The Battalion Classified Page 6 • Thursday, July 8, 1999 c AMPUS To place a classified ad: Phone: 845-0569 / Fax: 845-2678 Office: Room 015 (basement) Reed McDonald Building Business Hours 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Monday through Friday Insertion deadline: 1 p.m. prior business day Noah’s Ark Private Party Want Ms $10 for 20 words running 5 days, if your merchandise is priced $1,000 or iess (price must appear in ad).This rate applies only to non-commercial advertisers offering personal possessions for sale. Guaranteed results or you get an addi tional 5 days at no charge, if item doesn’t sell, advertiser must call before 1 p.m. on the day the ad is scheduled to end to qualify for the 5 additional insertions at no charge. No refunds will be made if your ad is cancelled early. Cloning program aims to preserve sijw BY RY&N WEST The Battalion ANNOUNCEMENTS Mason's Mobile Car Repair. FOR RENT FOR SALE ****Help on the spot 828-4832. AUTO 1989-Nissan 240SX, 74,000mi., loaded, excellent condi tion, new paint. $4,800 823-2023. Bryan/College Station homes- Rosewood and Edelwiess subdivisions- 2 Spacious 3 bedrooms, fire place, garage w/opener, appliances, fans, yard. Approx. 1,600 and 1,800 sq.ft. Both available early August. $1,250 and $1,295. Students (limit 3) with good refer ences. United 694-9140. Free double size loft; you move you get. Oak dresser 51/2”x11/2"x21/2”, & mirror 41/2"x21/2”, $175, negotiable. Great for collegel Please call Holley at 696-6227. 1990 Ford Mustang, 2-door, a/c, automatic, good tires, $3,200/o.b.o. 846-9431. AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR C.Sta. 4-plexes, studio style: 707-San Pedro, 2bdrm/1bath, w/d provided, water paid, $525/mo. 2405- Bosque, 2bdrm/1bath, ceiling fans, no pets, $425/mo. 731-8951. Perfection Plus! I '93 Schult 3bdrm/2bath mobile horrle. Ready to move into. Large rental lot. Don’t miss this one!! (409)822-4153. Mason's Mobile Car Repair. 4832. Help on the spot. 828- BED AND BREAKFAST College Station- PREMIERING TWO NEW 3bdrm/3bath duplexes, approx. 1,400 and 1,500 sq.ft. Microwave, W/D, ice maker, lawn care, one plan with security alarm. August move in. Starting @$1,195/mo. United 694-9140. Queen size waterbed, semi-waveless with heater, mat tress, 2 sets of waterbed sheets, great condition, $150/o.b.o. Please call Stuart at 693-7505. Town & Country 16X80 3bdrm/2bath. Just arrived. $199/mo. 10.75 APR. 10% down, 360 months W.A.C. 409-779-3408, 1 -800-580-3408. Exquisite Victorian accommodations and romantic can dlelight dinners. Finest in the Brazos Valley. The Famous “Calvert Inn" Gourmet Bed & Breakfast and Restaurant. 364-2868. Cozy 2-story condo, 2bdrm/11/2bath, on Carter Creek, Bryan. Oakwood Townhomes. $545/mo. +$300/dep. 1 -800-521 -3988, 776-9833. Whirlpool refrigerator, almond, 20-21 cubic ft., ice maker included, $250/o.b.o. Call Lisa at 696-3286 or 281-385- 2026, leave a message. HEATHER'S GLEN BED & BREAKFAST Elegantly restored Victorian Mansion in downtown Conroe. Perfect for overnight accommodations (private jacuzzi bathtubs for two in bedrooms). Call for free brochures on weddings/ overnight accommodations. 1-800-66- JAMIE. HEATHERBB@AOL.COM First & last month rent w/security deposit you can own your new mobile home. 409-779-3408, 1-800-580- 3438. HELP WANTED COMPUTERS Floorplans and locations GALORE! 2 and 3 bedrooms duplexes and fourplexes, Now & for August preleasing, some fenced yards, w/d or w/d conn., some bills paid, shuttle. Starting @395/mo. United 694-9140. A rapidly growing internet communication company is in search of a part-time computer hardware diagnostics technician. Computer Science or related field preferred. E-mail resume to EDDIE@PAYNET.NET or fax to Eddie at 775-4393. Apple Macintosh tv/computer, cd-rom, hp color inkjet printer, software included. Call for details. $250/o.b.o. Please call 694-7796. For rent or sale. $450/mo. $28,000. 