The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, April 22, 1999, Image 11

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    90 e
The Battalion
The Battalion
PageJI > R^Thun>da^ ; ^£rilJ22 i> 199<?
Continued from page 10
scout resident camp seeks creative, motivated
players positive role models!! Horseback Riding/
Assistants, Unit Leaders, Lifeguards/ Unit
:ants, Canoeing Director, Health Supervisor also
WeMim, 800-582-7272.
y-person- light house &yard work, (windows,
•beds,[carwashing). Call 693-5175.
3 d).Ttli$L. Wanted Part-time. Someone to maintain our web-
o| ... Call 7jp-8383, ask for Earl.
“d tn - 1 1’ ra l np, 10 work wi,h 2 -year old Reining Quarter
0 - ■ >. Musi be experienced & have Show record in
ig. Duties will include: Showing experienced 5-
Jld S fessons for adult owner. 764-7921.
-or/Fashion Design Growing national company is
ng applications for l/F design. Looking for friendly,
ing candidates willing to work all shifts any day.
IR RP 'ffenq# preferred; with blueprint takeoffs, & the CAD
m, willing to train. Send resume to 3225 Freedom,
s.C <1Si Bryar, TX 77802. Attn.: PTC.
ler ffleeded Self-motivated,
-te call 695-1328.
Flexible hours.
Get . echnio,!! wanted. Full-time available immediately.
—■ In molecular genetics lab developing molecular
9ts for cotton Must have basic knowledge and
fence in laboratory procedures. Contact R.J.
lor John Yu @260-9311.
|R Sr : ing Agent. R E. license required. Excellent oppor-
" to ma-c lots of money Equity Real Estate. Call
rn - 9696-4464
3bdrm/2bath house, corner lot, C.Station, great location,
close to mall & sororities, almost new. 696-6184, 713-
Historic duplex- Bryan, approx. 2,400 sq. ft., all appli
ances, with w/d. New: central air/heat, water heaters,
roof. $975/mo. $80,000. Owner finance. 776-0221.
-Male, own bdrm/bath, close to campus (can walk).
$350/mo.+1 futilities. 847-3571.
1-2 F-Roommates. Summer. Own bedroom in
3bdrm/2bath furnished apartment. W/D, bus-rt.
$300/mo. +utilities, all negotiable. 694-0104.
1- Male roommate. Summer. Own bedroom.
2bdrm/11/2bath apartment. $240/mo.+elec. 695-8757.
2- Female roommates needed for summer. 3bdrm/2bath
house. $225/mo. +1/4utilities. 764-6709.
2-Female roommates needed for summer. 3bdrm/2bath
duplex. Pets ok. $300/mo. +utilities. 779-8610
2-Male roommates needed for summer. 3bdrm/2bath
duplex, w/d, on shuttle route, pool, furnished. $250/mo.
Ryan 764-6126.
2- Roommates. Summer-'99. 3/2/2 mobile home. Rent
negotiable +1 futilities. Travis 40-9-823-4616.
3- Rooms for summer rent in 4bdrm/2bath house, Bryan.
$200/mo. +1/4bills. 776-0737.
F-Roommate a.s a p. through Aug. 2bdrm/1bath
duplex, w/d, C.Sta. $250/mo. +1 futilities. 693-6453.
lnwte/Mnnagers wanted. Please call 281-376-
F-Roommate needed for summer. May-Aug.
2bdrm/2bath apartment. Please call 696-7809.
tf business seeks responsible warehouse
er/delivery driver. Must have good driving record.
179-7043 for application.
F-Roommate needed. Summer. 4bdrm/2bath apart
ment, fully furnished, w/d. Leave message @(972)243-
Ing fd someone interested in the dental field to
in our office this summer. If you have any experi-
- or are fascinated in dentistry, we may have the job
XEBease contact our office at (409)260-9772.
Boioseis Needed for outside sales. Very High
--mission ! Earn $70K and Caribbean Cruise for 2
spt. |-800-469-2590.
ncal Aid for busy medical practice. Part-time hours
Send resume to: 1605 Rock Prarie Rd.,
TX 77845.
