The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, March 24, 2000, Image 8
To place a classified ad: Phone 845-0569 or Fax 845-2678 The Battalion Office: Room 015 (basement) Reed McDonald Building Business Hours 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Monday through Friday Classified Insertion deadline: 1 p.m. prior business day VISA Private Party Want Ads $10 for 20 words running 5 days, ifyoim chandise is priced $1,000 or less (pricer, appear in ad). This rate applies onlytoitr commercial advertisers offering personalpti sessions for sale. Guaranteed results orpi an additional 5 days at no charge. If iteimlj n’t sell, advertiser must call before 1 p.m,* the day the ad is scheduled to end to qua', for the 5 additional insertions at no charge 1 , refunds will be made if your ad is cancel early. ADOPTION AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR DJ MUSIC FOR RENT HELP WANTED HELP WANTED Unplanned Pregnancy? Former students hoping to adopt. For information: saw53/homepage Legal/medical expenses only. Mason’s Mobile Car Repair. Help on the spot. 828- 4832. AUTO BED AND BREAKFAST "■Party Block Mobile DJ**- Peter Block, professional/ experienced. Specializing in Weddings, TAMU func tions, lights/smoke. Mobile to anywhere. Book early!! 693-6294. 1995 Mustang GT. 83k, automatic, black, leather. Great condition. 10,700/obo. 764-8583. Brazos Bottom Plantation Home available for A&M events (home games, parents weekend, graduation), weddings, weekend get-aways. For information/ reser vations call Rebecca Sicilio Lewis,’70, 409-696-0091. 1997 Jetta- 5-speed, loaded, 16,000 miles, $11,000. Call Gary 845-2907. 1998 Isuzu Rodeo, silver with gray interior. Excellent condition 6-disc CD-changer, 38k-miles 14,500/nego. 694-1088. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY '66 Ford Mustang/ Coup, 289, 4-speed, red w/black inte rior. 5-new tires, paint and interior good, semi-rebuilt, $4,000. 695-1697. Need extra cash? COMPUTERS 91 Ford Mustang GT 5.0, red/grey. Call 693-425.3. ‘96 Ford F350XL Crewcab, 5spd, Powerstroke, 100K miles, $16,500. 694-9857. Mazda 1993 MX-6, 5-speed, 4-cylinder, silver, well kept, have all records, 103,000-miles, new tires, $7,500 nego. 574-5050. LOW BACK PAIN STUDY If you experience muscle pain in your lower back, you may qualify to take part in a local research program testing a heat therapy wrap (applied to the skin) or an active pain relieving medication. EARN up to $125.00 For information call: J&S Studies, Inc. 409-846-5933 SINUS INFECTION STUDY Are-you experiencing the following symptoms? Facial Pain/Pressure/Tightness Facial Congestion/Fullness Tooth Pain/Earache/Headache/Sore Throat Cough/Bad Breath/Fever Sciman Biomedical Research is seeking Individuals 16 years of age and older to partici pate in a research study with an investigational oral antibiotic. If qualified, your participation will last up to 24 days and you will be compensated up to S500 For more information, please call Sciman Biomedical Research 776-1417 NOW HIRING ALL POSmONS Hosts, Servers, &. Prep Cooks (exp. preferred) ( otnnoA, Full-Service Casual Dining Concept WE OFFER GREAT BENEFITS: $$ Tuition Assistance $$ Insurance Programs $$ $$ Anniversary Bonus $$ Flexible Scheduling $$ $$ Growth Potential w/ Opportunity to Travel $$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$ APPLY IN PERSON - 2 TO 4 MON. - THURS. 