The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, March 24, 2000, Image 4
RETIREMENT INSURANCE MUTUAL FUNDS TRUST SERVICES TUITION FINANCING It's a simple calculation: TIAA-CREF's low expenses mean more money working for you. t £*11 us •or a free calculator The equation is easy. Lower expenses in managing a fund can equal better performance. How much? Just take a look at the chart. Then call us. We'll send you a free, easy-to-use expense calculator so you can see for yourself that no matter what your investment, you'll benefit from low expenses. And CREF expenses range from just 0.29% to 0.37%.’ For more than 80 years, we've been committed to low expenses, superior customer service and strong performance. add it all up and you'll find that selecting your retire ment provider is an easy decision:TIAA-CREF. THE IMPACT OF EXPENSES ON PERFORMANCE 5375,000 Low-Cost Account $313,000 High-Cost Account 1.40% 0.40% EXPENSES 2 Total accumulations after 20 years based on initial invest ment of 550,000 and hypothetical annual returns of 11 %. 3 IAjQJ REF Ensuring the future for those who shape it. s 42 - 2 7 7 a l .CREF is a variable annuity. Estimated annual expenses*are adjusted quarterly. 2.1.40% is a very reasonable fee level for a typical fund; 0.40% is near, but not actually at the bottom of, the mutual fund expense ratio spectrum. 3.The chart above is presented for illustrative purposes only and does not reflect actual performance, or predict future results,of any TIAA CREF account, or reflect taxes.TIAA CREF Individual and Institutional Services, Inc. distributes CREF certificates and interests in theTIAA Real Estate Account. Teachers Personal Investors Services, Inc. distributes the variable component of the personal annuities, mutual funds and tuition savings agreements. TIAA and TIAA CREF Life Insurance Co. issue insurance and annuities.TIAA CREF Trust Company, FSB provides trust services. Investment products are not FDIC insured, may lose value and are not bank guaranteed. For more complete information on our securities products, including charges and expenses,call 1 800 842 2776, ext. 5509, for the prospectuses. Read them carefully before you invest or send money. O 2000 TIAA-CREF 1/00. How Does a $7 fee increase benefit TAMU students? Students will be voting Mar. 29 & 30 on whether to increase the Recreational Sports Fee. The Department of Recreational Sports and Student Government leaders have recommended a net $7 increase. The increase will preserve what Aggies have now. Specifically, the Rec Center and Department of Recreational Sports programs will be maintained and operated in the same high quality and accessible manner that they are today. The Department will be able to replace old equipment and keep it in good working order. The Rec Center will con tinue to be open from early morning to late evening, and will be able to continue to offer the programs and services students have come to expect and enjoy. A vote of "yes" will ensure that future Aggies have the same opportunity to recreate, socialize and be exposed to a healthy lifestyle in well-maintained and beautiful surroundings. Polling Sites: 9 a.m.-5 p.m. March 29 & 30 MSC Rec Center Blocker Kleberg Zachry Wehner Evans Library Bush School Commons Duncan Dinning Fjall outside All Faith Chapel Referendum information available at SPORTS COMICS Page 4 flNAk I#® DALLAS jty basketball dating team r ■nee toumamc University ippropriate an lents” after tl Wednesday th also susp The univei nfonnation fr The Fort 1 (ended Must: jratton. Sasser and ibout incidem iarty that inc team and Spin' partment repo SMUAthk THIS IS A TOPOGRAPHCAL MAP OF OUR SUPPORTERS. NON MIA CULP WHATS THS big blue area? THArc http://nonmlaculprt.homepdge col1 '., 1 B-HIPH rP//ft06O+SbP.H0MEPAG£.C0M