The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, January 20, 2000, Image 8
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STATE Thursday, January 20,2000 THE BATTALION DNA links ’96 teacher murder Outbre and two ’99 sexual assaults “/Vow we /?ave a total of four offenses that can be ARLINGTON, Texas (AP)—Forensic evidence and an un usual scar have provided a connection between the 1996 deaths of two teachers and two sexual assaults in the Arlington area last year. Sgt. James Hawthorne, spokesperson for Arlington police, said yesterday that DNA evidence confirms that the same person is re sponsible for the crimes against the four single women, all of whom lived alone. Police have not identi fied the suspect, however. Investigators said last year the 1996 murders of Christine Vu and Wendie Prescott were linked with the February sexual assault of a stu dent at the University ofTexas - Ar lington. The student escaped her at tacker by biting him in the groin. The second sexual assault was revealed yesterday. linked forensically to the suspect We are still no closer to making any type of arrests, we haven't identified any suspect" Police from Arlington and Grand Prairie, who have worked together on the case since October, said they wres iled with releasing additional information. But the) decided to do so in hopes of generating new leads and finding possible suspects. “This is a very sensitive de scription, but it is also a specific description,” said Grand Prairie police Sgt. Alan Patton. “He is un circumcised. he does base a no ticeable knot on his genitalia. “We are hoping that there is someone out there who avogni/cs that description and can pro' ide us with information to help us contin ue our search for this murderer.” Vu, 25, a teacher at Morton F'l- ementan School in Arlington, was found dead Sept. 17, 1996, at the Peartav Apartments. She was lixind — Sgt. James Hawthorne Arlington police spokesperson A woman who was sexually assaulted in her Grand Prairie apartment in October told investigators that there was a no ticeable scar on the genitalia of the suspect. “Now we have a total of four offenses that have been linked forensically to this suspect," Hawthorne said. “We are still no closer tp making any type of arrests, we haven’t identified am suspect.” naked and face down in her partially filled bathtub, having been bound, strangled and beaten. Three months later at the same apartment complex. Prescott, a 23-year-old teacher’s aide at I rma Na>h Hc- mentary School in Mansfield, was found slam in a similar way. She was discovered in her partially filled bathtub on Christmas Dav. Police confirm 3 boys killed in crash FORT WORTH (AP) — Several of a fatal wreck’s victims identified by police as members of a nomadic Irish clan were under the age of 15 when their truck be came airborne, flipped and slammed into another vehicle. Police have confirmed the ages of three of five young cousins killed Jan. 2 when the truck — driven by a 14-year- old — careened out of control. Some had carried identification indicating they were 20 years old. The accident, which happened at mid day on Interstate 30, puzzles police who say they still haven’t talked with parents of the boys, part of a clan of nomads known as Greenhorn Irish Travelers. “They’ve insulated themselves well,” Sgt. Anne Cummings of the Fort Worth Police Department’s traffic division said Tuesday. However, Cummings said at least nine vehicles carry ing people who said they were family members showed up at the wreck site before authorities had even identified the victims. “I’ve been on the scene of over 150 to 200 fatal accidents... the probability of hav ing one family member drive up on (the scene of an accident) is maybe one out of 10,” said Cummings. “But they were pulling up in droves. It just blew my mind.” Authorities began questioning the ages of the victims after a funeral pro gram indicated the boys were 12 to 14 years old. Police confirmed Friday that the dri ver, F.dward Jennings, was 14 years old. I le carried a Texas driver’s license issued on Dec. 20. It listed the correct day and month of his birth, but had a year that made him appear to be 18. Authorities also obtained birth cer tificates confirming the ages of cousins John McfXwald. 