The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, April 26, 2000, Image 6
The Battalion Classified Yu <ds - To place a classified ad: Phone 845-0569 or Fax 845-2678 Office: Room 015 (basement) Reed McDonald Building Business Hours 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Monday through Friday Insertion deadline: 1 p.m. prior business day Classified coi FO cherwinn Ve hths old $375 Private Party Want Ads $10 for 20 words running 5 days, if your merchandise is priced $1,000 or less (price must appear in ad).Hiisi8lc,^^| Uminum bai . only to non-commercial advertisers offering personal possessions for sale. Guaranteed results or you get an days at no charge. If item doesn’t sell, advertiser must call before 1 p.m. on the day the ad is scheduled to the 5 additional insertions at no charge. No refunds will be made if your ad is cancelled early. TV and video set •! 1173 email: prb38 ft.-HOi TUB for sa o. 691-8363 ; bifioom set for tstano Must sell! J ADOPTION AUTO FOR RENT FOR RENT FOR RENT FOR RENI jBoviny LocTI 2,224 l 1 if ,|i air Unplanned Pregnancy? Former students hgping to adopt. For information. http://sltes saw53/homepage Legal/medical expenses only. 88 Chevy Camaro IROC 228 T-tops, 5.7llter, boria, heads, viper alarm. $5,250.00 694-3196 ANNOUNCEMENTS 98 Jeep Wrangler 14,700/miles 16/months transferable (actory warranty $14,500/trade 268-1013 * 2bdrm/2bth summer sublease University Commons Fully furnished, w/d inside 2-pools. Ut volleyball &ten- nls. Very clean $350. Call 764-9155 Nathan. 3bdrm/3bth, w/d. Park Place Duplexes Very nice 695-8557 Available May Student Organization Annual Recognition for 2000-2001 School Year Aprll10-May12. 125-Koldus AUTO AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR Help on the spot 828- 1-2/bedroom apartments Some with w/d. some near campus. $150-$325/mo 696-2038 4110 College Main Walk to campus! Bike or ride shut tle bus tyr lease al Casa Blanca $395/mo Water, gas. sewer fees paid Compare and call us at 846-1413 GREAT 3bdm/2bth apartment avai IN. $828Ano ♦water paid, lawn 1 l30sq ft Southwood Oaks four-p 2100 Southwood D* near quiet i hood 784-2019 www.unlverellyiefl Ch- 1125; dresser- endlables- $50; pa Mason's Mobile Car Repair 4832 1 -room In new 3bdrm/3bth duplex. Steeplechase sub Nice yard. In CS. $350/mo ♦1/2bll!s Call ASAP 694- 0350. 4bdrm/4bt, furnished condo (home). 571-6555 (cell). Call Mike 485-0511 House- 3bdrm/i yard. S875/mo 4 Summer Duplet sublease w/d University Oaks 8ivd. on buy; backyard. S615/mo. 695-9305 $20 lamp-$25, pri All oilers conside Hore info. 1985 Honda Prelude 5-speed P/W sunroof a/c $1,6tX)nego. Call James 695-9186 BED AND BREAKFAST IBdm In 2bdm/2bth apartment University Commons, Summer sublease, June, July, August. 880-9470 A+ 2/2 with study, w/d. $575/mo Universityleasing com r paid 764-2019 House- 3bdn shuttle route. * Augu '67 Baja Bug- rebuilt engine, transmission. $3000/080 Call 774-7934. CB, 96 -Blue Chevy 1500, extended cab. 60K-mlles, Flowmats. headers, billet grill, sound system Lots of extras, $16.000. 691-7020, matt0680® Brazos Bottom Plantation Home available for A&M events (home games, parents weekend, graduation), weddings, weekend get-aways For Information/ reser vations call Rebecca Slclllo Lewis, 70. 