The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, June 17, 1999, Image 2

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Page 2 • Thursday, June 17, 1999
Forum examines
topic of violence
The Battalion
Emphasis on education and
personal responsibility were
two recurring themes yester
day in the open discussion on
violence in America. The talk
was hosted by Dean of Educa
tion Dr. Jane C. Conoley.
The discussion focused on
reasons and solutions for the
recent acts of violence, such as
the Springfield and Jonesboro
School shootings.
A teacher from El Paso said
threats from her own students’
hate caused her to live with
fear, and she has been so trau
matized that she is thinking of
quitting for the first time in her
12 years of teaching.
“The fear is emotionally
and physically draining,” she
said. “I am a strong woman
and I never miss work, but this
past year, I have been out 16
days because I just couldn’t
take it. ”
Conoley said situations like
this are becoming common
place at schools around the
She said the first thing soci
ety does when these violent
acts happen is point fingers at
things like the media, parents
and video games, when people
should be pointing the fingers
at themselves and their com
Conoley said violence pre
vention should start at a young
age by educating children in
schools and homes about the
proper way to behave in society.
“The three R’s taught in
schools are no longer reading,
writing and arithmetic,” she
said. “They are now respect for
yourself, respect for others and
responsibility for your own ac
She said studies which show
that the most violent criminals
are poorly educated lead to the
idea that increased state support
of education is another possible
way to deter violence.
“We may spend more mon
ey on schools, but we will save
money when there are fewer
criminals in prison, save per
sonal angst when fewer of our
children are shot, and save
ourselves the extra fear when
crossing a dark parking lot at
night,” Conoley said.
Hoarse horse
Jackie Cornett looks on as her horse Zipped by Nature, a two-year-old gelding, is diagnosed with strangles, a disease similar to strep throa:
The horse is being prepped by Dr. Tim Eastman (right), a surgery resident at the Large Animal Clinic, and Jennifer Nagai. a fourth-year vetenna'
val ha
Workshop discusses benefits of herbs
The Battalion
The “Sacandaga Herbalist” started
using herbal supplements when she
first became ill from physical and emo
tional symptoms, she said at a herb and
stress management workshop yester
Dr. Wendy Keeney-Kennicutt, a
chemistry professor at A&M and “The
Sacandaga Herbalist,” said although
she had these problems, doctors could
not find anything physically wrong
with her.
“As I worked through my own
health issues, I learned how herbs
work,” she said. “I have a gift for pick
ing the right herbs and supplements for
other people and their pets.”
She said she uses mostly herbs and
supplements, ear candles and homeo
pathic medicines in her herbal healing
Ear candles are Arabian cotton cylin
ders that have been dipped in wax.
The patient puts one end of the
cylinder to the ear and lights the oth
er end. As the wax burns, the warmth,
combined with the vacuum that is cre
ated as the heat rises, cleans out the
Keeney-Kennicutt said she catego
rizes herbs into four classes: water, air,
earth and fire herbs.
The slippery elms, which are ex
amples of water herbs, work to re
duce inflammation, absorb toxins and
heal tissue.
Air herbs relax tissue and dissolve
toxic material in the body. Some exam
ples of these are aloe and rhubarb.
Earth herbs, such as juniper berries,
work to contract and tone tissues,
which creates strength. They also stop
bleeding and heal injuries and insect
The fire herbs help to expel toxins
from the body and promote circulation.
Cinnamon, garlic and peppermint are
all fire herbs.
A few of the health issues that
Keeney-Kennicutt has worked with in
clude indigestion, allergies, skin prob
lems and weight loss.
Dr. Ann Reed, associate director and
head of clinical services at A.P. Beutel
Health Center, said there are herbs
which can be helpful in the healing
process, as well as those which are
She said there have not been any in-
depth studies done in the United States
and the United States is relying on stud
ies from other nations such as Ger-'
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“The problem with determining
whether these herbal supplements are
100 percent safe is that they are a mix
ture of chemicals,” she said.
She said no one knows which chem
icals are harmful and not many people
in the United States are willing to spend
money on doing the research.
“Some of these supplements may
have good effects,” she said, “but oth
ers, such as echinacea, have caused
people to die.”
Continued from Page 1
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and actually building the car.
Greg Suiter, a team member for the For
mula SAE and a mechanical engineering ma
jor, said preparing for the race is a challenge.
McDermott said this problem brings
students from many different studies other
than mechanical engineering, such as mar
keting, business, computer science and
electrical engineering.
Both students and faculty
projects said the biggest gain :V w
petitions does not come from T - a . n 0, ’ ,H
en home at the end of the race.S«kfiB, s E! CJ
comes instead from the experience u
members gained while buildingthecir: me, r lt a5
“You learn so much fromhavine 1 :, u '
a project from a blank sheet of papeilf lle
completion.” he said. n
McDermott said the projectalsoT^ u
students real-world experience wok
what would have been a half-mi!. ir ^ l 1 , e ,
, World I
lar project.
tense m
the wor
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Caleb McDaniel, Opinion!
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