The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, March 24, 2000, Image 10
Rustic River Resort ON THE COMAL RIVER Spring Weekend Getaways From $139.00 Includes Two Night Stay Check in early-Check out late (Thru May 11) All river view cabins on 4 1/2 wooded areas Secluded and quiet. Across from Schlitterbahn. Walk to downtown. A family tradition since 1910. T)flE OfiffiLPiACE" 385 Other Place Drive New Braunfels, Texas 78130 (830)625-5114 JuHLbC The Best Scot Hwy 30 @ Earl Rudder Frwy (979)764-7592 ATM IN LOBBY STEREO SURROUND SOUND IN ALL AUDITORIUMS HERE ON EARTH (PG13)- 11 40 2 00 4 30 7 40 10 05 12 :25 WHATEVER IT TAKES (PG13)* 12 10 2 30 5:00 7:55 10 15 12:30 ROMEO MUST DIE (R)’ 11 55 2:35 5:10 7 50 10:30 1 10 ERIN BROCKOVICH ( R) 1:30 4 :35 7:35 10:35 12:30 3 45 6 45 9 45 12 40 AMERICAN BEAUTY (R) 11 30 2 05 4 40 7 20 10 00 12 45 DROWNING MONA (PG13) 7:20 9 40 12:05 FINAL DESTINATION (R) 11.45 2:10 4 40 7 15 9:35 12 10 MISSION TO MARS (PG) 11:35 2 05 4 45 7 30 10 10 12:45 MY DOG SKIP (PG) 11:35 1:55 4:25 7:10 PITCH BLACK (R) 12 :00 2 40 5 15 7 45 10 25 12 55 SCREAM 3 (R) 11:30 2:15 4 55 7 35 10 20 1 00 SNOW DAY (PG) 12:20 2 45 5 05 CIDER HOUSE RULES (PG13) 1 00 4 00 7:05 9 55 12 40 THE NEXT BEST THING (PG13) 8 00 10 35 1 05 THE NINTH GATE (R) 1:10 4:05 7 00 9 50 12.50 THE TIGGER MOVIE (G) 11:45 1:50 4 10 6 05 l THREE STRIKES <R) 9 30 11:45 THE WHOLE NINE YARDS (RT 11 55 2:25 4 50 7 25 10 00 12 35 4-DAY ADVANCE TICKET SAIES ♦ NO PASSES-NO SUPERSAVEBS 1 WORLD P;^c 10 THi: BATTALION Pope expresses remorse for Jews Sci-fi surprise Friday, Marti JERUSALEM (AP) — Standing before the ashes of death 'camp victims in the candlelit shadows of Israel’s Holocaust memorial, a visibly moved Pope John Paul II told the Jewish people on Thursday that his church is “deeply saddened” by Christian persecution of Jews through the centuries. The tribute in the drafty stone halls of the Yad Vashem Memorial was both historic and personal for a pope who lost boyhood friends in the Nazi genocide. But it did not satisfy those looking for an apology from the leader of the world's 1 billion Roman Catholics for the church’s official silence amidst the mass killing of Europe’s Jews. The somber ceremony attended by Israeli officials. Holocaust survivors and Jewish friends from the pope’s own hometown in Poland was punctuated by small, touching moments as well as grand gestures. A Holocaust survivor greeting the pope began crying, and he gently patted her arm in consolation. Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak, his voice hoarse with emotion, at one point helped the frail pontiff from his chair and handed him his cane. A letter from a Holocaust victim to her son, read out in Pol ish at the ceremony as John Paul followed intently, moved many to tears. In an anguished voice, a Jewish cantor sang a Prayer for the Martyrs. A police commander in uniform wept. “I have come to Yad Vashem to pay homage to the millions of Jewish people who, stripped of everything, especially oftheir human dignity, were murdered in the Holocaust,” John Paul said. “As bishop of Rome and successor of the Apostle Peter, I assure the Jewish people that the Catholic Church, motivated by the Gospel law of truth and love, and by no political con siderations, is deeply saddened by the hatred, acts of persecu tion and displays of anti-Semitism directed against the Jews by. Christians at any time and in any place,” the pope said. < He said he hoped good would come from the bad and that follow'ers of the two faiths would build a new future, based on their common roots. Afterwards, Barak said John Paul had done more than any other church leader “to dress the bitter wounds that festered over many bitter centuries.” The prime minister’s grandparents