409-696-0091. tbdrm of 3bdrm apartment Own bath, furnished. For summer Easy access to ASM Call Jack 764-8904 1bdrm/1bth In 2bdrm/2bth. w/d, 3/4-mlle from campus, shuttle, $275/tno (nego ) ♦l/Sutflltles 260-0076 Academic Village and Scholars Inn 152 bedrooms, fur nished or unfurnished Also dorm plans 1-yr lease beginning August. Start at $385Ano 3900 Old College Road. Bryan 846-9196 House- 3bdrm/2Wh w/d. sr $8754110 Ca/1 774-9691 Cars for $29/mo.. $0 down, 24-months, 19.9% For list ings,'800-319-3323 xt.3782. Grand dinners and romantic evenings Your #1 wedding location. The finest In the Brazos Valley Calvert Inn Gourmet BAB 364-2866 www 2-Bedroom with air. ♦laundry facilities Walking distance to campus summer lease $460/mo ♦utilities no deposit 268-3175 Affordable 2bdrm/1bth fourplex move In. $450/mo ♦water paid f CS oft Brantwood by (ha Kroger Stv 2019 Available >26 Pine Rk ipping Cent) May Houalon Apartment For Summi the loop Medical Center aree gales, dry bar sauna racquettv loase term MeytSth- Aug 15th <713)383-6011 m the evening HERPES SIMPLEX VIRUS RESEARCH STUDY DJ MUSIC 2-F roommates for summer/permanent 7-blocks from campus. 3bdrm/1 5bth. fenced, hot-tub. furnished, w/d. $233 33/each ♦utilities. Contact Heidy 646-4129 April move-ln special. $475/mo . 2bdi Fireplace, walk-in closet, shuttle bus uze bedrooms 2bdrrr rate utiMy room, wood no HUO $5754no < xJune-tsti 893-6534 15bP sofa, reclmer S3}. • ■ isfe.b 680-8406 le Volunteers, ages 18 and older, with oral (fever blisters) or genital herpes needed to participate in a brief specimen procurement study. Eligible volunteers will receive $20.00 . Call for more information. J&S Studies, Inc. 846-5933 "Party Block Mobile DJ"- Peter Block, professional/ experienced Specializing In Weddings. TAMU func tions. lights/smoke Mobile to anywhere Book eartyll 693-6294 2-F-Roommstes for summer sublease. 3bdrm/2b(h house. $240/rent ♦i/4biiis. w/d. backyard, close to cam pus Call 696-7665 todayl Attractive large one bedroom 4p In Bookcase, large covered c 11 /2 miles from campus near $460Ano 1(409)273-2479 rge CS Fourp*e* ct>on shuttle by MSR D.J. Service Experienced Call Shawn at 731-8414 Reasonable Rates 2Bdm/1bth Duplexes, brand new W/D. on shuttle, fenced backyard, large closets, avail 5/15. $500 822- 2492 after 7pm. Beautiful RV Trailer Location Shade I way off Hwy 47. utilities included in retu of place Must have own RV trailer z pus 845-5265. 823-0104 Live free' Bu room, live tree May Sublease renewal opoon 4bc paid. StOOO/tno pets ok 778-5655 EMPLOYMENT 2bdm/2bth W/d. $605/summer S805/reg semesters large closets Tree-House Village. 680-8898 Childcare position must be depenable. enthusiastic. Intergetic. have good transportation 680-1107 2bdrm duplex. Wellborn area, available mid may 690- 6161 Best Value In Town! Great 2bdrm£bth. w/d. lots of space, covered parking Start it at S4t9/mo (979)218- 6174. Vbdtown summer sublease 4bdrmZ3bth. w/d. rooms available for S3504no negotiable 9132 2bdrm/l 5bth mobile home. $425/mo 2bdrm/ibth mobile home. $475/mo In-Bryan 778-3424 Brand new 2bdrm/2bth. walk-to Bknn Northgate walk-to campus 848-4076 Does your summer Job suck? Earn $6900 and build a real resume this summer. Interviews today and thurs- day at tpm. and 3pm Room 209 Koldus Southwestern Company Since 1868 2bdrm/t 5bth. summer sublease, furnished, w/d. on bus-route. University Commons. $357/mo Call 695- 8179 or 880-8535 One Month Freel Brand new 3bdrm/3bth duplexes Pre-leasing now for May SIS Properties. 731-0094 Lots of 00/mo MidtownSummer - 40dm/3om townhouse 695-6942 dose to campu Moving In May or August? You NEED to cal out LOCATOR service and let us work lor you* 1. 2. - Dayhoff HOUSTON SUMMER JOBS Miller Swim Academy is now hiring swimming instructors, pool managers, . and lifeguards. Excellent pay! Sixty locations throughout Houston. Call 713-981-6275 2bdrm/1bth apartment w/riew appliances, carpet. W/D. on shuttle. In CS. $525/mo 695-9646 Brand new Town home unit. 2bdm/2bth W/D. walk Campus. 306 Cherry. $375 00/perbdm ♦utllil (713)978-6630 2bdrm/ibth loft apartment, vaulted ceilings, partial wooden floors, w/d. near campus $560/mo, no deposit Summer lease w/renewal option 255-7360. 