620 Harvey Rd. College Station, TX Newsday Crossword CAR THEFT by Bob Sefick Edited by Stanley Newman ACROSS 1 Jeansmaker Strauss 5 Charitable donation 9 Legendary lawman 13 Dr. Seuss’ If the Circus 14 Hard work 15 McCarthy’s trunkmate 17 Become tiresome 18 Charlie, for one 19 Opposite, globally 20 New York City college 23 Scratching, as a cat 25 Smithereens 26 “Diamond” lady 27 “Winner be present” 30 Legendary lifter 32 Summer Games mgmt. gqp- 33 Starting 37 Two golf comedy films 41 Pain in the neck 42 Cariou of Broadway 43 Makes hermetic 44 Polygraph exam, informally 47 Asian occasion 48 Saloon chit 52 Swift sorts 54 Raymond Massey film of 1940 57 Bugs’ voice 58 Tranquillity 59 Sounds of disapproval 62 Marsh plant 63 Bible book 64 Problematical 65 Flour sources 66 Impress, in a way 67 Worshiper’s locale, often DOWN 1 Backtalk 2 Important period 3 Shrines of a sort 4 Newlywed’s acquisition 5 Blend in 6 Cocktail place 7 Short skirt 8 Bulgar, e.g. 9 de corps 10 Have for news 11 Dinosaur 12 Idle chatter 16 WCTUers 21 European capital 22 Important period 23 Hands do it 24 Supple 28 “If I Care” 29 Refusals 31 Legislation 33 Old pro 34 Leaves the rink 35 Valdez vessel 36 Dukes 38 Cover story? 39 Society-page word 40 Houston player 44 Joust needs 45 Stock-ticker mastermind 46 Most balanced 48 Heiress Hutton, in headlines 49 Comparatively fit 50 Prepared 51 Soupgon 53 Shinbone 55 Prime role 56 Flimsy, as excuses go 60 Ghost chance 61 Isr. neighbor CREATORS SYNDICATE © 2000 STANLEY NEWMAN 3/24/00 $ Medium Mopping Pizza *3.50 order 3 for free delivery 409T U93-BUCK Answer to previous puzzle IsItIeIaImI IsItIIiRl □aran Damn SBBran sona □□□□□□□nsra □□bb ntaaon msa □Bans □nnSHH □□BDEmHEi □ I E S CBBEIT IsihIeiamh ■ stPiE □□ra □□□li □□a naa aora bhq HmnoEiEHra i □□□□□ OH0 □□DO ACNE I BBQQ rasaas 3/24/00 MSR D.J. Service. Experienced. Call Shawn at 731-8414. Reasonable Rates. Preleasing 3-bedroom units for May and August. Rosewood Villas, Balcones Street, Southwood Valley. 1,215sqft., W/D included, $950 -12month lease, $1,050 -9month lease. On shuttle. See or, or call 268-0331 or 846- 1100. EMPLOYMENT Grand dinners and romantic evenings. Your #1 wedding location. The finest in the Brazos Valley. Calvert Inn Gourmet B&B. 364-2868 Gymnastics instructor, female for private instruction. Must be experienced. 3-5hrs/week. 680-1107. Roommate needed for summer sublease. $252.50/month 1/2 bills washer/dryer included. Call 680-1752. FOR RENT Sublease 3bdrm/2bth duplex. Deck, w/d, 2-miles from campus. Near bus-stop Option to renew. $945/mo 691-8099 $187.50/month, bedroom for rent in 2-room apartment. Shuttle. Contact Summer sublease Sterling University. 3bdrm/3bth $370/mo nego.. W/D. alarm, new appliances. 696-5863. $320/mo., 1-room in furnished 4bdrm/2bth. Sublease at Sterling University. Nice!! Free local phone Scable. Available May-12. Call 764-5830. Summer sublease, 2bdrm/1 5bth. $515/mo., Creek Apartments, on shuttle. 2680477. 400mhz 17", 128mb 4xcdr (copy cd's) voodoo wireless keyboard/mouse, soundblaster speakers/amp, 56k 8.4gb network card/hub/cables 32xcdrom, $680./obo. 695-6987. $500 CASH FOR MOVE IN! Sublease at Melrose avail able immediately. $472/mo., all bills included, female. 695-6929. Summer sublease. Willowind Apts Condo. 2bd/1 5bth. W/D connections. $625/mo. Bus route -8 minutes to TAMU. 1,150 sqft. 774-0453/774-3557. FULL-TIME & PART-TIME COUNTER MANAGERS & BEAUTY ADVISORS. GREAT PRODUCTS... GREAT CAREERS. In and industry committed to making peo ple look good, no one looks better than Lancome. Our products are among the most prestigious in the world. That's because our people are the most dedicated pro fessionals in the business, tf you're ready to join a com pany where the Career opportunities are always great, consider Lancome. We are presently seeking a Full- Time and Part-Time Counter Managers and Beauty Advisors to promote our beauty products at Foley's If you have a high level of energy, are self-motivated, dri ven