The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, April 03, 2000, Image 3

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) keep up with myclassmaiJ
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Monday, April 3,2000
Page 3
kggie dancers to make appearance at2000 Summer Olympics in Sydney Australia
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The Battalion
7 ^he 2000 Summer Olympics are just around the
comer and this summer the world will see 12 Ag-
* gie Swingcats participating in Sydney, Australia.
NeoSwing, the American Olympic Swing Perfor
mance Team, was organized by three Texas A&M students:
ErtfDelcarson, a sophomore speech communications major,
Jlhn Fonner, a sophomore biomedical engineering major and
Jeremy Mitchell, a junior agricultural journalism major. The
group will be representing Texas and Texas A&M during the
Bnerican Performing Arts Series at the Olympics.
■ The team includes a total of 35 swing dancers from
Austin, Houston, Dallas and Oklahoma City.
■ Delcarson, Fonner and Mitchell were discovered at the
Texas Hall of Fame. The three were told to call The Nation
al Association of Performing Arts Education, which is the
wanization in charge of bringing American acts to the Sum
mer Olympics. However, a minimum of 15 couples were
ffiteded so Delcarson contacted people from different swing
’.sjenes and organizations.
I Team members were recruited from University of Texas,
Rice University, University of Oklahoma and Southwest Texas
University. Once the members were secured, it was time to look
for coaches. The 1998 Lindy Hop Champions, Tena Morales and
Camell Pipkin from Houston were suggested by one member.
“We went to a workshop and talked to them, and they
were really interested,” Delcarson said.
She said everything went very smoothly and the swing
couple is now coaching the team on a voluntary basis. The
team has now been together for a month and a half.
“We’re borrowing from everybody’s talents to put to
gether the show,” Fonner said. Delcarson and Fonner are
both looking forward to visiting Australia.
“We can show what we’ve been working so hard for,”
Fonner said.
Delcarson said she agreed that she is eager to show-off
the team’s efforts in Australia and is looking forward to the
trip for other reasons also.
“I’m excited about seeing the kangaroos,” she said.
There is, however, one other goal the group must ac
complish before they head off to see the wildlife and are seen
by millions of people - the group must raise enough money
for the trip by June 1.
The total cost for the entire troupe to go will be around
jate Christian Fellowship
rsity Christian Fellowship f
): Grad students meet at'
die study, prayer, fellowship
<s. Please see our Webi
r locations and moreiit
>r call Jen or Mark at 76^
mts For Peace: There-
; on Iraq: From Desert:'
ling Sanctions. Conti'
le Doraziofor details oft
vents at 779-8498.
■Erin Delcarson (third from left) teaches steps at a rehearsal Sunday night.
$140,000. The cost includes expenses and costumes. The
team will be dressed in red, white and blue. The ladies will
be wearing blue dresses while their partners will be decked
out in red zoot suits. On March 25, NeoSwing held its first
community fund-raiser, “A Night of Swung” at the 3rd Floor
Cantina in downtown Bryan. At the event the group per
formed a preview of their Olympic routine, and also hosted
dance lessons on swing, lindy hop and hip-hop swing. Lindy
hop is the original form of swing and is named after Charles
Lindbergh. Delcarson said hip-hop swing has become “al
most a new genre.”
“It puts the music of today with the swing moves of yes
terday to create a new style,” she said.
The group hosted an all-night dance marathon lasting un
til 8 a.m. the following Sunday morning.
“We had two performances that morning, plus an all day
workshop,” Fonner said. Delcarson said the weekend was
definitely a full one.
“We had 13 hours of practice, three hours of performing
and 10 hours of dance-a-thon. It was exhausting but totally
successful,” she said.
“Members in NeoSwing were really impressed at how many
people came out, how eager they were and how quickly they
picked it up and how hospitable they were. We have a guy from
the Hast (’oast and he was blown away by
the ‘Howdys.’”
Swing Night brought in $ 1.000 and
the profits will be used toward getting
the team to Sydney. The group is trying
- to find corporate sponsorship and are
working on other future fundraisers.
“It’s great [NeoSwing] originated
with Aggies, and the University is really
supportive,” Delcarson said. “We’re
working closely with the Swingcats, so
in that respect we might be able to hold
lessons through Swingcats and use Uni
versity facilities. Aggie Network and Ag
gie Moms are definitely willing to help.”
She said that sources of help have
not been limited to Aggies only.
“The Bryan-College Station com
munity is helping out immensely, like
donations. Some radio stations are do
ing free announcements,” Fonner said.
NeoSwing will be hosting a work-
ryla scuu/The Battalion shop April 29 on Rice University Cam-
Jeremy Mitchell (second from left), teaches male
steps at Third Floor Cantina Sunday night.
pus, and it will be open to the public. “We’d love for Aggies
to go down there; it’ll be phenomenal,” Delcarson said.
If the team raises the money for the trip, they will be in
Sydney from Sept. 26 through Oct. 4. Even though they have
a long way to go, they are glad for the opportunity to be in
Sydney and have a full day to show how swing is done in
“It [swing] originated in America, and it’s going to be a
great opportunity to represent our country; it’s humbling,”
Delcarson said.
“It’s an honor and a blessing to say we’re Aggies and
we’re Swingcats. We make up about a third of the team and
that’s a big responsibility, and hopefully we’ll come back and
give A&M more of a name internationally,” Fonner said.
e Theater Bryan: Noon'
jrts presents a free sr:
: Cindy will perform attfiE|
om noon to 1 p.m. FreecJ
izza will be provided.
for details.
nts For Peace: There 7
on Iraq: From Desert SI#
ing Sanctions. Contact!
e Dorazio for details ontt
rents at 779-8498.
Tier’s Association/Brazos 1 '
mily Support Group: Wj
meeting of caring andsw
ious problems encountef
care of our loved ones si
m dementia at 3 p.m, at]
ant Presbyterian Churdif
y School (the red buildii^!
ght). For more ir
390-9232 (anytime) or Sa|
'07 (evenings).
Zeta: There'
g at 7 p.m. in Klebergt ; {
lan Leaders in I
2000! This Saturdays
2nd floor MSC-$5310
e" for chances for a valid]
affle for Yamaha'
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ts For Peace: There#!
)n Iraq: From DesertSM
ig Sanctions. Contact!
Dorazio for details oni
mts at 779-8498.
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