The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, January 31, 2000, Image 2

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Page 2
Monday, January A
Students participate in dry rusl
The Battalion
This Saturday, 200 men accepted bids alier going through an
alcohol-free ntsh, a new process mandated by Texas A&M Uni
versity’s Interlratemity Council (1FC).
The IFC Constitution now states that all rush activities
will be dry (with
out alcohol).
The constitution
states that “the pos
session. use and/or
consumption of al
coholic beverages
is strictly prohibit
ed during fraternity
rush. No chapter
members, graduate
brothers or other in
dividuals connect
ed to the chapter
shall purchase for,
serve to or sell alco
holic beverages to
any rushee.”
Brandon Drake.
IFC President, a
member of Sigma
Phi Lpsilon and a
senior construction
science major, said the alcohol-free rush was something the Ira-
temities anticipated.
“We wanted it this way so we could prepare the men for real -
world recruitment,” Drake said. “When we go out into the busi
ness world, our prospective companies don’t take us to happv
hour to see how tanked we can get."
From Saturday Jan. 22 to Friday Jan. 28, men w ent through a
recruitment process for the 19 participating fraternity houses.
Each fraternity house hosts a different event such as barbecues,
pool and date parties each dav during the week.
Drake said the events are for the rushees to meet the members
of the fraternity and for the active members to observe how the
rushees handle themselves in different social and formal envi
“We wanted to meet the men in a business setting because
we take men in bv how they conduct themselves and what
Kimber Huff/'Thi Hm u tos
thev can bring into each house, not bv how much thr
drink,” Drake said.
I )rakc said Fall Rush has bigger numbers, but this Sprat:
was its successful as he hoped.
“The numbers show it w as a successful event, and l
ten feedback from alumni, rushees and fraternity
how much thev appreciated the new program,” Drake
frev Mooney, a member of Sigma Phi I psilon andti
management major, said the changes for die maleG
at A&M w til improve the organization’s liitua*.
"It is giHnJ that IFC and the University arew
gether to make things safer for all of us; it vv
long run,” he said.
Mooney also said being in a fraternity enhances
business skills, paving the way tor the future.
Jason Adam, a member of Kappa Alpha (KA)
sports management major, said the new dry rush will
utation of the (irvck community on campus.
“I joined KA tor what is st.uids fiv Southern
brotherhood ;ind phtlanihn>py. With the new dry
pie can see vvfiat each fraternity st.uuls li>r. and finally
isn’t about drinking,” Adam said.
Adam said each rushcc lias to live up to st
grade point ratio, membership .ind community work
.ire not allowed to participate during rush.
MtxHicy said tlx - false ideas people have about
start to change tor the better.
"People livus the had things, lint we take care ofc
ers." Mooney said.
"I ia/mg is history; it is impossible to be close
supfHMi them in tough situations when tui/ingis
mg brings on unhealthy relationships and there is
point fiir it.”
Adam said with the alcohol-tree rush and
Hides, fraternities can focus on setting strong
new members.
"Now we can highlight chit strong points,"
every one can slay open-minded and looked into
lions, they will find a place."
Drake said his judicial hoard has set high
for the new semester.
“Without sounding too cliche, people need
stereotype. 1 feel the 1,000 male Greeks on c
lot going for them now. Stop shunning us andg
because you can never go wrong with a life-
brotherhood,” he said.
Rams win first Super Bowl, 23-1
ATLANTA (AP) The St. Louis
Rams rediscovered their offensive fire
power just in time, and the Tennessee Ti
tans came up just I yard short.
Kurt Warner’s 73-yard touchdown
pass to Isaac Bruce with 1 minute, 54 sec
onds lefi gave the Rams their first Super
Bowl win Sunday, 23-16.
Tlie TD capped an improbable turn
around lor St Louis, w hieh vv as 3-13 a > ear
ago and 13-3 this season as they scored 52(>
points, third best in NFL history.
But Steve McNair and Lddie George
almost led Tennessee to another miracle
finish, rallying them from a 16-0 deficit.
On the game's final play with six sec
onds lefi, McNair's pass was caught by
Kevin Dyson at the Rams 5.
1 le scrambled for the end zone only to
be stopped just short by Mike Jones, as
Dyson’s outstretched ami held the ball to
ward the goal line in vain.
