Page 2 • Tuesday, April 13, 1999 Campus Fish You That LiBRAZ'/ Wokkek hates aie? "x Xhiajk H E 'S Tpyi^oI To Me ajovj// DisokomTc£0 WHo mp —n (i|n Till BV R. pELUNfl Ogden’S bill awaits House’s app BY AMANDA SMITH The Battalion Simel & Lewis By Mel Penalties for individuals charged with causing in jury to a pregnant woman could become tougher if the Texas House of Representatives passes a bill al ready approved by the Senate (SB-188). The Criminal Jurisprudence Committee in the House is considering passing the bill that would make causing bodily injury to a pregnant woman a third-degree felony offense and would increase the penalty to a second-degree felony if the injury re sults in miscarriage or stillbirth. Sen. Steve Ogden, who authored the bill, said the reform is needed to target the large number of women who are battered in Texas. “The percentage of women who; while they are pregnant is alarming,"ft a press release. “Still Texas is among of states, which has no civil orcrimir dressing a mother's loss ofherunbc:; bill would protect women whohavec- their babies and would penalize the- duct prevents their ability to delive: child." The bill would allow for a civile, based on a miscarriage or stillbirth wrongful or negligent act orcommis; A third-degree felony is punishable years in prison and/or a $10,000fine A second-degree felony is punish 20 years in prison and/ora $10,000;:] OPAS Continued from Page l Salaries Continued from Page 1 TUBULARMAN BY BOOMER Spade Phillips, PI By Malt Kowalski The Program Advisory Com mittee is responsible for choosing performances and is a mixture of students, faculty, staff and mem bers of the community. “The Program Advisory Com mittee takes people from all as pects of the community and is about 20 individuals total,” Ori- abure said. “Students from the OPAS stu dent committee, student execu tives, faculty and various mem bers of the community work together and manage to come up with what the Brazos Valley would like and what would not only entertain, but what would educate about cultures and events from around the world." Each spring, OPAS will sponsor Duck Race, an annual fund-raiser to raise money for the upcoming season. This year’s race will be April 19 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. at Rudder Fountain. According to in formation provided by OPAS, the race is the organization’s largest fund-raiser and accumulated $3,000 last year. Tickets are available at the MSC Box Office before the perfor mance nights. Students may also purchase six vouchers for any of the 27 performances for $150 when registering for classes by telephone. school, so it is complicated to compare the faculties’ salaries," he said. Krumm attributes A&M facul ty members' lower salaries to a combination of factors including a low level of state funding and the fact that tuition and fees are lower than most other public uni versities’ rates. In a press release, a represen tative from the Texas Faculty As sociation said public universities in Texas are experiencing diffi culty recruiting their top candi dates for faculty positions be cause the salaries they offer are often not competitive, especially in high-demand areas such as engineering and science. Joe Newton, exe ate dean of the Cc. ence, said A&Misir: schools that expen: f ties. “It is documents sion 2020 plan that :» salaries of facultyat.l rently at 92 percer.; I schools,” Newton::;, only have problem| the best faculty, b:| problems retaining i top faculty who are.; sent because they anI other universities^* fering more | salaries.” If the rider isapf::| 76th Texas LegislarJ salaries in the statei| versities will increase tional average by uf 2000-2001 academic. CAMPUS CALENDAR TUESDAY Texas A&M Mens Rugby: There will be practice from 7 to 9 a.m. at the Rugby Field by the Polo Fields behind the Zachry parking lot. All male students