1-bedroom upstairs condo at Village on Creek, Bryan. W/D, fire place Sdishwasher. (254)848-5565. Cashiers, kitchen help needed, immediate hiring. 311- Church Street, Burger Boy, Northgate. 846-2146. Custom built computer: 8.4GB HDD, 32MB CD RAM, 40X CD ROM, Ethernet card, 4MB vic^eo, 16 bit sound, Windows 98, MS Works 4.5, MS Money, Bookshelf, 14" Compaq Monitor, & more! 694-1635. Mobile home in Ramblewood MHP, Bryan, Spacious 3bdrm/2bath (16X72), all appliances, w/d conn., some bills paid. $475 plus lot rent. United 694-9140. Child care person needed to care for energetic 7-month old. $5.15/hr. ,M-F, 8a.m.-5p.m. until September 2000. (409)776-6884, fax resume to (409)774-3008. Earn extra income by cleaning office M-F, after 5p.m. 823-5031. DJ MUSIC Rosewood Villas Preleasing for Fall'99. Only 8 left, 3bdrm/2bth, $1,000/mo., 12mo. lease, just off 2818 in Southwood Valley, lastx or 846-1100. Full-time office assistant needed. Basic knowledge of computer, bookkeeping & collections. Must be highly organized w/good phone etiquette &people skills. Apply in person after 10:00a.m. @307-So. Main #101, Bryan. ’•Party Block Mobile DJ**- Peter Block, professional/ experienced. Specializing in Weddings, TAMU func tions, lights/smoke. Mobile to anywhere. Book early!! 693-6294 STUDENTS LIVE FREEH Buy new mobile home. Rent out room(s) and live Free Call for details (409)822- 2929. Non-smoker person needed to clean house. 6-hrs, $40. Hours may vary. 696-2561. FOR RENT Sublease efficiency now to 8/15/99. deposit. FM2818. 862-7235. $245/mo. No Now hiring substitutes and teacher aides for the Fall semester. Please call 846-1762 or 846-7298. 1-2/Bedroom apartments. Some with w/d, some near campus. $150-$325/mo. 696-2038. Ibdrm/lbath sublease, July and August. Call 693-9957 for more information. Townshire Manor- Large 1bdrm/1bath, 2bdrm/1bath, and 2bdrm/11/2bath available now or August preleas ing. Laundry on site, pool, some bills paid. Close to shopping & shuttle. Starting @$345/mo. United 694- 9140. Part-time flexible hours cleaning homes in B/CS. Need references, own transportation, Stelephone. Starting salary $6.25/hr. +travel money. 690-6882. Texas A&M is working to save endangered species from extinction, by collecting samples of semen, eggs, embryos and DNA from endangered animals and storing the samples in liquid nitro gen. A&M has been working on this project, called “Noah’s Ark,” for five years and it is similar to China’s recent attempt to clone the endangered panda. When the animals near extinction, these samples can be thawed and used to produce off spring. Dr. Duane Kraemer, a professor of veterinary physiology and pharmacology and animal sci ence who is working on Noah’s Ark, said the program entails taking cells from the skin sam ples of adult animals and placing them in incu bators. These eggs and skin cells are then used in a nuclear transfer process. The nuclear transfer process involves drawing the nucleus from the endangered animal’s egg and injecting it into an “enucleated egg,” an egg from a different animal which has had the nucleus removed. “We have produced offspring within the species and have done work with inter-species,” Kraemer said. “But, nobody has made any off spring yet, using the nuclear transfer process. There is still a lot of uncertainty about whether the embryos will develop at all.” Gabriela Florez-Foxworth, a doctor of veteri nary medicine at A&M, also is working on