13; and James McDon ald. 13. Police are still seeking informa tion on I larry Gorman, bdiev ed to be 13, and Martin McDonald, who is believed to be 12. All of the boys were killed instantly in the accident. It took authorities hours to determine how many victims were in the truck, said . Cummings. Ruben Molinar of Plano, the other pickup’s driver, has been released from the hospital. Relatives initially told authorities the boys were on their way to do some work for an uncle. The victims’ parents have now said they didn't know the boys were behind the wheel. HARLINGEN, Texas Last year’s dengue fever might have^cen worse thaai! outbreak in which 63 Texan dow n w ith the tropical disease flic latest figures released I Department ot Health >6 I exans have acquired dengi since July I. The most rccea confirmed was from IXw officials continue to review M * that number could nsc. sC,, * a “I would not be at all$wpr«L J "“"'I'g the !98$l '" k * u hers'' said Julie Raw lings. K '; dcmiologist with TDH. R I he m.iioritv of the I98« mselve: were travel-related, but to have aeqaafl 11 - 1,1 disease in Texas In the lldl 1 break ! ’ people are bclievcdl Pl ce ,or Sl acquired dengue within the c*! 11 cklyjur which includestB'' m u ’ ^ I ' hke fever, severe and joint and muscle pain a tatal, although one South Teu died last y ear of dengue ic fever. a v ariation markedb nal bleeding. Leading the pack in ovoal Iasi y ear is Webb County, uk 5 1, 11 )| I reported I aghtofthcur pie were believed to have the disease in Webb County tion.illy, a Bexar County rtverBitkins. tl| a Nueces ( oontv resident c.u l\ C' i dcncuc in the Laredoara. T ! m!c J do-Webb ( ountv fJB.i leu go Ducctoi Jerry Robinson said UtO cad the "■ as sp.ucd. consideringthivfl ll siarte male.' pcoplc«aHill>>n ( feeted with dengue just across ih ly incligibl cr in Nuevo I aredo, Mexico: I hat let however. Webb County's larp rjjencedleai break miuc a public healthdqiflBj allouci was created in 1943. aHc immec i aredo ISIUM ofthevuxxisfil* kille w ■ 'i. -.ud No new cases ileia; lakn 'me illness have bedufto. 'tun! lii nosed in the area sinceNovtntbft Mia K Is Vou GPA 3.2 Plus? Do you take good notes? Would you like to improve your grades? And Earn MONEY doing it? BECOME A NOTETAKER FOR ANSC 307.501-506 ANTH 301.500 BIOL 113.501 BIOL 113.503 BOON 203.504-505 BOON 322.501-502 BOON 324.501-502 FINC 201.501-504 FINC 341.501-503 GEOG 203.501-506 GEOG 203.519-522 GEOG 204.500 GEOG 305.500 GEOG 323.500 HORT 201.501-502 INFO 207.501 INFO 303.503-504 INFO 364.502-503 INFO 428.501-504 MGMT 211.503-504 MGMT 212.503-504 MKTG 322.501 MKTG 322.502-503 MKTG 347.503 MKTG 436.503-504 NUTR 202.501-502 PHIL 240.501-509 POLS 207.510-511 PSYC 307.501-502 PSYC 419.500 THAR 101.500 VTPB 405.501-504 VTPB 409.501 ZOOL 107.501-509 ZOOL 320.501-511 LOOKING FOR EXTRA CASH FOR YOUR UPCOMING STUDY ABROAD? , A (INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE EDUCATION) STUDY ABROAD GRANTS ARE AVAILABLE FOR $500 - $2,000 TO STUDY ABROAD IN SPRING 'OO, SUMMER 'OO, FALL 'OO & SPRING 'OI CAiL OR COME BY FOR MORE INFORMATION STUDY ABROAD PROGRAM OFFICE 161 BIZZELL HALL WEST 845-0544 707 Texas Ave., Bldg. D #222 ” (Behind On The Border) 694-9403 EHEacs '^s TEXAS A&M FOOTBALL 12TH MAN/WALK-ON Informational Meeting DATE: Monday, January 24,2000 TIME: 4:00 PM WHERE: Locker Room ■ West Side of Kyle Field * MUST HAVE STARTED COLLEGE IN THE FALL OF ‘97 * MUST BE ENROLLED IN A MINIMUM OF 12 HOURS AT TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY AT COLLEGE STATION * ATTENDANCE IS MANDATORY NEED MONEY FOR SPRING BREAK? THE 12TH MAN FOUNDATION IS NOW HIRING FOR POSITIONS IN ITS 2000 TELEMARKETING CAMPAIGN • Earn $6.00 per hour Plus Bonuses • Gain Valuable Work Experience • Flexible Hours 1 Help Support Texas A&M and Keep A&M Athletics on Top Please pick up an application and schedule an interview in the 12th Man Foundation Development Office at the North End of Kyle Field just outside THE ZONE. 12iMAN FOUNDATION SUPPORTING EDUCATION THROUGH ATHLETICS