The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, September 30, 1999, Image 6

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    Page 6 • Thursday, September 30, 1999
The Ihittal ■
Campus Calendar
Texas Aggie Motorcycle Club:
There will be a general meeting,
open to anyone, to hang out and
talk motorcycles and to go for
rides at 8 p.m. at the Sonic on
Harvey Road. Call James evans at
695-1754 for more information.
to Bonfire site. All are welcome
and no experience necessary. For
more information, contact Megan
at 260-1362 or April at 775-
Maggies aims to unite female leadt./.
The Battalion
“We wanted to combine all the women lead
ers from all over campus,” Warns said.
Career Center: Behavioral Inter
viewing Seminars will be held at 1
p.m. in Rudder 308.
TAMU Men’s Rugby: Open prac
tice will be held from 7 to 8:45
p.m. in the Rugby field behind the
Zachry Parking Lot. No experience
necessary. For more information,
contact Lucas at 691-8363.
Friends of the Library: A book
sale will be held at Manor East
Mall in Bryan from 9 a.m. until 8
p.m. Books of all kinds and for all
ages will be available. Call 846-
4590 for more information.
TAMU Roadrunners: A 3 to 4 mile
run will be held at 6 p.m. starting
in front of the Student Recreation
Center. All skills levels are invited.
For more information, contact
Marcos at 696-3964.
Texas A&M Women’s Rugby
Team: Practice will be held from 6
to 8 p.m. at the Rugby Pitch next
India Business and Technology
Consortium: A panel discussion
on the “Impact of the Internet in
India — e-commerce and socio
logical” will be held from 3:30
p.m. to 5:30 p.m. in the MSC. For
more information, contact Sunil at
Mileana Warns, a senior food and science
technology major, was involved in many cam
pus organizations last year including adviser to
Freshman Leaders In Progress (FLIP), when she
decided there should be an organization for
women similar to OF Ags and created Maggies.
“Last year, I started thinking about what I
wanted to do my senior year,” she said. “A lot
of my guy friends had joined organizations like
OF Ags and Old Army and I thought that would
be really cool to bring together girl leaders from
all over campus.”
Warns said she shared this idea with Tim
Sweeney, director of student activities, and he
pointed her in the direction of Heather Johnson,
former president and founder of Ladies Leader
ship Society and a senior mathematics major.
Johnson and Warns joined forces to begin
the foundation for Maggies. Maggies is an or
ganization for women leaders all over campus
which focuses on community service.
"The criteria was that the
girls had to be at least
sophomores with
leadership experience and
a dynamic personality/'
— Mileana Warns
Co-founder of Maggies
“We realized how much potential we would
have using every woman’s strengths and re
sources to accomplish something."
Four directors were chosen to head up Mag
gies which began taking new members this fall.
“One hundred and fifty girls applied and 75
were chosen.” Warns said. “The '
that the girls had to be at leastd
with leadership experience and!
Johnson said it is encouraging to J
incredible women finally together, t
“This is an avenue for the wometiJ
campus to get to know each othe ]
said. “You get in your niche and doni
girls involved in other leadership pci
campus. This is our chance to give:]
community.” 1
Sheridan Alford, a new member §
and a sophomore general studiesntasl
is excited about the new organizatkl
is glad that she joined.
“It has given me a chance to meeirl
pie that aren’t necessarily in thesamt]
tions I am in,” she said. “Therearesori
some leadership skills to learn frontcl
Maggies has various communitysd
jects lined up across the area and me:
also planning social events forthes]
eluding a charity dance.
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