Page 2 • Thursday, August 5, 1999 News Etched in stone '•*■»»»» ***** '■ TERRY ROBERSON/Thh Battalion Daniel Strohmeyer, a freshman ocean engineering major, lays bricks at the Corps Center Plaza Wednesday. The money from selling the bricks will go toward scholarships and upkeep of the Sanders Corps of Cadets Center. East Texas killer executed Kites Battalic HUNTSVILLE (AP) — Con victed murderer Ricky Black mon was executed last night for hacking to death an East Texas man with a 3-foot-long sword fashioned from a steel sawmill blade. Blackmon, 41, was the first of six Texas death row inmates ex pected to receive lethal injection over the next two weeks. He be came the 17th put to death so far this year. Blackmon had no last words as the deadly chemical cocktail began flowing, but earlier re leased a prepared statement that asked people to view the Inter net Website of a church in Huntsville. “Use this to teach others about what not to do and pray God receives the glory, not me,” he said. "This is what he (Blackmon) did and this is what needs to be done” — Thomasine Crow Victim’s mother As the drugs were being ad ministered, Blackmon obvious ly choked up, sobbing, then closed his eyes and gasped twice as a muscle in his neck began twitching. Eight minutes later, a tear still running from his right eye, he was pronounced dead at 6:22 p.m. CDT. “I wouldn’t want to call it relief,” Thomasine Crow, the victim’s mother, said of the ex ecution. “I think there is jus tice that needs to be met and I think this is what needs to be done. “Nothing can bring Carl back. Nothing can ever ease that pain completely. This is what he (Blackmon) did and this is what needs to be done.” Continued from Pag' Beverly Wagner, adu] secretary for the gallen.i display is not theusual^j hibit because there area cal barriers to protect®J from the open elemenii: tors. However, thegallerl tored by 32 security car| The exhibit isapere* tion brought to A&Mbd Mm rah Exhibitionsfortl $4,500 per month,! curatorial and travel® Thompson Brazos summons potential jurors BRYAN (AP) — Brazos County officials are expected to mail 600 jury summons to day to residents considered for the second trial in the 1998 dragging death of a Jasper black man. Jury selection begins Aug. 31 in Bryan for the capital murder trial of Lawrence Russell Brewer, one of three white men charged in the gruesome June 7, 1998 killing of 49-year-old James Byrd Jr. Death Continued from Page 1 Wagener worked as a graph ics artist for The Battalion. Mark McPherson, graphics editor for The Battalion said Wagener had a really good sense of humor, which showed in both his conversa tions and his drawings. “He was always eager to do as many graphics as he could," McPherson s^aid. McPherson said Wagener had changed his major from agricultural engineering to en vironmental design because he was interested in joining the Vi sual Arts Laboratory. “He was really interested in animation,” he said. Toscano said he recalled at least one A&M student who died from alcohol poisoning this year and an 18-year-old student who had a high blood-alcohol level when he fell to his death in the Southside Parking Garage. “Maybe if the media puts the message out that alcohol can kill, maybe it would get through,” Toscano said. Continued from Pag. In 1975, Thompson reer with the System as; and department heading ment of Secondary andr^j cation at East Texas Stas .1 which is now knownas'^ University-Commerce. Since then he has sen: idem and chief executmj both Tarleton State I West Texas A&M Univen:| served as interim chan System. Don Powell, a meu^ Board of Regents, said! service has defined M land-grant mission. “His devotion to eve is a true inspiration to; has ever had the horn him,” he said. NUTZ BY R. DELUNA Evans lAJELCOtfE To /viy boCO/'lEA/f»£ "The Hmatok &Ho5T PRoJect^ , ^/oDAY kfE Loo AT OUZ VERY OUAi LE6E/9b O/vl For TEAKS, These W/b/e BEEAJ RuaioKS OF 4 C>do5T Xa) SoiLDMb] 7dAT ZlDES THEj ILEMPiToH^ A 7^ WIGHT... UAI, AlAYgE X SHOULD OET SOA1£OaJE EC5>E To Hold The Camera. Continued from Ptfll Stokes said Evans mI been a very outgoing f passionate A&M alum. “There is no wayyoucj him without knowinghe* gie,” he said. Stokes also said Evans! him to update hisbiogtap This year, The TexasAi| of Regents passed a resob mending Evans forhisf tributions to the librarci sity, the System and thesBtl wJUbw Stu< mut Student Counseling elpEine^. Volunteers Needed! An nnwH 8 WELCOME! * INTERVIEWING NOW * to begin service in the Fall. Training will take place August 23-28, 1999. For more information call Susan Vavra at 845-4427 ext. 133 or visit our web site at STUDENT COUNSELING SERVICE Want a Free T-shirt??? Help us start a new tradition, in the Spirit of Ags helping Ags, by volunteering to aid Freshmen and their parents the day they move into the Residence Halls. All volunteers will be given a t-shirt to be worn on check-in day August 25. If you are interested in helping the newest members of our Aggie family, contact Sandra Mitchell in YMCA 110, call 862-3158, or log onto our website at for an application. Let’s show the young Ags what “Aggie Spirit” is all about. Gig ‘Em, Department of Residence Life A department in the Division of Student Affairs Welcome Back Aggies and Congratulations Graduates! Kathy Mayfield-Lynch Realtor/Broker, CRS, GRI Aggie Mom Solving Student Housing Needs at A&M for over 20 Yrs. Houses, Duplexes, Condos, Let Your Investment Soften the Education Cost. Choose your own roommates! AFFORDABLE! Contact Kathy and “Be Sold on Service’ (409) 777-4116 dUi COVENTRY AGGIE RING ORDERS THE ASSOCIATION OF FORMER STUDENTS CLAYTON W. WILLIAMS, JR. ALUMNI CENTER DEADLINE: AUGUST 5, 1999 Undergraduate Student Requirements: (These requirements must have been completed by summer term 1) You must be a degree seeking student and have a total of 25 undergraduate credit hours reflected on the Texas A&M University Student Information Management System. (A passed course, which is repeated and passed, cannot count as additional credit hours.) 