Schlumberger Software Engineer Position Schlumberger in Sugar Land, TX is looking for a Software Engineer to join our team. Be involved in the entire development process for building oilfield-engineering software. Requirements: • BS or MS in Comp Science or Comp Engineering related Engineering disciple. • Solid software engineering background - object-oriented design and programming (C++, Java]. • Strong teamwork and communication skills. • Experience with real time data acquisition is a plus. • COM/DCOM, ActiveX experience is a plus. • Summer or Coop experience in Software Engineering tasks is a strong plus. Prior full time employment is not required. Mail resumes to: Robert Kellogg 110 Schlumberger Drive Sugar Land, TX 77478 Or email to CRAWFISH FESTIVAL fMIIIII Old Town Spring, Texas (25 min. from Houston) PAT GREEN Fri, May 12th Fri, May 19th CORY MORROW ^3-220-2000 Access'.CBA^ Student Counselini Weak Days: 4 PM to 8 AM Weekends: 24 hours a day 845-2700 VcrliAA^tre^ry hJ&aci&d/l ►ALL MAJORS WELCOME - INTERVIEWING NOW| Call Susan Vavra at 845-A4-27 x133. The Helpline is a program of the Student Counseling Service, a department in the Division of Student Affairs. Attention: New Graduates After Years Of Standing Up For The Aggies, You’ve Earned a Seat The 12th Man Foundation invites new Texas A&M graduates TO TAKE ADVANTAGE OF OUR NEW GRAD PROGRAM, WHICH ENTITLES YOU TO A COMPLIMENTARY ONE-YEAR MEMBERSHIP. BENEFITS INCLUDE! • Priority Football season ticket options In The Zone • One-year subscription to 12th Man Magazine • Weekly sports updates via e-mail • Window decal, lapel pin and much more To TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THIS ONCE-IN-A-LIFETIME OPPORTUNITY, CALL THE 12th Man Foundation at 846-8892, sign up online at or stop by our offices in The Zone (enter through G. Rollie White Coliseum). IONIAN 979/846-8892 KNO MSC OPAS will once again offer the student season ticket fee option. For $150 you will receive six tickets to any of the MSC OPAS Season Z&^rogramPBtvour choice. YOU CAN’T STUDY ALL THE TIME Durjftg registration, sjfnply add cb|p. *23 to your optional fees. This summer wBU send you instructions to select your programs. IT’S THAT E • The Black Watch • “Footloose” • • Boys Choir of Harlem • “Jekyll and Hyde” • “Chicago” 1 “feter Pan” • “Godspell” • • Bolshoi Symphony Orchestra • • Aeros • “Carmen” London City Opera • MSC OPAS (409) 845-1661 MSC OPAS 1. Limit Z tickets per program. 2. Seating is best available in limited areas including orchestra and balcony levels. 3. No refunds or exchanges. 4. Tickets must be picked up 7 business days or earlier before the program, subject to availability. 5. Additional tickets may be purchased, subject to availability. AGGIELIFE Page 4 THE BATTALION Friday, Man Ice cream festival set to begii ^ in Brenham this weekend BY KELLY PREISER The Battalion What better way to kiek off the sum mer than fim with ice cream? To celebrate the summer treat, the city of Brenham— home of Blue Bell Ice Cream — will hold the first Bren ham Ice Cream Festival, sponsored by Blue Bell. The festival will begin its festivities May 6, rain or shine, at 10 a.m. around the courthouse square in downtown Brenham. The festival’s theme will be an 1890s ice cream social. “It’s the kind of theme that has its own feel, like ‘The Bicycle Built for Two.’ Ice cream and that time period just seem to go together,” said Phil Kel ley, husband of the festival’s chairper son Suzie Kelley. He said this year just seemed like the perfect time to have the first festival. which is planned to be an annual event. “It was kind of a natural thing; this is the home of Blue Bell lee Cream. We just finished the renovation of the down town area, the timing was just right.” There will be many activities oc curring during the eight-hour festival. A “Little Mr. and Mrs. Scoop” pageant will be held for 2-to 4-year-olds. “They’ll say their favorite ice cream, and will be judged mostly on personality. It’s a nice family thing to do. Plus all the little kids will receive prizes and gifts throughout the day,” Kelley said. “There will also be sever al musical groups performing through out the day, some national award win ners,” he said. Kelley said the festival’s location should make it easy to navigate through the grounds. “Everything will be centered around the courthouse and there will be at least four ice cream booths set up alt intersections, and arts andci good food,” Kelley said. 1 le said in there will be other: petitions and entertainment in adi to the pageant. “There will also be fun contend all ages throughout the day fori: like [an] ice cream walks, like a cake walk, and ide cream contests.There will be neat look at, and a barber shop quartet Kelley said A&M students benefit by making the trip to Bre for the festival. iz Lai BY KY Tb ust before wi high-priced sp movie