The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, September 07, 1999, Image 2
i StMm I0NG TWO LOCATIONS!!! ORIGIN 601 University Dr. (Northgate) 268-7668 2416 Texas Ave. (@ Kroger Center) 696-5464 Mon. -Thur. 7.30 a.m. -11 p.m. Friday 7:30 a.m. - 10:30 p.m. Saturday 9 a.m. - 10:30 p.m. Sunday 11 a.m. - 10:30 p.m. Welcome Back Students!! BEST TASTING SMOOTHIES IN TOWN! Best prices in town on sport supplements and diet products EAS Metrix Labrada Vitamins • Minerals • Herbs • Sport Drinks Diet Products • Snack Bars & Food <jJt> CJD IlUlfA MITI SEPTEMBER 16, 1999 • THURSDAY 7tVv AG KICKOFF *PAT GREEN’S LAST SHOW OF THE CENTURY IN AGGIELAND! 750 WELLS / H LONGNECKS 8-10PM TEXAS HALL OF FAME • COLLEGE NIGHT SPECIAL ADVANCE TICKETS: SUGGESTED AT ROTHERS BOOKSTORES, CAVENDERS, DISC GO ROUND & HALL OF FAME r Fall 1999 Rush Events ALPHA KAPPA PSI National Professional business Fraternity • Brotherhood • Professionalism • Service • All Business & Economics Majors Welcome! Monday. Sept. 6 Informational Meeting 8:00 - 10:00 p.m MSC, Room 22 Casual Attir Thursday. Sept. Professional 8:00 - 10:00 p! Ramada Inn Professional Attire Wednesday. Sept. 8 Casual Rush 8:00 - 10:00 p.m. MSC, Room 225 fessional/Casual Attire dav. Sept. 10 ocial Rush & Place TBA >y invitation only Questions? Please call our Rush Directors, Jon Brown, Administration 694-9821 Kristen Hajduk, Publicity 695-7808 Holly Long, Professional Programs 695-1582^^ Con^/uxtalotuLWi t<T l(i vi new 2eta/ JairGljJm9 teclijc CfxiM aj! \999! rlCin.eW., 9KaUi GLtlhy figa^teUt 'ID.nd,, 9lUtt^v rlGnd«eefiga.xtox, 9lliciuee c figaall., figeee^d <JU*ui figixd«vee Sfiae o «d« 9Rac TlCaoi 9Rox t| CtgLjaU' (^d-xi^nive- fig TO.aO 11 £« „,u fiL ) U.GA UXC14A, rllalliexla. §axali .Vxicic XaLy V)lu,j ('o.x gxm 9W fKxiolina OliMnioU l J „a fPaxxifi; Cfadx«afi , exx«,J 9R;nd,, fig',ieei f , fikandx fi^ed.x 8ax,e Saxu fiwfi’i' t /ju L'L- UujjL-xaxo Ctxa fillax.c filiXxj C^lxaixa i-Uullxn<j Sli-aixixoli eWaxje VJticoL Suuxxxxndl Cllxi^ten cYcIlixeixlex goJkjn Sxxxllam .TaylXx ScRuEUa OeeUxMx SutHtU. Acetic Olcaxjxjxne 9lLi'od ;) rJC-xd, fiLxjixxa §ex,ex Sff.,,., :TQ™«e 9Rexe<iaR Sim, Ctmuitrtu /xjaclLon La,,xe Slceetex, (S/amic ^jacoiL CLlilGj Saxiil'x VKatai'u rJCt'Lx fXutie Smitli,on .jLa-tKxxj.n .X i n.jx.' L i ■ )u 7a .Jaxrxa,, ij CLMu, rXmuGox, I’Uafjxaaum fiXtxxcia £axa Sfc,aTXxa. Sjlx.oX Sxi„m.„t filUxedtli: JuxxxcLeij SlIeft! ;) Tf)|iite Steplixx.xU ‘xjuymetlXl’fiam, L iut).-,a<j 9TLx IX HexxjeA. filLXxn.etfii.TLx guCU S«,ILx CrovtfD yourselr Page 2 • Tuesday, September 7, 1999 c AMPUS ^ Battalio Plus Continued from Page 1 books and experts so those who use the facility and feel comfortable try ing new skills or hobbies. University Plus/Craft Shop also offers classes taught by students, professors and professionals. The classes require a registration fee on topics including pottery, leadership, drawing, painting and etiquette skills. A booklet with the class de scriptions, times, dates and costs is available at the University Plus/Craft Shop. Students wishing to register for classes can visit the shop or e-mail their registrations to Fish BV R. DEL (XAV, X M 601^6 To SiT Doum> /W ?FA5 This CHAPTER! A)o I/vrEMuPTio/vS • iVOTHf/Vh WILL Alt Hi! UE'£f tofThe f\%oc\AXioN of Rower 6i£L Scours ! UE'RE OtfERi^G RRtt mith EHCHi Sox of Coo* IBS you guv!' Former Continued from Page 1 the Individualists and the Futurists how the association is already pre sent on campus. “We haven’t done a good job of telling them where their money is going,” she said. “Letting them know that their money sent the Ag gie Band and the yell leaders to away games or that the association is a major supporter of Muster would certainly get more former students involved.” Glass said the association is also planning parties before Midnight Yell Practice, organizing direct mail pro grams and looking into a satellite of fice in the MSC to increase aware ness of the association among current students. Monica Harmon, Class of ’97 and an assistant lecturer in speech com munications, said she experienced the network of Aggies within a week of graduation when someone saw her ring and offered her a job. “After I explained to him that I didn’t need a job