60 undergraduate credit hours must have been completed in residence at Texas A&M University if your first semester at Texas A&M University was January 1994 or thereafter, or if you do not qualify under the suc cessful semester requirement described in the following paragraph. Should your degree be conferred with less than 60 undergraduate resident credits, this requirement will be waived after you graduate and your degree is posted on the Student Information Management System. 30 undergraduate credit hours must have been completed in residence at Texas A&M University, providing that prior to lanuary 1, 1994, you were registered at Texas A&M University and successfully completed either a fall/spring semester or summer term (I and II or 10 weeks) as a full-time student in good standing (as defined in the University catalog). 3. You must have a 2.0 cumulative GPR at Texas A&M University. 4. You must be in good standing with the University, including no registration or transcript blocks for past due fees, loans, parking tickets, returned checks, etc. Graduate Student Requirements: « If you are a August 1999 degree candidate and do not have an Aggie ring from a prior degree, you may place an order after you meet the following requirements: 1. Your degree is conferred and posted on the Texas A&M University Student Information Management System; and 2. You are in good standing with the University, including no registration or transcript blocks for past due fees, loans, parking tickets, returned checks, etc. However, if you have completed all of your course work prior to this semester and have been cleared by the the sis clerk, you may request a “letter of completion: from the Office of Graduate Studies (providing it is not past their deadline). The original letter of completion, with the seal, may be presented to the Ring Office in lieu of your degree being posted. Procedure to order a ring: 1. If you meet all of the above requirements and you wish to receive your ring on October 14, 1999, you must visit the Ring Office no later than Thursday, August 5, 1999 between the hours of 8:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. to complete the application for eligibility verification. It is recommended that you do not wait until August 5 to apply for your ring audit. Should there be a prob lem with your academic record, or if you are blocked, you may not have sufficient time to resolve these mat ters before the order closes put on August 6. 2. Return no later than August 6, 1999 between the hours of 8:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. to check on the status of your audit and if qualified, pay in full by cash, check, money order, or your personal Discover, Visa or MasterCard (with your name imprinted). Men’s 10K Women’s 10K $313.00 $197.00 14K -$411.00 14K-$218.00 * Add $8.00 for Class of‘98 or before. The ring delivery date is October 14, 1999. Malynda “Big improvisational comedy Hott One Easy Step to Self Improv-ment! Saturday, August 7 9 p.m. Rudder Auditorium Tickets are $4 in advance $5 at the door T ust v I ter, r -’ ust • Fortl ter than College Davidso Jane looking dally si |“Wh are dor get ver ditioni Eve tlitely : The ie rm 105 YEARS AT TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY Kasie Byers, Editor in chief Sallie Turner, Managing Editor Veronica Serrano, Executive Editor Mark McPherson, Graphics Editor Riley LaGrone, Aggielife Editor Doug Shilling, Sports Editor Matt Webber, Night News Editor Sallie Turner, Photo Edto Guy Rogers, Photo Editot Caleb McDaniel, Opinion! Veronica Serrano, City Eo Non! Sridhara, Campus Et Ryan Williams, Web Edito Kyle Whitacre, Radio Proc Staff Members City - Carrie Bennet, Sameh Fahmy, Ryan West, Suzanne Brabeck & Stuart Hutson. Sports - Jeff Webb, Santosh Venkataraman, Michael Rodgers, Ruth Stephens & Reece Flood. Aggieufe - Assistant: Stephen Wells; Aaron Meier, Scott Harris, Brian Fleming & Michael Maddux. Opinion - Tom Owens, Jeff Becker, Mark Passwaters, Marc Grether, Chris Huffines, Megan Wright, Aaron Meier, Beverly Mireles & Ryan Alan Garcia. Photo - JP Beato, Mike Fuentes, Terry Roberson, Bradley Atchison & Anthony Disalro Graphics - Assistant: Gabriel Ruenes:leh & Michael Wagener. Cartoonists - Ruben Deluna. Copy Editors - Amy Daugherty, Mandy Cater Graeber & Aaron Meier. Page Designers- Manisha Parekli. Radio - Andrea Bragdon, Paul Breamfe Campbell, Francis Fernandez, Jasoa Pe: Stephen Landin & Logan Youree. News: The Battalion news department is managed by students at Texas A&M University in the Division of Student Pitt®: Department of Journalism. News offices are in 013 Reed McDonald Building. Newsroom phone: 845-3313; Fat WS; Website: Advertising: Publication of advertising does not imply sponsorship or endorsement by The Battalion. For campus, tal.andnato tising, call 845-2696. For classified advertising, call 845-0569. Advertising offices are in 015 Reed McDonald, and office tair Monday through Friday, Fax: 845-2678. Subscriptions: A part of the Student Services Fee entitles each Texas A&M student to pick up a s tional copies 254. Mail subscriptions are $60 per school year, $30 for the fall or spring semester and $17.50 for the smra. te card, call 845-2611. The Battauon (ISSN #1055-4726) is published daily, Monday through Friday during the fall and spring semesters and Mmutyttagi ing the summer session (except University holidays and exam periods) at Texas A&M University. Periodicals Postage Paid atMlej!&:' POSTMASTER: Send address changes to The Battalion, 015 Reed McDonald Building, Texas A&M University, College Station, A INF: Learn fly wit the Ce Pilot Centei Exclus Integic Flight Trainir System