The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, July 19, 1999, Image 6
Page 4 • Monday, July 19, 1999 TheJ "“•v The Battalion To place a classified ad: Phone: 845-0569 / Fax: 845-2678 Office: Room 015 (basement) Reed McDonald Building Taikonauts .. China nears manned spacef^f\ Business Hours 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Monday through Friday Insertion deadline: 1 p.m. prior business day Private Party Want Ads $10 for 20 words running 5 days, if your merchandise is priced $1,000 or less (price must appear in ad). This rate applies only to non-commercial advertisers offering personal possessions for sale. Guaranteed results or you get an additional 5 days at no charge. If item doesn’t sell, advertiser must call before 1 p.m. on the day the ad is scheduled to end to qualify for the 5 additional insertions at no charge. No refunds will be made if your ad is cancelled early. ANNOUNCEMENTS FOR RENT HELP WANTED HELP WANTED **"Help on the spot*** 828-4832. Mason’s Mobile Car Repair. AUTO C.Sta. 4-plexes, studio style: 707-San Pedro, 2bdrm/1bath, w/d provided, water paid, $525/mo. 2405- Bosque, 2bdrm/1bath, ceiling fans, no pets, $425/mo. 731-8951. Child care person needed to care for energetic 7-month old. $5.15/hr. M-F, 8a.m.-5p.m. until September 2000. (409)776-6884, fax resume to (409)774-3008. 1970-Classic bug. Good condition. New wheels & tires. $3,000. 693-7374. 1987-Toyota Supra Turbo, 153k miles, power every thing, excellent condition, cold a/c, 1-owner, fun &reii- able, $3,500. (409)694-0265. College Station- PREMIERING TWO NEW 3bdrm/3bath duplexes, approx. 1,400 and 1,500 sq.ft. Microwave, W/D, ice maker, lawn care, one plan with security alarm. August move in. Starting @$1,195/mo. United 694-9140. Earn extra income by cleaning office M-F, after 5p.m. 823-5031. WILDLIFE JOBS to $21.60/HR. Inc. benefits. Game Wardens, Security, Maintenance, Park Rangers. No exp. needed. For app. and exam info, call 1-800-813- 3585, Ext.7683, 8a.m.-9p.m., 7-days, fds, inc. Enhanced Technology company seeks 12-marketing representatives in area. Will train. Gain marketing, pub lic relations &business experience. Call toll-free 1 -877- 785-8568. LOST & FOUND $500 Rewardll Lost black Yorkshire Terrier. Rockprairie Road. Call 764-9000. 1990-Mazda Protege, 5-speed manual, 82k, $2,400. Call Vladimir @847-8593. a/c, First & last month rent w/security deposit you can own your new mobile home. 409-779-3408, 1-800-580- 3438. Experienced bartender. Apply @The Ptarmigan Club, 2005-So. College. See Willie. MOTORCYCLE 1993 Ford am/fm/cass. 2737. Festiva GL, 80,000mi., 5-spd, a/c, Excellent condition. $3,000/o.b.o. 696- 1993-Ford Probe, 62,000mi., shift gear, excellent condi tion, $4,950. H:862-9651, W:862-7247. Urgent!!!! Floorplans and locations GALORE! 2 and 3 bedrooms duplexes and fourplexes, Now & for August preleasing, some fenced yards, w/d or w/d conn., some bills paid, shuttle. Starting @395/mo. United 694-9140. Experienced technician &technicat sales needed work ing in computer store. Dan @846-5454, Compuview Microsystems. ‘94-Kawasaki EX250, 11k, 2-new tires, very clean, runs great, $1,700. 695-9179. 1994 Mustang convertible, 56,000mi., white w/blacktop, excellent condition. $9,000/o.b.o. 260-8195. Furnished apartment for sublease. University Commons. Fall thru spring. $301/mo. +1/4utilities. Call Brett @281-320-1920. Full-time office assistant needed. Basic knowledge of computer, bookkeeping & collections. Must be highly organized w/good phone etiquette &people skills. Apply in person after 10:00a.m. @307-So. Main #101, Bryan. ‘99-Honda Shadow VLX, lots of extras, $5,000. call 774-9627. PERSONAL 1995 Toyota Tercell, 46,000mi., green w/tan interior, excellent condition. $7,500/o.b.o. 260-8195. AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR Help on the spot. GREAT DEAL!! 2-bedroom, 1-bath, FULL SIZE w/d, microwave, shuttle, on Longmire, C.Sta. Available Aug. 1st. $475/mo. 846-7454. Housekeeping for 2-faculty families. Flexible hours. IShours/week, $5.50/hr. 774-6100. Girls!!! Live!!! 24hrs./day!l! Talk one-on-one! Call now!! 1-900-226-0334 xt.1045. $3.99/min„ must be 18yrs. Serv-U (619)645-8434. Layne's hiring cooks &counter persons. Apply at 106- Walton or call 696-7633. Live chat line!! 24hrs/dayl! 1-900-226-8101, ext.