I nigh: .editor. Apply at E-Z Travel, C.Sta. Call
hiring all positions. A new fine dining restaurant in
—ysjestored historic home, is now hiring: -Servers,
let Assistants, -Bartenders, -Hosts, -Cashiers,
rCook ,, -Dishwashers. Apply in person at
stopher's , 5001 Boonville Rd., Mon.-Fri.,
eMrsonncl needed for fast paced environment,
IBBPinq and clerical skills required. No phone calls
Part-time/Full-time. Apply at United
panies 3501 S.Texas Ave., Bryan.
•timei' apartment maintenance &make ready. No
lienee necessary, willing to work, flexible hours.
F-Roommate needed. Summer. Non-smoking. Share
2bdrm/11 f bath apartment. $245/mo. Mary 764-9554.
F-Roommate. May15-Aug.15. Own bedroom.
2bdrm/11fba 4-plex. $267/mo. +1f bills. +own phone
line. Natalie 260-2517.
F-Roommate. Non-smoker. Summer-’99. May rent
Free!! Own room, w/d. $270/mo. +1futilities. 260-
F-Roommate. Summer sublease. Own bedroom in nice
4bdrmfbath house. $300/mo. +1/4-bills. 696-5408.
F/M-Roommate. 4bdrm/2bath. Private master
bdrm/bath. $320/mo.+1/4utilities. May-lst. 696-3052,
Female roommate needed. May-Aug. May rent Free!!
Own bdrm/bath, on shuttle-rt. $270/mo. +1fbills.
Megan 694-7185.
Female roommate. Summer '99. Own rm/bath, w/d,
yard, pets ok. 694-8504.
Female roommate. Summer or longer. 3 Bedroom
house, quiet neighborhood, near Blinn, non-smoker, no
pets, w/d. $275/mo. No bills. 775-6104.
Female roommates needed a.s.a.p.l $300/mo.
+1/2bills. 2bdrm/2bath, w/d, 2-minutes A&M, bus-rt.
Really nice apartments. 821-6279.
timepook position needed. Koppe Bridge Bar &
. 764-2933.
iOUt I
bod Delivery now hiring. Good pay.
ply in person at 113-Walton, C.Sta.
iyers, $8/hr., need ear. 972-640-4204.
oBtructors/ player needed. Summer camps
sachu setts looking for staff with solid piano back-
-nd who can teach children to play and accompany
cals. Good salary, room & board, travel allowance.
§§0-494-6238 or e-mail:
Female. Summer sublease. 2-Rooms available, spa
cious, new beautiful Sbdrmfbath duplex. $315/mo.
Looking for roommate? Find one for Free! at www.col-
M-Roommate. A.SAP. 2bdrm/1bath. $238/mo.
+1/2utilities. Near bus-rt. Call Roger @779-2624.
M-Roommate. Fall-'99. 2bdrm/2bath apartment.
$150/mo. +bills. 823-0064 or e-mail:
Aipji. TAL JOBS to $18.35/HR. Inc. benefits, no experi-
eeisS® ). For app. and exam info, call 1-800-813-3585,
'682, 8a m.-9p.m., 7-days, fds, inc.
II I || II I MU I li II 11| II I 11 nil I Mill I| I| il
2-ir - irson. @1800-No.Texas Ave.
CaSWfrlili ^
>TBIrrigation. Accepting applications for irrigation
OOobo : slants r B/C.Sta. area. Experience preferred. 696-
titBalss. Self-motivated 8! dependable people. Full
lart-flrre Benefits available. Starting $6.50/hr.
anced Wireless, 2230-So. Texas Ave., C.Sta.
I. 15-mes'lBPAUTO CENTER. Now hiring tire installers &
r:t' hanics F-T/P-T. Flexible hours. Will train
■k Apply in person. P C.Mall. 764-0291.
xfill mh ;:?M§hflre this summer? Local home painting Com-
o /Wring 20 students. Immediate and summer open-
hires . $7/lrr. minimum. 229-1253.
work available, starting on or before May-15th.
Helpers. $7/hr. Will work with schedule. 775-
en size s
3 player 3SF
25/0 b o imer work- for-rent program
Students with ranch,
^■ion, or other physical work experience needed.
——-rmiaOO-hours of work, between May 16th & 30th in
Askingi«BSl. .... ...
Inge for summer housing,
itact Bill @846-1413.
Fulltime positions also.