to succeed, and have the ability to work a flexible schedule, we'll provide the training and support neces sary to make you a successful member of the Lancome family. Qualified candidates should fax resume to: (713)723-4028. Create a career Create it with Lancome We offer an attractive base salary, an excel lent benefits package for full-time employment, and incentives We are an equal opportunity employer M/F/DA/. LANCOME Windows/Unix Technical Support Rep needm software firm. Full/part time, email ira jobs@stata com Work for an editing college focused internet your school! Looking for innovative indwta strong leadership, entrepemeural and busnes Tech skills not required Great expenence a options! Contact info@uconnections.cem LOST & FOUND Lost Dog small tan male, bobtail. SWPaitii, Heart condition, needs treatment. Reward! MISCELLANEOUS Million dollar game shows? Forget'em! Bnrgyti ketball brain to Shoot, Score. Win a U www for tons of chances lo and prizes. Credit problems welcome, low monthly payments only $39.95 with free Internet fast approval call now 888-236- 7524. ••‘Hickory Park Duplexes*** 3bdrm/2bth $875, avail able now or May prelease, w/d connections, fenced yard. Rental Access 690-1330. Urgent! Sub-lease 3bdrms of 4bdrm/2bth apartment at Sterling University. $325/each Call 696-1560. Fun prestigious Instructor, some $6/hr. We ll train. 696-9142. venings SSatur FOR SALE Hiring: Dan Clark Construction is now hiring < and helpers. Call 693-7672. Shonn Kempo. Okinawan Kobujitsu, Nodlwi Northern Praying Mantis Kung Fu, Modeti Taijiquan Chin Na. Self Defense. Weapons E 268-1204. www kungfu cc 1-2/Bedroom apartments. Some with w/d, some near campus. $150-$325/mo. 696-2038. Mikron Laptop P200, 80-megabytes of RAM, black with carrying case- $500. Compaq Desk-Pro P-300, 17"- monitor- $350. Call Tim Weeks 260-9075. 1-roommate needed, summer sublease University Commons, furnished, w/d, 4bdrm/2bth, $300/mo. ♦utili ties. Call 694-1014. Must Lease! Living room furniture Excellent condition, includes sofa, loveseat, coffee and end tables. All for $275. Desk for $30 Call 680-9971. 1-roommate needed. Summer sublease University Commons, furnished, w/d, 2bdrm I .Sbth, reduced rent. 695-0560. Mobile Home 14X76, 3bdrm/2bth, large covered deck, car-port, shed. All appliances. Nice park. $16,000 cash. 776-5417. Interested In A Political Career? Apply lor the 2000 Democratic Campaign Management Program Housing and living stipend Learn the nuts and bolts ot cam paigning from top political consultants while electing pro gressive Democrats to Congress Qualified graduates placed in full-time, salaried positions across the country Call 847-864-1008. What do basketball tournament games caMi and you have in common? Look for Shoot, Sets a Million! at www sixdegrees comtofindout MOTORCYCLE 1984 Honda Niti Clutch, $1600/081 awk 700cc, ShaftDrive te Call 695-1627. 1/2-females sublease 2bdrm/1bth apartment. June. $450. Trade 764-0499. May or Ring Dance Dress. Size 12, red & gold sequence and beaded. Paid $350, asking $150 O.B.O. Call 764-8192 Need extra money w/Ilexible hours? Part-time, evening shifts General cleaning of office buildings Starting at $5.50/hr Come by our office at 1530 Wm.J Bryan iki Katana for sale Good condte I 696-8240 after 5pm. 1/2-Off IstMonth, nice 2bdrm/1bth duplex, 1/2-mile from TAMU, professional maintenance, $505/$525/mo. (903)509-5403, (903)894-4386, White wrought-iron daybed $25. Call 693-2269. $150; chest of drawers - GARAGE SALES NIGHTCLUB Now Hiring for All Positions, apply in per son ©the old Epicenter NEW OWNER looking for the right staff. M-F 10A-5P 1996 10K r Ninja EX250. Muzzy jape. JeHnjii 190 Call 695-9305. 