The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, April 20, 1999, Image 1

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April 20, 1999
Volume 105 • Issue 132 • 10 Pages
College Station, Texas
• Third-ranked Texas
A&M Baseball Team
picks up win against
Tarleton State University.
Battalion Radio
Find out about Family Out-
reacKs candlelight service on
KAMU-FM 90.9 at 1:57p.m.
arking Website to solicit input
]dmpus Access Task Force places focus on students, visitors, staff
fter his ft
Dr Sundo.
The Battalion
Campus Access Task
lisdikeoo! >rce created an online survey to
! iiistdearies; the transit needs of stu-
^estMJnts, faculty, staff and visitors
let’s hit wa the Texas A&M campus.
Tie task force, consisting of
stionar > students, faculty, staff and
;otallofi: ryan-College Station Chamber
ituper . Commerce members, was de-
:ve thegned to recommend a plan to
ihit. iprove accessibility onto and
boutii. ' ithin the A&M campus.
;ood. -The survey can be taken at
lieinihr :tp:// and was
asigned for faculty, staff, stu-
up the. hits, visitors and vendors.
Mary Miller, associate vice
president for administration and
a committee chair, said the group
wants to gather customer input
to use in its recommendations
and decisions.
Dr. Thomas Woodfin, associ
ate professor of landscape archi
tecture and urban planning, ad
dressed the task force at
Monday’s meeting and discussed
how the Vision 2020 applies to
parking and campus access.
Woodfin suggested imple
menting a light rail system simi
lar to a monorail or train system
that would loop through cam
pus, connecting main and West
Campus with a pedestrian un-
“We need to make
for substantially
improving the
system starting
— Mary Miller
Committee chair
derpass, and replacing surface
parking with well-positioned
parking garages:
Woodfin said the accessibility
goals of Vision 2020 involve
restoring a sense of identity by
preserving physical expressions
of University traditions, such as
Military Walk.
Miller said the recommenda
tions of the task force will be
consistent with the long-term
goals defined in the Vision 2020
plan but will be designed for im
plementation sooner.
“We need to make recom
mendations for substantially im
proving the system starting
now,” she said.
The task force is drafting a vi
sion statement, which will direct
the recommendations of the
; Jason je!s
Possum as
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place itiK-
to reward
remony will recognize work
Texas A&M faculty and
tudents in order to heighten
ampus awareness.
The Battalion
Texas A&M faculty, students and departments
'ho exceed the boundaries of their mission state-
lem to promote diversity on campus will be hon-
red today during the 1999 Diversity Awards Cer-
mony at 10:30 a.m. in 206 MSC.
jfi|arolyn Sandoval, assistant coordinator of di-
ersity education in the Department of Multicul-
iral Services, said diversity does not always re-
5ive the recognition it needs.
| ‘|n light of recent legislation, such as Hopwood,
hasn’t been easy to promote diversity on college
ampuses, and it’s even made the discussion
bout diversity sometimes difficult,” she said.
I*Sandoval said the awards are presented to in-
ividuals and groups whose primary responsibil-
y is not to promote diversity, but who take it
pon themselves to do so.
Sandoval said the awards are significant be-
ause recognizing different types of people is of
teat value.
■mhese are people who, through their actions,
todd that,” Sandoval said.
iFelicia Scott, interim director of the Department
^Multicultural Services, said most diversity
ward recipients do work that is rarely seen.
BpVIost of the individuals have what I would call
quiet spirit, in that they do what they know
|ls to be done,” Scott said,
he Department of Multicultural Services and
^Office of the Dean of Faculties and Associate
'rovost will present awards for undergraduate and
duate students, support and professional staff,
■inistrators, student organizations, depart-
ents , offices and faculty members.
|Roganne Thueson, accommodations counselor
■e Office of Services for Students with Disabil-
Ps, said the Excellence Awards presented by the
JCe of Services for Students with Disabilities
re introduced into the Diversity Awards Cere-
y last year because disabilities are a form of
Bl think it’s a great way to enhance awareness
|students with disabilities and recognize the
jders in working with students with disabilities,”
Ueson said.
iScott said peer nominations of award recipi-
hts, which are open to anyone on campus, makes
be diversity awards unique.
KT think it’s important that the University, as a
vhole, recognizes what these individuals are do-
|’ Scott said. “Diversity should not just be the
onsibility of the Department of Multicultural
ices. ”
Having a ball
GUY ROGERS/The Battalion
Roger Allgood, a junior marketing major, unloads golf balls at the Penberthy
Driving Range. Allgood has worked at the driving range for two years.
Council candidates
discuss B-CS issues
The Battalion
The Munson Avenue controversy,
Proposition One on the May 1 election
ballot, was the major discussion top
ic last night by Bryan and College Sta
tion city council candidates concern
ing the attraction of businesses into
the community.