E SALEi^eJ ones now hiring part-time, night-time cooks &
-. ■ Wf. Please call 846-6823.
parking to' : hi S ||obs - Summer: 1-800-443-6428. www.sum-
■ ms, wa
1015 Fc nis, waterski and sailing counselors needed at chil-
i Maria pK Ts sports camps in Massachusetts. If you enjoy ten-
Sun., 4®-bjskiing or sailing and love kids then check us out!!
irds.Bear i offer salary, complete travel, room, board. Call 800-
-6238 or e-mail
'ANTE ll3es ’ P art ' , i me i ot5 anyone could ask for: Come in if
*3™ tL -when you want to set your own hours, get paid in
leverytime you show up, no bosses, lay down the
'' He time and do something really good for the world,
i! R . late Plasma Earn $150/month. Call or come by for
^-appointment or more information. Westgate
ireial de : ■ l®9' ca!s 268-6050 or DCI Biologicals 846-8855.
.m.-960f' i legendary Sombrero Ranch is looking for individu-
jio be part of its cowboy history that has already
iHEl over three decades. Help guide tourists and
§bs through State Forests and the Rocky Mountain
H Park. Reply to 3300 Airport Road, Boulder CO
1 or
Sly high commissions. Must have or be in
cess of obtaining R.E. license. 260-9611.
needed ./
pcayuga « r
ennis. Ba
I. Gymnast!j«
Windsu 1 "asof Cherry Hollow is currently looking for part-time
limbing, :: |yndskeeper. Experience preferred. E.O.E. Please
it, Ceiaiz 1846-2173.
^ A .',2.eflerschnitzel Bryan/C.Sta now hiring. Flexible hours.
oampe Mfr-g- $6/hr. Apply in person 501-So.Tx. Ave.,
rll Even 1 / /an;|2800-Tx.Ave., C.Sta.
| ^kIFE JOBS to $21.60/HR. Inc. benefits. Game
sition a(t: : ®ns, Security, Maintenance, Park Rangers. No
ableto» »needed. For app. and exam info, call 1-800-813-
irosoft o**mExt.7683, 8a.m.-9p.m., 7-days, fds, inc.
Programmer- Full-time only. Elite Software
ment. (409)846-2340.
mda Rebel 450, w/extras, 6k miles, very clean,
Ifo.b.o. 847-4304.
B Ninja EX500, 3K miles, many extras, $3,250. Call
3/stmaha RX50, looks and runs good, perfect small
rom campus, new chain, $650. Please contact: or 695-9355.
asaki Ninja 250. 5,000mi., excellent condition,
^■tkit, red/white, $1,500/nego. 764-1934.
j expert''
spouse ^
^guitarist looking to start rock band. Looking for all
ents. Call Brad @694-6644.
J>n! Love awaits you. Call now 1-900-226-0582,
!. Must be 18yrs, Serv-U: 619-654-8434.
iar'Shocking True Confessions. 24-HR. Hotline. 1-
l&e-osei Ext.#2361 & 2362. $2.99/per min. Must
18yrs Serv-U: (619)645-8434.
iysl! Your Special Girl Is Waiting To Hear From
lull 24hrs/day. Call Nowl! 1-900-288-1115
(t.#4925. $3.99 per minute. Must be 18yrs. Serv-U:
rove Your Relationship!!
Many pure
^ntpos'iBi PETS
j (46. topt: Puppies, Kittens, Cats, Dogs.
' Brazos Animal Shelter-775-5755
F/T# fiiitfyi Weimaraner puppies. Blues & gingers, born
100. Please call 272-1223.
-ptclubs 1 escue- Kittens & cats for adoption. Neutered, vacci-
H§ only to excellent homes. 823-2626 or 696-5344.
M-Roommate. Summer sublease. 4bdrm/2bath, nice
place. $210/mo. Own bedroom, w/d. 680-1250.
M-Roommate. Summer-’99. Own bdrm/bath, nice,
close to campus. $315/mo.+1/2bills. 260-6436 Mike.
M/F roommate for 3bdrm/2bath house in Bryan near
Blinn. $248/mo. +1/3bills. 775-6082.
M/F Roommate. Summer ’99. Own bdrm/bath.
3bdrm/3bath duplex, furnished, w/d, smoke, drink, pets
ok. Rent negotiable. Hanna 693-9484.
Male. Summer-’99. 3/2/2 house, by campus, w/d, no
pets. $325/mo. nego. +1/3util. 847-7769.
Need roommate a.s.a.p. Close to campus. W/D.
