The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, February 17, 2000, Image 6
'm’Z'S/isvr “ The ALIGN GUYS would like to welcome Bobby Miksch and his crew from Bobby's EXXON to our College Station Store OUR SERVICES Air Conditioning <& Heating Alignment/ Shocks Minor Mechanical Lube Services State Inspection Starter/Alternator/Battery OUR SOLUTIONS Extended hours 7am - 7pm Hourly Loaner Cars Keep-In-Touch Pagers FREE Rides 693-1000 107 Brentwood College Station, TX 77840 COMICS Page 6 THE BATTALION Thursday, FebruaryT. ALL UE BY R. DELUNA Pradhan liursday, Febn (v\AbE it i\) to The TgXrtS F'LM FEbllMfiL PRIVATE LUAJCH.... AJoU LET S Hi, Tai Robert fawcuEz po RrOOwJ you)(MATT D/1A0AJ» Soys ? or call 696-8886(TUTOR) BEa) .AFFLECK! U)ou)! Voo 6uv5 should /v)y SPfd/qL 6UE5T5 HT /v)y SC^FEAI//U6 Oa) HEY rtATTV, Too PoTTfATj Oa) H Yum HE'S LITTLE ' UEtGHr?J Continued fromtt mmd>\ 'I/O HIS LIKE A)EXT Too THE/^ APPiES ?/_ I DON'T GET IT BY GRINN & BARRETT Acct 209 Billy’s Video Kratchman Part I Tue Feb 22 9pni'12am Part II Wed Feb 23 9pm-12am Acct 209 Strawser Test Review Mon Feb 21 9pm-I2am Acct 210 Part I Mon Feb 21 7pm-9pm Part II Tue Feb 22 7pm-9pm Part III Wed Feb 23 7pm-9pm Him 1\ Thu Feb 24 7pm-9pm Mgmt 211 Non-Majors Parti Tue Feb 22 7pm-9pni Part II Wed Feb 23 7pm-9pm Mgmt 211 Rodriguez | Part III Sun Feb 20 7pm-9pm Tickets go on safe Sunday at 6:30 PM. 4,0 & Go is located on the comer of SW Pkwy and Tx Ave, behind KFC next to Lack's. Check our web page at wn mw B PSWb ©'S'ff 2. ZEEB & CON BY E. ANPRAOS 4 o. Oj X<\ ' S 7one TONIGHT Ladies' Night all ladies in FREE all night! $ 1 pints all night long $ 1 jello shots all night 1 bar drinks til 11 p.m. 696-5570 for details Party Safe and Designate a Driver OK, Tn OfcDCR To DESi&N , am AD-0AMPAI6rM For THIS taev^M&ELisr, wf neeo To UMOERSTAMO exactly ^what goes into these SERMON?.. Pibst Thing's Fikt ; the/ oeptud ON EXTRAVAGANCE...Anp L3I5 f 0F XT! WE'RE TALKING DRA M ATtC Shifts in Tones ; Qopy-Boilping knuckle-heaps AnP OfyLENT . SET DESlCrNS WHICH COULP RIVAL A An audit by the Texas A&M versity System led to an indict® Pradhan in Feb. 1998, accusing diverting more than $100, bank accounts. Pradhan said the investigation' only after his outspokenness racial harassment, diversity, am tenure review. He claims tha Sparks, a federal judge in Austin, that A&M proceeded illegally wta was suspended, and Pradhan wasi mediately reinstated after having! on leave with pay. Pradhan said he simply wantsi letl alone. He said the University! brought five criminal chargesagains in the past two years. “They are squeezing blood om stone,” Pradhan said. Pradhan said the Southern attitiss faculty, staff and administration isoR the driving forces behind the Univers discriminating harassment against nority staff members. “1 don’t think my story is unique.' han said. “There have been manycastsl mine mine just got too much prei' Pradhan believes false accuse were made against him based entire;: his ethnicity. He sent an e-mail mess 600 faculty members in Oct 1996.1#: to form a labor union for A&Mprofe “Within 24 hours, the vice chance of Texas A&M began an intense^ hunt to find accusations against Ps han,” said Charles Orsbum, Pradk hos modekn aui2. SHOvIS in fgKtfs OF PATPONIIINO-. MTlON. The serfaonS also heavily ON the congregation, which is Basically comprised OF AN EASILY SWAVEO FLOCK fHEep ready to prof ^ThE Floor IN C0LTi6 ^CSTACY , PRAlSlNCr HALLELUAH ANp OTHER SUCH KJON SENSE l louston attorney, in a Jan. 21, I99S6i that would do he Texas A ■eb. 17-19 t Afterathn he Big 12 co women’s swir This accoi ending Big 11 Jniversity of “It used to Then there's the preacher... EETWEEn damning everyone To HELL ANP SIMULTANEOUSLY spewing THE RHETORIC OF UNCONDITIONAL ldvB, he, reasons that since g-od' IS THE very Source OF MONEY, HIS Audience should ; HAPPILY RETURN THE I? ^LIFE SAVINGS To XT'S 'rightful owneK. SoivvEHOuJ, T CANT HELP Bur feel we're missing A CRUCIAL ElEMEhT \Vj ALL OP THIS..'