The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, February 01, 2000, Image 2 1800648 ’ 4849 .STUDENT JTRAVEL -SERVICES tatrio's #! SMwl Twr Opntw Call today! Space is limited Earn Trips Sell Cash Go Free !!! BMC WEST BUILDING MATERIALS SOUTHCENTRAL DIVISION Partners in Building Texas Attn. Business & Construction Science Majors BMC West is the leading supplier of millwork and building materials for productions and custom home builders in the western half of the U.S. Over the past 10 years we have grown in size from 20 locations and s l45 million in sales to 60 locations with S 1 billion in sales. On Feb. 2 & 3 rJ representatives will be on campus at the Construction Science Career Fair. Stop by our booth and learn about the excellent opportunities that are available in our growing corporation. There are various positions available. We are currently seeking Administrative Managers, CAD Designers and Outside Sales Associates for various locations in Texas. Flope to see you there! CONSTRUCTION SCIENCE CAREER FAIR LANGFORD ARCHITECTURE CENTER BOOTHS OPEN FEBRUARY 2 nd and 7 th INTERVIEWS FEBRUARY 3 rd & 8 th OVER 90 COMPANIES RECRUITING FOR FULL TIME AND CO-OP POSITIONS IN THE CONSTRUCTION, DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT INDUSTRY. HAVE AN INTEREST IN CAREER OPPORTUNITIES IN THE CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY? COME CHECK IT OUT. GREAT OPPORTUNITIES FOR A WIDE VARIETY OF MAJORS. Texas A6-M Career Center Events for the week of: Feb. 1 - Feb 7 ★Feb. 1 Placement Orientation 5pw 410 Rudder ★Feb. 1 Behavioral Interviewing 5:45pw 110 Koldus ★Feb. Z Mock Interview Pay Saw- 5pw 209 Koldus ★Feb. Z Placement Orientation 12 noon 410 Rudder ★Feb. Z Internship Strategies 5:30pw 30S Rudder ★Feb. $ Resume Writing 5pw 30S Rudder ★Feb. 4 Placement Orientation 12 noon 504 Rudder ★Feb. 7 Placement Orientation 5:5 Op w 504 Rudder Career Center 209 Koldus 845-5139 http://careercenter.tamu.ed “Thank you Kaplan... ...Yesterday I had the chance to put all of the things the Kaplan class taught me and all of my hard work to good use. I cannot tell you how happy I am. Finally I have overcome one of my greatest weaknesses: the standardized test." -Melissa 330 point increase Class starts February 22. Call to enroll! 1 -800-KAP-TEST AOL keyword: kaplan *GRE is the registered trademark of the Educational Testing Service. Kaplan gets you in. CAMPUS Page 2 THK BA I I Al.lON IWsday Knocked out Tuesday, February worme PATRIC SCHRtJOCHThi ? Jody Plkenton, a senior Industrial distribution major, holds the punching bag for Matt D'Amc senior industrial distribution major, at the Student Recreation Center. Volunteer fair hopes to draw new recm BY KENNETH MACDONALD The Battalion Alpi I Phi ()nX£t: Shorn Hostetler is looking for a few good volunteers. Hostetler, director of the Brazos Valley Rape Crisis Center, is hoping to find stu dents willing to fit volunteer work at the Center into their schedules. “Right now, we have 27 |volunteers) but we would like to have 45 to 50," she said. “We have a lot ofA&M students but we tend to lose people at graduation.” The Volunteer ()pportunity Fair, being held in the Memorial Student Center 1 lag Room Feb. 1 and 2., draws community sen ice and students together. The lair, sponsored die Volunteer Ser vices Center, will host over 25 agencies, including Phoebe’s 1 Ionic, the Brazos County Rape Crisis C enter and 1 labitat for Humanityi "Aggies are very giving to the com munity. This is an opportunity to let them see what is out there and lets them choose,” Lori Salter, coordinator for the B ryan-Coll Coulter, Globe-wi speaking at Texa iti the film busim ■ Coulter is bri to educate Aggu ■ "1 want to si world outside ot ■ A former res AtVM Consolid; rejected local s( ty of Texas. I “I was more i ed in theater, anc ater department was the desire tc I Coulter said th ■ “It was comp almall-town sef tifen is ovenvhel 1 While attend through the typ sAidy. He said hi fiipd his path thn “I saw an a Cklyssey by [Slat thi ng about the f wanted to do,” < ■ “I was trying “If you don't know where to start lvol unteering], it is hard to know where to begin.” Wain involved as well as g Salter said the ex munity service don known because there the 700 student org their service hours to Jennifer Spellce. 