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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 29, 1999)
DECEMBER GRADUATES Excel, Inc., a major beef and pork processor, will interview Thur., Oct. 7, through the Animal Science Dept. - Sign up in room 122 Kleberg - Career opportunities in sales, quality assurance and plant management in Texas and midwest. Willing to train. Salaries, mid $ 30’s. OVERSEAS DAY Your Passport to the World! "£tudy Work Abroad International Internships Vfolunteering Abroad Financial Aid Eurail Pass Facujtv. Abroad _ _ October 5, 1999 10-2 pm MSC Main Hallway ms 161 Bizzell Hall West 845-0544 MSC L.T. Jordan Institute for International Awareness Are you planning to study or conduct independent research abroad? Become An L.T. Jordan Fellow! Come to one of the following informationals and apply for funding for your excursion! September 28. 8:30 pm Rudder 410 September 30, 8:30 pm MSC 229 October 5, 7:00 pm MSC 228 October 6, 7:00 pm MSC 228 To inform us of your special needs please, call 845-8770 or stop by MSC 223-1. AN AGGIE TRADITION FOR FIFTEEN YEARS FALL SESSION I DANCE LESSONS ' ^iVGLt CLASS DAY TIME LOCATION JITTERBUG I SUN 4-5:30 GRW 266 COUNTRY & WESTERN I SUN 6-7:30 GRW 256 JITTERBUG I SUN 8-9:30 GRW 266 COUNTRY & WESTERN I WED 8:15-9:45 GRW 266 JITTERBUG 1 WED 6:15-7:45 GRW 266 ADVANCED JITTERBUG SUN 6-7:30 GRW 266 COUNTRY & WESTERN II THUR 7-8:30 GRW 255 SIGN-UPS WILL BE IN THE MSC FLAGROOM 8 a.m.-3 p.m. OCTOBER 4-6 SUNDAY CLASSES WILL BE HELD ON OCTOBER 10,17,24, & NOV. 7 *THERE WILL BE NO CLASSES ON SUNDAY, OCT. 31 WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY CLASSES BEGIN THE WEEK OF OCT. 10" 1 & RUN 4 CONSECUTIVE WEEKS COST: $30 PER COUPLE, $40 FOR ADVANCED JITTERBUG FOR INFORMATION ABOUT LESSONS, PERFORMANCES, OR TRYOUTS: wranglers more reason to sign up For our GRE course SatisFaction Guaranteed We want you lo succeed. If you are no! happy with your score after successful completion of our class, we will work with you again for free for up to a year later. Three Oct. schedules still available! Next class starts on the 2 nd . THE PRINCETON REVIEW Better Scores, Better Schools (409) 696-9099 • ’\axfixo «6 nuhxn'lxradtv HI tajrwanjbjiorgunopuj IhstYtOTj tatavi: lrw/v j IU Page 2 • Wednesday, September 29, 1999 c AMPUS Beutel Continued from Page 1 policies are necessary to provide a high level of care for students. “I think we have been successful,” she said. “The average student who comes in here to see a physician waits less time to see a doctor than I do. ” Bill Kibler, associate vice president for stu dent affairs, said the policies, which have prompted these arguments, were instituted by Isdale when she took her current position in 1995 in an attempt to help Beutel better deal with the student population. “Dr. Isdale has done a wonderful job enhanc ing the student experience at Beutel because she values the students' concerns above those of her staff,” Kibler said. “Because of that, student com plaints have dropped dramatically.” Kibler said many physicians working at Beutel did not like the additional hours and stricter regi mentation imposed by Isdale and because of that, chose to leave or were fired. According to a report by the A&M Human Resources Department, the number of em ployees who have left Beutel per year has in creased 40.3 percent since Isdale’s assignment to Beutel in 1995. Krueger said this increase has left Beutel search ing for qualified physicians, which often ends in the hiring of temporary or “contract” physicians who practice until a permanent physician can be "Dr. [Lucille] Isdale has done a wonderful job enhancing the student experience at Beutel because she values the students' concerns over those of her staff." — Bill Kibler Associate vice president for student affairs found. She said this search often leaves Beutel with less than its full staff of 11 practitioners. She said this shortage adds to the already- strained staff whose practitioner-to-student ratio is oik- to 3,‘k)(), tlio lowest practitionj ratio among Big 12 schools. The American College Health As: || ommends colleges maintain a ratiooi tioner for every 2,500 students. KiukI Big 12 schools exceed this ratio by ar j one doctor to 400 students, A&Mexce tio by almost 1,400 students perdocl Kibler said that while there are (W cians currently employed at Beutel,l two nurse practitioners who adequate sitions of physicians. “Dr. Isdale is always experimem make-up of the staff to find whatisbej fective, as well as what is most cos bier said. “If she needed more per> would be banging on my doorasfe but the fact is that the numbers stio maintained an efficient and effectives Freeman said he may onedayretu; if administrative policies change,! is happier working elsewhere. “1 miss working with the student] by nature polite and intellectual andn Beutel a wonderful place to work.lei it just really wasn’t worth thepainii the administration." ti CAMPUS CALENDAR Wednesday Europe Club: Get together with peo ple from all over the world and get involved in club activities. Meet at the Crooked Path at 10 p.m. Agnostic and Atheist Student Group: There will be a discussion on morality in 707 Rudder. TAMU Men’s Rugby: Open practice will be held from 7 to 8:45 p.m. in the rugby field behind the Zachry Parking Lot. No experience neces sary. For more information, contact Lucas at 691-8363. Non Mia Culpa By b-hi iopr WHO AM X? V/HERE AM X? IT** oTL A DEM - or evil. COMC c©Mr out WHENEVER, Yt>U ARE ! we K.faov-» You AO.E" Eo»s>FUSCf>- YOV P\«C OvR YOU m U AT esr ArrtAPr AT A l om of%c>»xrs)— rTfsrr kj o w STOP H’P/AIG'! HAVtW'T I A CM*NCf| to Your HibEcmu S>CFoR j LACE! 5CTWS A PARTY KW‘T HAT.