. oh! WE CAN'T FoPCrET AOour THAT WICKED HEATHEN^ SPORTING HER RIDICULOUS Pink HAIR weave while Shamelessly crying RIVERS OF Slack MASCARA ALL .IN A PATHETIC ATTcMPT To IWCITE; Sympathy from the PU&L1 c talion article. Pradhan said two other Unives professors — Dr. Richard WyskandB Ignatio RtxJriguez — felt it was imp live to resign from their positions at At) and continue their work elsewhere. Wysk is now a professor at Penniy vania State University’s Department oft dustrial and Manufacturing Engineers Rodriguez is employed by Princetf University’s Department of Civil and b vironrnental Engineering. Rcxinguezar: since he left A&M, he does not care to® merit on what was still takingplacetee. Pradhan said basic rights ms vio lated throughout the duration otfeac cusations and litigation. He cla»\i rights to due process were violated that he was subjected to illegal seat and seizure. On Oct. 28, 1996, Pradhan wasi Washington D.C. at an academic conft ence. His computer, computer recos and files were seized from his office. Pradhan said he was arrested home on Dec. 15, 1999 and no M rights were read. NEED MONEY FOR SPRING BREAK? THE 12TH MAN FOUNDATION IS NOW HIRING FOR POSITIONS IN ITS 2000 TELEMARKETING CAMPAIGN ♦ Earn $ 6.00 per hour Plus Bonuses ♦ Gain Valuable Work Experience ♦ Help Support Texas A&M and Keep A&M Athletics on Top Please call us at 846-8892 for application and interview information. FOUNDATION SUPPORTING EDUCATION THROUGH ATHLETICS Explore Your Potential With a Proven Leader. Liberal Arts Career Fair Choosing the right job is one of the most important and sometimes frustrating decisions a person can make. At UCS, we just may have the career you’ve been looking for. UCS has been providing software solutions for auto dealerships for the past thirty years. We are looking for adventurous professionals for our Houston and College Station offices. Opportunities available include: Software Training Software Installation Customer Service PC/LAN Support Sales/Marketing Consulting Writing/Editing All positions provide full training. To learn more about our career opportunities, please visit us at the Liberal Arts Career Fair, February 18th in Rudder Exhibit Hall from 10:00am - 3:00pm. If you are unable to attend, but would still like to apply, please submit your resume or visit our website. EOE. Universal Computer Systems, Inc. Attn ad # 1666 6700 Hollister, Houston, TX 77040 (409) 595-2609 UCS hires non-tobacco users only Be on your way to an “A” • Organized, detailed, typed notes • Done by top students in class • Fast quality service • Semester packs, exam packs, and daily notes HOW DOES IT WORK? Top students in selected classes take notes which are then typed afi available for you to pick up the NEXT DAY! You may pick up the notes whenever you wist daily, weekly, or before exams - whenever. 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ZOOL 320.501-5H theNCAAs,” years, we’ve s pete.” Sterkel sai trend of stead; ent pool, no p Besides 111 versity ofNcT prietors of ev< per conferenc have popped i “This yeai lot,” Sterkel si all gotten beti Texas A<5 Bultman, ini- petition, said UTabout the the conferenc 694-9403 707 Texas Ave., 222D (Next to Barnes & Noble) STUDY ABROAD ITALY AT THE SANTA CHI A Ft/ CENTER & RECEIVE A FULL SEMESTER OF TAMU CREDIT FALL 2000 Hurry, only 11 spots available! Enroll in a minimum of 12. credits in courses taught in English by TAMU professors OPEN TO ALL MAJORS: CARC 301: Graphic Arts (3) CARO 311-551: Visual Notes/Drawing, or Painting, or Sculpture (3) CARC 311-552: Installations/Galleries & Exhibits (3) CARC 331/ARTS 350: History of Art & Civilization (3) CARC 485: Directed Studies (3) CARC 489: Special Topics (3) ENDS 311: Photography (3) : or more information A to pick up an application: TAMU Study Abroad Office . 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