Green Bay unit, local near Interstate 35W andlw 82, wrote in a reporttbat walked in on the cerenmy "I did not stop this pe| mance because 1 amnotfani with this type of process and not know what the moral oris ramifications might be fori® rupting such a procedure,”m Ft. Gayle Gray. The lieutenant confioit Faries, a paid chaplain wii Restorative Justice after the ceremony, that what 1 had observed was tally unacceptable; it appeared be an exorcism. The son o Richardson ar Richardson te video feed fron state District Ju Richardsor guilty Tuesday his 35-year-o home in an up urb. On Tuesd jurors listenec of a daughter her mother wt Richardsor free on $1 mil arrested April make arrangi the country. Fir 20 AGGIELAND 01 It's as easy as ... 1-6 Order your 2001 Aggieland yearbook now while you register! 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