the Noah’s Ark Project. Foxworth said participants are work with whatever tissues has been made available to them, although many of the exotic animals are only found on ranches and zoos, making it diffi cult to get samples. “Few people allow us to collect semen The hirola is also called the Hunter's Hartebeest or Hunter’s Antelope. Scientists estlims r There are only 350 hirolas left in the world, mostly in Kenya. cem |nor i ml > re 8 ,001.1 1994 there wereljjg pandas in st an I elevi 500 individuals eas i necessary to a#* ^ las dangerous inbreJ Hirola are threatened by intense poaching and loss of habitat. Major threats toi panda are habrJ loss and poadiii From the Project W Hirola ebsito From tlie WoiW I Wild life Fund because anesthesia is always a risk,” she “Also, some exotic animals, when resit: become so stressed they get a condition it heart and muscles that they never recover It's not like handling a sheep or a cow.” Foxworth said the project will collect from big-horned sheep, baboons, ocapi(thi animal'related to the giraffe), tortoise, Am: red sheep, bison, elk, white-tailed deer anil Whei the oryx and addax antelopes. ftniyrr “We love doing it. We are constantlyle, and trying to apply all of our rese, Foxworth said. Part-time help wanted. Experience preferred but not necessary. Will work schedule around school. Apply in person at Villa Maria & 29th, Bryan. Ibdrm/lbath w/balcony &fireplace, Villa Oaks, off 2818. $335/mo. +$200/dep. 1-800-521-3988,776-9833. W/D FOR RENT. Lease a brand new washer/dryer for only $28/month. BCG Leasing, .764-2019. Locally owned &operated by Aggies! 2bdrm/11/2bath apartment sublease. College Main Apartments. $505/mo. normally $535/mo. 846-4328. 2bdrm/2bath apartment for sublease through May. No deposit. Pets ok. First floor. Close to campus. On shuttle. Treehouse-ll. $700/mo. Call 680-8381. Walk to campus! Efficiency and one bedroom units in Northgate for August move-in. Partial bills paid to all bills paid. Starting @$325/mo. United 694-9140. Part-time office assistant for busy real estate office. Organized person needed to answer phones, do corri- puter work and filing. Must have reliable transportation for running errands. This is a year around position which requires 12-18hrs./wk. Apply in person at Coventry Glen Realty, 1003-University Dr. East, C.Station., TX. 10 Minutes Late brin iendet |lls rei ned c Hera ssive, 3bdrm/1bath recently remodeled house, deck, fenced, $697/mo. 1208-Phoenix (East three streets on Holleman from Wellborn), view then call 693-5885. FOR SALE Phone people needed promoting circus, time. 361-2370, 2-9p.m. Part or full- 3bdrm/2bath duplex, on shuttle route, $750/mo. April Bloom, C.Sta. 281-493-5395. 14x42 Cameron mobile home 2bdrm./1bath great for student, fenced yard, located in Ramblewood Mobile Home Park. Call 260-7032 POSTAL JOBS to $18.35/HR. Inc. benefits, no experi ence. For app. and exam info, call 1-800-813-3585, Ext.7682, 8a.m.-9p.m., 7-days, fds, inc. 3bdrm/2bath huge house. 3904-Oaklawn (near Northgate). Available 8/15/99. $1,200/mo. 693-5885. 1991 Hyundai Excel, 3-door, a/c, 88k miles, new clutch, radiator, battery, runs great. Moving price $1,000. Please call 696-3230. 3bdrm/2bath, 1,700sq.ft., 2liv./2dine. MUST SEE!! 1009 Ea.23rd. Available August. $850/mo. $500/dep. Page me @(817)450-5988. Summer Work part-time work- full-time pay! $10 per hour appointment. Scholarships available, flexible PT/FT Positions. Will train customer sales/service con ditions apply. Call 6967734. stylings to Brazos 1995 Fleetwood mobile home. 2bdrm/1bath, $14,500, from individual. Call 1 -800-856-0457. 