The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, February 04, 2000, Image 3

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rida\, February 4, 2000
Page 3
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enny McCarthy was selected as tlie 1993 Playmate of
the Year by Playboy magazine and w ithin two years, she
landed a co-hosting job on MTV’s hit show “Singled
Out.” Alter staying with the show for a few seasons, Jenny left
to focus on her own sketch comedy show on MTV. When her
show was switched to a sitcom on NBC, Jenny left MTV to pur
sue that. Finally, in 1998 after her TV show on NBC was can
celled, Jenny took a long break. Now she is back in the antici
pated Stream 3 and she talks with The Battalion about her break,
her comeback and what’s next for her.
W as actually screaming a part of auditioning for
Scream 3?
No, not in my particular part. 1 would imagine if
it was on the script, 1 would have screamed my guts out. I would
have given it all 1 had.
What did vou have to do to audition?
I’ve got to tell you, the first time I met Wes, 1 was terrified.
My hands were all sweaty because 1 thought that he was going
to be some creepy, scary man because of his movies. He turned
out to be the sweetest, shyest, most wonderful man I have ever
met, besides my husband. It was so great to go on to a set and
completely trust him, because, man does he really know' how to
move a camera. He moves it so we get a little bit more scared.
W hat other projects are you working on?
Do you like television better than movies?
You know, it’s really hard to say. Making movies is so much
fun. I love it. 1 love going to the theaters and seeing myself blown
up, but there is so much fun in television too, because 1 get to be
in people’s homes all the time. There is something great about
that. There's something great about when people come up to you
on the street and they feel like they know you. 1 love that feel
ing and 1 miss it. That is why I am going back to television.
I have Diamonds [a movie with Kirk Douglas] coming out
at the end of February, and currently I am in production to de
velop a show' for the fall. I’ll be back on television.
W hat w as it like to work w ith Kirk Douglas and
Lauren Bacall on Diamonds?
Do you hope that being in Scream 3 will help
boost vour career?
Usually with an audition, you get your script or
the pages you need to read ahead of time and you get to practice
a little bit. Because this is so confidential, you got that when you
w alked in the room. You didn't really have time to prepare at all,
and you read your stuff, and you said, ‘Thank you’ and you left.
Then you prayed to God that you got the phone call.
How did you feel about working w ith the rest of
the Scream cast?
I thought it was pretty cool. I watched the first
two Screams and by the end of the first one. 1 was like, ‘Where
the hell am I? 1 should be in this movie.’ So when I got the op
portunity to do Scream 3,1 thought it was so cool and 1 was so
excited to be working with the rest of the cast.
Did you work well with Wes Craven?
Yes. Ultimately, I hope anything I do will help boost my ca
reer. This was just really fun to be part of the trilogy. I thought it
was perfect for my demographic. It’s not like it is Meryl Streep
work, so I am not counting on insane reviews. But it was defi
nitely fun, and I was so excited to do it.
It was kind of like one of those daydreams that never really
happened. The first day on set was with Kirk and Lauren and I
didn't know what to do. I felt a little out of my league, of course.
I just wanted to do so well to make them proud, and Kirk, he
worked so hard to make his movie terrific, and I just have to hold
him up so high for doing that, for struggling each day to get it
up and do a kick ass job, and I love him for it.
With the third film, did you guys go the extra
mile to make it even more?
Are you a fan of scary' movies in general?
It definitely has some more “oomph” to it — 1 can tell you
that much. I don't really know too much of what is in the movie
because I really only got my pages, but I can tell you that my
character alone is well worth it.
1 love scary movies, but I am a big baby. 1 can’t sleep at night.
I have to leave all the lights on. (The] scariest film [for me], I
must say was The Exorcist. It terrified me.
What other actors did you work w ith out of the
cast, like Neve Campbell or Parker Posey?
Would you like to be the perfect torchbearer for
a new generation of scream queens, or is this more
of a one ty pe deal?
Scott Foley. That's about it. Actually, 1 shouldn’t say that's
about it. Because a lot of other actors are in the movie, but I can't
remember all their names.
1 know for a fact that this is a one shot deal. They always
meant for this to be a trilogy and so they won't be having any
more for sure.
See McCarthy on Page 5.
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