The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, July 07, 1999, Image 4

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The Battalion
To place a classified ad: Phone: 845-0569 / Fax: 845-2678 Office: Room 015 (basement) Reed McDonald Building
Business Hours
8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Monday through Friday
Insertion deadline: 1 p.m. prior business day
Private Party Want Ads
$10 for 20 words running 5 days, if your merchandise is priced $1,000 or less
(price must appear in ad). This rate applies only to non-commercial advertisers
offering personal possessions for sale. Guaranteed results or you get an addi
tional 5 days at no charge. If item doesn’t sell, advertiser must call before 1
p.m. on the day the ad is scheduled to end to qualify for the 5 additional
insertions at no charge. No refunds will be made if your ad is cancelled early.
****Help on the spot**** Mason's Mobile Car Repair.
1989-Nissan 240SX, 74,000mi., loaded, excellent condi
tion, new paint. $4,800 823-2023.
1990 Ford Mustang, 2-door, a/c, automatic, good tires,
$3,200/o.b.o. 846-9431.
For rent or sale. $450/mo. $28,000. 1-bedroom
upstairs condo at Village on Creek, Bryan. W/D, fire
place &dishwasher. (254)848-5565.
Mobile home in Ramblewood MHP, Bryan, Spacious
3bdrm/2bath (16X72), all appliances, w/d conn., some
bills paid. $475 plus lot rent. United 694-9140.
Rosewood Villas Preleasing for Fall'99. Only 8 left,
3bdrm/2bth, $1,000/mo., 12mo. lease, just off 2818 in
Southwood Valley,
lastx or 846-1100.
Mason's Mobile Car Repair. Help on the spot. 828-
Exquisite Victorian accommodations and romantic can
dlelight dinners. Finest in the Brazos Valley. The
Famous “Calvert Inn" Gourmet Bed & Breakfast and
Restaurant. 364-2868.
restored Victorian Mansion in downtown Conroe.
Perfect for overnight accommodations (private Jacuzzi
bathtubs for two in bedrooms). Call for free brochures
on weddings/ overnight accommodations. 1-800-66-
STUDENTS LIVE FREEH Buy new mobile home. Rent
out room(s) and live Free. Call for details (409)822-
Sublease 2bdrm/11/2bath condo, many extras. 1-Month
left on lease. Near Hwy.6/Unlv. $650/mo. 846-6616,
after/5p.m. References required.
Townshire Manor- Large Ibdrm/lbath, 2bdrm/1bath,
and 2bdrm/11/2bath available now or August preleas
ing. Laundry on site, pool, some bills paid. Close to
shopping & shuttle. Starting @$345/mo. United 694-
W/D FOR RENT. Lease a brand new washer/dryer for
only $28/month. BCG Leasing, 764-2019. Locally
owned &operated by Aggies!
Custom built computer: 8.4GB HDD, 32MB CD RAM,
40X CD ROM, Ethernet card, 4MB video, 16 bit sound,
Windows 98, MS Works 4.5, MS Money, Bookshelf, 14”
Compaq Monitor, & more! 694-1635.
•‘Party Block Mobile DJ**- Peter Block, professional/
experienced. Specializing in Weddings, TAMU func
tions, lights/smoke. Mobile to anywhere. Book early!!
1-2/Bedroom apartments. Some with w/d, some near
campus. $150-$325/mo. 696-2038.
1bdrm/1bath sublease, July and August. Call 693-9957
for more information.
2bdrm/11/2bath apartment sublease. College Main
Apartments. $505/mo. normally $535/mo. 846-4328.
2bdrm/1bath 4-plex, 4311-Boyett, College Sta., near
campus. $325/mo. +$200/dep. 1-800-521-3988, 776-
2bdrm/2bath apartment for sublease through May. No
deposit. Pets ok. First floor. Close to campus. On
shuttle. Treehouse-ll. $700/mo. Call 680-8381.
3-Bedroom duplex w/2-rooms available now. W/D, on
shuttle route. 1/3-utilities, 1/3-rent. Call Sue
@(972)436-0136, (409)694-1144.