“I always believed in myself, and had
a whole bunch of people who believed in
me,” Warner, the Super Bowl MVP who
^We’re the world
champions! How
about the Rams! ,f
— Kurt Warner
Super Bowl MVP
did a v ictory lap around die C Jcorgia
Dome, said. “We’re the world champions!
How about the Rams!"
Warner, a former Arena League and
NFL Lurope quarterback, finished 24-of-
45 for 414 yards and two touchdowns.
The Rams dominated for much of
the game hut had to settle for three field
goals to take a 9-0 lead befoul
scoring a touchdown,
st Louis seemed to have pdlf
aw ay w hen \\ amer threw a ‘Mifjj
Tom I lolt w ith 3:59 left in theii
ter to take a 164) lead.
But suddenly the Titans’offit
to life and the St. Louis defense!
w ear dovv n behind the haitenngo
and short passes from McNair k
Tennessee scored (kiksoemut
sessions, both on 1 -v .mlrui'K Go'
make it 16-13 with 7:21 left.
It would have been 16-14,but-
tans chose to go for tw o pointsonths
TD and failed.
A11 >el (ireco’s 43-y ard field g®:
with 2:12 left. Then the Rams'quicU
for a touchdown set up one ot then)'
citing finishes in Super Bowl tar
Fhe Titans, however, just diik
enough at the very end.
Now r Accepting New Singers
Festival Singers!
"Ordinary Voices Making Extraordinary Music"
Informational Meeting and Rehersals
Mon. Jan. 31 and Tues. Feb. 1
7:30 pm Academic Building, Room 402
For information call Emily @ 695-6582
Sacred Choral Music
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Y2K-5K Fun Run/Walk
Date: Sunday, February 20. 2000
Time: Race begins at 8:30 AM
On-site registration from 8-8:25 AM
Registration: Free!
Location: Research Park
Details: Go By Zachry 204 for an entry form or more information.
Event T-Shirts cost $10.
Come to a FREE FAJITA LUNCH on Sunday afternoon at the RFC!
Sponsored by the Texas A&M Student Engineer's Council
Marumi Mohiuiidin. Editor in ( hra
Bcvcrlv Mirclcv Managing Editor
Meredith Might. Community Editot
Stuart llutMin. Campus I ditor
Kyle Whiucrc, Aggichtc Editor
Veronica Serrano. Aggichfir Editor
Mariano Cattillo, Opinion Editor
Eric Dickens, Opinion Editor
Jeff Kcmpf. Night News Editor
Doug Shilling. Sports Editor
Jason Bennyhoff. Radio Producer
Brandon Payton, Web Master
Robert Hynccck, Graphics Editot
Ruben Deiuna. Graphics Editor
Guy Rogers. Photo Editor
JP Beato, Photo Editor
Dave Amber. Science and Technology E®
Txt EUrtcjo* (ISSN #1055-4726) s published Mft tfatf’
Fnday during the fall and spnng semestets and Hon® ”
Thursday dunng the summer session (except UiMstytaft"
exam periods) at Texas A&M University toodcals ft&L
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The Battalion. 0J5 Reed McDonald fMding.faasMC'*
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A&M student to pick up a single copy of The BattM fust®’’
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Bisexual, Gay, Lesbian & Transgendered Aggies: You Have
Each member of ALLIES has attended a voluntary
training seminar, has resource information available,
and has pledged to provide a “safe haven”, a listening
ear, and support for the gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgendered
members of the Texas
For other support options in the Bryan/C ollese Station area call . . . ..
— - J'jiij- gjiiiiwqi A&M community. If
XI you need someone to
■■■ Huh
Parmt^ Fanfiki and Friends otleslftinsvKf Gays
talk to, contact an ALLY, or look for the ALLY placard, posted near each
ALLY’S office or residence hall room.
If you are willing to become an ALLY, training sessions aP
scheduled for Thursday, 27 January, 5:30-9pm; Friday,
February, l:30-4:30pm; Sunday, 5 March l:30-4:30pm
Friday 31 March 1:30-4:30; and Wednesday 12 April 5:31
9pm. TO REGISTER: please send e-mail to or call Gender Issues Education^
Services @ 845-1107.1