WHAT ARE Atx THESE LITTLE X'S AND CYCLES AND TRIANGLES? WELL THE CYCLES REPRESENT PEOPLE WHO WOULD UKE TO RECEIVE MORE CAMPAIGN LITERATURE. lenient suspt rom participa ie school saic But univer: today from Th According called early o woman told of kethall team T hands.” The w aboi AUSTIf show that hi kick her ou “judicial b\ J fore gettint | Court says. Howeve within certa timony, whi with no witi The deci state’s new of minors’ a Under th form an ah' than 18 wit judge autho Entertainment in Brief OPAS Jr. presents sent, a girl nn Three Little Pigs The MSC Opera and Performing Arts Society has recruited the Three Little Pigs by TheatreWorks USA for its OPAS Jr. program. However, this version of the children’s classic has been up dated and brings a new twist to the tale by changing the gender of one of the pigs. In this version the two brothers, Perry and Patrick, along with their sister, Portia, acquire an inheri tance from their mother, Penelope. With their $1,500 dollars each, the three pigs are to find good, safe homes for themselves. Unbeknownst to the three pigs, they have just moved into the wolves’ neighborhood, but the groups learn it is possible to live to gether in accord. MSC Opas Jr.’s the Three Little Pigs will be showing Saturday at 2 p.m. and 4 p.m. Tickets are avail able at the MSC Box Office. Fundraiser to aid Olympic-bound Ags Twelve Texas A&M students have been selected to participate in the American Olympic Swing Per formance Te'am for the 2000 Olympics in Sydney, Australia. To raise money to send tha gies to the Olympics, the orgaij tion NeoSwing has schedtl "Night of Swing" at the Third I Cantina. “Night of Swing” will fea swing lessons, a performance] NeoSwing and a dance maratf] that will end Sunday at 8 a.m, At 8 p.m. NeoSwing will perfor] segment from their Olympic roi Beginner swing lessons led M structors from Austin will be heldq 8:30 p.m. to 9:15 p.m. Hip-hop swing lessons will befe] from 9:15 p.m. to 9:45 p.m. Beg# lindy-hop lessons will begin at ll: r | Admission to the event is I $5 for students. certain con ' a/so provid The late On a 6-3 ru “minor’s e structure : would be ac drew suppc The nili v erted testi dive and di ded by otl Would havt judicial byj -TAM *lndoo) *Beddii *Peren\ 3/25 3/25 3/27 3/24 8 1/2 Souvenirs at Fitzgerald’s in Houston 3/24 Derailers at Fabulous Satellite Lounge in Houston Tab Benoit at Fabulous Satellite Lounge in Houston Bad Livers at Rudyard’s British Pub in Houston Filter at Aerial Theater at Bayou Place in Houston 3/29 Methods Of Mayhem at Numbers Night Club in Houston Peter Murphy at La Zona Rosa in Austin D.R.I. at Fitzgerald’s in Houston Feel at Rudyard’s British Pub in Houston Coal Chamber at Aerial Theater at Bayou Place in Houston 3/31 Vallejo at Fabulous Satellite Lounge in Houston 4/01 KISS at Cynthia Woods Mitchell Pavilion in Austin 4/01 Mars Electric at Instant Karma in Houston 3/29 3/30 3/30 3/31 Funky London at Fabulous Satellite Lo® in Houston Sister 7 at Fabulous Satellite Lounge in Houston Willie Nelson and Family at The Back/ in Houston Johnnie Taylor at Houston Arena TheaW in Houston Triple Threat Of Comedy at Aerial Thea® at Bayou Place in Houston Trish Murphy at Fabulous Satellite Lounge in Houston Soul Hat at Fabulous Satellite Lounge in Houston Austin Lounge Lizards at McGonigels Mucky Duck in Austin Third Eye Blind, Tonic at Austin MusicH* in Austin Bruce Springsteen and the E Street Ba« at Frank Erwin Center in Austin You are Invited to Aggies Up All Night March 25-26 from fOam to fOam Archery Room at REC Center Come Make Miracles Happen for CtiUdren’s Miracle Metwork of the Brazos Valley QUl-STIONS CONTACT CHliLETTK AUSTIN ALAN DIHUCTOR AT <i<>r>0820 OK CSAOtttlS YAIIOO.COM Custoi No Waii •FREE * Regular * Best wa 3601 Tex 1 mil* & Univ Serving