3bdrm/1bath recently remodeled house, deck, fenced,
$697/mo. 1208-Phoenix (East three streets on
Holleman from Wellborn), view then call 693-5885.
3bdrm/2bath duplex, on shuttle route, $750/mo. 1229
April Bloom, C.Sta. 281-493-5395.
3bdrm/2bath huge house. 3904-Oaklawn (near
Northgate). Available 8/15/99. $1,200/mo. 693-5885.
3bdrm/2bath, 1,700sq.ft., 2liv./2dine. MUST SEE!!
1009 Ea.23rd. Available August. $850/mo. $500/dep.
Page me @(817)450-5988.
3bdrm/3bath brand new duplex, C.Sta., off Wellborn
Road. Tile floors, w/d, fenced backyard, ceiling fans,
walking pantry, great floor plan. $1,350/mo. Taking
applications. Call 693-4075, leave message if no
All beautiful locations. Large 1&2 bedrooms. All price
ranges. Multiyear discounts available. 777-3371.
Bryan Townhomes- 3-2-1 studio available now and 2-2-
2 available for August move in. Great locations, all
appl., one with w/d and fireplace, starting $725/mo.
United 694-9140.
Bryan/College Station homes- Rosewood and
Edelwiess subdivisions- 2 Spacious 3 bedrooms, fire
place, garage w/opener, appliances, fans, yard. Approx.
1,600 and 1,800 sq.ft. Both available early August.
$1,250 and $1,295. Students (limit 3) with good refer
ences. United 694-9140.
College Station 4-plex available August 15th,
2bdrm/11/2bath, w/d, shuttle, some fenced yards, $495-
$535/mo. 693-0551,764-8051.
3bdrm/3bath duplexes, approx. 1,400 and 1,500 sq.ft.
Microwave, W/D, ice maker, lawn care, one plan with
security alarm. August move in. Starting @$1,195/mo.
United 694-9140.
First & last month rent w/security deposit you can own
your new mobile home. 409-779-3408, 1-800-580-
Floorplans and locations GALORE! 2 and 3 bedrooms
duplexes and fourplexes, Now & for August preleasing,
some fenced yards, w/d or w/d conn., some bills paid,
shuttle. Starting @395/mo. United 694-9140.
Starting at $1 89/month
CALL 779-7091
Walk to campusl Efficiency and one bedroom units in
Northgate for August move-in. Partial bills paid to all
bills paid. Starting @$325/mo. United 694-9140.
14x42 Cameron mobile home 2bdrm./1bath great for
student, fenced yard, located in Ramblewood Mobile
Home Park. Call 260-7032
1995 Fleetwood mobile home. 2bdrm/1bath, $14,500,
from individual. Call 1-800-856-0457.
1995 trailer house, located in Bryan, 3bdrm/2bath.
Please call 512-218-1131.
2 A/C window units, 5,000 btu, $125/each. Please call
9-drawer dresser, good wood quality, needs refinishing
$50, 1-night stand w/glass case top $25, 2-coffee tables
$30. Please call 680-9825.
Beautiful great puppies! Weimaraners, 6wks, silver and
fawns, shots & wormed, $200. Please call 272-1223.
Bicycle for sale: GT Backwoods, great condition, $400.
Please call Richard at 680-1572.
For Sale: desk w/hutch $195, end table $25, rocker $30,
foot stool $15, racing bike $85. Please call 695-2025.
For Sale: Electric range $75, queen size sleeper sofa
$50, rocker recliner $35. Please call 764-6718.
Oak dresser 51/2"x11/2"x21/2'', & mirror 41/2"x21/2",
$175, negotiable. Great for college! Please call Holley
at 696-6227.
Perfection Plus!! ‘93 Schult 3bdrm/2bath mobile home.
Ready to move into. Large rental lot. Don't miss this
one!! (409)822-4153.
Queen size waterbed, semi-waveless with heater, mat
tress, 2 sets of waterbed sheets, great condition,
$150/o.b.o. Please call Stuart at 693-7505.
Town & Country 16X80 3bdrm/2bath. Just arrived.
$ 199/mo. 10.75 APR. 10% down, 360 months W.A.C.