- Yod WOK.IT UP from we: I n P lA *0 r> 'Too*. M e MOR.Y. » K.e.e«E rvzen . 3 FAV4JAITC MOUTES, f .«;*-Aue»A JCMlFFER CRApI I MOST HAUF IMPLAfUTTO MY HOME PA.6.F/ Career Center: There will be a Case Method Interviewing Seminar with techniques for interviewing with consulting organizations at 5:30 p.m. in 226 MSC. SIDE BURN CLUB BY BEAU & BRi TAMU Roadrunners: A 3-to 4-mile run will be held at 6 p.m., starting in front of the Student Recreation Center. All skills levels are invited. For more infor mation, contact Marcos at 696-3964. u>4Wre- Wy. j Curioof . T vdu uxxAA v’.Ve w. Vmk, VvUrS $or><A*o! Women’s Bonfire Committee: There will be a general meeting at 8:30 p.m. in 212 MSC. We are get ting ready for cut to begin. Pre-Vet Society: There will be a mandatory meeting tonight con cerning the San Antonio trip at 7 p.m. in the MSC Flagroom. Call Jennifer Lingg at 764-7569 for any questions. vfvT Sorry IrlHg OoH \trv\C in it, lailksv nanhicrq ■. ?hkM core Kopfeipwipl “Iwa lomwecause ^iubject i juiioiKanTMn'! able tO c l schedul Be on your way to an “A yy Organized, detailed, typed notes Done by top students in class Fast quality service • Semester packs, exam packs, and daily notes HOW DOES IT WORK? Top students in selected classes take notes which are then typed and available for you to pick up the NEXT DAY! You may pick up the notes whenever you wish - daily, weekly, or before exams - whenever. ACCT 209.506 ACCT 327.504-505, 507-508 ANTH 202.500 ANTH 205.501 ANTH 205.504 BIOL 113.503 BIOL 113.504 BIOL 114.500 ECON 202.506, 509-510 ECON 202.507-508 ECON 203.506 GEOG 305.500 GEOL 101.510-515,57 HIST 105.508 HIST 106.507 MGMT 105.500 MGMT 211.501-502 MGMT 363.501-502 MICR 351.501-510 MKTG 321.501 MKTG 321.504-505 MKTG 345.501-503 PHYS 201.511-520 POLS 206.501 POLS 207.502-505, 510 PSYC 107.508 PSYC 323.500 RDNG 351.500 RENR 205.502 SCOM 301.500 SOC1 319.500 VAPH 305.501-503 694-9403 707 Texas Ave., 222D (Next to Barnes & Noble) The Skin & Willffi ttNia Body Solution Relaxing, therapeutic massages Supreme European facials European body wraps Celulite treatments Cal! for on oppt. today! X XICOR Xicor is a leading provider of reprogrammable smart analog and digital products used world wide in telecommunications, consumer electronics, computers and peripherals, transportation and instrumentation. We offer state-of-the-art technology with a commitment to new research and development in a creative and positive environment. Visit our Website at for more information about the company. We are looking for: ANALOG I.C. DESIGN ENGINEERS (Positions require MSEE or Ph.D.) We will be on campus for Fall recruiting October 5! Xicor, Inc. 1511 Buckeye Dr., Milipitas, CA 95035 Xicor is proud to be an equal opportunity and affirmative action employer WILD TURKEY 89 1.75 liter 101 ’ Bourbon SMIRNOFF 18“ I 1.75 liter 80" Vodb 750 ml. 34’ Irish Liqueur DEKUYPER BUTTERSHOTi 024 750 ml, 30° Schnapps Hours: Monday - Saturday 10 am to 9 pm WESTER ■■Ar' Sallie Turner, Editor In Chief Marium Mohiuddin, Managing Editor Guy Rogers, Photo Editor Robert Hynecek, Graphics Editor Scott Harris, Aggielife Editor Stephen Wells, Aggielife Editor Veronica Serrano, Night News Editor Emily R.Snooks, Campus Edit* Carrie Bennett, Community Ed- Al Lazarus, Sports Editor Doug Shilling, Sports Edtor Caleb McDaniel, Opinion EcW Kyle Whitacre, Radio Produce! Jeremy Brown, Web Master News: the Battalion news depertment is managed by students at Texas A&M University in the Division of Student Publications a, partment of Journalism. News offices are in 013 Reed McDonald Building. Newsroom phone: 845-3313; Fax: 845-2647;LmaK : >; Website; Advertising; Publication of advertising does not Imply sponsorship or endorsement by The Satta/ron. For campus, local.aixJ^: ' advertising, call 845-2696. For classified advertising, call 845-0569. Advertising offices are in 015 Reed McDonald,and o**' 1 ' I a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday. Fax: 845-2678. . ' Subscriptions: A part of the Student Services Fee entitles each Texas A&M student to pick up a single copy of Pie BattM-f. | additional copies 25«. Mail subscriptions are $60 per school year, $30 for the fall or spring semester and $17.50 for die snir' ? by Visa, MasterCard, Discover, or American Express, call 845.2611. The Battalion (ISSN #1055-4726) is published daily, Monday through Friday during the fall and spring semesters and Mondof^— day during the summer session (except University holidays and exam periods) at Texas A&M University. Penodicals Postage M I tion.TX 77840. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to 77ie flatta/ron, 015 Reed McDonald Building,TexasASMUnivereityW 1 * | 77843-1111. I