The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, February 10, 2000, Image 2
(409)764-4444 ROBERT RODRIGUEZ FAMED DIRECTOR OF EL MARIACHI, DESPERADO, AND THE FACULTY $ 10 $ 10 INTRODUCING HIS FILM EL MARIACHI FEBRUARY 19 8:00PM RUDDER AUDITORIUM TICKETS AVAILABLE @ MSC BOX OFFICE OR BUY A FILM FESTIVAL PASS FOR ACCESS TO ALL FOUR EVENTS FESTIVAL PASS *30 73 The views expressed are not necessarily those of Texas A&M University, the Memorial Student Center, or MSC ICONS. Persons with disabilities please call 845-1515 to inform us of your special needs. We request notification three (3) working days prior to the event to enable us to assist you to the best of our abilities. Presented by ICM Artists LTD. Lecture Division n vmwwwvvvwmww HPI'fifPfW The Memorial Student Center Black Awareness Committee presents... “Cddbratim of Adtiewmcuf” Texas Business Leaders/Nubian Awards Reception Thursday, February 10,2000 3 pm J. Wayne Stark Gallery toffee (toht'fmjfcte its *o *s5is6'j®afo'tl»Wt NEWS Page 2 THE BATTALION rhursday, Febne A day at the park Wome faculty ELIZABETH OTARREU.T m BATTai i miss o Scarlett Elliston, a sophomore elementary education major, and Chris Martin, a sophomore finance major, enjoy the weather while studying at Research Park. Replant Lie’ Sis Continued from Page 1 places, including schools and the local waste management site. Arriens said Replant was founded on. the principle of giving back to the envi ronment what has been taken away. The first Replant was held in the spring of 1991, when Scott Hantman of the Student Government Env ironmental Issues Committee teamed up with Bon fire leaders to plant 400 trees. Later that year. Replant was named an official Aggie Tradition by the Texas A&M Traditions Council. Replant be came an official Student Government Committee in 1994. Students interested in participating can fill out a registration form at tables in the Memorial Student Center, the Blocker Building and the Wehner Build ing or fill out the form online at Continued from Page 1 because fraLs don’t accept people w ho would give them a bad name,” the source said. The source said she experi enced one inci dent of sexual ha rassment during rush when one of the rushees made a derogatory com- “There are too many liability and membership issues to keep the pro gram. The disadvantages outweighed the advantages "There are too many liability and mem bership issues to keep the program." — Brian Ott member of Sigma Alpha Epsilon ment to her, but the actives supported her and made sure he was not allowed to at tend any more Rush events. Tie “LiT Sis” program was abolished for a number of reasons, said Brian Ott, a member of the national chapter of Sig ma Alpha Epsilon. and forced them to be banned.” Ott said. Although the “LiT Sis” pro gram has been banned by most fraternities and is against feder al law. Texas A&M has no formal policy outlawing the program. "It’s best for the women to not be a part [of the “LiT Sis” program] if it is illegal. Lixik into the other 7(X) progams on cam pus. It is asking for trouble,” said Scott Blackwell, Greek Life adviser for IFC. (AP) -Women doctors likely than their male peers! medical schools but are far !y to get promoted to seniot positions, a study found According to the study ;• day's New England Journal cine, women who gradual;: American medical schools li ' to 1993 w ere 10 percent ma; than male graduates to pursue in academic medicine Through 1997, the wome percent less likely than menic moled (rum junior faculty associate professor, and stillfe \ anced from associate tofiiUpn “Women are still confr riers to their success,” Dr Man son, a professor of endua u\ at Harvard MedicalSd: was not involved in ihesk “The glass ceiling may b cracks in it. but it hasn't; crashing down.” Women accounted for i: one-quarter of all media graduates in 1979. TheirniE! climbed to 38 percent in b continue to rise. About 11 percent of fental graduates entered academia course of the study. The bigs:: in the 1980s: Dr. C alhenneCt lis, editor of the Journal of tit: can Medical Association, st that women entered the ar, field