2-roommates needed, summer sublease, 3bdrm/2bth duplex. $230/mo.+1/4bills. Own bedroom.' Becky 260- 2520. Huge Garage Sale! Sat., 03-25-00. Furniture, kitchen appliances, misc. 2808-Normand in College Station. Part-time leasing agents needed. Flexible schedule. Apply in person to Kensington Apartments. 401-Harvey Road. 2000 Kawasaki EX-250 Just broke in! 1,11 S3.250 O B O. 695-9678. HELP WANTED 2bdrm/1.5bth, fireplace, store room, walk-in closets, shuttle bus, $500/mo. 822-7772. 3bdrm/2bth Duplexes Very nice, great location, all appliances, security system, pre-leasing for May. $1050. Call BRP, 260-8441. www SSInternet Start-upSS get published- Get paid submit your stories parties/politics/sex/culture $25 per story! Contact: Part-time medical aide for busy medical practice Expenence preferred, will train Excellent opportunity for Pre-Med Send resume to: 1605 Rock Prairie Road. Suite#312, CS, 77845. 2000 Kawasaki Ninja EXZ50R, 3K-miies. m just serviced. S2800/nego. Matching neire' Carl 696-0526. naha 600XT. on/off Road, ! tan bike $3,200/080. 764-0182 3bdrm/2bth house, summer sublease, option to extend. Near campus, $900/mo. 696-8593. 4110 College Main. Walk to campus! Bike or ride shut tle bus. 1yr lease at Casa Blanca. $395/mo. Water, gas, sewer fees paid Compare and call us at 846-1413. ••Shift Supervisors** 2yrs college or restaurant expe rience. Flexible lime around class schedule Accepting applications at Burger King, 1719-Tx.Ave , Culpepper Plaza. Part-time office assistant Phones, filing, computer data entry, faxing Apply in person to Century 21 Beal, 404- H University Drive, CS or email PETS Adopt Puppies, Kittens, Cats, Dogs 1 breeds! Brazos Animal Sheller- 775-5755 4bdrm/2bth furnished University Commons summer sublease. $301/person +utilities. Call 696-6869 100 Instructors/ Counselors needed. Coed sleepaway camp. Pocono Mountains, Pennsylvania. Good salary 1 -800-422-9842 (www Part-time opening 8-12hrs/week Honest, bard worker for local power washing company 776-2812 leave mes sage. REAL ESTATE Part-time receptionist needed 8-1 or 12-5. full-time summer. Call Equity Real Estate at 696-4464 4bd/2ba.. gameroom, carport, large fenced M I992sqft . $69,500. Allord &Company fte 6404. 822-5717. 4bdrm/3bth Summer Sublease. $350. Call 693-2269. Midtown Apartments. Academic Village and Scholars Inn. 1&2 bedrooms, fur nished or unfurnished. Also dorm plans. 1-yr lease beginning August. Start at $385/mo. 3900 Old College Road, Bryan. 846-9196. Apartment for lease 2bdrm/1,5bth, 950sqft., $500/mo., available May-18th. Call 695-7796 500 Summer Jobs/ 50 Camps/ You Choose! NY, PA, New England. Instructors Needed: Tennis, Basketball. Roller Hockey, Soccer, Lacrosse. Volleyball, Gymnastics, Lifeguards. WSI, Waterskiing, Sailing, Windsurfing, Aerobics, Archery, Mt Biking, Rockclimbing, Ropes, Dance, Piano Accompaniast. Drama, Ceramics, Woodwork, Photography, Nature, Nurses, Chef. Arlene Streisand- 1-800-443-6428; Part-time summer camp counselors needed at Aerofit on Villa Maria. Direct application/resume to Melissa Cullum. ROOMMATES 2 rooms lor renl. $200/deposit. $200-$250/mo ■ Call Cindy 775-2196. Partners Food Delivery now hiring. Apply in person 113 Walton. Flexible hours and good pay. Phone People Needed Promoting Circus, P/F-time Call 361-2370 or 778-3388 2-rooms for renl in brand new 3txfrm/2ba moMe 779-3578. ask for Jesse Apartment sublease Spring/ Summer, 2-huge bed rooms, 1,5bth, close to TAMU and supermarket, carport, $510/mo. deposit Is yours to keep. (281)679-5040. Aggressive painters and painter helpers. Experience helpful, but not necessary. Will work with schedule. Work now-summer. $7.50/hr. 775-7126. CIS 2bdrm/1-1/2bth, studio/townhome. Yard, w/d, shut tle, $580/mo. Call 693-0551. ATTENTION STUDENTS! S9.85BASE/APPT. National Firm. Will train, service/sales, start now, conditions apply. 