846-4263 C S Brick duplex 2bdm/lbth W/D connecttor 1609 Southwest Parkway $495/mo 776-8399 Cheap tbdrm/tbth. $305/mo continue lease Call 779-4333 2bdrm/1 bth lour-pie x summer sublease $425/mo ♦util ities. w/d conn., bus route Call 696-5123 CS fourplex. 2408 Blanco. 2bdrm/lbth pets. $440 731-6951 hrirmt Uodwcf R#ftkty 694-9140 www unitedloo cot n bedrooms Price nego 847-3356 ml Must subkt*** tor tumm*» 3bdim/2Wh 1100s< t tt Summer Sublease AsMort Du0eus tr SSOOWnonff! C4UI EOaon-894-9140 Nsai campus, snuffle route Rater to Karen 00 very nice! Rem negotiable cal! Astir ja Need summer replacement Lancaster Place t/2-bk xk Summer sublease mid-May ttoi! soutri of campus Fur mined bee laundry facilities 1 ibl- 1 bdrm/1 bib No May rent. Room MS ■ties paid $275*00 Call Kelly Duke 764-1177 8-minule bike ride to campus $305«y On# Room m house on SouthsKto Sump — laundry facilities, pool and nleyM i w/option to renew $250/mo ♦ t/3txtls 764-6576 call L< ^ 694-3107 Pre-tease May or August 2bdrm/l Mb fourplex. w/d cc neettons. 609 Turner $400 693-1448 Summer Sublease mid-May to rnd-Aij bj nished, $280ea/mo University ConwsS 2bdrm/2bth fully furnished apartment, w/d Included, summer sublease. University Commons. $640/mo Jennifer 764-6182 Cute 3bdrm/2bth In Bryan CH/A 1700sqft $850/mo (817)450-5988 pager '-Leasing like new 3bdm/2bth duple, icy no pets S975/mo 775-4225 3-rooms available In brand new 4bdrm/4bth condo In University Place on SW-Pkwy $380/mo +1/401118 Please call for more Info 660-1776 F-Roommate 2bdm/l bth Si $250/mo 707-Dommlk contact St sublease ■ i 694-1169 Pre-leasing new 3bdrm/2t 646-5722 or 823-0390 F-Roommate needed 823-1556 $300/mo. duplex lor summer only 3Bdm/2bth mobile home In the country covered deck and carport Available May 1st S575/mo 778-0593 FREE May rent 3bdrm/2bth HOUSE W/D connection vaulted ceiling 2-car garage great price cheap/util $850/mo 696-8286 bedroom units fot Ma Villas Balcones Street. So W/D included. $950 -12mon lease On shul cable Aph< 268-0477. ood Valley, ase. $1,050 tewoodvilla! -mcdowell, or a 3bdrm/2bth house Summer sublease, large yard, pets Okay $850/mo 778-7504 Administrative Assistant Applicant must have a college degree or extensive experience. Responsibilities include record maintenance, appointment scheduling, answering phones, managing prescription refills and assisting the receptionist and office manager. Must be responsible, reliable, and personable. Medical Assistant Ideal experience for the pre-med graduate seeking admission to med ical school. Must have college degree with science related major. Duties include patient care and lab work. Excellent pay and benefits. Apply in person at: Allergy Associates 2706 Osier Blvd. Bryan, TX 77802 776-7895 3bdrm/2bth summer sublease Forrestwood and VillaMarla big living-room and back-yard $ 700/mo 695- 2775 SUMMER BREAK EMPLOYMENT The Texas Transportation Institute is looking for students from the following cities to collect data on seat belt use: Abilene, Amarillo, Austin, Beaumont, Brownsville, Corpus Christ!, El Paso, Houston, Laredo, Lubbock, Midland, San Angelo, San Antonio, Tyler, and Waco. Student ganization ognition Outet country atmosphere. Large tbdrm brick c fireplace Ideal for grad student No pets, no Available May-15 or prelease for fall $4t0/mo I 3 and 4-bdrm. $900-$t4(X)/mo pre-leasing for May Dayhoff for all student orKanizafions ! 0 - May 12, 2(XX)j Register online at | for ran! 2bdrm in 4bdrm/2bth apartment }-1560 or 696-6462 /I bth for I. $375/fr either/both sessions summer o 575-4089 2bdrm/1 5bth : 5/00- 8/15/00 Timbercre o. Call 260-9987. Apts ikjocHarruartLi Sublease Sterling Apts. 2-3 bedrooms, furnished. Washer, dryer, phone, cable included $3oo/mo 691- 7638 Hours vary, depending on location, to be done between May 20 & June 10. $7/hr, $50 minimum. Call 845-2736, between 8a.m.