The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, January 18, 2000, Image 6
scienceSotechnology Tuesday, January 18, 2000 THE BATTALION Cotton’s impact on field grows Wolf Prize for contributions to inorganic chemistry Artificial eyes may aid bin A&M professor awarded BY SCOTT JENKINS The Battalion R unning chemical reactions on an old kitchen stove as a youngster sparked a passion for chemistry that has continued throughout the productive career of Dr. F. Albert Cotton, Texas A&M distinguished professor of chemistry. For his extensive accomplishments in the field of inorganic chemistry, Cotton last week was named the recipient of the 2000 Wolf Prize in chemistry. The international award, given by the Wolf Foundation of Israel, will be presented in May by Israeli president Ezer Weizman at a cer emony in Jerusalem. During a career spanning five decades. Cot ton and those working in his laboratory have de termined the structures of more than 2000 new molecules, including one of the first thorough de terminations of an enzyme’s structure. Even though this was done early in his career, the knowledge of that structure is still widely used to day in studies of enzyme function. In addition, some of the first examples of compounds with double and triple metal-metal bonds were creat ed in Cotton’s laboratory. Cotton’s current research focuses on making new types of molecules, pushing metal atoms very close together to make new compounds with previously unknown bonds and then investigat ing their structures and properties. “We find out what makes them tick,” Cotton said. The atoms are pushed so close together that “the ideas of simple chemical bonds are tested, most certainly extended, and perhaps even ques tioned,” Dr. Marcetta Darensbourg, professor and researcher in inorganic chemistry, said. Darensbourg said it is possible for new bonding principles resulting from Cotton’s research to bet ter explain phenomena for which only incomplete descriptions now exist. Dr. Kim Dunbar, chemistry professor and former post-doctoral associate with Cotton’s group, said that Cotton’s work on metal-metal bonds is one of the most creative and influential accomplishments in chemistry this century. She echoed the assessment of the chemistry com munity in saying that the significance of his re search is monumental. The selection committee for the prize wrote that Cotton’s extensive work in the chemistry of metallic elements is “a major contribution to chemistry,” adding that his work has also had wide-ranging influences in biochemistry, physics Dr. E Albert Cotton, winner of the 2000 Wolf Prize in chemistry. Cotton is the second A&M professor to be awarded the honor. NEW YORK (AP) - To the blind nun w tlh a tmy camera \s ired to his brain, the world knikN like dozens of scattered specks of light, v> inking on and oil like die st.irs when clouds roll by. But as he showed a reporter last week, that’s eiKHigh to let him find a mannequin in a room, walk to a black stocking cap hanging on a vs hue vs ail. and then return to the mannequin to plop the cap on its Itead He can also recognize a 2-inch-tall letter from five feet away, researcher William Dobellc said The man's performance is the first demonstration dial an artificial eye can provide useful vision, Dobellc. who's develop ing the device, said. “He can do remarkabh well” w ith the limned v isu- al signal. Dobellc said. Dobellc is chairperson of the IXibclle Institute, a medical device company in New York He described the device and its performance in this month’s issue of the ASAIO Journal, a publication of the American Societ) of Artificial Internal Organs Richard Normann, who studies artilicul v ision at the University of Utah, said he’s encouraged by how much the blind man can do. The new report suggests that sontedav, even limited signals to the brain will let blind people do relative!) complicated v isual tasks, he said. It's the first demonstration of useful artilic ul v ivton, he said, hut he stressed the dev ice is still "a verv limit ed nav igational aid, and it's a far cry from the v isual ex perience that normal people enjoy.” Dr. Bill Heetderks, wlwdircctsa National Institutes of Health program to develop electronic implants that w ork u ith the brain, said an implant that helps blind people nav igate would be a major step forward. “When Dr. Dobelle provides additional details on his methodology that establishes this result, we may be there." Heetderks said after reading IXvbellc's rcpiwt While IXvbellc’s dev icc uses a brain implant, some other scientists arc study mg implants in the retina Giving ‘sight’ to the blind • *..