'allot Uni\ vNuliman said many votyr (unities are available Ism weekly and semester long pi “I f y (Hi don't know where untecring). it is hard to knows gin. This is a good oppoitir* something to do." Waltman& Access Students Gran 1 System: Genr Developer: / Continued from Page l groups, the task force gathered student input and used the results to prioritize the needs of the A&M community. Miller said she found the amount of ignorance about the transportation system startling. One result of the student input indicated many stu dents did not know that the on-campus buses were free. The proposal contains several options for accom plishing this, including color-coded maps of campus and information kiosks throughout campus. Students will have an opportunity to learn more about the task force’s numerous proposals at an open forum, slated for later this month. Miller stresses the need for all members of the Aggie community to be aware of upcoming changes and em phasizes that it will take the cooperation of everyone to re alize the task force's vision. The group’s recommendations on topics ranging from campus maps to bus routes will be considered by Bowen and other University officials. Continued front Page 1 sident have Society claimed, “Thi does not acknowledg problems.” The issue did not hamper African-American student en rollment for the next semester. More than 50 African- American students were en rolled for the Fall 1069 semes ter, making the total enrollment at Texas A&M University 12,000 students. Special celebrations focusing on the African-American com munity began in the late ’60s on campus for the African-Ameri can students. Two dates 1966 and 1969 — appear in University archives .is the first dates K«. celebrated. “This is a holiday bration to recognizts ciate history,” Ron?'’ speaker at the ‘66 cefc Almost 10 years^ Afro-American SoU mands. the first American studentf football team. 11 ugh T. McElroyL ’71. was the first Afro** ican student to start if' football team. In regards to thecw o f AI rican - A merican A&M, Verge 1 L. Gay of ’73, said, “Thisisa ’ ty that is becomingtfff not yet sensitive, quite there yet.” Enter i For any racin Turismo is synor ly realistic racinj further expands i great ambitions. H Gran Turism. nearly triple the <33 Roses for your Valentine... VALENTINE’S DAY SPECIAL dozen long stem vase ready roses *49.99 We have lots of valentine gift ideas! •Plants •Stuffed animals by Gundt •Trapp candles Located in a kiosk at Post Oak Mall (near Beall’s) 693-1570 Weekdays 10-9 Sunday 10-6 We Deliver! lit BATTAU Marinm Mohiuddin, Editor mCk', Beverly Mireles, Managing Editor i Meredith Hight, Community Edit#'! Stuart Hutson, Campus Editor , Kyle Whitacre, Aggiclifc Editor ' Veronica Serrano, Aggiclife Editor ( Mariano Castillo, Opinion Editor i Eric Dickens. Opinion Editor Jeff Kempf, Night News Editor , Doug Shilling, Sports Editor 1 Jason Bcnnyhoff, Radio Producer j Brandon Payton, Web Master i Robert Hynecek, Graphics Editor 1 Ruben Dcluna, Graphics Editor , Guy Rogers. Photo Editor JP Bcato, Photo Editor Dave Amber, Science and Technolofi Medii 403 B 1 The Botuion (ISSN #1055-4726) is puMsMiad'' Friday during the fall and spring semesters Thursday dunng the summer session (except W**] exam penods) at Texas A&M Univeisty. PeriotoC 1 College Station, IK 77840. POSTMASTER: Send alC The Battalion, 015 Reed McDonald Building, te ;l College Station,TX 77843-1H1, News: 7he Battalion news department is manage) Is * A&M Univetsity in the Division of Student fcri Department of Journalism, News offices are iiOlD Building, Newsroom phone: 845-3313; Fat; Web site: http^/batlalw'f Advertising; Publication of advertising does not inf-: 1 endowment by The Battalion. For campus, local,aW advertising, call 845-2696. For classified adveittf Advertising offices are in 015 Reed McDonald,and#' a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday, Fax: 845-261! Subscriptions; A part of the Student SetviMS Fee ft" A&M student to pick up a single copy of The daltato'' additional copies 254. Mail subscriptions are 560 for the fall or spring semester and $17.50 fortes" by Visa, MasteiCard, Discover, or Amencan Express:#,, Ove enrolled (409