and was going to graduate school, he told me, ‘When you get your master’s degree, give me a call,”’ she said. “You always hear about Aggie ring stories, but 1 had no idea it would happen so fast.” TUESDAY Study Abroad Programs Office: An informational meeting to pro mote the Italy 2000 Program will oe held from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. in 154 and 161 Bizzell Hall West. Texas A&M Pre-Medical Society: An introductory meeting will be held at 7 p.m. in 212 MSC. Free pizza and drinks will be provided. Dance Arts Society: Wanna dance? Come to our general meet ing at 7 p.m. in Read 268 and take a free jazz class. Call Anne at 694- 6824 for more details. Pi Sigma Epsilon: Will be holding an informational meeting with pro fessional dress at 8:30 p.m. in Koldus 111. Aggie Lutherans: A gathering for fun and fellowship will take place at 7 p.m. at Our Savior’s Lutheran Church. News In Brief Texas A&M Computing Society: A representative from Nortel Net works will be speaking at the meet ing at 7 p.m. in 124 Bright. Call Bryan Harris at 847-7479 for more details. Honor society seeks nominations The Alpha Eta chapter of the Phi Beta Delta international honor soci-, ety seeks nominations from stu dents, faculty and staff members in terested in membership. Junior and senior nominees must have a G.PR. of at least 3.2, and graduate students must have at least a 3.5 G.P.R. United States citizens are se lected on the basis of successfully completing an overseas study pro gram approved by their institutions. Faculty and staff members are nominated by deans and adminis trators, or by two active members of the society. Pre-Law Society: An informational meeting will be held at 7 p.m. in front of the Academic Building. For more information, contact the Pre- Law office at 847-8938. National Society of Black Engi neers: The first general meeting will be held at 7:30 p.m. in Richard son 101. Leaders in Freshman Engineering (LIFE): There will be an information session at 6 p.m. in Rudder 301. Call Redhair at 847-4006 for more information. WEDNESDAY Predental Society: There will be Need Birth Control? Call the Experts. Call 1 h 800 m 230 m PLAN and be connected to the nearest clinic * Planned Parenthood® of Houston and Southeast Texas, Inc. P more reason to sign up For our LSAT course SatisFaction Guaranteed If you're not satisfied with your score, we'll work with you free for any one of the next four administrations of the LSAT. Don't like to take risks? Call today and asking about trying out our LSAT course for FREE! * THE PRINCETON REVIEW •fctoxing to o »«.rt *8 itufr. Rw Princton hvw n not oftfaw) wnh Print ton Un»««n o. GMAC. 409.696.9099 CAMPUS CALENDAR a general meeting at 7 p.m. in Rudder 410. italth ar t pi edatoi ' lyzing tb "Vive stratej ~areful nc TAMU Scuba Club: There will be an informational meeting in 707 Rud der at 8:30 p.m. Study Abroad Programs Office: An informational meeting to promote the Italy 2000 Program will be held from 3 to 4 p.m. in 154 and 161 Bizzell Hall West. Career Center: There will be an “Interview Savvy" seminar with rep resentatives from Universal Com puter Systems, Anderson Consult ing and Ernst & Young at 6:30 p.m. in MSC 224. English Language and Literature Society: The first informational meeting for anyone interested in joining the organization will be held at 8:02 p.m. in the MSC Visual Arts Gallery. Contact Amber at 260- 3513 for additional information. THURSDAY TAMU Scuba Club: There will be an informational meeting in 507 Rud der at 7 p.m. Pi Sigma Epsilon: Will be holding a rush event at Fitzwilly’s beginning at 7:30 p.m. Leaders in Freshman Engineering: There will be an information ses sion at 6 p.m. in Rudder 301. Call Redhair at 847-4006 for more in formation. SATURDAY sence, the No Listings prising hi: 'Would yc tam e? We Duiing th SUNDAY Cjcomim Pi Sigma Epsilon: \A 11 are crow o rush •■vi•nt w t' cas. men sellin p.m. at Bee CreekPatV. Ascription: es and ere LEGALS: There be; -rs and toi meeting at 9 p.m. in hStudents 208. Call Enm . Dplc ns pm for more information, t that doe 3t salesme Jesi Harvi MONDAY irnulism n Study Abroad Programs0».s quickly i informational meeting to > “They ui the Italy 