The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, March 23, 2000, Image 3

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    I'hursday, March 23,
a o o 1 jd l i r jd
harsdays March 23, 2(>()0
Page 3
people at each of the meat
, plan to improve commi JKWbl 1 I |H 1
/\ n I is" n T o n tsi g low n
the CollegeofLl ^ ^ ^ ^ A ^fci|||IP^ J&. ML
: graduate programstmi ’ -r&
,(' me value of depreakn
paneling the CollegeofLi
: graduate programswouHj
;e the value of degrees isai
iarrett was asked a
mg communication
:nts and faculty.
I believe the best wayto..a
e the communication taj
udents and the faculty is.,
student body to becom;
:ti\ e as possible," Garrettss
e have a concern ourfactl
ministration has notbepi
;ss, we need to start knock
>ors. They’re workingfon
e are not working for fa'
e issue of equality amongst
ithin the same course,
tments side by sideintni
>lems that we as studentsi
' Lane said,
or student body president)!
tig the important issues,"
nalism major. “I’m glad a
elevant to everyone-dn®
president forum, yell leas
rpportunity to speak.
Vloser. a junior agricultuitl i
s experience in the past
k this year to Texas A&M-
bit of what it has given®
foot on the bonfire sited
s of the utmost importance
h said.
Lane, a senior political si
, said he would be av
dents who may disagrees
•sity’s decision, and that
logue between the
lent and administrators wos
acceptable compromise ai
situation that would seven
Jniversity community.
> is to make sure that ft
stration are aware of st
ill know that they turn toil?
ly president for that Jnsiflf
lortant to give them,
dps them make sound dee
ie said. “1 think if you're
ic faculty and the adminisW
ally with Dr. Bowen,
n’t come to that divide
I be able to handle thatsil
you come up there.”
lortant for the student bod;|
represent those students ul|
ere ignored in the decision)
cess by actively seekingthei
me added.
Bartenders share view from the other side of the counter
The Battalion
A n extremely intoxicated man enters Dud-
dley’s Draw. I le tries to act cool until he
notices a girl who walked into the bar. She
is dressed no differently than any other girl at the
bar except for one minor accessory... a small can
of mace that hangs from a rope around her neck.
Kevin “’Woody” Crass, a bartender at Dud-
dley "s Draw, witnessed what happened when the
pair met.
“He thought the mace was a lighter and end
ed up spraying himself hard in the face. He
cleared out the entire room of people.
He wasn’t feeling real good after that
one,” Crass said.
This is just one of many seeming
ly improbable, but definitely memo
rable, scenarios one may encounter on
any given night at North gate, the hal
lowed place of myth and tradition.
Northgate, an Aggie's salvation from
endless nights ol study mg. is a collec
tion of restaurants and bars located
conveniently within walking distance
of campus offering a release from the
baneful existence that is academia.
Old time Aggies delight in telling
younger ones about how they used to
park in the area where the Dixie
Chicken is now located to watch as the
younger Aggies nearly faint from
shock. For these students to imagine a
time when the beloved Chicken did
not exist is worse than finding out
Santa Claus is not real.
Featuring every type of estahlish-
ment, from bars to a dance hall, North-
gate is home to hang-outs that appeal to
all majors at A&M. Because it appeals to
a variety of people, nearly everyone who
has ever visited the area lias a story about Northgate.
A bartender at a local bar, who wished to remain
anonymous, said bis story about au unusual occur
rence at Northgate began innocently — with a
group of former students socializing one night, re
living “glory days.”
“They were just a bunch of Old Ags ... I think
they were Class of '89 and up. [They] were just
sitting around and raising hell and trying to pick
fights with people all night,” he said.
The bartender on duty tried to calm the guys
down and keep the place quiet. The former students
cussed him out and then left.
“When he walked outside [after work], there
were like 15 of these guys waiting for him, and
they all jumped on him at once. It took a few peo
ple to break it up — and a few went to jail,” he said.
While it is not unusual to see girls wearing re
vealing outfits when going out to Northgate for
a night of dancing, one bartender said he en
countered a male patron sitting in the bar who
was revealing a bit more of himself than anyone
else cared to see.
“A guy was sitting back there with no under
wear on and really baggy shorts. Well, he was
kind of hanging out in front of the entire bar,”
said Craig, a bartender at Duddley’s Draw and a
senior political science major.
"A guy sitting next to him finally got pissed
off, and we ended up asking him to tuck it in. He
got pissed, cussed us out and stormed out with
’it’ still hanging out.”
Patrons of North by N orthgate be wary of acces
sories that appear to be lighters —- or you just may
become the subject of a bartenders' next anecdote.
See today’s Tab for more info on NXNG
Bartender and Blinn student, Kevin ‘'Woody” Crass pours beer for customers at Dudley’s Draw in Northgate.
MSC Cepheid Variable presents
ght Shot: There will bf;
;t Cancer Awareness at;
heater at 8:30 a.m,
s: We will be holding
antasy, and HorrorCotf
13-26 in the
more information
be a general meeting af
tmmittee: We will be fe-;
t The Women’s Museii
L30 p.m. in MSC 206.
3to Editor
, Graphics Editor
Graphics Editor
it News Editor
, Radio Producer
, Web Editor
ience & Technology Editor
i, Bradley Atchison, KimberHuff,
Turner, Patric Schneider, Brian
Farrell, Melissa Sackett, Stuart
lenes, Eric Andraos, Jeffrey Smitii,
Richard Horne, David Spatzier.W
Sean Gillespie.
:: Cristina Padron; Beth Ahlquist
Bennett, Marc Grether, KimberHuff
i Maricle, Jamie Morris & KateSie^
mi Sridhara; Whitney Stover,
ocker, Almudena Alba, Chris Ca#
fit Barkley.
r - Scott Jenkins & Yolanda
Division of Student Media, a unit off* 1
one: 845-3313; Fax: 84 5-2647; E-rf
in. For campus, local, and national d#
5 Reed McDonald, and office hours* 1 '
ingle copy of The Battalion. Fiist copy I® 1
ter and $17.50 for the summer. Toth*?
d spring semesters and Monday thw
iM University. Periodicals Postage
/IcDonald Building, Texas A&M Unirf .
ieCon 31
Toctay through Sunday
in the MSC 3nd Rudder!
Hgrlgn Ellison
Author: Edgeworks Series, "Repent,FIarlequin"! Said the Ticktockman
Tim Br^dstreet
Artist: Vampire: the Masquerade, The Crow: City of Angels
Terry Pratchett
Author: Discworld Series, Johnny Maxwell Series, co-author of Good Omens
Featuring: FIUGE Dealers' Room, Art Show and Auction, Charity Auction
Gaming, LARPing, Masquerade Ball, 24-hour Anime Room, Scavenger
Hunt, Rocky Horror Picture Show, Panel Discussions with the Guests, & more!
Full details at
Pass for all 4 days: $22/non-students, $18/students at the MSC Box Office.
For more information, call MSC Cepheid Variable at 845-1515.
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