welcome. No experience necessary. Call Lu cas at 696-0789 for more infor mation. more information, Catholic Students M There will be on-campj 12:05 p.m. in the] Chapel. Future Aggie Physician Assis tants: There will be a general meeting at 7 p.m. in 302 Rudder. Contact Lori at 696-8593 for Texas A&M Women'! There will be practice' p.m. at the PoloFiefe: Zachry parking loti open to everyone,'leech 5 necessary. CallAplaf for more tnforirilv’ 690 FULL-COLOR COPIES Receive 8-1/2" x 11" full- or self-serve copies on 24-lb. white bond for just 69* each. No limit Resizing costs extra. Offer is limited to one coupon per customer. Customer must relinquish coupon at time of purchase. Coupon may not be reproduced and is not valid with other coupons, offers or discounts. Offer valid at time of purchase only and may not be discounted or credited to past or future purchases. Products and services vary by location. Coupon void where prohibited or restricted by law. No cash value. ©1999 Kinko's, Inc. Kinko's and Kinko’s Express Yourself are proprietary marks of Kinko's Ventures, Inc. and are used by permission. All rights reserved. Kinko's requires written permission from the copyright holder in order to reproduce copyrighted work. 846-8721 509 UNIVERSITY DR. W. kinko's Express Ourself AAC830 24 HOURS / 7 DAYS A WEEK Expires 5/31/99 Twelfth Night or What You Will Twelfth Night or What You Will j Twelfth Night I Or What You Will I CC A Comedy By William Shakespeare CX) iz CD The Theater Arts Program At Texas A&M University Rudder Forum m £ cz £ o £ CD Twelfth Tickets Available at MSC Box Office (409) 845-1234 s 8.00 General Admission $ 5.00 Seniors & Students April 15-18 April 28 - May 1 8:00 p.m. Sunday, April 18 “Parent’s Weekend” 2:00 p.m. Matinee Night or What You Will Twelfth Night or What You CQ' =r O o> £ c Will SEARCH CONTINUED The Texas A&M University Student Publications Board is accepting applications for Editor The Battalion — Including radio and online editions — Fall 1999 (The fall editor will serve from Aug. 16 through Dec. 10, 1999.) Qualifications for editor in chief of The Battalion are: Be a Texas A&M student in good standing with the University and enrolled in at least six credit hours (unless fewer credits are required to graduate) during the term of office; Have at least a 2.00 cumulative grade point ratio and at least a 2.00 grade point ratio in the semester immediately prior to the appointment, the semester of appointment and semes ters) (all summer course work is considered summer semester) during the term of office. In order for summer school grades to qualify as previous semester grades, a minimum of six hours must be taken during the course of either the full or two summer session(s); Have completed or be registered in JOUR 301 (Mass Comm Law), or equivalent; Have at least one year experience in a responsible editorial position on The Battalion or comparable daily college newspaper, -OR- Have at least one year editorial experience on a commercial newspaper, -OR- Have completed at least 12 hours journalism, including JOUR 203 and 303 (Media Writing I and II), and JOUR 304 (Editing for the Mass Media), or equivalent. Application forms should be picked up and returned to Francia Cagle in the Student Publications office, room 012 Reed McDonald Building. Deadline for submitting application: 5 p.m. Wednesday, April 14, 1999. Applicants will be interviewed during the Student Publications Board Meeting beginning at 4:15 p.m. Monday, April 19, 1999, in room 221 F Reed McDonald. An Affirmative Action / Equal Opportunity Employer. Committed to Diversity. Sweet, sweet little mounds of chewy goodness + THE PRINCETON R 2 reasons you should prt with our LSAT cow STRONGEST IMPROVEMENTS Our students improve an average of 7 points and tliej significantly outscore students who did not take our c« SATISFACTION GUARANTEED If you're not