3bdrm/3bath brand new duplex, C.Sta., off Wellborn Road. Tile floors, w/d, fenced backyard, ceiling fans, walking pantry, great floor plan. $1,350/mo. Taking applications. Call 693-4075, leave message if no answer. 9-drawer dresser, good wood quality, needs refinishing $50, 1-night stand w/glass case top $25, 2-coffee tables $30. Please call 680-9825. All beautiful locations. Large 1&2 bedrooms. All price ranges. Multiyear discounts available. 777-3371. Beautiful great puppies! Weimaraners, 6wks, silver and fawns, shots & wormed, $200. Please call 272-1223. The coldest air conditioning in town Sail the ice cold water &kool-aid you can drink- absolutely free. Come in, lie down, relax &earn some easy money. Donate plas ma. Earn $150/mo. while you save peoples lives. Call or come by for an appointment or more info. It's so damn easy. Westgate Biologicals, 701-Univ. Drive East, 268-6050 or DCI Biologicals, 4223-Wellborn Road in the Westgate Shopping Center, just north of campus, 846- 8855. o Bryan duplex, 2824-Forest Bend, 2bdrm/11/2bath, w/d conn., fireplace, greenhouse window, no pets, $550/mo. 731-8951. For Sale: Electric range $75, queen size sleeper sofa $50, rocker recliner $35. Please call 764-6718. The Texas Hall Of Fame is now hiring for all positions. Apply in person Tues.-Sat., 10a.m.-noon, to get “the best" job in town. Call 822-2222 for directions. Bryan Townhomes- 3-2-1 studio available now and 2-2- 2 available for August move in. Great locations, all appl., one with w/d and fireplace, starting $725/mo. United 694-9140. College Station 4-plex available August 15th, 2bdrm/11/2bath, w/d, shuttle, some fenced yards, $495- $535/mo. 693-0551,764-8051. SUMMER & ACADEMIC YEAR LEASES Starting at $189/month FURNISHED ROOMS WITH ALL BILLS PAID, FREE PHONE, CABLE & PRIVATE SHUTTLE. CALL 779-7091 The Houston Chronicle Needs carriers for summer & fall semester paper routes. $600-$900/mo. plus gas allowance. For information please contact: Mike at 693-7815 or Julian at 693-2323 WILDLIFE JOBS to $21.60/HR. Inc. benefits. Game Wardens, Security, Maintenance, Park Rangers. No exp. needed. For app. and exam info, call 1-800-813- 3585, Ext.7683, 8a.m.-9p.m., 7-days, fds, inc. PERSONAL Girls!!! Live!!! 24hrs./day!l! Talk one-on-one! Call now!! 1-900-226-0334 xt.1045. $3.99/min., must be 18yrs. Serv-U (619)645-8434. Live chat line!! 24hrs/dayl! 1-900-226-8101, ext.#3301 &3302. $3.99/min. Mustbe18yrs. Meet New People The Fun Way Today. 1-900-328- 3132, Ext.#2001. $2.99/min. Must be 18yrs. Serv-U: 619-645-8434. Meet your match!! 1-900-226-5883, ext.#7175. $2.99/min., must be 18yrs. Serv-U: (619)645-8434. Tired Of Plain Web Surfin’? Learn how to Power Surf! 1-900-830-4700 xt.2577. $2.99/min., must be 18yrs. Serv-U (619)645-8434. 1 NEWS FOR PEOPLE WITH K E ART B T_J JR-lNr PETS Adopt: Puppies, Kittens, Cats, Dogs, breeds! Brazos Animal Shelter-775-5755. Many pure BRIAN FLEMING The Battalion Id country, bluegrass, jazz and southern- rock are some of the styles that are played by local artists 10 Minutes Late. 10 Minutes Late can be seen performing all around the Brazos Valley, anywhere from Fitzwilly’s to The Brazos Valley Blue Ribbon Cafe. David Baxter, lead guitarist, bassist and acoustic guitarist for 10 Minutes Late, said the band is also made up of Cole Harrison (pedal steel, bass and acoustic guitar), Kevin Duff (electric, acoustic guitar, banjo and bass guitar), Kenny Appett (harmonica, bass and acoustic guitar) and Brad Taplin (drums, acoustic guitar and b^ss). All members sing as well. Baxter said 10 Minutes Late has brought country music to audiences for the past 20 years. “Many of us have played together in some form or anoth er for the past 20 years,” Baxter said. “In fact, some of the mem