#3301 &3302. $3.99/min. Must be 18yrs. Mason’s Mobile Car Repair. 4832. House, walking distance to campus, 1-bedroom, avail able Aug. 15th. Must seel! (409)691-8206. BED AND BREAKFAST Exquisite Victorian accommodations and romantic can dlelight dinners. Finest in the Brazos Valley. The Famous “Calvert Inn” Gourmet Bed & Breakfast and Restaurant. 364-2868. Mobile home in Ramblewood MHP, Bryan, Spacious 3bdrm/2bath (16X72), all appliances, w/d conn., some bills paid. $475 plus lot rent. United 694-9140. Local church needs part-time secretary. 20-25hrs/wk. Basic computer skills required. Send resume/ applica tion to: Church Secretary, P.O.Box 4585, Bryan, TX 77805. Meet New People The Fun Way Today. 1-900-328- 3132, Ext.#2001. $2.99/min. Must be 18yrs. Serv-U: 619-645-8434. Room for rent. Christian woman, smoker. 690-1063. No children, pets. HEATHER’S GLEN BED & BREAKFAST Elegantly restored Victorian Mansion in downtown Conroe. Perfect for overnight accommodations (private Jacuzzi bathtubs for two in bedrooms). Call for free brochures on weddings/ overnight accommodations. 1-800-66- JAMIE. HEATHERBB@AOL.COM Rosewood Villas Preleasing for FaH’99. Only 8 left, 3bdrm/2bth, $1,000/mo., 12mo. lease, just off 2818 in Southwood Valley. lastx or 846-1100. Lynntech, Inc. a fast growing technology development company in College Station, TX has openings for Bachelor level graduates in Microbiology, Biomedical Science or Bioenvironmental Science. Mail or deliver resume to Lynntech, Inc. 7610-Eastmark Dr., Ste.202, College Station, TX 77840, e-mail to Lynntech is an E.O.E. Meet your match!! 1-900-226-5883, ext.#7175. $2.99/min., must be 18yrs. Serv-U: (619)645-8434. Tired Of Plain Web Surfin'? Learn how to Power Surf! 1-900-830-4700 xt.2577. $2.99/min., must be 18yrs. Serv-U (619)645-8434. PETS STUDENTS LIVE FREE!! Buy new mobile home. Rent out room(s) and live Free. Call for details (409)822- 2929. On-line resumes. Very professional, very affordable, very fast. Durham Communications, Bryan, since 1994 (409)361-2360. Adopt: Puppies. Kittens, Cats, Dogs, breeds! Brazos Animal Shelter-775-5755. Many pure COMPUTERS Apple Macintosh tv/computer, cd-rom, hp color inkjet printer, software included. Call for details. $250/o.b.o. Please call 694-7796. Townshire Manor- Large Ibdrm/lbath, 2bdrm/1bath, and 2bdrm/11/2bath available now or August preleas ing. Laundry on site, pool, some bills paid. Close to shopping & shuttle. Starting @$345/mo. United 694- 9140. Part-time cook & counter positions needed. Bridge Bar & Grill. 764-2933. Koppe Beautiful great puppies! Weimaraners, 6wks, silver and fawns, shots & wormed, $200. Please call 27*2-1223. BEIJING (AP) — If the experts are right, China is nearly ready to put astronauts into space. They expect the Chinese to launch an unmanned spacecraft later this year and put human crews into orbit next year. That would make China only the third nation, after Russia and the United States, to put a human being in space. “The Chinese will be able to show the rest of the world that, despite what everybody has said about them, they have developed the capability to put people in space,” Phillip Clark, an expert on the Chinese program, said. China has ploddingly progressed toward a manned space mission for more than three decades. It put its first satellite