satisfied with your score, even if you score goes up 10/ 12, 15 points or more, wet work with you for free for any of the next four administrations of the LSAT. Classes started this past weekend but there’s still room. Call today for more details! Call or visit us today! (409) 696-9099 O ‘iL I IT O B yc: Hr Princeton Review is not afliMnl Put a little Variety in your life Nutritional Information Serving Size 9 acts (1 guest) Calories 1 Not a significant source of calories from showing up You must enjoy the show and laugh, cry and applaud. INGREDIENTS-. Freudian Slip, Fade to Black. Apotheosis, Jeremy Valdez John Cox, TAMU Drums, Latin Rhythms. This is the Moment. Aggie Wranglers. Special Guest Unity I Surgeon Geneiuls Warning. | || Without a A*'im; of Vaixjty Show, you may B frxpeiKroce boredom fetigiM nnd totiaipMrtii ■ Srfo enacts include extreme inughter 1 excitement anti an overati sen** of fun •lowri> JM1.X B presents Variety Show hosted by FRRVpAN April 16th Parents’Weekend Rudder Auditorium Tickets are $8 in the MSC Box office IP Kasie Byers, Managing Editor Veronica Serrano, Night News Editor Robert Hynecek, Visual Arts Editor Marium Mohluddin, Aggielife Editor Matt Weber, Sports Editor Lisa Krelck, Night News Editor 105 YEARS AT TEXAS A&M UNIVERSin Aaron Meier, Editor in chief Mike Puentes, Photo Editoi Manisha Parekh, Opinion Ed: Beth Miller, City Editor Riley LaGrone, Aggielife Edit# Jeremy Brown, Web Editoi Elizabeth Pariani, Radio Prod Staff Members Chy- Assistant: Megan Wright: Carrie Bennett, Andrea Brockman, Jordan Davis, Meredith Might, Lisa Hill, Rachel Holland, Melissa Jordan, Amanda Palm, Amanda Smith, Emily Snooks, Non! Sridhara, Amanda Stirpe, Sallie Turner & April Young. Sports - Assistant: Doug Shilling; Travis Harsch, Santosh Venkataraman, Aaron Cohan, Al Lazarus, Tom Kennedy, Jason Lincoln, Jeff Schmidt, Ben Westbrook & Christ! Bearden Aggieufe - Hina Patel, Scott Harris, Jeff Kempf, Kiffin Collins, Mariano Castillo, Jacob Huval, Bobbie Eftekhar, Kyle Whitacre, Stephen Wells, Amy Daugherty, Susan Overcash, Beth Focht, Jeff Schmidt & Michelle McNeely. Opinion - Christina Barrows, Lisa Foox, Brendan Guy, Zach Christian Robbins & Luke Saugier. Photo - Sallie Turner, Guy Rogers, CaiiwU* 1 Roberson. Graphics - Assistant: JP Beato: Mark McPv ■ Wagener. Cartoonists - Gabriel Ruenes, Victor Van W* DeLuna, Mike Norfeldt,. Copy Editors - Cariiio Casas, Amy DaugKrt : Bobbie Eftekhar, Tiffany Grant, DeidrefY 1 ' Sonnier & Amanda Stirpe. Page Designers- Jessica Wegener, Christ) F Whitacre. Radio - Dalton Caldwell, Amanda Gangar; Hudson, Noni Sridhara, Kirk Vaughn, JeffW* Young, Rachel Tache & Alissa Tipton. Hall, Glenn Janik, David Lee, Caleb McDaniel, Brandon Mullen, Russell Page, Mark Passwaters, Demond Reid, News: The Battalion news department is managed by students at Texas A&M Univeisity in the Division ol Student M-i Department of Journalism. News offices are in 013 Reed McDonald Building. Newsroom phone: 845-3313: f#' Website: Advertising: Publication of advertising does not imply sponsorship or endorsement by The Battalion. For campus, local art'<■ tising, call 845-2696. For classified advertising, call 845-0569. Advertising offices are in 015 Reed McDonald, and offer:.' Monday through Friday. Fax: 845-2678. Subscriptions: A part of the Student Services Fee entitles each Texas A&M student to pick up a tional copies 254. Mail subscriptions are $60 per school year, $30 for the fall or spring semester and $17.50 for tea# 4 card, call 845-2611 The Baitauon (ISSN #1055-4726) is published daily, Monday through Friday during the fall and spring semesters and Mono? ing the summer session (except Univeisity holidays and exam periods) at Texas A&M University. Rariodicals Postage Paid atC#f POSTMASTER: Send address changes to The Battalion, 015 Reed McDonald Building, Texas A&M University, College Stati*’ 1 (Sumrr