-***, *j mo* a o* rttao** > Die retina strategy made news rcccnth« entertainer Nicv ic Wonder expressed i tXibcllc’s patient, who asked to be i Jerry, fee. been blind since age 36. Now *2. he volunteered fie liar study t implant in I^TK, scientists have been < to improve the software Jerry uses the dev icc only two or threed IXvhclIe's lab, as researchers tinker with 1 ts how hesi to pros ide depth perception, i the range finder. Jerry had to walk i proached the mannequin and the wall i demonstration, w ith an arm out to prevenu Dohclic said an improsed version< should go on sale overseas in limited < year It’s not clear when it might becomei the United States, lie said and molecular chemical engineering. The impact of Cotton’s accomplishments has spread beyond laboratory research. Darensbourg calls Cotton’s textbook. Chemical Applications of Group Theory, “one of the most important books in all of chemistry.” His legacy includes many former students who have gone on to make significant accom plishments themselves, including four who have been elected to membership in the National Academy of Sciences. Cotton followed in his engineer father’s foot steps at the beginning of his undergraduate ca reer, but soon realized that chemical engineer ing was not quite right for him. He entered the chemistry program at Philadelphia’s Temple University, and went on to study inorganic chemistry at Harvard University. Now, with decades of research behind him and a mantel full of awards. Cotton still has no shortage of ideas about new compounds to in vestigate and new reactions to try. "Probably more ideas than we have time for,” he said. In his laboratory. Cotton and his students are always striving to "do things that will broaden our understanding of the principles of chemistry,” The Wolf Foundation was established in 1976 by Dr. Ricardo Wolf, an inventor, diplomat and philanthropist, along with his wife Francisca Subirana-Wolf, in order to “promote science and art for the benefit of mankind.” Prize winners are selected by an appointed committee of experts in each field in which awards are given. NASA bids farewell to lost Mars prot- PASADENA, Calif. (AP) NASA on Monday gave up try ing to contact the missing Mars Polar Lander, con finning vv hat had been suspected fir more than a month: Tlw SI65 million spacecraft was dead on arrival. Engineers at NASA’s Jet Propul sion Laboratory listened for the spacecraft one last time and heard only silence. “It is closure in the sense that I think we did every thing we could to re-establish contact, and, yes, it's time to get on to other things," pro ject scientist Richard /urek said. The spacecraft vanished IXx 3 while trying to land on Mars. It was to have studied the atmosphere and dug for icc during a 90-day mission. Among the possible explanations for its failure to call home The thrcc- legged lander burned up in the at mosphere. crashed on Mars or tipped ov cr on the rugged surface and dam aged itself. An internal JPL hoard and a team of independent mv looking into the faiiurtt loss of the Mars which apparently atmosphere last of a mtxup between metric units. The mv also take a hard k<ok*^ tire Mars program. At least some » peeled by mid-Mardizr’ before the next Manotte dcr are set to launch May and August 2000 grads! Plan to Attend Job Search 2000! Tues, January 18, 5-8 pm 224 MSC Mon, January 24, 5-8 pm 110 Koldus 5:00 - Interview Seminar 6:00 - Resume Writing 7:00 - Placement Orientation (refreshments will be served - other grad dates welcome to attend) n Announcing LibCat New online library cata from the library home page at NOTTS no longer available after Fri., Jan. 21 LibCat has materials in Evans, Annex, West, and PSEL libraries Stop by Rudder and see what 300 Ags have in common. We currently have challenging part time openings in the following area5 ♦ Purchasing ♦ Technical Writing ♦ Marketing ♦ Hardware Support and Repair ♦ Programming ♦ Customer Service ♦ PC/LAN Support ♦ Inventory Control ♦ Clerical We consider all types of majors and provide complete training, so don’t miss this opportunity to visit us this week in Rudder Tower to see if you’re the person we’re looking for. Tuesday 502 Rudder Wednesday 402 Rudder Thursday 502 Rudder Friday MSC Flag Room On Friday we will be attending the SBSLC Career Fair in the MSC Flag Roorr We will be there from 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Stop by and see us about full or part time employment. This is a great opportunity to talk with some of our employees, fill out some paperwork, or just make an appointment to speak with us at a later date. We will have snacks, beverages and free koozies. The rooms in Rudder Tower can be reached by going to the elevators next to the MSC Box Office. We will be there between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m. and we look forward to talking with you. 595-2609 UCS hires non-tobacco users only E.O.E.