The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, February 08, 2000, Image 4

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    Texas A£M Career Center
Graduate Student Events for the week of:
Feb. S - Feb 14
★Feb. 9
★Feb. 10
Resume & Cover Letter
5:50pm 504 Rudder
Independent dob Search for
Liberal Arts
5:50pm 404 Rudder
Career Center 209 Koldus 845-5139
Page 4
Tuesday, February 8.: I
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Official Contest Rules
Entries must include your name, age, address and local phone number, on a separate page from the
poem being entered.
Students in grades K - 12 should indicate their school. College students should indicate their college
and graduation year. All this should be attached a separate page.
Poems of any type may be submitted. There will be a special category for sonnets.
There is no limit to the number of poems submitted by each individual. However only one prize will be
awarded per person.
A prize will be awarded for the best poem and best sonnet. Other prizes will be awarded as entries
Poems must be legible (hand written or typed).
All members of MSC Literary Arts are excluded from winning.
All entries must be post marked by Wednesday, 16 February 2000.
Prizes will be awarded at Barnes and Noble at 2pm on Sunday, 20 Febmary 2000.
No purchase necessary
How to Enter
All entries must be mailed to the following address:
MSC Literary Arts Shakespeare Sonnet Contest 2000
P.O. Box J-l
College Station, TX 77844-9081
Rampage 2:
Universal Tour
System: N64
Genre: Arcade
Developer: Midway
Ape Escape
System: Playstation
Genre: Adventure
Developer: Sony
the funkmaster
Add local events to
and promote
the hell out of it on your campus,
Rampage 2: Universal Tour is a
great waste of time. Although this can
be a nice stress reliever after a tough day
of classes, it is just not worth it other
Up to three players each control a gi
ant monster and the simple concept is to
destroy as many cities as possible. The
reason for the monsters rampaging
through these cities is to rescue the
monsters from the first Rampage game
which have been captured by the gov
ernment. Once these monsters are res
cued, they become playable characters.
Improvements over the first Ram
page include new monsters, special at
tacks, mini-games and space
cities. The mini-games
bring out the cut
throat in each play
er since the players
compete against
each other instead of
against little computer
ized soldiers. But the first Rampage
had certain unique and fun elements
that were left out of the sequel like
the abil ity to jump on and
control a tighter jet and the
toxic waste that, when eat
en, mutates your monster
into a more powerful one.
I lowever, the fun in the
game lies in its mere simplicity. Any
body can pick up a controller and do just
as well as a seasoned video game pro.
The game uses only three buttons so the
controls are basic and easy to leam. The
repetition of the game, on the other
hand, is its major downfall. You can
play this game for hours and feel like
you have gotten nowhere. Each level
plays exactly like the previous, and after
a couple of demolished cities, the idea of
crushing buildings beneath your list is
just no longer appealing.
So if you are looking to mindlessly
waste a couple of hours, this game is for
you. If not, avoid this game. (Grade: C-)
Ape Escape i> the perfect excuse to
polish up \ our ( harlton 1 lesion imper
sonation, bash a few simian heads in and
not get thrown in an insane asylum tor
doing so.
Hie storv is classic. Boy meets mon-
kc\s. Boy loses monkeys. Monkeys be
come super smart and go back in time to
change the course of ape evolution in the
hopes of world domination. Armed with
a really big net, a stun club that looks like
a light saber and a slew of other really
cool gadgets, the player must recapture
the apes and save the human race from
extinction. Quite simple, really.
()ne of the only drawbacks to Age Es
cape is that it requires you to use the joy
sticks on an analog controller to move
around and sw ing your weapons. Not
only dines this take some getting used to,
but it also leaves any old-school players
that are still using regular controllers upa
creek w ithout a paddle.
The play er hops from time period to
time periixl capturing the monkey quota
for that area. While this might seem like
it would get old after a while, the mon
keys are always coming up with nev
ways to get you oft their back, from
dropping banana peels to shooting you
w ith a machine gun. Needless to say, it
keeps things interesting. The game play
is smooth and features a “Mario 64-es-J
que" perspective, rounding out an over
all good game.
Monkeys and light sabers. What more
could you ask for',
(Grade: A)
— Ruben
Gabby Rucnes
11 hook you up with $8 / hour
Continued from Page 3
case of an emergency difficult and pos
sibly perilous. The senior finance ma
jor who journeyed through the tunnels
said he was disappointed by his expe
rience in the steam tunnels.
“I always heard stories about the
steam tunnels and everything, but when
I went down for myself it wasn’t every
thing I thought it would be,” the senior
finance major said.
The steam tunnels may hold many
treasures of the past and jewels of stu
dent study-break adventure, bull
consequences of exploring thisfaci
A&M culture could effectivelyreufl
one from it. The extent ofexplorai
of these tunnels should be limits!
the stones of others who have ex(l
enced them.
Hendrix. Van Halen. Fisk.
A born risk taker, Eliot Fisk has revolutionized the classical guitar world
with his youth and innovative play. Don't miss your chance to find out
why Eliot Fisk is recognized around the world as one of the
most brilliant and gifted young musical artists of our time.
Eliot Fisk, Guitarist
Sunday, February 13 at 2 PM
Rudder Theatre
Immediately following the performance, please join
moderator Penny Zent for a discussion with Eliot Fisk.
Tickets? Call 845-1234.
Or, place your order at
Season Media Partners:
Pi OS2
The Muslim Students’
Association Presents:
Islam 101-An Intro to Isb
Articles of Faith
Feb. 10@ 7 PM in MSC 231
Future sessions (Every 2 weeks): Feb 24; March 9 & 23
Free Admission!
Refreshments served!)
Future Topics:
Prophets (Peace be upon them) of Islam
How do Muslims view Salvation ?
What is the Quran ?
e-mail: Islam 101
Visit our table in the MSC every Thurs. between 1 lam - 2pm
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