$120/mo. Call 268-2282.
Non-smoker to share 3bdrm/2bath house, w/d,
$375/mo. +1/3bills, near TAMU. 764-1082.
Roommate needed a.s.a.p. Summer. New
4bdrm/2bath house. Please call 823-4247.
Roommate needed for 3bdrm/2bath, large fenced back
yard, pets welcomed. $250/mo. +1/3bills. Call Paul
Roommate needed. $200/mo. +bills. Summer &/or Fall.
Please call 255-3000.
Roommate needed. 1st summer session. Own
bdrm/bath. $222/mo. Call 694-1056.
Roommate wanted for summer sublease. Enclave
Apartments. 2bdrm/2bath. 693-9245.
Roommate. Summer. 3bdrm/2bath duplex. Own room.
W/D. $266/mo. +1/3bills. 779-3097.
Summer w/option to renew. Master bedroom, near cam
pus, on shuttle-rt. $250/mo.+1/3utilities. 694-0870.
AAA Texas Defensive Driving. Lots-of-fun, Laugh-a-lotl!
Ticket dismissal/insurance discount. M-T(6pm-9pm),
W-Th(6pm-9pm), Fri(6pm-8pm) &Sat(10am-2:30pm),
Sat(8am-2:30pm). Inside Nations-Bank. Walk-ins wel
come. $25/cash. Lowest price allowed by law. 111-
Univ. Dr., Ste.217. 846-6117. Show-up 30/min. early.
Computer Repairs and Upgrades. Your parts or ours.
Computer and Services Company. 846-7426.
Wedding Invitations- Free Quotes. Carlson Craft/
Regency & other popular name brand @30% Off. Visit
our website: Save 15%
on Beverly Clark accessories. 693-6294.
Future slim reduce sugar craving, increase stamina,
accelerate fat loss, promote leaner body. Independent
distributor needed, available at Post Oak Mall. 409-693-
Get paid to lose weight. Wanted: 42-people to lose
weight. All natural, Doctor recommended, #1 in Europe
with 96% success rate! Call 279-9899.
Metabolite and MeTrim Plus. Enjoy Student Special
prices and lose weight. Energy booster- stay awake in
class!! Call todayl! 695-6983 or 693-2650- Leave mes
sage. Free delivery in B/CS! Cash, Checks/CC accept
Metabolife356 TM, natural weight-loss supplement that
will energize your life!! 40%Off. MSRP. Call Greg/Kari
(409)268-8823. (Independent distributor 9208060699).
Metabolife356 TM. Want to lose weight and feel ener
gized? Discount Prices. Call Diana @(409)693-9834.
(Independent distributor N3369080899).
Needed 45 to lose 30lbs by 4/20. All natural, 100%
effective, doctor recommended. Free counseling pro
vided. Call Jen at 888-216-2887.
Wanted 98 people, we’ll pay you to lose up to 29+lbs.
Expires 4/28. 1-800-242-0363, ext.1878.
The Battalion Online
offers access to
news from
The Associated Press
The WIRE provides continuously updated
news coverage from one of the world’s
oldest, largest news services via The
Battalion’s web page.
• A comprehensive, up-to-the-minute news report combining the
latest AP stories with photos, graphics, sound anp video.
• Headlines and bulletins delivered as soon as news breaks.
• U5., World, Business, Sports, Science, Technology, Weather, Arts,
and Special Sections.
Aggies close home schedule in style
No. 19 A&M Softball Team scores 11 runs
in four-inning win over Sam Houston State
The Battalion
Back-to-back home runs in the third
inning by freshman Lisa Klam and
sophomore Tiffany Esters highlighted
the Texas A&M Softball Team’s 11-2
romp over the Sam Houston State
University Bearkats Wednesday.
The 19th-ranked Aggies moved to 36-
13 on the year with the win, while Sam
Houston State fell to 18-35.
The women made the last home game
of the year something to remember for
softball fans by pounding out 12 hits,
three of them home runs, before the
game was called in the fourth inning.
Junior team captain Jamie Smith pro
vided the other home run for A&M, a
solo shot in the second inning which
started the Aggie scoring.
“We definitely took advantage of the
wind,” A&M coach Jo Evans said of the
strong gusts blowing straight out to cen
ter. “I think the two [home runs by
Smith and Klam] would’ve been out
anyway, though.”
