The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, April 27, 2000, Image 3

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|y, April 27,2000
Page 3
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hannon Elizabeth was one of the stars of last summer's hit movie American
’/e. The actress has another comedy coming out this summer, a spoof of
scary movies called Scary Movie, directed by Keenan Ivory Wayans. A
cooperative rr xas native, Elizabeth was born in Houston and raised in Waco. After graduat-
sanj "we train; high school, she moved to New York to pursue a modeling career. Eliz-
polite and couffl Iwook time recently to participate in a phone interview with The Battalion in
ble. My persona! she discussed her career,
to take it pern
school-wise that 1 could do by way of that. It wasn’t really frustrating at the time
because I did not know what it was like anywhere else in the world. That was all
I knew. I was very sheltered. I didn’t know that there was more out there. I am so
happy with the way everything is going now.
You seem to be attracted to comedies.
I am at Texas A&M and
Ob, cool. You’re at Texas A&M?
That is awesome. I love Texas A&M.
hat Is where I was going to go. My dad
entfto A&M. I went to the bonfires and
“If the transportation
ing our campus, and r
around—because this is t
pus. Ed pay it. I think ar
wants to improve the..
pay ." Farrington said.
I low ev er, Farrington it
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a problem with the top', ^erything.
"The results ofthefee l '..pL
oi hard to see il youdonliff' | a So what was if like wanting to
es It you hit over$30,r;.:|&/ • model and act in a town like
annoyed, especiallypeif; jj^. Waco? Did you ever feel like
use it But it it's a link hatmade things a bit more difficult?
people aren’t as inclined tot®
Farrington said. I really never had any desire to model.
•Schulte added that itc.: just kind of fell into that and was given
my questions about tlii.v hances to do that. I did do what was
ampus Access Task For., variable in Waco at the time. I worked
should contact PTTSorE, pth the local department stores. I just
■ with the modeling, so it would lead
to the acting. I guess the one thing that
frustrating is there were not a lot of
p Drake to vice psMBces there. We did not have a good dra-
e Blakely to vice psatiia department, so there was not much
id Erin Blaney tovte»§ •
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(Cited and ready to nw®
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; agenda for Wednesda®
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y Robbins, a junior p«
as elected the External
Lorenzo Gonzalez, sop’f
design major, wasetel
chairperson. Melissa KM
ajor, was elected Extrf
It is really just kind of how it started off. I really love comedies. I really love
making people laugh. There is nothing more fulfilling than that. I can understand
why people like doing sitcoms because you get the immediate satisfaction of hear
ing the laughter. I am really looking forward to doing so many things that drama
will definitely be in there. My next film looks like it may be a romantic comedy.
1 want to do it all. Because American Pie is what people saw me in first, 1 think
that I am getting offered a lot more roles like that.
Could you talk a little bit about your character [in Scary Movie]?
I am kind of like the Sarah Michelle Cellar character. In fact, my character
'name was Buffy Cellar, but they changed it to Buffy Gelmore. It actually really
parallels [Buffy] a little bit. [The character] is kind of ditzy. Of the group that I
am in, I am definitely the one with no brains left. She is a fun character to play.
Because I was always very good in school, it was hard to get into that mindset of
being totally naive to everything that is going on.
I am a huge animal lover and have several dogs myself. Part of the reason why
I started doing work on the Internet was so I could give to my favorite charities.
The Amanda Foundation is one that I really believe in because they rescue ani
mals from the shelter and give them a second chance on life. I want to help them.
They’ve been very positive.
Q * In a recent Maxim article, you commented about how the film-
• makers on this project [Scary Movie] were making you wear very
skimpy outfits and doing a lot of size enhancement with padding.
What was your reaction to that? Did you feel that it was necessary to ttie over-
The-top spoof?
| That is definitely why he is doing it. I think at that point he was spoofing Jen-
1 niter Love Hewitt because in the / Know What You Did Last Summer movies, she
was always showing a lot of cleavage.
I think [Keenen Ivory Wayans] want
ed to go further with it and really blow
people away. There is a part when you
first see me and you’re just like, "Oh,
my God.” Then my outfits kept get
ting smaller and smaller and I just
want people to know that that is not all
me. There is a lot of padding there. It
is just unbelievable to watch.
What is it about acting that appeals to you?
What keeps you busy be
tween work?
I really have so much fun when I am working. I feel like I did not have to pick
a profession in my life as far as like a doctor or a lawyer. I can play them all. 1 feel
like I can’t lose because I can still do it all. I am learning so much constantly. I
love it.
• I know you do a lot of work with the Amanda Foundation. Could
• you elaborate on that?
I have been doing a lot of work on
the Internet, i really think it is a great
place to learn. 1 have also been doing a
lot of photo shoots. I feel like I am con
stantly on the go. I don’t think I have
sat down and watched TV in a really
long time, and that is what I would re
ally like to do for an hour or so.
wcomers Club: te-P
sningPotluck Social torf
mester will be on Fi
7 p.m. Hosts will beK
;gory Zaniewski at It r
k, CS. Please RSVPto®
>8538 by April 28tf
rium Mohiuddin, Editor in
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eato, Photo Editor
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