in orbit in 1970 and in 1975, retrieved a recoverable satel- lite, a key step toward achieving manned space flight. But the highly secretive manned space program, known as Project 921, has gathered momentum this decade, nurtured by bigger bud gets, Russian assistance and a fear among the communist lead ership that China was falling fur- clue. Oct. 1 is the 50thanni,j of communist rule. The y© Evening News, a state-run m per, reported in early China would celebrate by ing to launch its first span most likely unmanned, aroi anniversary. ‘This proves that CW become, after the United ™ and Russia, the world’s m ian; space power,” the new:S us j-,: nd-rai ant me 'The Chinese will be able to show the rest of the world that... they have developed the capability to put people into space/ 9 declared. About the same time, appeared without fanfare •■] tori obscure Internet site shotrM, rocket 4 1/2 stories tall, top® ‘ what looked like a spacecraim' ^ , red flag of China stamped® 1 - 1 shiny white side. ^ ^, Purportedly scanned fi:®’ brochure from an Mongolian construction co® er ,P| ihjt i* nds t ■e a Part-time help wanted. Experience preferred but not necessary. Will work schedule around school. Apply in person at Villa Maria & 29th, Bryan. Free to good home. Female cat, spade, declawed, cur rent shots, very sweet. 694-0130 Compaq computer. 32mb RAM, 8.4GB HDD, 40x CD, Win98, Office 97 Pro, Lots morel! Call 694-1635. Generation Next. W/D FOR RENT. Lease a brand new washer/dryer for only $28/month. BCG Leasing, 764-2019. Locally owned &operated by Aggies! DJ MUSIC •‘Party Block Mobile DJ**- Peter Block, professional/ experienced. Specializing in Weddings, TAMU func tions, lights/smoke. Mobile to anywhere. Book early!! 693-6294. Walk to campus! Efficiency and one bedroom units in Northgate for August move-in. Partial bills paid to all bills paid. Starting @$325/mo. United 694-9140. Part-time Library Runner. Lynntech, Inc. is looking for a self motivated individual with a good working knowledge of the libraries and dependable transportation. Hours are flexible. Please apply or bring resume by 7610- Eastmark Dr., Ste.202, CS, TX 77840. Lynntech is an EOE. To fill by 7/30/99. Moving! Forced to relocate companion to good home, lyr.-old black lab, neutered, house, kennel, obedience trained. Kennel included. $100. 823-3792. ROOMMATES FOR SALE Part-time position for energetic self-motivated clerk. Needed to coordinate front office activity, answering phones, processing information, filing & data entry. Flexible hours, between 8a.m.-6p.m., M-F. Call 823- 1775, ext.#100. 2-M/F-Rmmtes. Fall-'99. $225/mo. +1/4utilities, $215/dep. 5-Minutes from A&M. 775-7303, Jeff or Holly. 2/F/Rmmte. 3bdrm/31/2bath. Own bdrm/bath. Ashford Duplexes. SWPKwy. Partially furnished. $383/mo. +bills. Ashley, 822-5083. EMPLOYMENT 14'X76’ mobile home, 3bdrm/2bath, w/d, some furniture. In Oak Forest Mobile Home Park. $17,000. 764-0938. Looking for part time enthusiastic motivated employee for casual business settings. Basic computer and office skills are necessary. Flexible hours around class sched ule. Can start immediately. Call 846-4039 for more information. 1995 3bdrm/2bath mobile home, all electric, w/d, ceiling fans. Great investment opportunity. Derek, 268-8222. Part-time Rental/ Service agent needed for weekday mornings and some weekends, flexible hours. Pay increase after 90-days. Must have good driving record. Apply in person ©Budget Rent-A-Car, lower level Easterwood Airport. 