perished in the Treblinka death camp in Nazi-occupied Poland. “I think 1 can say, your Holiness, that your coming here today ... is a climax of this historic journey of healing,” he said. “This very moment holds within it 2,000 years of history.” Still, many were frustrated at John Paul’s refusal to assign blame to the Ro man Catholic church hierarchy — in par ticular Pius XII, the World War H-era pontiff — for the church’s failure to speak out against the I folocaust. The pope is one of the staunchest defenders of Pius, who is being con sidered by the Vatican for beatification, a step before saint hood. The Vatican has said Pius did not know the extent of Hitler’s purges, and John Paul has called him “a great pope.” Israel’s chief rabbi, Israel Meir Lau, a 1 lolocaust sun ivor, said he was disappointed that the pontiff did not mention Pius XII, “a pope who didn't say a word at a time when rivers of blood were streaming all over Europe.” “Pius XII didn't like us, he was silent. At least this pope is speaking out,” said Jacov Silverstein, 75, wearing a black-and- white-striped cap of concentration camp inmates. 1 le was one of 201 lolocaust survivors at Yad Vashem during the pope’s address. The hour at the Holocaust memorial was the emotional highlight of his groundbreaking visit to the Jewish state and sealed his legacy of unprecedented activism to reconcile Catholics and Jews. However, at an interfaith gathering host ed by the pope later Thursday, it quickly became clear that religious harmony is still difficult to attain in the troubled Middle East. "I have come to ... pay homage to the millions of Jewish fxople who ... were mur dered in the Holocaust." JOHN PAUL II AUSTIN ( exasA&M U estigation of i lat killed 12 ] een plagued i ;cted safety ri tan reported I Ineffective > at least parti; Official act nwas short-1 mes because levered trad it Jumni, the ne The four-tii , killing 11 5 nd injuring 2 RYLA SCULLTiii B Harlan Ellison, a science-fiction writer who contributed nal “Star Trek" material, receives a gift from a fan at his book signing at the MSC Thursday as part of AggieCon 31. orship Directory AssemBCy ofCjod Bethel Temple Assembly of God 2608 Villa Maria, Bryan 776-4835 Sunday Worship 8:30, 10:45, 6:00 pm College & Career Class Sun. 9:30 Randy Scott, Pastor ‘Baptist Texas Avenue Baptist Church 3400 Texas Avenue South, C.S. (at the intersection of Deacon & Texas Ave.) 696-6000 Sunday School 9:30 a.m. Worship Service 10:30 a.m., Bible Study 4 p.m., Wednesday 7 p.m. Pastor Eric Doucet Try us out! You can expect... • Upbeat worship • A casual setting • Friendly people • Practical messages Living Hope Baptist Church Sunday Schedule: We are NOW meeting at 9:45 AM Bible Study Cypress Grove Inter. School 11:00 AM Worship on g ra ham Rd. between 6:30 PM Worship Wellborn and the West INFO: 690-1911 bypass service Road. BiBte Grace Bible Church 700 Anderson, College Station 693-2911 Services: 9:15 a.m., 11:00 a.m., 6:00 p.m. College Sunday School Class 9:15 & 11 a.m. CatHoBc St. Mary’s 603 Church Ave., 846-5717 Pastoral Team Rev. Michael J. Sis, Pastor Rev. David A. Konderla, Associate Pastor Campus Ministers Deacon Bill Scott • Martha Tonn Lillian Smith • Maureen Murray Heidi Nicolini Daily Masses Mon.