The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, March 21, 2000, Image 1
I, JP BEATO/Thk Battalion ; Former employee faces -felony charges in theft BY STUART HUTSON The Battalion Rachael Rhea Ingram turned herself in to College Station Police for arrest March 15 af- er being charged for the Feb. 24 theft of illO.OOO from the Northgate office of the t D'i !!' ly a wreath Monday at a ed in Bangladesh's war a that led to freedom in I 1 1 village northwesto: chool and see the at helps women, policy achievements as 1 inton has been frustratei i the Middle East andNi exas Aggieland Credit Union. Ingram, a 25-year-old former employee ifthe credit union, will now face the charge theft of U.S. currency in the amount of iverS 100,000, a second-degree felony pun- shableby imprisonment for not more than years and a fine of not more than !0 m ilO.OOO. e obstacles, as well, intnii ,veen India and Pakistan, wars over the last half ceil 1 hmalayan territory ofK Aggieland Credit Union Vice President 3regg Baird said the stolen money was dis- :overed during a routine audit on March 2. “We were doing a normal audit of our general ledger and we discovered that we were $110,000 short — so'after doing a physical count of all the cash in the office, we determined the amount had been taken and notified the police immediately,” Baird said. “The [auditing] detection devices worked very quickly in discovering the source of the loss.” Baird said that upon further investigation, it was discovered that the missing money, tak en in the form of $50 and $100 bills, was di verted from a Feb. 24 cash delivery to be used for the credit union’s cash registers and ATM. “It appears that certain checks that work to ensure that this sort of thing doesn’t happen were being overlooked,” Baird said. “Changes have since been made to ensure that does not happen again — along with new, ad ditional devices to add extra security.” Baird added that Ingram has not been legally identified as the thief, but that she has since been fired from her job as teller super visor where she overlooked teller activity and cash flow. According to police reports, Ingram told police she had sent the missing amount back to the delivering credit union, but the estab lishment’s records show no sign of such action. The report also states that additional evi dence against Ingram were credit union records showing large transfers and deposits of cash from her account into her husband’s and her recent purchase of two new vehicles, a 2000 Tahoe and a 2000 Dodge pickup. Baird said the missing money will not af fect the deposits of the members of the credit union, and that it will be refunded by the cred it union’s federal insurance. Head-on car collision claims life of student BY MEREDITH HIGHT The Battalion Amanda Ritchie, a junior agricultural busi ness major from Hous ton, died March 10 on her way home for spring break. According to Lin da Chanek, Ritchie’s mother, Ritchie died in a head-on collision on Highway 6 about 10 miles south of Col lege Station. “A [sport utility vehicle] had swerved to miss a stalled car, lost control and went into the ditch,” she said. When the driver of the vehicle attempted to get back onto the highway, he collided with Ritchie’s car. Police reports on the accident were not available to The Battalion. Ritchie, a member of Off Campus Aggies (OCA) and an active participant in Aggie Bonfire, trans ferred to Texas A&M this year after two years at the University of Houston. “She was a devoted Aggie all the way. She loved the Aggie spirit and the traditions, especially bon fire,” said Justin Ellis, Ritchie’s former bonfire crew chief and a senior agricultural development major. “She was out there at eveiy stage, from cut to stack. And when it fell, she was out there the whole time,” Ellis said. Chanek said Ritchie was to be the co-chair for OCA’s bonfire activities next year. “She was at cut every weekend and did the Re plant thing a few weeks ago,” she said. Ritchie had planned to work on bonfire the night of the 1999 Aggie Bonfire collapse. “She traded with another person because she had an exam or something. When I heard the stack fell, I felt she was there,” she said. Chanek said she was relieved to discover that Ritchie was not at the site. About 45 of Ritchie’s Aggie friends attended her “She was a devoted Ag gie all the way. She loved the Aggie spirit and the traditions ..." — justin Ellis friend funeral March 14, including some OCA members in volved in bonfire. Six of the pallbearers wore pots at the funeral. Ritchie’s pot was placed in her coffin. Chanek said several items, including an ax han dle that read “We love Amanda” signed by the Ag gies that attended the funeral, were given to the fam ily. The group also sang a hymn at the funeral. “She had her family here, but her second family was in College Station,” Chanek said. She would have celebrated her 21 st birthday March 18. She will be honored at the April 4 Silver Taps. last summer when Pafe itain peaks inside India. M( ed before Clinton pers« a/ Sharif of Pakistan toiti ire, India and Pakistanki 1998, dramatically heieta feud. Clinton acknowli :at when he described then dangerous place in thew s over Kashmir and Computer lab hie • . • /*'• printing tees to be increased itirism lice officers and 4,000 sol ail I ion on "Operation expected to pump $50 mil ic mortal pontiff. Farmon Ters renewed hope for bet eople who share holy bill ironies shade the spiritual ong Israel and its neighbors Jordan a bare muddy trick' ismal site that John Paulis 4luted by flic time it readt or papal ceremonies,” ob environmental expert, often here as a collects? oman Catholics, ess others, not to y’s vote, y mob chased senior^ Hsu Li-teh down the si!