-5p.m. for interview. The City of College Station is accepting applications for: •LIFEGUARDS: $6.00/Hour - $6.30/Hour Deadline to apply: Open Until Filled Apply at: City of College Station Summer Sublease University C»Wi clean. W/D. $349/nego mdividitfleeM'! Summer sublease University Cozws, furnished Call Robin 764 0649 Summer sublease! I-month free S®'* Villas. 3bdrm/2bth. Great condtt Summer Sublease! 1 Universily 2bdm immedianl occupancy Call 281-376-3636 or/?8l-»Zrai Summer sublease. S254/p8rscm Square near AS M 680-6619,693-103! Summer sublease. $425/hio., 2Mnl route, w/d connections. 2003 Lonjwrf Summer sublease. 3-rooms in Commons. Furnished, w/d, shutHe n® $200/mo/nego 696-6548 Summer sublease. Save $100 in iWn nished University Commons S200/W 696-2252. Summer sublease. Universily Conwws lurnished, very clean, w/d. 1 or 21® 1 S340/mo. negotiable. Call Rons!696-^1 Summer time only. Brick 4bdrni neat M®! ing/pets. S980/mo.+ulililies. (409)76 4 ' l ®| ewsday Walk«to TAMU. Great ZbcMI# +S300/dep. Non-smoker. 764-1082. Human Resources Department 1101 S. Texas Avenue College Station, TX 77840 Web address: Equal Opportunity Employer Classified continue paf STORAGE Mini-Warehouse Pre-leasing Now for Mai Lowest Rates 219 Manuel, CS Close to Outback SteakM 5 693-0551 ^6 CROSS ses a izzle stick I've !” Enough!”) ign, as a ntract 4 Golfer with ar -jartny 5'Barely Kemah Boardwalk Job Opportunities Landry’s Seafood Restaurants is currently seeking qualified individuals for the following job opportunities for the Amusement Park, Landry’s Seafood House, Crab House, Joe’s Crab Shack, Cadillac Bar, Flying Dutchman, Aquarium, and Willie G’s restaurants and The Boardwalk Inn. • Greeters • Servers • Bussers • Bartenders • Line Cooks Amusement Ride Operators • Game Attendants • Retail Sales Clerks • Hotel Front Desk Clerks • Bellman • Van Drivers • Housekeepers • Housemen • Groundskeepers Maintenance Engineers • Cashiers • Painter _^I7 Fairy-tale |fowl s pal Be in the red Glacier Bay locale Make-believe A Jpassengers JPart of MIT K Trash I Valerie Harpe role El , TX 1 Spacious B Kind of exam B The Auld Sod Island near Venezuela 41 Analogy m words 42 Untamed 43 French cubist I painter 4| Without ice d . • . I 1 48 Relish _ y to grow with us; 49 Airline to K Tel Aviv 5| Posed for a ■ portrait 52 Clock setting The Global Investor Services division of the Chase Manhattan Bank is expanding its worldwide operation L at LAX state-of-the-art operations hub in Dallas. This fast-paced, technology-intensive environment will offer'o|P f w 'tajectory unparalleled opportunities for growth and advancement in one of the most rapidly expanding busiae^ shape Chase's global organization. 59 More cheerful ASSOCIATE ACCOUNTANTS If you are interested in working in an exciting waterfront atmosphere, please go by the Human Resources Office located at 701 4th Street, Kemah, Texas, Monday - Friday, 9am - 6pm to complete an application. EOE. CADILLAC AtlTHFNTir 'Vt 1.1%I BOARDWALK INN* As part of the GIS team, you will use your investment accounting or fund accounting experience to pro**, clients - who represent many of the world’s leading global investors — with service that sets industrysl^'— for technological innovation, professional excellence, and industry expertise. ■ An MBA or Bachelor’s degree in Accounting or Finance is required. Accounting or securities industry wP' is a plus. shape More c 61 Canine cry Competitive salaries, excellent benefits and tremendous professional opportunities make Chase your employer of choice. For immediate consideration, please send your resume with job Code: edium M We are an Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action Employer M/F/D/V. THE RIGHT