wmmemm 4 \ ^ : :3b % Workshops focus on directiSI BY KYLE WHITACRE The Battalion Vf.! V* 4 ' *r > . ' n A ::t > he Texas Film Festival is not just about showing independent films; it is about much more. Each year the festival holds free workshops for those interested in the differ ent aspects of filmmaking. This year, the 7th Annual Texas Film Festival will hold eight workshops and include diverse topics such as computer animation, film theorv and production. “This year a majority of the workshops will be held by the filmmakers themselves,” said Casey Starr, director of the Texas Film Festival and a senior industrial distribution major. 'in the past years the workshops have mainly been given by A&M professors. This year we asked the filmmakers coming if they would like to host workshops and a lot of them jumped on the opportunity.” “Professors have usually done just 'critiques’ of films, yvhile the directors coming have actual experience and many stories to tell,” said Ryan Whitworh. chair of MSC Film Society and a senior biomedical science major. "Most of the filmmakers we asked didn’t need much time to decide yvhat they wanted to do a workshop on. They knew what they wanted to talk about." In addition to filmmakers giving workshops. Scott Meadows and Tina Messinger. graduate students from the Visualization Laboratory at A&M, yvill be holding a workshop on 3-D Modeling. Texturing and Animation. Four directors yvill be hosting workshops Wednesday through Friday afternoon in R udder Tower. On Wednesday, former student Jo Streit yvill be hosting “The Art and Business of Producing Films” workshop. Streit directed Flirting with Power, a documentary about Ross Perot's 1992 presidential campaign. The workshop yvill deal with the yarious job requirements of producers on a feature I Meridith Scott Lynn, who co-directed ai duced Standing on Fishes, yvill host “Howtel your loyy budget lilm and '.ell it