*! , but he was able to sta'p trry into the BY ANN LOISEL The Battalion At least once a day, Clint Hajovsky, a freshman general stud- esmajor, prints out guitar music and school-related work at a cam- )us computer lab. He said he can not count the number of pages le prints out every week, much less every semester. print something every day - it might be one page, it might >e20pages,” he admits. “But I think I print responsibly.” The number of pages students have printed out on campus com- luter labs has almost doubled since the Student Computing Cen- er opened in Fall 1998, bringing estimated number of copies that Mil be made this year to 22 million said Dr. Pierce E. Cantrell, the issociate provost for information technology. Cantrell said $382,000 a year from the Computer Access Fee scurrently pays part of the cost of student printing, but the esti- tated cost of printing comes to $850,000. That deficit costs Computing Information Services (CIS) mon- lyitdoes not have, and Cantrell estimates the number of printouts mil continue to increase by 20 percent each year if the system of unrestricted printing continues unchanged. “The current approach of virtually unlimited printing does Mtencourage responsibility in printing,” he said. “The deci sion has already been made to up the printing costs, but how be done will be decided by the students by means of be Student Senate.” Cantrell said his office will be working closely with the Stu- lent Senate to work out the details of how to execute the increase. In September 2000, students can expect to pay for the pages ig, punching and bead bey print in the computer labs, either by paying for each sheet sep- )les. They knockedhiml irately or with a quota system that charges for excess printouts, said. Cari Eggenberger, a CIS student technician and a senior ani- er the past decade, est, which left several^ linor injuries, contras® quiet after n election (AP) hina’s nee and chaos werer? nal science major, said that after observing the printing process m the job, she feels the quota is necessary and fair for students. , “Ihadaguy that just printed out a 1,000-page document,” she es } s „ 1 , ave § rown [ n ®' aid. “When someone does that, all the students have to pay for s full democracyhas^ t |fwe , re , l||otted „ certain number of sheetSj your money is icing used for your sheets. It’s more fair.’ She said CIS had been running different programs to test the th the tone of Chen'st f f Vera l= e amount of pages students print each semester to help de- st day as president# bdea fair quota. “Students will have to pay for printing one way or another, and brectcharges will keep students from subsidizing those that print *cessively,” Cantrell said. “Anecdotal reports from other univer- itips suggest that printing volume will reduce by 50 percent or lore when direct charges for printing are instituted because indi- After montlis! iduals will avoid unnecessary costs.’ government" ^ es ti n - ia ( :es t[ iat w j t i T a q UO t a system, students would not pay after Taiwan s election 1 uld be saying, “Let'st^ See Printing on Page 2 had laid out its iwan before Pres# Shui-bian’s victory^ Hare independence ' resist talks on u hina might attack Democratic Progress'* s independence fof] h has governed ng Kai-shek’s Na the island aheadof f t takeover of the P ;9 ‘ fered a softer stance* nee during his can# f ormal declaration#® ary unless Taiwan cf ck. 22,050,55? pages $847,847 focal Year '98 Fiscal Year'99 Fiscal Year'00 ROBERT HYNECEK/Thk Battalion Burn, baby, burn STUART VILLANUEVA/The Battalion Firefighter L. Fryoux, of Norco Firefighting, instructs fellow firefighters (R to L) Jim Strohbeck, Keith Haydel and Gail Babinaux during a drill at the Brayton Fire Training School on Monday. Student body president candidates address transportation concerns This is the second part in a five-part series. The four student body president candidates were asked five questions in separate interviews. BY ROLANDO GARCIA The Battalion Parking and transportation issues are al ways near the top of students’ concerns, and the four candidates for student body president said they are ready to solve the problem once and for all. All support the Universi ty’s move to become a pedes trian campus and said they are committed to improving the busing system. “I don’t know that putting parking garages up everywhere is really going to answer our problems. I think the key is providing students with access to any part of campus easily through our trans portation system,” said Corey Rosenbusch, a junior agricultural development major. Rosenbusch said he supports implement ing a transportation fee so bus operations can buy new buses and run more routes to make riding the bus a more viable option for students living off campus. “If we increase our busing frequency, quality and the routes that they run, that means you know you can be on campus in 10 minutes and be dropped off in a central hub,” Rosenbusch said. An improved bus system would also allow students who live on campus convenient trans portation to the mall, gimcery store and other places in the community, Rosenbusch said. Forrest Lane, a senior political science ma- jor, said that while a commitment to the bus system would be costly, it is the best solution to the campus’ parking and traffic woes. “It’s expensive, but at some point, we’re going to have to take that bite and go for it, because we’re in the 21st century and we need to have a better transportation system,” Lane said. Jeff Schiefelbein, a senior marketing ma jor, said closing the campus to traffic would also improve bus efficiency. “Once you get rid of the traffic that they deal with on campus, then their efficiency steps up a notch or two and all of a sudden they’ll be running better because the conges tion is gone,” he said. Schiefelbein also said that while the new parking garage and pedestrian tunnel being built on West Campus will help alleviate traf fic problems for students, the projects were not designed to cater to students. “It seems to me like a place where alumni can park, walk underneath Wellborn and go to a football game,” Schiefelbein said. “I would rather have seen the garage across the street closer to West Campus, and for that tunnel to be by Albritton Tower so students that have to go to West Campus eveiy day could use it.” Schiefelbein said it is im portant to make students more aware of transportation issues so they can register their opinions before final decisions are made. “We need to be able to know why a garage may or may not be located there, rather than when it’s all said and done for us to be guess ing why the garage is there,” Schiefelbein said. Brandon Garrett, a senior international stud ies major, said he supports a transportation fee to improve the bus system. In particular, he said he would like to see new bus routes to new housing developments in College Station. See Candidates on Page 2. STUDENT BODY ELECTIONS INSIDE • The Har vard School of Corruption Student electio scandal handle' poorly by Uni versity. • Ags split pair in tournament First time baseball team finishes last in Continental Classic. Page 9 • Research Week presenters compete , JLajj^for scholarships . Projects showcase differ- Hent student research ef- L Wk forts ' „ 7 Page 7 •Listen to KAMU-FM 90.9 at 1:57 p.m. for details on Bryan ISD violence preparation. • Check out The Battalion online at