409-779-3408, 1-800-580-3408.
Whirlpool refrigerator, almond, 20-21 cubic ft., ice maker
included, $250/o.b.o. Call Lisa at 696-3286 or 281-385-
2026, leave a message.
A rapidly growing internet communication company is in
search of a part-time computer hardware diagnostics
technician. Computer Science or related field preferred.
E-mail resume to EDDIE@PAYNET.NET or fax to Eddie
at 775-4393.
Cashiers, kitchen help needed, immediate hiring. 311-
Church Street, Burger Boy, Northgate. 846-2146.
Child care person needed to care for energetic 7-month
old. $5.15/hr. M-F, 8a.m.-5p.m. until September 2000.
(409)776-6884, fax resume to (409)774-3008.
Data Processing- 5:30p.m.-2a.m. Windows 95, running
reports & process bills & policies, Novell exp. helpful.
Fax 774-6207 or call 774-6227.
Earn extra income by cleaning office M-F, after 5p.m.
Full-time office assistant needed. Basic knowledge of
computer, bookkeeping & collections. Must be highly
organized w/good phone etiquette &people skills. Apply
in person after 10:00a.m. @307-So. Main #101, Bryan.
Non-smoker person needed to clean house. 6-hrs, $40.
Hours may vary. 696-2561.
Part-time flexible hours cleaning homes in B/CS. Need
references, own transportation, &telephone. Starting
salary $6.25/hr. +travel money. 690-6882.
Part-time office assistant for busy real estate office.
Organized person needed to answer phones, do com
puter work and filing. Must have reliable transportation
for running errands. This is a year around position
which requires 12-18hrs./wk. Apply in person at
Coventry Glen Realty, 1003-University Dr. East,
C.Station., TX.
Permanent full-time position for surgical assistant in oral
surgeon’s office. Please call 764-7101 for information.
Phone people needed promoting circus. Part or full
time. 361-2370, 2-9p.m.
Veterinary Assistant. Part-time. Hours change each
semester. Bring resume to 2710-Maloney.
On-Campus Managers
Earn up to $4000+ this fall!
Need young entrepreneurs to gain
valuable managerial experience
with expanding Internet Company.
Great opportunity for business-
minded individuals to earn extra
$$$ and build their resumes.
or call (305) 936-9909
The Houston Chronicle
Needs carriers for summer
& fall semester paper
routes. $600-$900/mo.
plus gas allowance.
For information please contact:
Mike at 693-7815 or
Julian at 693-2323
' 7'"^ ^
Many adults suffer from frequent episodes of heartburn. If you are one
of these individuals you may be eligible to participate in a medical
research study in the treatment of heartburn.
Sciman Biomedical Research is seeking individuals 18 years and older
who experience frequent episodes of heartburn. You may qualify for a
research study using an investigational oral medication. The study
involves 3 visits within 2 weeks time period.
Participants who complete the study will be paid $100.00
For more information, call:
Sciman Biomedical Research
POSTAL JOBS to $18.35/HR. Inc. benefits, no experi
ence. For app. and exam info, call 1-800-813-3585,
Ext.7682, 8a.m.-9p.m., 7-days, fds, inc.
Summer Work part-time work- full-time pay! $10 per
hour appointment. Scholarships available, flexible
PT/FT Positions. Will train customer sales/service con
ditions apply. Call 6967734.
The coldest air conditioning in town &all the ice cold
water &kool-aid you can drink- absolutely free. Come In,
lie down, relax &eam some easy money. Donate plas
ma. Earn $150/mo. while you save peoples lives. Call
or come by for an appointment or more info. It's so
damn easy. Westgate Biologicals, 70TUniv. Drive East,
268-6050 or DCI Biologicals, 4223-Wellbom Road in the
Westgate Shopping Center, just north of campus, 846-
The Texas Hall Of Fame is now hiring for all posilions.
Apply in person Tues.-Sat., 10a.m.-noon, to get “the
best" job in town. Call 822-2222 for directions.
WILDLIFE JOBS to $21.60/HR. Inc. benefits. Game
Wardens, Security, Maintenance, Park Rangers. No
exp. needed. For app. and exam info, call 1-800-813-
3585, Ext.7683: 8a.m,-9p.m., 7-days, fds, inc.