2000 ProgramiiJiey migl: from 5:30 to 6:30 q^y’re doinj 161 Bizze 1 Hai West. Harvey s; r mannei Career Center: W m cached by workshop at 7 p.m. cf 3 .;; “I don’t li atre that will • »u can’t he to wear to interviews. R? “If I tell i also be two free suits t. ey keep ii ! rude.” Jennifer J TUESDAY ience maji Study Abroad Programsiye simply ii ' i •• t't\ . • mrteous ei the Italy 2000 Programwi: “They at from 9 to 10 a.m. in 1:- ammissior Bizzell Hall West. :ts,” she s le consum Aggie Lutherans: Agar Johnsen and fellowship will takepfeereotypica p.m. at Our Saws Lull Church. Society of Mexican American En gineers and Scientists (MAES): The first meeting of the year will be held in Richardson 101. at 6:45 p.m. Future Aggie Phy>£®\te tants: The first generam^ featuring guest speakesBi I of PA C and Dr. Roquet of Cafil will be held at 7 p.m. inlO'i der. For more information,ct| : Lori at 696-8593. FRIDAY Study Abroad Programs Office: An informational meeting to promote the Italy 2000 Program will be held from 1 to 2 p.m. in 154 and 161 Bizzell Hall West. WEDNESDAY Study Abroad Programs Of informational meeting to™ the Italy 2000 Program willtj' from 11 a.m to 12 p.m. inlfl 161 Bizzell Hall West. SHAPERS HAIR PRODUCTlOk 1673 Briarcrest, Bryan 774-0589 7 7 Stylists • 4 Nail Techs We offer: Haircutting and Styling, Coloring, Foiling, and Highlighting, Perms, Straightners, Acrylic and (fel Nails, Manicures, Pedicures, and All Types of Waxii Call for an appointment Reception desk open Tuesday - Saturday Sallie Turner, Editor in Chief Marium Mohiuddin, Managing Editor Matt Weber, Executive Editor Scott Harris, Aggielife Editor Stephen Wells, Aggielife Editor Al Lazarus, Sports Editor Doug Shilling, Sports Editor Veronica Serrano, Night News Editor ' ' ■ — Staff Guy Rogers, Photo Editor Robert Hynecek, Graphics Edit Mark McPherson, GraphicsE:' Caleb McDaniel, Opinion Edit® Carrie Bennett, City Editor Emily R. Snooks. Campus Edit 1 ' Jeremy Brown. Web Editor Kyle Whitacre, Radio Produce! Members City - Amanda Smith, Meredith Might, April Young, Rachel Holland, Stasia Raines, Suzanne Braebeck, Stuart Hutson & Julie Zucker. Sports - Reece Flood, Travis Harsch, Bree Holz, Beth Miller, Blaine Dionne & Jason Lincoln. Aggielife - Heather Brandy, Mariano Castillo, Brian Fleming, Jacob Huval, Jeff Kempf, Matt McCormick, Susan Overcash, Amanda Palm, Emily Ruder, Melissa Pantano, Jennifer Spurlock, Non! Sridhara & Jeff Wolfshohl. Opinion - Assistant: Beverly Mireles; John Baker, Mariano Castillo, Jessica Crutcher, Eric Dickens, Stephanie Dube, Marc Grether, Ann Weaver Hart, Chris Huffines, Elizabeth Kohl, David Lee * Passwaters, Caesar Ricci, Jeff Webb & He? Wright. Photo - JP Beato, Bradley Atchison, Kerritf Kimber Huff, Chad Adams, Cody Wagesi*' Disalvo. I'EVTI Graphics - Gabriel Ruenes. Ruben DeMM [ | J & Jeffrey Smith. Cartoonists - Ruben Deluna. Copy Eonons - Kasie Byers, Amy DaugheiP Miller, Jamie Morris, Deidra Hall, Bobbief Jeff Kempf. Page Designers- Jaime Morris & Kyle Wlite" News: tie Battalion news departmenl is managed by studenls at Texas A&M University in the Division of Student PublicaWipM Department of Journalism. News offices are in 013 Reed McDonald Building. Newsroom phone: 845-3313; Fax:; Website: Advertising: Publication of advertising does not imply sponsorship or endorsement byte Battalion. For campus, local, and tising, call 845-2696. For classified advertising, call 845-0569. Advertising offices are in 015 Reed McDonald, and office hoursartli'ifl Monday through Friday. Fax: 845-2678. Subscriptions: A part of the Student Services Fee entitles each Texas A&M student to pick up a single copy ofte Battalion. tional copies 25t. Mail subscriptions are $60 per school year, $30 for the fall or spring semester and $17.50 for the summer. card, call 845-2611. The Battauon (ISSN #1055-4726) is published daily, Monday through Friday dunng the fall and spring semesters and Monday tlm? Iw ing the summer session (except University holidays and exam periods) at Texas A&M University. Periodicals Postage Paid at College Sarffl POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Ihe Battalion, 015 Reed McDonald Building, Texas A&M University, College Station,Dditt-