3bdrm/1 bath house, near campus, 2-car garage, fenced backyard, w/d. $260/mo. +1/3utilities. Kristi (903)938- 9738. ther behind the West technologi cally, Western experts said. China has a newly refur bished space center, at Jiuquan in the Gobi Desert, a new rock et, and at least two Russian- trained astronauts — dubbed “taikonauts” from the Chinese word for space. What China lacks, publicly, is a launch date. For that, nationalism might be a ny build the.lii.K_ launch (acl h , at . the photo> 16 o n 1 the rocket r f s i seve a skeleton®^ II gantry ancB oor same type® as s . rocket percti-°|py ^ a buildinj: pnun for assemb: R’'^ e 1 They co as beei just enougl P o* g e to intrigue W® win ’ experts like .fcot a t who folio She is space pr tost acti The rocket An be clearly staAreed with "CZ-2F,” the designa:: Br this China’s previously unseen la®owe; vehicle. And the spacecraft uch a re — Phillip Clark Chinese space program expert like a Russian Soyuz vessel b: nd beat modifications too complex lAate / easily faked, the experts said Iher o For now, the Chinesesujnd sho\ community is not tahhould n Requests for interviews ani ant ii c i ac eminent research institute; A-i iere i aerospace corporations n refused. ■ 1995 Fleetwood mobile home. 2bdrm/1bath, $14,500, from individual. Call 1-800-856-0457. Permanent full-time position for surgical assistant in oral surgeon’s office. Please call 764-7101 for information. F-Roommate. 2bdrm/2bath condo. Southwood Valley. $275/mo. +1 futilities. Graduate/ professional student, non-smoker. Kim, 694-8789. FOR RENT 1996 mobile home, 2bdrm/2bath, 16’X70’, all appli ances, good shape, $19,500. 409-822-7242. Phone people needed promoting circus, time. 361-2370, 2-9p.m. Part or full- F-Roommate. Share new 3bdrm/3bath duplex. $385/mo. Call Marci for details. 409-727-7908. 1-2/Bedroom apartments. Some with w/d, some near campus. $150-$325/mo. 696-2038. Base guitar with fender squire amp $200, dining room table with 3-chairs $50. Please call Brad at 694-6644. 1-Bedroom apartment starting at $390/mo. Call today 693-1906. Doux Chene Apartments. Desk & stereo $75/ea., 9396. or best offer. Please call 693- Physical Therapist Assistant for chiropractic office. Medical experience preferred, will train. Apply at 1703 East 29th Street, Bryan. F/Roommate needed. Great location. Shuttle-rt. Own bdrm/bath, w/d. $275/mo. +1/2utlllties. Non-smoker. 693-8201. Ibdrm/lbath sublease. Treehouse-ll. No deposit. $520/mo. Available 7/19/’99. 281-391-9426, Justin/ Debbie. For sale: couch $300, table & 4-chairs $150, coffee table $70. All in new condition. Please call Kim at 680- 3788. POSTAL JOBS to $18.35/HR. Inc. benefits, no experi ence. For app. and exam info, call 1-800-813-3585, Ext.7682, 8a.m.-9p.m., 7-days, fds, inc. House in Bryan. Own master bdrm/bath, huge walk-in closet. $300/mo. +1/3utilities. 823-3792. 2bdrm/11/2bath. 1-year sublease. College Main Apartments. $505/mo. normally $535/mo. 846-4328. 2bdrm/1bath duplex, w/d conn., fenced yard, quiet C.Sta. neighborhood, T1 conn., $500/mo. 696-0492. For Sale: couch and loveseat $200, rolling desk $75, large wooden desk $75, end tables $10 each, nego tiable. Nathan, 693-3359. 2bdrm/1bath house, newly remodeled, central a/c, gas, heat, <1mile from campus, Univ. Dr. $800/mo. 846- 8295. For Sale: Electric range $50, queen size sleeper sofa $50. Please call 764-6718. 2bdrm/2bath condo, fireplace, w/d, plantation shutters, new paint & carpet, covered parking, own shuttle. No pets. $749/mo. 690-7949. Glass table & 4-chairs $80, waterbed $50, 7-year old bike $100. Prices negotiable. 696-3540 (home), 862- 3411 (office), Kenmore hei Please call 7 Senior Research Assistant- Molecular Marker/ Genomics. The Forage Biotechnology Group (FBG) at the Samuel Roberts Noble Foundation ( is seeking a Senior Research Assistant will provide tech nical support in the use of molecular markers for identi fication of QTL and marker assisted breeding in forage grasses. Requires an MS in biological sciences or BS with two years of relevant work experience. Work expe riences should include the use of RFLP/AFLP or other molecular markers. Salary $24,890-$37,330 depending uoon Qualifications and experience. Attractive health M-Roommate a.s.a.p. 20ft. from campus. Panhandle area. Own room. $300/mo. +bills. Upper classman pre ferred. 