State Pae^7*^fednesda^^)ctoberJL3^^)99 lattalion a n aclof- due nerica's^ ' /as accj^ ^30&nns ti) 1 Horse, iigns* p ) — Pres McCain has Paignad, ■enator is to his be? 1 )eputy > s killer executed nmer oilfield worker dies for Panhandle shooting orations r 3f McCain's! in Viete to live up: :e has ber Chairman ated it woi already c n America;! less storya and counhl /.'ill resonatl istein saic, ns nei book — Forme l | Cuomo isj HUNTSVILLE (AP) — A former jield worker was executed last Iht for fatally shooting a sher- Ifs deputy who had been sum- ned to quell a family argument ears ago. Ivin Wayne Crane was pro- nced dead at 6:23 p.m., nine nutes after the flow of lethal ;s began. rane, 41, gave a lengthy state- t in which he expressed love for family and apologized profusely. I have caused you a lot of pain suffering,” he said. “I hope you some peace and comfort in If you have any anger, I hope let it go. I’m sorry for causing rybody so much trouble.” the drugs began taking ef- |t, several of Crane’s family mbers sobbed as they watched |ough a window. He smiled, nod- 1 to them and said, “Every- ig’s going to be just fine. I love lall,” fThe needle inserted in Crane’s tit arm was a few inches above ^ttoo of a skull. Once the drugs ;an taking effect, he turned pur ple. He let out a long gasp, then two short gasps before slipping into unconsciousness. Crane was the 26th con demned inmate executed in Texas this year and the first of four like ly to receive lethal injection over the next two and a half weeks. Another execution is set for to morrow evening. “I don't think you totally ever recover. We still continue with our grieving." — Lisa Drum Victim’s daughter-in-law Crane, already on probation for assaulting a school bus driver in Oklahoma, was convicted of killing Ochiltree County Chief Deputy Melvin Drum with a sin gle shotgun blast to the face the af ternoon of March 28, 1987, in Per- ryton, in the northernmost reach es of the Texas Panhandle. “I’m just relieved it’s over,” Lisa Drum, the deputy’s daughter- in-law, said after watching the ex ecution. “I don’t think you totally recover. We’ll still continue with our grieving.” Sheriff Joe Hataway said Drum’s murder cost him not only a deputy but a friend. “We all know family distur bances are one of the most danger ous calls to make and that’s what this was,” Hataway said. “This was a family feud. There were super-hot feelings, and when Deputy Drum drove up, the hatred was vented to ward the deputy. ” County Attorney Bruce Rober son, who prosecuted Crane, the county’s only condemned in mate, also remembered Melvin Drum fondly. “Melvin was more than a good friend,” Roberson said. “He was one of those few people that really this entire community felt they could trust and rely on.” etwork accused of mail fraud liters to offenders falsely used Department of Public Safety name m Zen- York Pos\ > is about storm and r try to saij ; story's le - to his CM te son oft wlitical lei SAN ANTONIO (AP) — A statewide television net- }rk accused of falsely using the Texas Department [Public Safety’s name to elicit information from reg- ;red sex offenders could face federal mail fraud and ter charges, the DPS said yesterday, jlhe San Antonio Express-News reported yester- ythe News of Texas, a San Antonio-based TV [iwork with 26 affiliates around the state, sent out msands of postcards last week asking offenders [confirm their addresses. The network hoped to reveal that many of the tie’s 18,000 registered sex offenders have given Ithorities fake or outdated addresses. OPS spokesperson Tela Mange said the postcards |ere deceptive because they bore no mark showing teywere from a news organization and used the \ency’s name in the renim address. The news agency faces possible federal charges, in cluding mail fraud, impersonating a government offi cial and tampering with government records. Mange said. FBI agents directed calls to the U.S. postal in spector for San Antonio, who did not return calls to the Associated Press. But a spokesperson for San Antonio’s federal pros ecutor said the case would be considered if the postal inspector found any wrongdoing. “If the postal inspector determined there is a vio lation of federal law, than they would bring it to our attention and we would certainly consider it,” Daryl Fields, spokesperson for U.S. Attorney Bill Blagg, said. The network’s president. Bob Rogers, said reporter Brian Collister, who used “Texas Department of Pub lic Safety” in the postcards’ return address without his editors’ permission, was put on probation. CAREER EXPO ‘99 The Association of Career Development presents Career Expo ‘99 at Reed Arena Tuesday & Wednesday October 19th & 20th. Come out to a great Job Fair Come meet over 80 Employers such as Hewlitt Packard, Motorola, Kroger, Home Depot, San Antonio ISD and many more offering thousands of jobs and internships CHOOSING THE RIGHT RETIREMENT COMPANY MAKES ALL THE DIFFERENCE. F or over 80years, TIAA-CREF has been the leading retirement company on America s campuses. But experience is just one reason why so many smart investors trust us with their financial future. Here are a few more: Surprisingly low expenses TIAA-CREF s operating costs are among the lowest in the insurance and mutual fund industries. 2 So more of your money goes where it should — toward ensuring your future. 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