The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, January 28, 2000, Image 4
i; VARSITY FORD NOW OPEN FOR BUSINESS AT check out our specials on FI50s and Rangers, and our Mercurys (all rate, rebate, and inventory information is updated weekly) DOWNLOAD COUPONS FOR SERVICE SPECIALS PRE-OWNED SPECIALS ARE CHANGED WEEKLY (Questions? - e-mail us at CTIuck’s Pizza. PIZZA STROJVIBOLI ■ HOAGIES Medium One Topping Pizza s 3.50 *Order 3 for free delivery 409 693-BUCK VICTOR’S Quality Mens & Ladies Boot & Shoe Repair Custom Hand Made Aggie Senior Boots No Waiting List Necessary - Order at your convenience Class of 2001 is not too late to order now! FREE Taps with free replacement ( $ 25 value) Regular Delivery 3-4 months Best warranty in B/CS $ 784.82 including tax & deposit 3601 Texas Ave.( at Dunn), Bryan 1 mile north of University Intersection Serving Aggie’s Since 1966 Hours Mon.-Fri. 8-6:30 Sat. 9-3 846-4114 Tired of asking'’ MO for Make up to $ 150 a month, working just a few hours a week! Westgate (Golden Corral Shopping Ce||er) 701 Univ. Suite 111 268-6050 1 DCI Biologicals in Welbom just north of campus) 4223 Welborn Rd. 846-8855 $50 ey New Donors, Take this ad to DCI or Westgate Biologicals and earn $50 for donating twice. Give it a try! $50 January 18 - January 28 tJeoxM CL&M Singing. Cadet& Auditions X- Since 1894 there has been a uqcalnnusic group associated with Texas A&M. In 1940, we became known as the “Singing Cadets " and grew to receive national acclaim. The group performs 50-60 concerts each year which include performances throughout the state as well as many special performances. These include things like opening day for the Astros, Miss Texas pageants, Shania Twain, dinners for former ' Presidents of the U.S., and many others. We are com prised of 60-70 male Aggies where membership in the corps is NOT required. If you love to sing and are will ing to work hard, then come join us. the “Voice of Ag- gieland. 1 ' We are located in MSC 003 (that’s downstairs next to Hullabaloo) Singing Cadets Texas A&M University P. O. Drawer K-l AggielandStation, Texas 77844 Phone: 409-845-5974 Fax: 847-9384 Email: The Voice Of Aggieland COMICS Page 4 THE BATTALION tndav.k ■jklL, Jam Fish SUEET! ZV£ BBE/O LyiiTi/OG Foie A Kai/vy D/IY. XV’d 6oia;^ To t>5£ /ny Ht»6£ UAlg£ELL/) ^ p/c/C op Girls z kJOT/CED you Doait Have, aa) UA1BPFEL/6 ... (JouED you Like to SHAKE AniNE HEH! r uH> CoUL-b you id A IT HERE Fo£ a sbc oa) t> y BVR. DEg Think U)e Suit’ ,, buff U£ t&RELLA NON MIA CULPA points *-2. —^Itaifily nc iT^in Hurst " da ^ ° re • a s< :/ur top ;y oi Ho die a dnyc. i Chi Hrth o the seiz B-wn. to kee v\ get hint looi mg s i/Vulh a skull Co k a the / bel injuries |Myer ^’expecte da> by tf MExcmiint //the preii > ant uui : | hives Hus I fan ilv tn n> mu,i ■"Null anc thru care siti | (iodk pita I aft Kids Ch BEAL who mor gamzatic ties sho against actl> liov £ is where The / work. I young p< face ap[: and coi Ohio ba vQnevery Kl can atte The c tiohwide membei rthev aci KKK. Th ^arrester woi th it. "My c CROSSWORD urect. con bors, dc and pra) by The B l^down tc there. Gi Ted A the Ohi Identific division al’s off frontatic CP (OP CP CP CP CP CP CP CP CP CP CP CP CP CP CP CP CP CP CP CP (TT for the 1“ So \A nize varic Almay Sc park clee munity p by civic a CO-OP FAIR? Americ Fm Twin Bt-ils |W! Frin m. ^ ' Wai ■ 11 -r, K, 693-2F Tday^s Times ( IT S TUART LI DON'T BE CONFUSED! 1 COMBZNED m WITH THE CEO FAIR!)! HEGREEt \lented mf He hurrii 0Y STORY NY GIVEN FEBRUARY 1, 2000 2ND FLOOR MSC 9:30 AM - 5:00 PM Foi 8