The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, February 04, 2000, Image 5

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I chmary 4. 2(H)() T H K BATTAUON 5
Continued from Page 3
Uev* Q: Do you plan on doing any more
a* horror?
It depends on the script. If it’s a good
and it scares me while I am reading
en I’m all over it.
Have you read any that we don’t
about, that you might be keeping
nder wraps?
'eah, yeah, but I am not saying. But
einitely there is one, I couldn’t get it out
fnn head. 1 was so spooked.
Q: A lot of sex symbols, w hich you
obviously are, are afraid to show them
selves acting goofy or crazy or not look-
” *ng absolutely perfect and you have al-
c * 4fw aj s seemed willing to do that. Why are
^ K you so willing to do that, and why do
; r you think so many other sex symbols
. are afraid of show ing themselves in a
less than perfect light?
hat is such a great question. I can tell
yoti that for me, I don’t know the answer
O tfiat. Maybe because they are compli
mented so much, they are afraid of look-
uit»i ing any other way; people would look
i ‘ down at them. For me, 1 have always
p!iH|ted to be looked at as way more. 1
knew 1 had such a voice, such a spirit in
side of me, that I had to show my real side.
I had to show my imperfections. I had to
show that I was human and not a perfect
pinup because, let me tell you, I met them
and they’re not. (Laughs.)
Q: In next month’s Maxim, I saw
you had gone brunette. Is that a con
scious decision to sort of get aw ay from
that blond bombshell-type image?
Continued from Page 1
8 Songs such as "Sonora’s Death Row,”
“The Road Goes on Forever” and “Cor
pus Christi Bay,” chronicle tales of some
times tragic characters in their struggles
with their own mortality. morally
com icting songs are adequately balanced
by more carefree favorites such as “That
Bucking Song,” “Merry' Christmas From
the Family” and “Copenhagen.”
To many. Keen’s body of work pales
No, it was actually for a film, but I de
cided to keep it for a while because 1 liked
it. I think instead of kind of being blond
bombshelly, 1 consider it more naughty
than anything else. I’m just going to have
fun with it for a little while.
Q: Could you tell us about your
character in Scream 3? Does she bear
any similarities to you or to the Jenny we
all fell in love with on “Singled Out”?
It depends on what you thought of me
on “Singled Out.” Well, this character,
Sarah Darling, is a bit of a brat, and I liked
playing it because I’m really not a brat. It
was fun to do. It really wasn’t called for,
but I thought of the character and I
thought, ‘She’s a little actress, why not
make her a typical actress and make her a
little of a brat.’ Sarah Darling doesn’t have
the lead in Stab 3, she’s just got basically
the sex scene.
Q: You’ve been on hiatus from show
business for a year and a half, how w as
that break for you?
The break was amazing. It was so
wonderful just to chill and stop for a little
bit and regroup because if I didn’t, I think
I would have fizzled out. I needed that
time to stop and think a little bit, ‘What do
I really want?’ and during that time I fell
in love, and then I was patient and waited
for the right script and that script was Di
amonds with Kirk Douglas and it was a
smaller role but it was the perfect role to
show a little more of a dramatic side, and
then Scream came along. Now it is going
the w ay I want it to go instead of the way
my team and agents wanted it to go. I get
to make the call.
Q: It seems like so often the public
just associates your characters with
in comparison to his presence on stage.
He has developed an army of concert
faithfuls across Texas and beyond. Keen’s
distinct ability to successfully create re
laxed, easy-going moods and connect
with audiences has influenced other per-
formers from Pat Green to Jack Ingram.
“My challenge is not to repeat my
self,” Keen said.
Audience members can watch
Keen challenge himself and also see
Lovett perform at Reed Arena Sunday
beginning at 6 p.m.
Scream 3
Starring: Neve Campbell
and Courtney Cox
Directed by: Wes Craven
Scream 3 is the third and final chap-
j ter in the immensely popular Scream se
ries. With a nice tie-in to the first two,
the film works, but lacks any real punch
j due to several shortcomings.
The story begins when new murders
begin as the movie within the movie.
Stab 3, begins production. Uniting old
cast members with new ones, a fight for
survival begins, and no one is safe. As
with the first two movies, the key once
again is Sidney (Campbell), wfio, along
with Dewey (David Arquette) and Gail
i Weathers (Cox), is back for the ride.
In a nice casting move, this film also
features the talent of Parker Posey. Jenny
McCarthy and Scott Foley. Also included
is a cameo by Silent Bob and Jay, charac
ters from director Kevin Smith’s films
; (including Clerks and Dogma ),who tour
! the studio where Stab 3 is being shot.
Director Craven {Scream and Scream
2) is again at the helm, but instead of an
other script by the series' creator, Kevin
who you really are and really don’t
know you. While you have the chance is
there something about yourself that you
would like to tell the public?
There always is. There are so many
dimensions about each one of ourselves.
There’s definitely the serious side of me,
and there’s the goofy side that makes
Williamson, this movie features a new
writer, Ehren Kruger. Kruger’s screenplay
is bitingly tunny in its satirical representa- J
tion of Hollywood, particularly the studio
system. This, combined with the way the |
story dovetails so perfectly with the first,
make the new Scream fairly entertaining.
However, there are a few' problems
with the movie. To start with, many of the
scenes are not nearly as polished as those
in either of the first tw'o movies. For the
third time around, one would expect some
intense scenes, but instead the viewer is
subjected to unoriginal, and frankly, dull
scenes of mayhem. Also, despite much
exposition, the central characters are not
really allowed to develop as much as they
need to. In fact, Campbell is not seen very
much in the film’s first 30 minutes. Final
ly, the motive for the murder, if not the
murderer’s identity, is tipped to viewers
too early in the movie.
Despite the cleverness of much of die
dialogue, Saeam 3 is just not as fun as ei
ther of the first two, and consequently
viewers should let the series be laid to
rest. (Grade: C)
— Matt McCormick'
people laugh, w'hich is so important.
There is also this very spiritual side, that
I believe in faith, and I read a lot of spir
itual books, that kind of stuff that people
don’t know about. Also, that I am a hu
man being, I hurt like everybody else,
that when Joan Rivers makes fun of me,
I get pissed off and just want to cry. It’s
the real side.
People in the News
Letterman to return
sooner than thought
NEW YORK (AP) — Is David Let
terman planning a Valentine's Day
surprise for his fans?
His representatives weren’t com
menting Thursday on reports that
the “Late Show” host, who is re
covering from heart surgery, will re
turn to his show Feb. 14.
“We suspect Dave will be
back sooner rather than later,”
spokesperson Steve Ruben-
stein said.
“He’s been doing great. But no
date has been set."
Letterman paid a surprise visit
to his office Monday for a couple of
hours and talked with staff mem
bers about his first show back.
He has since left the country on
vacation, Rubenstein said.
Rumors of a Feb. 14 return ap
parently spread since CBS has not
formally canceled that week's show
or told expected guests they won’t
be needed.
Women’s Coffee Houses are an informal gathering every other
week to discuss life, struggles and successes, and gain strength and
support from each other.
Please join us this Sunday at 7pm. upstairs at Coffee Station
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