680-8968. Palestinian released by Israelis M/F-Roommate needed. 2bdrm/2bath apartment. $275/mo. +1/2utilities. Non-smoker, good values. 694- 0844. Jihad member returns home after 6ye^- M/Rmmte. a.s.a.p. $192.50/mo. +1 futilities. Own room. Gas/water freel Clothes/dishwasher. 260-7182. Male/Female roommate needed for next year. Great 4bdrm.-2bth. house within walking distance to campus. $325/mo. +1/4bills. Collage student only. 693-6543. 4-bedroom house, male, Christian RAMIN, West Bank (AP) — Israel’s longest-held Palestinian detainee returned home Sunday after nearly six years in prison without charge or trial, in a case that brought new scrutiny on Israel’s detention practices. 2bdim/2bath, carport, privacy. For special price, starting at $390/$495. 764-0097. Mountain bil Please call 7 3bdrm/1bath recently remodeled house, deck, fenced, $697/mo. 1208-Phoenix (East three streets on Holleman from Wellborn), view then call 693-5885. Perfection P Ready to m onel! (409)f friends wants to begin a carfilelopme a human rights activist,said.m glob. Barham, 35, was arrestcfconomi 1993 for membership in theiAiic d ; tant Islamic Jihad Morld’s - According to his lawyer, Ti a st dev Peleg-Shavit, the chargesaniif The i> ig ineq ations “dangfc 3bdrm/2bath apartment ©Parkway Apartments, C.Sta. $850/mo. Deposit paid. On shuttle route. Available 9/13/’99. 696-4308. Town & Cc $199/mo. 1( 409-779-341 3bdrm/2bath brick house, near campus, $850/mo., $500/sec. deposit, no pets. Available Aug.17th. 690- 0085. Two piece accent diarr Ing $900. F 3bdrm/2bath huge house. 3904-Oaklawn (near Northgate). Available 8/15/99. $1,200/mo. 693-5885. Washer & rebuilt. $15 3bdrm/3bath brand new duplex, C.Sta., off Wellborn Road. Tile floors, w/d, fenced backyard, ceiling fans, walking pantry, great floor plan. $1,350/mo. Taking applications. Call 693-4075, leave message if no answer. Washer & d dition, $250 4-Plexes available early august!! $450/mo., 2bdrm/1bath, 1526-B Pine Ridge, C.Sta. $525/mo., 2bdrm/1bath, 706-D Navarro, C.Sta. Contact BCG Leasing (409)764-2019. All beautiful locations. Large 1&2 bedrooms. All price ranges. Multiyear discounts available. 777-3371. Bryan duplex, 2824-Forest Bend, 2bdrm/11/2bath, w/d conn., fireplace, greenhouse window, no pets, $550/mo. 731-8951. Buck’s Piz positions. Cashiers, I Church Str SUMMER & ACADEMIC YEAR LEASES Starting at $189/month FURNISHED ROOMS WITH ALL BILLS PAID, FREE PHONE, CABLE & PRIVATE SHUTTLE. CALL 779-7091 OPT Allergy Associates is now hiring tl MEDICAL ASSISTANT We will train a college graduate to perforrr in our fast-paced clinic. Attention to detail charismatic personality are essential for th for the pre-med student planning on medic 2001. INJECTIONIST/MIXING TECHNICIAf We will train a college graduate to adminic antigen in our fast paced clinic. Attention a charismatic personality are essential for ideal situation for the pre-med student pla the fall of 2001. All positions require a one year commitrm Please send resume or apply in person: Allergy Associates of the Attn: Employee Relatioi 2706 Osier Blvd., Bryar Fax: 409-776-45 •eh and Uns gla •"lat see i ian pec The e be the ization iy natii f lited dt mica ll impel e nt glob er excl l by th. So, ai w at can 'oducti able a i 'omisir \\ 'reign i <A jj lan ce t K obal m Am c i hich h = 'rityofi ce two ■tcludei T?t and ^ II and ii rploitec li 'matut Top lab Not si 5 h antes tl 5 5 the p r nd don row mi; The . s we at : art’s r . hief b, f undt 12 Itlaii is’loest, P'fily l/l/e offer excellent benefits and Cunip&uuvc oca, E.O.E. The U.S. forces ^eriuoi soum protects the Shiite