bers played together in the late 70’s and early 80’s touring all over the Southwest. “As we are seen today, 10 Minutes Late has been together for about two years.” “/t's a very wide variety, and since many of the guys have played together for so many years, we can pretty much fulfill any request/' he Co po Against t career path,” Baxter salt>475of play all you can. Reinvest»^ sn « money in pro motions, mctf ase - dise, etc and hope to get a reel Thee ing contract. The otta is tip v °te 1 we do with this group.WejF ean ne for fun and to make moneyac Baxter said 10 Minuteiffi ace nt offers its audiences a widflB 311 stud ety of music. “We play anythingfromlP u ^ c h Nelson to Waylon Jenniesi m Pt to Merle Haggard,” Baxtersaiil ) ° l )t th also do some Robert EarIM well. It’s a very widevarietj since many of the guys played together for so years, we can pretty much any request.” Baxter said they are a: — David Baxter Guitarist, 10 Minutes Late The idea behind 10 Minutes Late is to play good music and have a good time, Baxter said. “There are basically two differ ent paths you take when you join a band: One is the long term fun to see. “We do a lot of g drinking, get-down music that people usuallyf enjoy,” Baxter said. “Wea multi-instrumentalists anif; love to jam.” For the members Minutes Late, that is ,wha| are all about. Many adults suffer from frequent episodes of heartburn. If you are one of these individuals you may be eligible to participate in a medical research study in the treatment of heartburn. Sciman Biomedical Research is seeking individuals 18 years and older who experience frequent episodes of heartburn. You may qualify for a research study using an investigational oral medication. The study involves 3 visits within 2 weeks time period. Participants who complete the study will be paid $100.00 For more information, call: Free to good home. Female cat, spade, declawed, cur rent shots, very sweet. 694-0130 REAL ESTATE Pins For rent or sale. $450/mo. $28,000. 1-bedroom upstairs condo at Village on Creek, Bryan. W/D, fire place &dishwasher. (254)848-5565. Student Special. Under $50,000, 3bdrm/11/2bath, updated, ca/ch, appliances, convenient to A&M or Blinn. Morris, Realtor @Century21 Beal, 589-2506, 218-0415. ROOMMATES Sciman Biomedical Research 776-1417 F-Roommate. 2bdrm/11/2bath apartment. $290/mo. +1/2utilities. $150/dep. .7-miles from A&M. 512-365- 1175. F-Roommate. 3bdrm/11/2bath house, near campus. $150/mo. +1/3utilities. Call Becky @764-9473. F/Roommate. 2bdrm/1bath. $350/mo. All bills paid. Christian, love animals, serious student. 680-1960. Hamilton State School Located in Bryan, Texas is accepting applications for the following positions: Juvenile Correctional Officer III HSS-99063 Salary: $1,821.00/mo. Closes: 7/12/99 Maintenance Mechanic III **Reposted HSS-99064 Salary: $1,616.00/mo. Closes: 7/12/99 Assistant Principal HSS-99065 Salary: Commensurate with experience degree and Local ISD pay scale Recreation Program Specialist I HSS-99066 Salary: $1,616.00/mo. Closes: 7/12/99 Please submit or bring completed State of Texas Application before 5:00p.m. on or before the closing date. Resumes will not be accepted in leu of applications. Mail or drop off Applications at: Hamilton State School 200 Lee Morrison Lane, Bryan, TX 77807 (409)779-1633 E.O.E./AA M-Roommate needed. Fall-“99. Yellowhouse Apartments. $250/mo. +1/2bills. Call Heath @694- 8880. Male/Female roommate needed for next year. Great 4bdrm.