'84-Honda Nitehawk 700cc, low maintenance, shaft dri
ven, $2,000. Jon @695-1627.
Girls!!! Live!!! 24hrs./day!l! Talk one-on-one! Call
now!! 1-900-226-0334 xt.1045. $3.99/min., must be
18yrs. Serv-U (619)645-8434.
Live chat line!! 24hrs/day!l 1-900-226-8101, ext.#3301
&3302. $3.99/min. Mustbe18yrs.
Meet New People The Fun Way Today. 1-900-328-
3132, Ext.#2001. $2.99/min. Must be 18yrs. Serv-U:
Meet your match!! 1-900-226-5883, ext.#7175.
$2.99/min., must be 18yrs. Serv-U: (619)645-8434.
Tired Of Plain Web Surfin'? Learn how to Power Surf!
1-900-830-4700 xt.2577. $2.99/min., must be 18yrs.
Serv-U (619)646-8434.
Adopt: Puppies, Kittens, Cats, Dogs. Many pure
breeds! Brazos Animal Shelter-775-5755.
Free to good home. Female cat, spade, declawed, cur
rent shots, very sweet. 694-0130
For rent or sale. $450/mo. $28,000. 1-bedroom
upstairs condo at Village on Creek, Bryan. W/D, fire
place &dishwasher. (254)848-5565.
Student Special. Under $50,000, 3bdrm/11/2bath,
updated, ca/ch, appliances, convenient to A&M or Blinn.
Morris, Realtor @Century21 Beal, 589-2506, 218-0415.
F-Roommate. 2bdrm/11/2bath apartment. $290/mo.
+1/2utilities. $150/dep. .7-miles from A&M. 512-365-
F-Roommate. 3bdrm/11/2bath house, near campus.
$150/mo. +1/3utilities. Call Becky @764-9473.
M-Roommate needed a.s.a.p. $200/mo. +1/3utilities.
Own bdrm/bath. Smoke/drink ok. Call Jason/Ben
M-Roommate needed. Fall-"99. Yellowhouse
Apartments. $250/mo. +1/2bills. Call Heath @694-
M-Roommate. Fall-'99. 3bdrm/2bath duplex. Near
campus. $325/mo. +1/3utilities. 281-579-2933.
M/F roommate needed a.s.a.p. 4bdrm/2bath house,
across from campus. $240/mo. +1/4bills. 693-3758.
Male/Female roommate needed for next year. Great
4bdrm.-2bth. house within walking distance to campus.
$325/mo. +1/4bills. Collage student only. 693-6543.
Need roommate a.s.a.p. 4bdrm/2bath house. $180/mo.
+1/4bills. Call April @775-0866.
Needed. M-Roommate, non-smoker, upper-classman
preferred, own bdrm/bath. $350/mo. +1/2utilities. Tim
Roommates. Nice 4-bedroom house, male, Christian
values. $298/mo. each. 1-800-469-8123, 7777@tone
3c/min. long distance to anywhere in the U.S. Call
AAA Texas Defensive Driving. Lots-of-fun, Laugh-a-lotl!
Ticket dismissal/insurance discount. M-T(6pm-9pm),
W-Th(6pm-9pm), Fri(6pm-8pm) &Sat(10am-2:30pm),
Sat(8am-2:30pm). Inside BankofAmerica. Walk-ins
welcome. $25/cash. Lowest price allowed by law. 111-
Univ. Dr., Ste.217. 846-6117. Show-up 30/min. early.
Experienced Tutor- specialty crash and bum recovery.
Math, most Sciences. Average test increase 25-points.
Leave message 690-7928.
Metabolite and MetrimPlus. Get serious about losing
weight! Special student prices. MC/VISA/AmExp. Free
Delivery in B/CS. 695-6983 775-7676.