Smith’s home run opened the flood
gates for the Aggie offense as the women
went on to score five more runs in the
second inning.
But it was Klam and Ester’s back-to-
back homers that drove the nail in
SHSU’s coffin.
“I was just going for some good con
tact,” Esters said of her fourth home run
on the year. “Usually when a home run
is hit in front of me, I’m just paranoid to
make contact.”
Klam, who handled third-base duties
for the game, smashed an offering from
Bearkats pitcher Mandy Mejia off the
left-field scoreboard for her 11th home
run of the year.
Esters and junior first baseman Angie
Long also drove in two runs each in the
second inning.
Sophomore pitcher Jordana Barrack
picked up the win on the mound. The
righthander managed to hold the
Bearkats to just two runs while giving up
seven hits and striking out two.
Barrack’s record moves to 12-2 on the
The Aggies will hit the road to resume
Big 12 action this weekend against the
University of Missouri Tigers and the
University of Kansas Jayhawks.
MIKE FUENTES/The Bait align
A&M sophomore second baseman Rachel Lewis backs
up first base during the Aggies’ game against Oklahoma
State University Sunday at the Aggie Softball Complex.
Continued from Page 9
fastest time of the season in
the 4x400-meter relay and
their second best time in the
4xl00-meter relay. The
women had their best per
formance of the year in the
4X100-meter relay two
weeks ago.
Nelson said there is a
high level of competition at
the Penn Relays because of
the difficult in gaining entry
into the meet. The Aggies
are taking just 11 men and
10 women.
“It’s a very prestigious
event,” Nelson said. “You
have to be really good in
your event to get in.”
Nelson said the meet offers
a bonus for the A&M track
and field program because
having the Aggie track teams
competing on the national
stage helps him to recruit
next year’s athletes.
“It’s been a big recruiting
tool for us because it’s usu
ally on TV,” Nelson said. “It
gives [prospective recruits] a
chance to watch us.”
The meet gets underway
this morning at 9 a.m. with the
women’s collegiate 400-meter
Continued from Page 9
Cass said playing motivated opponents
is something the doubles tandem should
get used to.
“They both want to be professionals,”
he said. “And to be a professional, that is
a lesson that you must master — to be at
the top and be able to fend people off.
When you’re No. 1, everybody wants to
beat you.”
We're making history!!
Applications are being accepted for the
2000 Aggieland yearbook staff.
• Section Editor
• Designer
• Copy writer
• Photographer
Pick up applications outside the Aggieland office,
Room 004 Reed McDonald. Applications are due
Friday, April 23, by 5:00 p.m.
Department of Student Activities
Volunteer Services Center
A oi SMfcy/ .
VISIT Us: 125 Koldus, Cubicle #57
Email Us:
See Us On-Line:
Virtual Volunteer Services Center!!
http ;//
GivEm, Aggies!
Ignite the Aggie^Spirit: Volunteer!
[ortn^ 845 1133 168 Knidus
Sharis Smith 8631491 I SR Kotdus
Join us for the 4th Annual
Garo 65 M US i c
Give Aways
Free Refreshments
This celebration is for families and students, young and old
6vep(one who lives on PLANET EARTH
Ibis event will feature community wide education on:
$ Water Conservation
0 Water Quality
$ Energy Conservation
0 Waste Reduction
£1 Composting
Sponsored by the Cities of Bryan and Colle-qe Station Energy, Solid Waste, and Water Services Departments.
The Brazos Valley Solid Waste Management Agency, and Texas ASM University Physical Plant.
^ Brush Collection Boom Demos.......
10:00 a.m. -11:00 a.m.
1 Fire Hydrant Painting Contest........
10:30 a.m.-12:00 N
Backhoe Rodeo
12:00 N - 2:00 p.m.
1 Joy Dump
All Day
! Exhibitors
All Day
All Day
Games/Give Aways
All Day
.\e, receive
fAv ' %
first 5°° mugs!
F tee Ptanet eaf 1
fUase limit one per person.
Additional Participating Agendas
in ‘ We: kTiili
Te*as forest Service
Tews National Resource Conservation Commission (TNPCC.)
Te*as Parfcs Sr VliWlife Inland fisheries - Touch Tan*
Tews ParKs Sr Wildlife - Herpetology
Tews Water Development &oard
And mani( more ...