696-7734. PT GENERAL ERRAND RUNNER- Lynntech. Inc. is looking for dependable Individual with own transporta tion and good knowledge of the community. Up to 20hrs/wk. Hourly salary plus mileage Send resume to HR, 7610-Eastmark Dr., Ste.#202, College Station, TX 77840 E-mail EOE F-roommate ASAP! 2bdrm/2bth new mobile $300+ house bills Tammi 485-0746. F-roommate needed for house near campus deposit. $250 rent plus utilities. Call 696-82/; 5pm. Friday March. c Elect F-roommate summer sublease 4bdrm/2bth dupte $187 50/mo. +1/4bills. Pamela 764-7892. For Rent: 3bdrm/2bth, backyard, carport, rent $800/mo., available in May. 693-2256. FREE LOCATOR SERVICE Apartments, Duplexes, Fourplexes, Houses, Alpha-Omega Properties, Broker. 693-0868. BARNHILL'S BUFFET Hiring experienced/dependable Servers & Cashiers. Apply in person Mon.-Thurs., 2- 4pm, 1701-S. Texas Avenue EOE. Drug Test Required. PT STAFF ASSISTANT- Lynntech. Inc. Is looking for a part-time staff assistant Applicant should have basic office and computer skills. 20-25hrs/week. Send resume to HR, 7610-Eastmark Dr., Ste.#202, College Station, TX 77840 E-mail EOE. Tr. F-roommate, as soon as possible, for fully 2bdrm trailer on FM2818. $200/mo. +1/2bills, dogs. Call Keri 823-3347. S tudent pain in on a m that-be at the sociation (S( hear out the; Granted, tions such as body preside are importan Aggies. Wit! completely 1; Texas A&M. student body But the sc as to who is < students are i sponsity lilies and see if the what SBP ca: Odds are, the Making n dent govemn their quest fo of die candid SBP candidr admitted that serious probl So. natura the student be the ongoing s] other Aggie tr corned campa The cause lies in the poi and the stude their claims, i efficient and tics — then tl wonder why i are not shallo guy simply hi phrase or coo vote for a gu\ stands out at 1 outpeppenrii cause no one about the can to meet its go turnout of inf F-roommate, summer only, 2bdrm/2blh du’0 deposit, $307.50. Call 696-8184. Bartenders make $100-$300 per night. No experience necessary. Call 1-800-981-8168 exL245. In the country, 3bdrm/2bth with covered deck and car port. Pets ok. $575/mo. +deposit. Room enough for 3 students, 8-minutes from campus. 778-0593. Available Now. Baskin Robbins now hiring smiling, friendly faces for counter help. Apply in person, SWPwy STexas. Recoup your spring break losses. Temporary phone sales day/evenlng 779-4377. Female roommate needed lor summer of '00. bedroom &bath. Walk-in closet, w/d, $300/mo. call Emily 693-9328. Large 3bdrm/2bth house, fenced yard, w/d connections, near A&M sorority houses, $850/mo. Available May. (409)693-0095. Church nursery workers needed Sundays and Wednesdays. Please send resume/application to P C. Box 4445, Bryan. TX 77805. Live free! Buy 3bdrm/2ba new mobile home. Rent 1- room, live free. Land or good park space. 822-2929. New 2&3bdrm mobile homes, 1 -mile from campus, start ing at $400. 823-4248. Class of 1973, Ag Doctor is looking for a Clinical Research Coordinator in a Dallas-based research clinic. BS preferred, -Medical experience is a plus, -Must be self-motivated. If you are interested, please call Julie Tucker at (214)365-0365 or fax resume to (214)373- 7003. Research Associate. Primary responsibilities will include bench and some field R&D work in the develop ment of various innovative technologies. Position requires B.Sc. In Chemistry/Chemical Engineering or Environmental Engineering. General knowledge in ana lytical chemistry, and some mechanical or electrical engineering skills are strongly desired. Send resume to HR Lynntech, Inc., 7610-Eastmark Dr., Ste.