The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, March 09, 2000, Image 3

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rhursday. March 9, 2000
Page 3
The music of the masses
South By Southwest Music Festival kicks off with 800 bands
Bands scheduled to play at this year’s South by South
west Music Festival are, counterclockwise from top:
Ian Moore, Therapy, Vallejo and Reverend Horton Heat.
The Battalion
A ustin has long been the headquarters of
struggling up-and-coming musical acts.
The city has given birth to artists such as
Stevie Ray Vaughn and Willie Nelson and has
been the stage for other bands waiting for their
time in the sun.
South by Southwest (SXSW), the annual
music and film festival held in Austin, helps
bands of all trades accomplish their goals and
gives them exposure.
The music festival lasts from March 15 to
19 and provides endless entertainment for par
ticipators and guests alike. Music journalists
from around the globe travel to the Texas capi
tal to listen to performers and inform the public
of what they hear.
Programs in the festival’s music category
include performances, a music conference, a
trade show and information on the technolog
ical features of the music industry and the role
of the Internet.
Scheduled perfonners in
clude Reverend Horton Heat,
Cypress Hill, Sebadoh, John
Paul Jones and Steve Earle. Per-
formers from the past who have
taken advantage of the event to
boost their careers include Mon
ster Magnet, Sonic Youth,
Gravediggaz, the Dixie Chicks,
Ben Folds Five, Beck and Sub
lime, to name a few.
While the festival hosts
many bands from Texas, this
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Discover, or American Express, cal ^
year’s festival has an array of bands visiting from
Europe and Asia, whose sounds are falling on the
ears ofU.S. citizens for the first time. More than
800 bands are scheduled to perform on 40 stages
over the course of the festival.
The Spotlight, a Web page devoted to
promising young groups that can be found at
SXSW’s official site at ww'
The page has interestihg tidbits of informa
tion on many of the European bands perform
ing at the festival, including Sack from Dublin,
Ireland, which appeared on the soundtrack to
The Rage: Carrie 2 with its song “Laughter
Lines.” The Spotlight also informs readers that
the lead singer of Olso, Norway’s Lokomotiv
has a croon that has been compared to that of
Radiohead’s Thom Yorke.
Bands are also traveling from various areas
of the United States to get their feet in the door
of the music industry. Mountain Consolidated, a
band who draws inspiration from folk, hip-hop
and country, will be making the trek to Austin
from Seattle, Wash., the birthplace of grunge.
Also scheduled to appear is Silkenseed, a band
that originated at Tulane University in New Or
leans, La., but is now located in Portland, Ore.;
the band recently released an album on Rainfor
est Records titled Hurry Home.
These bands along with many others, can be
viewed at and their music downloaded from the
Spotlight Website.
Those interested in hearing new and innova
tive sounds will not want to miss the chance to
lend an ear to any of these groups. The shows
have been scheduled at numerous Austin loca
tions such as the Atomic Cafe, Soho Lounge,
Hole in the Wall, Waterloo Brewing Company
and Antone’s. The only catch is that some loca
tions have age requirements; for venues and age
requirements, visit the Web page.
The music conference will take place March
16 to 19. Steve Earle, a six-time Grammy nomi
nated recording artist, will open the event. Record
company presidents, record label representatives,
booking agents, managers, indie label represen
tatives and journalists will be in attendance to an
swer questions and ofter the chance for potential
acts to receive advice and interact with the in
dustry in tire SXSW Mentor Program.
The mentor program features one-on-one
meetings to help artists come in contact with
those experienced in the business who can
give them personal attention. Demo listening
sessions have also been set up for anyone
scouting out future hits.
Elliot Roberts, the well-known manager
of Neil Young since 1968, will be speaking
at the conference and sharing stories about
his experiences. Chris Johnsen, head of mar
keting at Grand Royal Records, home of (and
owned by) the Beastie Boys, will attend the
conference, as will Holly George-Warren, ed
itorial director of Rolling Stone Press.
The trade show is another attraction that
draws together those already in the music in
dustry and those seeking entrance. New artists
and showcases are promoted by their record
labels and merchandise is laid out for viewing.
Representatives from various publications can
meet new artists and advertisers, and interna
tional exhibitors can sniff out deals. The trade
show is also the location of the Acoustic Day
time Stage where musicians will provide en
tertainment throughout the day. The hours of
the trade show are March 16 and 17 from
noon until 6 p.m., and March 18, noon to 4
p.m. Online music companies will also ex
hibit their Websites and offer explanations of
their services. MP3s and the legal issues sur
rounding them will be discussed, as will the
role of technology in the industry.
All performances and discussions sched
uled are subject to change, so check the Web
page at for updates.
SXSW has a reputation for uncovering
new talent and gives visitors the opportunity
to take a trip into a world of undiscovered
musicians and emerge with the sound of
something new to the world of music ringing
in their ears.
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