The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, April 15, 1999, Image 1
THURSDAY April 15, 1999 Volume 105 • Issue 128 • 14 Pages College Station, Texas KERIENTB aStiak.aic setiall gar- stomping grounds First Aggieland Stompfest features all-Greek cast sfoiethev:-; jrs reside:; | ■mineni; which coiitj Idren or i r ! iireeze. jd notretur! from The J BY SALLIE TURNER The Battalion The pounding of combat boots on the stage in Rudder Theater highlighted the perfor mances by sororities and a fraternity during the first ever Aggieland Stompfest last night. Members of Pi Beta Phi, Alpha Delta Pi, Kappa Delta Chi and Chi Omega sororities per formed routines that combined traditional stomp steps with dance routines. A student leader team of D.J. Flores, president of Multi cultural Services Council; Laurie Nickel, stu dent body president; Kendall Kelly, Class of 1999 president; Michael Haughey, president of the Resident Hall Association; Jeff Hilliard, president of the Interfraternity Council; Kristen Kirby, former president of the Panhellenic Council; and Suzanne Tate, president of the Panhellenic Council, performed a comical rou tine to begin the evening’s events. The first- and second-place winners of the competition were Alpha Delta Pi and Kappa Delta Chi, respectively. Participating sororities were paired with members of the National Pan-Hellenic Council, who choreographed the stomp routines. Donti Twine, choreographer for Alpha Delta Pi and a senior computer science major, said they practiced the stomp routine, which incor porated a military theme, three days per week for one month. “ [The members of Alpha Delta Pi] were great to work with,” he said. “This event was really an incredible time of bringing together differ ent groups of people.” The one fraternity that participated. Kappa Alpha Psi, performed a more advanced routine. In their routine, a fraternity member yelled out, “We came to turn this mother...’’Then the members performed an intricate stomp routine involving canes and then yelled “loose.” Tiffany Grant, co-master of ceremonies and a junior journalism major, said the tradition of stomping dates back to tribal times when stomp ing was a nonviolent way of settling differences. “Stomping today among the African-Ameri- -can culture has evolved into a friendly compe tition,” she said. Adrian Leday, co-master of ceremonies and a senior biology major, said part of the proceeds from tonight’s show will go toward a proposed statue to honor Matthew Gaines. “Matthew Gaines is responsible for the birth of Texas A&M and Prairie View A&M,” he said. Stompfest was organized by the National Pan-Hellenic Council and the Panhellenic Coun cil to bring together different Greek organiza tions on campus. Meeo' jltantsi! stforc^; itveW cate tp iversee ist > previc- ; ry.0 Photos by Mike Fuentes and Terry Roberson Left to Right; Members of Kappa Alpha Psi perform at Wednesday night’s Aggieland Stompfest. Kappa Alpha Psi’s intricate performance fea tured canes. A member of Chi Omega sorority performs. r , ' » Student leaders Tite activism r4s key to future BY AMANDA PALM The Battalion jt# ; jTexas A&M student leaders pre- >ented ideas for publicizing alter- Tatives to drug and alcohol use md for encouraging students to ike an active part in educating )thers about drug and alcohol ibuse on campus yesterday. SStudent leaders also focused on he recent Faculty Senate pro- Josed changes to the Student hiles and Regulations regarding ilcohol involvement in University organizations’ events. vJ The students were divided into 10^ our groups and introduced meth- a re‘ ! ods to improve student education on major issues, such as drug and alcohol abuse and how to distrib ute information to students. Some ideas for improving drug and alcohol education to the stu dent body were to implement more peer counseling and to cre ate programs to be presented to in coming freshmen at New Student Conferences. Ricky Wood, junior yell leader for the 1999-2000 school year and a sophomore business major, said many students think there is noth ing to do in town but drink. Wood said a possible solution would be to have a “24-hour stand-out” which would be simi lar to National Smoke Out Day. Bike-rack relocation under consideration TERRY ROBERSON/The Battalion (L to R): Jenny Acklam, of Peer 1 Educators, Ricky Wood, a junior yell leader, and Shaun Travers, coordinator of Student Judicial Services dis cuss campus issues at Wednesday’s luncheon. Wood said Aggies participating in the program would refrain from drinking for 24 hours the night be fore each football game. Lorna Breault, coordinator of first-year student alcohol educa tion, said drugs are a problem at A&M, but the problem with alco hol overshadows it. “We do have problems with marijuana and other drugs, but not to the extent that other uni versities do nationwide,” she said. “The drug abuse is still happen ing; it’s just that here, alcohol is socially acceptable, so it’s more widespread.” Breault said first-year students are most impacted by alcohol abuse because they are easily in fluenced and because they can in corporate new ideas into college practices. “They are most at-risk for binge drinking and alcohol poisoning, and they are the ones who can see Leaders on Page 2. BY RACHEL HOLLAND The Battalion The Department of Residence Life will consider a plan recom mended last night by the Resi dence Hall Association (RHA) to reduce bike-rack overcrowding by relocating unused racks to over crowded areas. The plan calls for relocating unused bike racks from the east side of Krueger Hall, the north side of the Band Practice Drill Field and the west side of the FHK Complex to the main entrance of the Commons Lobby, the east side of the FHK Complex and the west side of Lechner Hall. One bike rack consisting of 10 spaces would remain at each of the unused areas. Ron Sasse, director of the De partment of Residence Life, said the decision will be based on avail able funding and on recommenda tions from Physical Plant. Chris Baumbach, co-chair of the Bike Racks Ad-Hoc Commit tee and a sophomore biomedical science major, said areas are overcrowded because of an in creasing number of bicycle users, and that he hopes the plan will be implemented by the summer semester. “The Bike Racks Ad-Hoc Com mittee met for six weeks, collect ing input from residence hall members and determining the lo cations of unused and overcrowd ed bike racks,” he said. Nathan Mills, an RHA member and a sophomore electrical engi neering major, said a problem that results from overcrowding is bicy cle theft. He said when bike racks are overcrowded, students are forced to leave their bikes unsecured. Then, he said, the bikes are often stolen.