0 drinks if you are a minor, pregnant, intending to driue, or an alcoholic 1 drink per hour 3 or fewer drinks in one sitting 3 OUT OF 5 TEXAS A&M STUDENTS NEVER DRIVE AFTER DRINKING' •Basted 'Mi the ypnog Cow Surv J^utKkrU j>y tl>e US EVrfH ol Uuv a BepartoUhe^fW maVce respons'to'e eVrovees 'T'*'.x ,-X^ -VI I Jrviv'K.** •tinrv a part of the Division of Student Affairs Alcohol and Drug Education Programs Ph: 845-0280 e-mail: adep@stulife2.tamu.edu http://www.stulife.tamu.edu/adep Still need new members for your organization?? WELL, its about that time again.. MSC Spring Open House is January 23, 2000 from 2-6pm. TfIBIES MIC on SME noui! It doesn’t get any easier! Go to the MSC Box Office in Rudder Tower, and pay $30 for your recognized student organization or university department. We take cash, check, aggie bucks, credit cards, or departmental accounts (you’ll need an IDT). don t j-ottjzt... Space is limited! Tables are awarded on first come, first served basis, and only one table per organization. If you have any questions, call the MSC Marketing Team at 845 -1515. Sponsored By: MSC MARKETING TEAM For assistance, please cal 1 845-1515. TEXTBOOKS ONLINE. SAVE UP TO 40%. FREE SHIPPING! mj