of academic medicines they felt they had som< Lynn Nonnemaker, a w ith the Association ofAmeniii ical Colleges and the study said there are encouragingsa women who graduated inK may Iv closer to achievingpr those w ho graduated in the'fel ursday. Ft Thursday Campus Calendar Saddle & Sirloin Club: We will meet in Rudder The ater at 7:30 p.m. Guest speaker is Baxter Black. Pagan Student Association: There will be a social meeting in 231 MSC at 8:30p.m. Any one who wishes to learn more about Pagan ism is welcome. Bible study, fun, and fellowship p.m. at Our Savior’s Lutheran Chutth near Northgate. The Texas A&M University Chapter of Texas Public Employees Association (TPEA): We will meet Thursday, Feb. 10, from Noon to 1 p.m. in the Old Country Buffet meeting room. Busi ness meeting will be 12:15 to 12:45. Dis cussion topic this month will be the similarities and differences between state supported high er education institutions and other state agen cies. or Jan Richards, Chapter President, Sunday Wittenberg Lutheran Brotherhood: We are having our weekly Bible study at 7 p.m. Any one interested should contact Justin, Joel or Philip at 779-7078 for more information. Din ner will be provided. Alzheimer’s Association/Brazos Valley Fam ily Support Group: We will be holding a meet ing of caring and sharing the various problems encountered in taking care of our loved ones suffering from dementia. It will be at 3:00 p.m. at the A&M Presbyterian Church (behind Dixie Chicken). For more information, please call Pat at 693-1680 or Sally at 693-8707 (evenings). Aggie Toastmasters: Learn publics:* and interviewing skills with possibles [ tion. Will be in Rudder at 8:30® P screen. For more information please: Laura at 695 2833. Wednesday Agnostic & Atheist Student Group:?* be a discussion on why people believe at 7 p.m. in 707 Rudder. Contacts 731-1126 for details. Tuesday Aggie Lutherans Treehouse: Join us for a TAMU Collegiate 4-H: We will be general meeting at 7:30 p.m. in If berg. For more information contact 680-0932. fllED GARfft INFLATABLE Heater co The things that Fred Garbo and Daielma Santos can do with props fall nothing short of amazing. Don't miss their one-night-only performance! Fred Garbo Inflatable Theater Co. Saturday, February 12 at 7:00 PM Rudder Auditorium FOR THE YOUNG AT ART! For tickets, call 845-1234. Or order on-line at Season Medio Partners: EDDIE’S TJU SERVICE it VI al al entertai and c red Garbo lalents to R I The sho niquely de he show oi • Former driver w/ Uni Taxi • Hablo Espanol Call 219-1848 THF Mariam Mohiuddin, Editor in Chid Beverly Mireles, Managing Editor Meredith Might, Community Editor Stuart Hutson, Campus Editor Kyle Whitacre, Aggielifc Editor Veronica Serrano, Aggielifc Editor Mariano Castillo, Opinion Editor Eric Dickens, Opinion Editor Jeff Kempf, Night News Editor Doug Shilling, Sports Editor Jason Bennyhoff, Radio Producer Brandon Payton, Web Master Robert Hynecek, Graphics Editor Ruben Delnna, Graphics Editor Guy Rogers, Photo Editor JP Beato, Photo Editor Dave Amber, Science and Technol°?J | The Battalion (ISSN #1055-4726) is publishedd#*? Friday during the fall and spring semesters a# 1 | Thursday during the summer session (except exam periods) at Texas ASM University, College Station, IK 77840. POSTMASTER: Send The Battalion, 015 Reed McDonald BuildingJ®* College Station, TX 77843-1111. J Ness; The Battalion news depadment is managed h* A&M University in the Division of Student Med* Department of Journalism, News offices are in 0 Building. Newsroom phone: 845-3313: Fa*- ( Web site: http://!) 8 ® 1 ** Advertising: Publication of advertising does not endorsement by The Battalion. For campus, locaj a ( advertising, call 845-2696. For classified a** 11 ® 11 . Advertising offices are In 015 Reed McDonald, an a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday. Fax: 845- 2 Subscriptions: A pad of the Student Services f** * . A&M student to pick up a single copy of The 8 additional copies 254. Mail subscriptions are 1 for the fall or spring semester and $17.50 ford 18 by Visa, MasterCard, Discover, or American Express