If You Have
Something To
Classified Can
Do It
Call 845-0569
Page 4 » Wednesday, July 7, 1999
Rudy T recovering from fatigifc B „
HOUSTON (AP) — Houston Rockets coach the doctor’s advice
Rudy Tomjanovich is taking a month’s vacation
from the Olympic qualifying tournament to recov
er from exhaustion, but he’s not
giving up his duties as coach of
the U.S. Men’s Basketball Team
for the 2000 games.
Philadelphia 76ers coach Larry
Brown, an assistant Olympics
coach, will replace Tomjanovich
for the qualifying tournament in
Puerto Rico from July 14-25, but
Tomjanovich hopes to retake the
reins next year in Sydney,
Tomjanovich spent Friday and Saturday night
in the hospital after experiencing dizziness and
weakness. Team physician Jim Muntz diagnosed
Tomjanovich with extreme physical exhaustion
and suggested the coach take a month off.
“We have advised rest, and in light of this he
will not be able to coach the USA men's senior
national team in the pre-Olympic Tournament of
the Americas,” Muntz said.
Tomjanovich reluctantly decided he should take
“I’ve spent a couple of days in the hospital
conferred with my doctor and the prescripti:
three or four weeks of rest,” Tomjanovich|
“I’m really disappointed, and I’m going toi
best to recharge myself and get ready
upcoming season.”
Tomjanovich appeared tired when he mait;
announcement late last night.
“It’s really a great honor and something!^
looking forward to,” Tomjanovich said. “Botf|
overworked myself and 1 find myself reallyp.mj'i'ov
cally and mentally exhausted.” IJ sa
The Rockets coach has been working JLbi
constantly the past two years. pentei
When NBA players boycotted the 1998 Ivtunity a
Championships of Basketball in Athens, Cm in tl
Tomjanovich led an underdog group of mij " *
league players to a bronze medal.
Brown, Purdue’s Gene Beady and Kentiioj
Tubby Smith are assistants for the U.S. ir.|
team. Brown has worked on three USA Baskfjj
coaching staffs.
The team starts workouts in Orlando, Fla, :
a-i A l
Continued from Page 3
changes should be made in the
way the team is comprised.
While the fans should still
have some say in who is on the
team, it should be on who they
want to see on the team, not who
starts the game.
The starters should be left up
to the managers so the deserving
people get to start and fans will
still get to see the people they
want to see in the game.
Voting practices of fans should
also be changed. In Cleveland,
fans were allowed to vote multi
ple times per game and since
Cleveland sells out practically
every game, their players had a
decided advantage over other
If it is a real voting process,
regulate it as such. Hand out bal
lots as fans enter the game, that
way each fan gets only one ballot
and one vote.
If these changes were already
in place, here’s how this year’s
American League All-Star team
would look like:
Fans’ Choice: Ivan “Pudge”
Rodriguez, Texas Rangers
My Choice: Rodriguez
Rodriguez outdistanced his
next highest vote getter, the
Indians Sandy Alomar, Jr., by
250,000 votes. Alomar has played
in only 22 games in an injury
plagued year, while Rodriguez,
the best catcher of his generation,
if not ever, is on pace to set
career highs in home runs and
RBIs, while remaining the best
defensive catcher in the game,
throwing out over 50% of
attempted base stealers.
First Base
Fans’ Choice: Jim Thome,
Cleveland Indians
My Choice: Rafael Palmeiro,
Texas Rangers
In probably the most ridicu
lous example of how lame the
voting process is, Thome
received over 675,000 more votes
than Palmeiro.
All Palmeiro has done this year
is have a batting average 76 points
higher and a slugging percentage
105 points higher than Thome,
with seven more home runs and
27 more RBI. There should be no
reason why Palmeiro shouldn’t be
the starter in Boston.
1999 AL All-Star
C Ivan Rodriguez
IB Jim Thome
2B Roberto Alomar
3B Cal Ripken Jr.
SS Nomar Garciaparra
OF Ken Griffey Jr.
OF Manny Ramirez
OF Kenny Lofton
DH Jose Canseco
Second Base
Fans’ Choice: Roberto Alomar,
Cleveland Indians
My Choice: Alomar
At least the Indians fans got
this one right. Alomar has clearly
been the best second baseman in
the league this year. A change of
teams and a reuniting with his
brother Sandy has helped him
regain his gold glove form and
kept him (and his bodily fluids)
in line.