#202. College Station, TX 77840. E-mail hrlynntech@lyn- EOE. M-Roommate needed, Summer sublease, l) Commons Apartments. 2bdrm/2bth, furnished route, reduced rent, only $300/mo 694-2371 Male, non-smoker, 4bdrm/3bth house closeto» Own room, w/d. $285/mo. +1/4bills. 8 22-95861? Starting in May, 2bdrm/2bth, spacious rooms bath, walk-in closet, $265/mo. +1/2bills. April7tH Summer sublease, female roommate, brand*! merit, w/d, $315/mo. +1/3bills. Call Andrea696$ People needed for sublease starting 5/15. duplex, $300/mo. 775-4865. Pre-leasing for August- under construction Two-story townhomes, 2bdrm/2bth, close to campus, 1020sqft., w/d, stove, frig, microwave provided; pre-wired for tv, tel, Technology (301-Nimitz St.) $750/mo +deposit. Call 846-5800 Copy Corner. Part-time Typist/Graphic Artist with experience in PageMaker, Illustrator &Photoshop. Must be able to work directly w/public. Available shifts:' evenings &weekends. Mail resume: 1404-Texas Avenue South, CS 77840 or come by to fill out an appli cation. Searching for internet marketers. For appointment, call Sherry at 776-0060. Summer sublease- $273.33 Includes rent SIS details email lizbethOI © Sears Service Center. Technician- needs to know small engine repair. Also need tech helper- lifting required. Apply at 1500 East Holleman. 764-0311. SERVICES Pre-leasing for May. 3bdrm/2bth and 3bdrm/3bth, $575- $1200/mo. Call 764-2019 for details, www.univer- • Pre-leasing new 3bdrm/2bth duplexes, no pets, $1,000. 846-5722 or 823-0390. Earn extra income by cleaning offices M-F, after 5p.m. 823-5031. Sonic looking for carhops & other positions available. Apply within: 512 Harvey Road. Fatburger-C.S. Help wanted all positions. Drivers earn up to $11/hr. Immediate hiring. 725-A University. Square One Restaurant now hiring kitchen staff. 211W.Wm.J, Bryan. 361-0264. Fuddruckes now hiring day and night shift, all positions. Apply in person. STUDENT WORK. Apply online at www.workforstu- A+ HIGHER GRE SCORE GUARANTEED!! 15hrs. professional instruction. 7764-0080. AAA Texas Defensive Driving. Lots-of-fun, l#! Ticket dismissal/insurance discount. M-TISp®! Kid) I Ready to PRELEASE for May and August? WE AREI Call United Realty 694-9140 for availabilities. Sublease summer 2000, 4bdrm/2bth, Sterling University Village. 694-0554. Rent $325. ATHLETE’S FOOT STUDY Summer Camp Counselors Needed For Premier Camps in Massachusetts Positions available for tal ented, energetic, and fun loving students as counselors in all team sports, all individual sports such as Tennis & Golf, Waterfront and Pool activities, and specialty activ ities including art, dance, theatre, gymnastics, newspa per, rocketry & radio. Great Salaries, room, board and travel. June-17th-August-16th. Enjoy a great summer that promises to be unforgettable. Mah-Kee-Nac (Boys): 1-800-753-9118. Danbee (Girls): 1-800-392-3752. Summertime swim instructors &lifeguards needed at Aerofit on Villa Maria. Must be certified. Direct applica tion/resume to Melissa Cullum. W-Th(6pm-9pm), Fri.&Sal- Fri(6pm-8pm) JSi! 2:30pm), Sat(8am-2:30pm). Inside BankoW Walk-ins welcome. $25/cash. Lowest price #» i: law 111-Univ. Dr., Ste.217. 846-6117. So 30/min. early. (CP-0017). Looking for a place to live? www.housing101.nei move off campus! The Deluxe Diner on Northgate hiring cooks &waitstaff for all shifts. Apply in person 203-Univ. Drive. TRAVEL The Grapevine Restaurant needs part-time help for day time hours only. Pays $6/hr. 696-3411. Waitstaff up to $12/hr. Golden Corral. Apply Tues.