-2bth. house within walking distance to campus. $325/mo. +1/4bills. CPIlage student only. 693-6543. Needed. M-Roommate, non-smoker, upper-classman preferred, own bdrm/bath. $350/mo. +1 futilities. Tim 822-0840. Continued from Page 3 Jones-Hemphill said there are several different fields of massage therapy. Among the most common are Swedish mas sage, sport massage, trigger-point massage and pregnancy massage. “Swedish massage is a more relaxation and stress management type of massage,” she said. “With trig ger-point, we target hypersensitive areas of the body. The sports massage is neat because we find out what the goal of the client is and we work alongside their workouts to help them.” Jones-Hemphill said many students come in for massages to reduce stress, especially during the fall and spring semesters. She said many of the students she sees are freshmen who are experiencing stress because they are trying to acclimate to a new environment. Jones-Hemphill said the pregnancy mail requires special attention because there are! tain things the therapist can and cannot del “With pregnancies, there is a need for4 ferent kind of attention,” Jones-Hemphill 1 “There are certain things that can hunl woman or the baby, so we use side-lying* sage because the pregnant woman can’ her stomach.” Jones-Hemphill said she also teachesl woman’s husband massage therapy he catj on his wife. “I teach the husbands techniques he cafl| throughout the pregnancy and in labor delivery,” she said. “It is basically for the wives’ comfori relaxation and to reduce pain. It also help] husband with the wife during the deli 1 because often times they feel like they nothing to do during the birthing. This j] [TheC pd inc Those cts she them something to do. Roommates. Nice 4-bedroom house, male, Christian values. $298/mo. each. 1-800-469-8123, 7777@tone SERVICES l $ 3.95 •■■■ NEWS IN BRIEF |ll you le divei Ixas A(S 3©/min. long distance to anywhere in the U.S. (409)571-8333 pager airtime Free Activation •Accessories Calling Cards PrimeCo phones sold here Engineering award endowed at A&M AAA Texas Defensive Driving. Lots-of-fun, Laugh-a-lotl! Ticket dismissal/insurance discount. M-T(6pm-9pm), W-Th(6pm-9pm), Fri(6pm-8pm) &Sat(10am-2:30pm), Sat(8am-2:30pm). Inside BankofAmerica. Walk-ins welcome. $25/cash. Lowest price allowed by law. 111- Univ. Dr., Ste.217. 846-6117. Show-up 30/min. early. (CP-0017). Discount Paging System TUTORS Experienced Tutor- specialty crash and burn recovery. Math, most Sciences. Average test increase 25-points. Leave message 690-7928. WEIGHT LOSS Metabolite and MetrimPlus. Get serious about losing weight! Special student prices. MC/VISA/AmExp. Free Delivery in B/CS. 695-6983 775-7676. 1. gorp.„Rates S 24 95 2. Weekly Single Rate $1 Q50 I I# +Tax 15 00 Daily (No Tax) Jb HBO & Cable TV CALDWELL MOTEL Kitchenettes 567-4000 1819 Hwy. 21 W. Caldwell, L ° TX Coffee & Local Calls Continental Breakfast Microwaves & Refrigerators WELCOME FOOTBALL FANS A petroleum engineering scholarship honoring Roger J. Wolfe, a prominent Texas oil man, has been established at Texas A&M. Recipients will be incoming freshman who are U.S. citizens with high scores of at least 1300 SAT or 30 on the ACT assessment. The merit-based award is part of the Nelson Scholarship Program, which was established to attract exceptional students to the petroleum engineering profession. The Roger J. Wolfe Scholl was endowed with a $60,0$ from the Windham FoundaW Houston. Monday accide; claims Aggie’s | The p is topii nt app vead eds to ie goa: mor< creat: at will A Texas A&M student students Monday in an automobile acc® With The wake for Natalie Ctif*holars Bredthauer of Georgetown, a#y popd industrial distribution major,"Sian 11 Thursday at 7 p.m. at| This Annonication Greek OrtW&M’s 1 Cathedral in Houston. tell the i Bredthauer’s funeral w|n nor iti Friday at 10 a.m. at the causetl dral.