The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, April 26, 2000, Image 4
Earn $15 an Hour Part-Time On Campus Cutting-edge Opportunity for - Full-Time after Graduation Hiring Now for Summer &/orFall Apply On-line: 40' DioTTAt. Textbook;; I ★ ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★a:**** New Graduate Course on Environmental NGOs! Register NOW for Fall 2000 RENR 689: Leadership Development and Management for Environmental Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) Learn about Career Opportunities with Environmental NGOs, and their roles in Sustainable Development Research, Education, Action Programs, and Legislation Topics will include: • Philosophy and Development of NGO Leadership Roles of NGOs in Sustainable Development Decision-making • Grant-writing and Fund-raising • NGO Stakeholders • Technical Skills for NGO Personnel • Environment-related Knowledge • Management • Financing For more information, contact: Dr. Doug Loh Department of Rangeland Ecology and Management Phone: 979-845-1551 Fax: 979-845-9749 Email: K Register to UJin o vocation for tiuo for 4 days and 3 nights in Concun, Mexico HPRHFMINIX Equal Opportunity Housing 601 Luther St. UUest,, 680-3680 You ore invited to 'f i es to' Party Wednesday, April 26th 4:30-8:30 p.m. "free food <iod frozen mocktoiis" "Pinata filled with goodies" 4 person sand volleyball Si 3 on 3 basketball tournaments V ^ y €njoy the sounds of DJ-8renden Murphy COMICS Page 4 Till BATTALION Fish X'ai HERE Tobty UITh W\c8f\eL boOUAS iOH° PL8YS "Lo/OLHotJ I/O The BAtrs A)oaJ MIS) CULPS) hr X PlAtiJOG The mascot of Out? ?iv/AL SCHooc Gets Vou Sfmt f LaT Fu°, ^ Mostly Beat ME up Because 102. AaJD riAfffllAJG , CATHEPW* ^ IZ ETA 3oaJES.T WilT.UE TAU To \SHAQU\LLE Oi\)EAL tuHo PLATS 'The fboL Ball ia) 11 boAJT GET NJ?E0PLE By R. 0£l X stiooLb Act I mope after I fEEtMG mv Movies \"^TEEL'‘ AfOb "KA7.AAM |e Texas A shake-up R.C. SIoi al coachin: 11 join the A NON MIA CULP /V hup://nonmldculpd.homepage.( ;s as the detei t i»ne coach, Kti■' iET Hti, sition which I fit CAN P0 CROSS CO.h ed at the l hi Skt4G JUST uKt iK#I, rsit} of Co DON'T TURN AROUND BUT ANGRY JOf S COMING OUR WAY. HOW CAN YOU TELL? I DON'T GET IT Welcome *o arto+hcr edition of the Conticr Mor» wan+cV. Pleoie />jv j+-*en+ior> and *»«•, you could heir 'These +wo are uran*ed for countless dreams and endless calls for "mother** ado ast fall at other pr< ams. “I m excited 'yati as our ” Slocum coach who lof Texas a ngjob as a has taken some ,t man for 1 BY GRINN & BARSLYr"" 11 ; 1 111 Johnson win hiversity of This homer fellow is wrntfi the end of the a known presidential Inni.' wantecd for irnpersonUMin These two are wanted for space piracy and stranye desires. Note, they 'are NOT pay. finally! We want to know where all thete.damn billiard balls came from! 'Oftball Baylor’s Kelly ' e nth inning w ffexas A&M sc ir hopes for Is doublehe; repardlnp the whfrsfcouliWs, S» if you have anr inhr- Baylor OpeiH ^t® es with a ck VAggies by a erim‘na(u let us <tn*w ^Hfowevpf. A&h ; rre d as they is IE EE° t( J the inia nL Bavlor ' s Lynn run in tlie lv |the Bears , Baylor woult! ^ thin seventh Led out the 'Ways. Fn'Shi Project 86 Drawing Black Lines CD courtesy of Atlantic Records Project 86. a Christian “rapeore” hand, has been compared to Rage Against the Machine and the Deftones by the music magazine Rolling Stone. Listening to the hand's latest ef fort. Drawing Black Lines, not only brings to mind Rage and Deftones but also 311 and Korn. The band imitates 31 l’s wavy background vocals and Korn's “does n't it sound like I'm shouting into a tin can” vocals. But herein lies the problem with the CD — Project 86 does not seem to have an original bone in its thrashing, screaming body. According to CMJNew Music Re port, “[LJven the band admits that it’s ‘doing a different take on so that's already been done. While the musicians arest music seems more conducik performance, where one can® the music and perhaps would readily notice Project86T offs of other band’s signal® Project 86 may betheciff sw eetened, decaffeinated cup* people who like Rage’s sound could do without all theswean? it Slightly Miffed at the Mack' while the hand’s honesty is id as they should know, stealing 1 (Grade: D) tj *1 tj *, j K] - j »1 ft] *1 ft] «] >] ft * # u v\ oY S iude-yy/ -the other^education for- recognized student orgnnizntions “jRassing; the Baton of Leaders hip” Thursday, April 27 Cieneral Session 7-8:15 p.m. Rudder 601 Introduction to Officer Success; ‘‘Passing the Oaton of leadership' featuring Or. Kevin Jackson Interest Sessions 8:30 - 9:30 p.m. F'undruising und Advertising PlSCSll VVorlcs hopeful fills neciult-eftTnieut) Risk. IVIjanagenient Issues IVfedia TVaiinlng iil»l Congratulations Graduating Seniors! Ml Bring this ad in for a free gift when yon order announcements or purchase a cap & gown. ROTHER’S BOOKSTORES FR Stu< AHA™# Student Counsel^ etp£m VoLu^Weery Needed/ ■^INTERVIEWING NOW” to begin service in the Summer or Fall Semes 16 Summer Training will be May 22-27, 2000. Fall Training will be August 21-26, 2000. For more information call Susan Vavra at 845-4427 xl33 or visit our web site at STUDENT COUNSELING SERVICE Texas A&M University A department in the Division of Student Affairs