The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, September 22, 1999, Image 4

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    Page 4 • Wednesday, September j2, 1999
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Mexican Invasion
Dance troop tells history of Mexico through per for mm
The Battalion
A new kind of culture is coming to Texas
A&M. For the first time, “Ballet Folklorico de
Mexico de Amalia Hernandez” will make
Bryan-College Station one of the stops on its
national tour.
Ballet Folklorico will perform with a 14-
member chorus, making this the largest and
most spectacular touring company from Mexi
co to perform in the United States in more than
two decades. .
Amalia Hernandez is the brains behind the
entire project.
Adam Friedson, producer of the dance, said
Hernandez began conducting research more
than 40 years ago.
“Amalia was very aware of the Mexican cul
ture, so she undertook doc
umenting with pencil, pa
per and audio tapes in
order to capture the ritual
practices of daily village
life,” Friedson said.
Friedson said Hernandez
did not limit what she could
learn and achieve.
“She studied everything
from the specific dances of
the ‘Day of the Dead’, [as
pects] of culture, and the dif
ferent texts to be familiar
with the empires and how
they were created,” Fried
son said.
This year Ballet Folk
lorico celebrates its 47th
With each year, audi
ences increase, spreading
the awareness of the Mexi
can culture.
Friedson said they have
already visited more than 90
countries, and over 85 cities
in the United States.
“The fact that we have
toured in the United States
every year is very unique
for a dance company,” Fried
son said.
“We are not just an entertain
ment event, we speak from the heart
and soul of Mexican culturd.”
The Ballet Folklorico is centered in
the Palace of Fine Arts of Mexico City.
When the ballet company began, it was
composed of only eight members.
“Amalia held open auditions in order start her
own dance school, adding to the few existing
dancers,” Friedson said. “She created a program
that now is very well known.”
Friedson said Hernandez has expanded the
numbers over the years, as well as the impres
sive reputation.
“There are now over 300 members, and it is
a dream come true for a dancer to be admitted
into the program,” Friedson said.
Kelly Whitted, president of the Dance Arts So
ciety, said she is excited about the program com
ing to A&M.
“I think any kind of performing arts at A&M is
beneficial because [we are] known as sometimes
just an engineering college,” Whitted said.
Whitted said it is great for the A&M com
munity to see a show as unique as the Ballet
“A lot of people have never seen anything like
this; it is a different kind of dancing,” Whitted
said. “The show will be a new variety of per
forming for many of the audience members, so it
will give the A&M community a new taste of bal
let dance.”
Whitted said she also sees this as an opponu-
nity for A&M to benefit in the long run.
“There is an interest for dance art and A&M
needs to bring in more of these types of perfor
mances,” she said. “Texas A&M has to be more
accepting in order to shoot for Vision 2020.”
Friedson said the tour covers 15 cities in less
than six weeks.
“This is more work than football players do
for games, yet the dancers love the opportunity
to perform under Amalia,” Friedson
football team plays six games a week
Friedson said Ballet Folklorico portra;
thing too descriptive for words andtha;
tually uplifting
“What’s unique about Amalia is tkl
the combination of music, costumestj
rate your eyes with color and ther"l|
mov ement layered on u ith the his
co, she creates an almost archetypical]
dial experience,” Friedson said
The Ballet Folklorico introducesaufe
the authentic side of Mexico.
“Many things, like poverty and gove
problems, that are known about Mexicc
what the country is all about," Friedson:
has the highest beauty, and wewantto
fluence and encourage an appreciatio
culture’s richness.”
Friedson said ih
Folklorico is a celebi
“The show is univeJ
for Mexicans it is aboJ
we are and the prided]
ture,” Friedson said. ]
Those who attend
dez’s creation will be
ported to another time
Though Friedsoni. ; or some
ducer for the Ballet R Mfese tl
he said he felt overrAimur
watc hing the show a; nay also
ence member. i more
“In OklahomaCir. fe^ uate
the crowd to watch the J 5 or tc
•; w~ stU( ^
was. where 1 wasancJ^/ stl
problems were. AmaHicJ ord
Tp 16 r
spell over you, andyxii
en away.”
The Ballet Folkion:
Mexico has perfoiwj.
dio City Music H; :::]
Shrine Auditorium
This is the fiirr^l
ballet to come tokta-fa
lege Station area\
Angie Castro, p agemen
viser for the Come wd stu
Awareness for Mexic 'Ourspei
lean Culture (CAMAC] ipsup
was amazed upon learnEgftfyoii
A&M would be a performan.rP
“1 have heard incredible thing:I
this dance company, and it almost seJ
me that they decided to come to Texa.o
Castro said.
Castro said the benefits for the locale:
nity are great.
“It’s a very unique opportunity for Bn:
Photo Courtesy of Ballet Folklorico de Mexico
lege Station, Texas A&M and particularly w ata ] c
panic community,” Castro said. “It’sai [LqRi
to showcase our culture and educate lap 0 ut
about this tradition.” Irsasi
Ballet Folklorico de Mexico de Amaltiessice
nandez will perform tonight at 7:30 infJblscie
Auditorium. ^^JlHligges
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