-Fri.: 5:30 p.m. Tues, Thurs: 12:05 Noon All Faith’s Chapel on A&M Campus Sat.: 10:30 a.m. (Korean) Weekend Masses Sat. - 5:30 p.m. (English), 7:00 (Spanish) Sun. - 9:00, 11:00 a.m., 5:30, 7:00 p.m. Cfiurcfi ofCftrist Bryan / College Station Church of Christ Sunday Wednesday Bible Class 9:00 a.m. Worship 10:00 a.m. Worship 6:00 p.m. Bible Class 7:00 p.m. College Station Conference Center (Just across George Bush from TAMU Go* Course) (409) 731-1230 Email: mark-d @ or ‘Episcopal St. Thomas Episcopal 906 George Bush Dr. • College Station, TX (Across from Duncan Dining Flail) Sunday services at 8:00, 9:00 and especially for late rising Ags, 11:15 a.m. Next door to Canterbury House, the Episopal Student Center ffree ‘WillBaptist Fellowship Free Will Baptist Church College & Career Class You are invited to a Bible study especially for students. Sunday mornings at 9:45 1228 W. Villa Maria 779-2297 For more information contact Marcus Brewer: 696-6558 Lutheran Peace Lutheran Church FM 2818 at Rio Grande • College Station Worship 8:15 & 10:45 Aggie Lutherans Craig Borchardt - Pastor Debra Grant - Pastor 2201 Rio Grande Blvd 693-4403 0lpn-E>enotmnational oven ant Family Church “Success Begins on Sunday “ Danny & Janet Green, Pastors Sunday 10:30 a.m. Wednesday 7:30 p.m. 4010 Harvey Rd., (Hwy. 30) E-Mail: College Station 774-1269 ‘United Methodist A&M United Methodist 417 University Dr. (on Northgate) • 846-8731 Sunday Services: 9:00 & 11:00 a.m. College Sunday School 9:45 Sr. Pastor Charles Anderson First United Methodist Church 28th & Houston St., 1 block E. of Texas Ave., in Bryan 779-1324 Sunday Worship 8:40 &10:55 a.m., 6:00 p.m. Sunday School 9:45 a.m. Rev. Harral Dunnam, Senior Pastor Rev. Bob Richers, Assodate Pastor To advertise on this page call The Battalion today! 845-2696 Nigerian oil fields spark violent LAGOS, Nigeria (AP) — Beneath the swamps where poor Nigerians eke out a living from fishing and farming are some of the world's largest un tapped oil fields. At a time when crude prices have tripled from 1998 lows, the world’s sixth-largest exporter has some of the industry’s largest un tapped oil fields. Community activists in the oil-rich Niger Delta demand some of that wealth for the im poverished region and stage fre quent attacks against petroleum facilities, kidnapping workers and sabotaging pipelines. The state Nigerian National Petroleum Corp. has warned it will fund a police unit autho rized to shoot saboteurs on sight. But the government has also made vague promises of devel opment money to appease restive communities. Nigeria produces about 2 mil lion barrels of oil a day, worth nearly $17 billion last year. Roughly one-twelfth of the oil imported by the United States comes from Nigeria, and the Penberthy CoRec k, ■■ —; country has proven reserves of 25 billion barrels. Yet despite its oil wealth, years of corrupt military rule have left Nigeria one of the world’s 25 poorest nations. And the Delta, where most of the drilling occurs, is one of its poorest regions. At least 35 people, including children, were killed Wednes day when a lire broke out while they were siphoning off gaso line in a remote pail of south eastern Abia state. The Texas/ ed unanimousl grant the one it cial Commissh The Comm budget funds ai day’s meeting g the requests “An inform sary related to Board of Reger ommission’s j estigators be j rfwhat happer “l fowl were e: enginei | //he to exceed Registration: March 20-28 Event Dates: March 31-April 2 Entry f ee: $2 0/team Divisions: CoRec Classes: A-Highly Skilled B-Moderately Skit C-Average Skilled Location: Penberthy Intrami Sports Center Although nc )ionel Aviles e am concc of the situation’ can-Statesmar icing an engine ixceed the amc are approving t The vote ext )y the Board c icheduled to re 31, but that dab Powell told :he beginning onger and cost “In this insL uations,” Regei ;. “We don’t Gai toh TH B^ The Gay. Transgender celebrating 1 Texas A&M Week. March ognized as C is dedicated t the GLBTA ; erance on cai Kent Car major and sec lieves Gay A tant for the vi campus and sert a present bequestionir can have a se | ronment to g' The GLB' ' fortable envin 1 to increase s j combating ne “I hope t | struggling alo discover durii j warm and sir ! on campus tc I validity as inc Gay Awa