Third Base
Fans’ Choice: Cal Ripken Jr.,
Baltimore Indians
My Choice: Tony Fernandez,
Toronto Blue Jays
Cal Ripken is a great player —
just not as good as Tony
Fernandez has been this year.
Ripken went on the disabled
list for the first time in his career
1999 NL All-Star
C Mike Piazza
IB Mark McGwire
2B Jay Bell
3B Matt Williams
SS Barry Larkin
OF Sammy Sosa
OF Larry Walker
OF Tony Gwynn
DH Manager's Choice
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‘LSAT i* * t'wjflmxfk of The Law tirhoof Arfmwiuon Cwtnr*.
this year and despite Rip™ city <
tear since his return, Fernar.;. The s<
has been consistent all year, ivolved
Although he has cooled; dl to see
bit lately (if you can call hitfllt ent
.385 cooling off) Fernandez Jin bi£
been at or over .400 for moiBas, tc
the year.
■ug an
lit disti
iBut nc
tea ret is
I comr
Fans’ Choice: Nomar
Garciaparra, Boston Red St‘oL 36 8*’
My Choice: Garciaparra f| ners 0
Not only was the short!'JP ome
voting the closest, it was the ol
one where the fans could no!|F irst ’
wrong. Garciaparra edged Biusine
Derek Jeter of the New V
Yankees by 20,000 votes.
Both are considered as two ^ | 11 111
the five best players in the gar |P dret ;.
Their numbers this yea: hr, musl
‘ ihment
with a di
course bi
f Skrud
tion for
been identical, but Garciaft 0 ,
gets the nod because his nuntt, |V l ,
came in nine fewer gamesif,, ■
ah o. ° o the me
the All-Star game is lt js ^
Garciaparra’s home ballpark. ^
Outfielders K“Vn
Fans’ Choice: Ken Griffey.':
Seattle Mariners, Manny {^ e news
Ramirez, Cleveland Indians ac j s q ovv
Kenny Lofton, Cleveland s econi
My Choice: Griffey Jr.,
Ramirez, Juan Gonzafe,
Texas Rangers
Griffey Jr. was the only oth'to parade
lead pipe cinch besideJanbeen
Rodriguez in the bunch. Thehtftggestio
apparent to Hank Aaron’s carf
home run record is
another monster year.
Ramirez’s first half perform®!]
has people talking about Hai Leav
Wilson’s record of 191 RBIs fair
While Lofton is having KOOC
decent year, it is nothing close! | n K ,
Gonzalez’s. The game’s m 4 an / e /’ S
prolific run producer is tied if
third in the league in home|g rac
and third in RBIs. lemony i
^ w*. put the
Designated Hitter Was wa |
_ , „ :0f Engirt
Fans Choice: Jose Canseco, g 0 j n g
Tampa Bay Devil Rays | hea
My Choice: Canseco p | ain thj
In his older years, Cansecot? But n
once again regained the po% ood po
that made him the best playerIg re | eg
the league in the late 80’s. ^ an a1; c
After hitting over 40 ho:pj eec | Ar
runs with the Blue Jays last yfj W ent a I
Canseco leads the league in hoi g es j c
runs for the first half of the ss
Doug Shilling is a jv?\
journalism i
World Cup
Continued from Paged
team’s defense. This pro' 1
true in the game agait
Germany when the U.S. defer
scored on itself from a miser
The defense came througb
the semi-finals though, shutti
out Brazil, mainly due tot
efforts of goalie Briana Scurr
The United States will (J
China on Saturday in a chant
onship game that means m(
than just a victory.
To Confer, who has drea:
of playing professionally, t
could be the start of a rt
“[U.S. player] Mia Hart
told me a story that descril
the impact women’s soccer
having,” Confer said.
“When the team won C
World Cup in 1991, 10 peo|
were waiting at the airport
meet the them. After winnf
the U.S. Cup in 1998 therew! I
onn crirlc Tx/aitino fflfl
at least 200 girls waiting for'
player’s autographs. It
shows how much the sport
grown and is appreciated.’’