-Fri., 2pm-4pm at Eurorail Pass Experts, Gel7 FREE stuff - 2,500 discount offers, rail mapiW free night at The Pink Palace and more. 1-886* PASS or Are you experiencing burning and itching? Sciman Biomedical Research is seeking individuals 18 years of age and older who are experiencing athlete’s foot. You may qualify for a research study to com pare two marketed athlete’s foot medica tions. The study involves one visit to the research center. If you complete the study you will receive $100.00 ATHLETE’S FOOT STUDY Wanted: Cowboys & Cowgirls to guide tourists and horses through the Rocky Mountains. Come work for the largest horse operation in North America. Write Sombrero Ranch, 3300 Airport Road, Boulder, CO 80301 or visit our website at TUTORS For more information, please call Sciman Biomedical Research 776-1417 Volunteers, ages 12 and up, need ed for a 6-week research study of investigational medication for the treatment of athlete’s foot. Eligible volunteers will be compensated. Call for information. J&S Studies, Inc. 409-846-5933 Web Administrator for improvement &maintenance of existing commercial web page. Experience required. Send resume to Experienced Tutor- Math, Biology, CK* Biochemistry. Statistics, Botany and more, kffi Solutions, 690-7928. Fraternities • Sororities • Clubs • Student Groups Student organizations earn $l,000-$2,000 with the easy diree hour Rindraising event. No sales retjuired. Fundraising dates are filling quickly, so call today! Contact, (888) 923-3238, or visit WEIGHT LOSS Burn Fat - Up to 30-lbs. in 30 days. 800-571-I*'' Metabolite 356 Up To 30% Off! Free i* Bryan/College Station. Credit Cards, Checks 695-6983. Students who want to lose weight, try an. 100% effective, healthy way. Free counseling^ 1-888-318-4245. $7.00 per hour!!!! UCS knows success! A worldwide corporation in business since 1970, we currently have the following part-time opportunities available. We have over 600 employees in our College Station office and over 800 in our Houston headquarters, many of whom are AGGIES! Come see what we have to offer! Clerical Staff PC/Tech Support Inventory Control Hardware Repair Computer Assembly Programming We offer flexible hours between 6a.m.-10p.m., and real world work experience. All majors are considered and training is pro vided. E.O.E. To apply, please call our Personnel headquarters or visit our website. UCS, Inc. 979-595-2609 UCS hires non-tobacco users only Open House! Sat., March 25th 2 p.m. - 5 p.m. Large 3 bdrm, 3 bath duplex All appliances - $ 1,150 Available August 2300 Antelope Lane 690-1330 SUMMER LEASES Furnished Rooms With All B Paid, Free Shuttle to TAMU & $ Call The Horizon Today 979-779-7091 Quail Hollow Apartment Homes Out With The Old, In With The New 3535 Plainsman Lane 846-1771 • New Owner, New Management, New Image • New Designer Oak Kitchens • New Elegant Mirror Accents • New Modern Baths • W/D Connections • Fireplace Available • Screened Patio • On A&M Shuttle Route M-F 8 a.m. Sat. 10 a.m. - 4 ft . 5:30 ft At A panel the Ft Admi cently heard i hours of testii bate on a pro< often break, f medical com] No, it is not a is the saline b Currently, the cause of a go 1 not required t saline implan Now the p hole, but the I alone, becaus advisers, the i accomplishin The FDA novel idea — ing their impl safety of theii three types of that two are s; The panel adi those brands, ical Corp., shi duction with I be fully warn: investigations is a weak stan Although vestigations, i pertinent fact; tions, the pani the manufaett and possible c hardly have a Corp. perfom recipients anc Ending Main c In response While elir a step in th( the city of C safety hazai cars create walk. It acts traffic. Celle friendly stre walkable an enue in ordt Also, by e cars will par being able t