The local candidates forum, spon
sored by the Bryan-College Station
Chamber of Commerce, was at the
College Station Hilton and Conference
Dennis Maloney, a College Station
place five candidate, said the road
should remain closed to preserve the
safety of families and homes. He said
exposing the road to the traffic in
crease would decrease the property
values of the residential area sur
rounding Munson Avenue.
Bill Davis, another College Station
place five candidate, and Winnie Gar
ner, College Station place three can
didate, spoke in favor of opening the
street. They said Munson Avenue was
originally closed with safety hazards
in mind, and that if it is reopened, the
city should conduct experiments to
properly address the danger concerns.
All of the candidates agreed that
the closure decision should be made
by the voters May 1.
Other elements of business attrac
tion discussed were tax breaks, an
nexation, ways to increase tourism
through tax-revenue spending, and
growth and its impact on the com
James Massey, a College Station
place one candidate, and Garner said
the city should use the tax revenue to
market the community, but Shannon
Schunicht, the other College Station
place one candidate, said the councils
should reinvest the money to improve
its existing attractions.
A question posed by an audience
member addressed the projected pop
ulation growth of Bryan and College
Station collectively to 300,000 citizens
within the next 25 years. The audi
ence member questioned whether or
not the cities are prepared to ade
quately assess the needs of the ex
panding community.
Dr. Russell Bradley, a Bryan district
three candidate, said the city should
help citizens adapt as they encounter
changes, and people should begin
planning for future housing needs
and neighborhood expansions before
the drastic population increase be
B-CS City Council Candidates
College Station Candidates
Dennis Maloney, place 5
Joe Dan Franklin, place 5
Bill Davis, place 5
Winnie Garner, place 3
Shannon Schunicht, place 1
James Massey, place 1
Bryan Candidates
Rudy Schultz, district 3
Dr. Russell Bradley, district 3
Speaker to address
NATO intervention
The Battalion
Any answer to the question “Should
the United States and NATO be in
volved in the Kosovo situation?” is
controversial. Dr. Joseph Dawson said.
Dawson said he will not try to per
suade his audience, but rather he will
offer points for consideration during
his speech at 7 tonight in 301 Rudder
on this topic.
Dawson, director of the Military
Studies Institute, said he will discuss
recent history of the situation and ex
plain why he believes President Clin
ton and NATO delayed action against
Yugoslavia as long as they did. He said
he believes that Clinton, having been
at a young age during the 1960s, was
acting in accordance with the popular
slogan “Give peace a chance.” He said
he believes Clinton was reluctant to
use military force in the hope that
peace talks would eventually be suc
Dawson said he perceives the situ
ation in Kosovo as being a way to re
tain the province, and that ethnic
cleansing is a method of ridding the
area of citizens who wish to be inde
pendent from Yugoslavia.
Nicole Bourbois, a member of
MSC Political Forum and a freshman
see NATO on Page 2.
Aggie Earth Week to commence at MSC Flagroom
The Battalion
The Environmental Issues Commit
tee (EIC) of the Student Government
Association will begin Aggie Earth
Week today with an Environmental Ca
reer Fair from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. in the
MSC Flagroom.
Royce Rufila, co-chair of EIC and a
junior industrial engineering major,
said Aggie Earth Week started in 1990
with the purpose of promoting envi
ronmental awareness and educating
A&M students and the community
There will be tables with games, T-
shirts, face painting and fliers at Rudder
Fountain from 10 a.m. to noon Wednes
day and 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Thursday and
Jennifer Weizer, co-chair of EIC and
a sophomore aerospace engineering
major, said the games include “Patch
the Ozone,” an environmental version
of Pin the Tail On the Donkey and
“Stomp and Shoot,” in which people
crush aluminum cans and toss them
into recycle bins.
Weizer said students who participate
in the games can win T-shirts designed
by a student at Rock Prairie Elementary
School in College Station.
Thursday, Earth Day, A&M students
may participate as honorary judges in
selecting the design for next year’s T-
shirt, which will also be designed by a
Rock Prairie Elementary student.
Weizer said she hopes Earth Week
: 11 t-*"* a
edgeable regarding environmental re
lated issues.
“We just want people to become
more Earth conscious,” she said.
Rufila said Bryan and College Station
will be hosting Earth Day Activities at
the Polo Fields.
In celebration of Earth Day, the Texas
A&M University Children’s Center is
hosting the “Week of the Young” and
other Earth Day activities sponsored by
Master Gardners’ Club, the A&M De
partment of Horticulture, Texas Agri
cultural Extension Service, A&M Food
Service, A&M College of Veterinary
see Earth Week on Page 2.