season [see how these ef i-Go-Go. I'he program ha; Friday and Saturi think A&V1 students won? y 10 n display in F Fy have fun. It can give you an ried look at life in a relaxing, town atmosphere. Plus, at this year, it can really help getoutste ter finals. Maybe i f enough A&M: dents come, they can have their cream eating contest,” Kelley sail lewill be live vis : and at 7 p.m. ft Ider Theater. People in the news Goldberg biography will not be banned MILWAUKEE (AP) — A 1997 bi ography on Whoopi Goldberg is raising some eyebrows in Milwaukee. One girl’s parents said the book by James Robert Parish should be banned from her high school library because it contains vulgar language. The school board in the suburban Muskego-Norway School District scheduled a hearing May 22 on the complaint from Richard and Beth Ka ma. A committee refused two weeks ago to remove the book, acknowledging “some shocking language” but noting Goldberg’s charity work and strong anti-drug message The book, “Whoopi Goldberg: Her Journey from Poverty to Mega-Star- dom,” is an unauthorized biography, said the actress-comedian’s publicist. Brad Caparelli. “We certainly had noth ing to do with it,” he said. Prince Charles tours monastery THESSALONIKI, Greece Prevented by a second day ofbadwaj from returning to his yacht vacatioaPj Charles toured monasteries Thursdil the all-male enclave of MountAte l Charles received a state web: Karies, the capital ofthe semi-autom region that bars all women andeis| male animals, before heading byl wheel drive vehicle to two monasterl Summer Continued from Page 3 winner, but in that sort of role, he may be a little too mature for the young crowd and a little too immature for the old crowd. This film should be worthwhile, but it is uncertain how audiences will take to it. Clint Eastwood returns to the big screen with an all-star cast including Donald Sutherland, James Garner and Tom my Lee Jones for the adventure Hick Space Cowboys. The movie is about a bunch of over-the-hill astronauts go ing back in to space for one last mission. It was originally pitched to Eastwood a couple of years ago but he passed on it, thinking the premise was improba ble — until he read about John Glenn going back in to space. Within weeks of that event, Eastwood and Warner Broth ers had greenlighted the project, and it is sure to catch the older crowd’s money this summer with its mature cast. Following up on the success ofthe hit comedy Jus This, director Harold Ramis has another comedy leased at the end ofthe summer called Bedazzled.^ the project after passing on Galaxy Quest when Trail bins was cast. Featuring Brendan Frasier and Elizabeth \ question that remains on this one is whether this will lie 1 other Dudley Do-Right or George of the Jungle. Another film coming out this summer is thekobert lord-directed The Legend of Bagger Vance, starving Ma^ mon and Will Smith. It seems that following last sura horrible Wild, Wild West, Smith is opting for a smalk:|jj probably higher quality role. And there is also the Wayans’ family production,S Movie, a spoof on the slasher-movie craze of recent yc Whatever one fancies, this summer has a movie that make it worth a trip to the theater this summer — an just for the air conditioning. Brazos Valley Symphony Orchestra Dr. Marcelo Bussiki. Music Director & Conductor 'X ' o O * Auditions for Musicians The Brazos Valley Symphony Orchestra will audition musicians for the 2000-2tX)l season for the following instruments: All strings, oboe, clarinet, bassoon, trumpet, French horn, trombone and percussion Auditions are open to the community in general and TAMU students (MUSC 286 Symphony Orchestra - 1 credit hour) * Audition requirements: The applicant will be asked to perform two works of his or her choice, as well as sight read an orchestral excerpt. Saturday, August 26, 2000 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. Tuesday, August 29, 2000 7 p.m. - 10 p.m. (TAMU students) Additional times wall be scheduled as needed For more information, please contact: Penny Zent (979) 845-5670 * This course counts as 1 hour of academic credit, which can be applied toward fulfilling the requirements for Music Minor, or as 1 hour of general electives. Enrollment in class is not a requirement, but is desired. Max out the Valut of your Diploma and take a Vacation on Let your hard earned secure your job and your home! Just show us your dip/ and this ad and we’ll waive deposit on your first apartmentf you will receive a 3 day/ 2 Wi vacation package with over 800 to choose from. If you are looking for fine dininj day of shopping, a weekend to the lake, a night out downro"' at the new baseball stadium, a f flight to paradise, ir can all beyoe ! City View. CityView features 1 5 apartment^ munities that can accommodate! lifestyle and price range. 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