The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, April 12, 1999, Image 6
I !!l The Battalion Classified e Battali< To place a classified ad: Phone 845-0569 or Fax 845-2678 Office: Room 015 (basement) Reed McDonald Building Business Hours 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Monday through Friday Insertion deadline: 1 p.m. prior business day Private Party Want Ads | j $10 for 20 words running 5 days, if your merchandise is priced $1,000 or less (price must appear in adj. only to non-commercial advertisers offering personal possessions for sale. Guaranteed results or you get an add:: days at no charge. If item doesn’t sell, advertiser must call before 1 p.m. on the day the ad is scheduled to end:; the 5 additional insertions at no charge. No refunds will be made if your ad is cancelled early. vft ANNOUNCEMENTS mmmmm FOR RENT '•"Help on the spot” 828-4832. Mason’s Mobile Car Repair. FOR RENT FOR RENT HELP WANTED PETS N : 2bdrm/1bath house, close to Blinn, $550/mo. 1889 after 5p.m. Need a study break? Go to Games, contests, chat lines, free classifieds and more!! Sports!! Scores!! Spreads!! 1-900-896-0024, Ext.#5263. $2.99 per minute. Must be 18yrs. Serv-U: (619)645-8434. 2bdrm/2bath apartment sublease Briarwood Apartments. $555/mo., keep deposit, pets ok. Cindy 694-6409. Sublease 2bdrm/11/2bath 4-plex, 2-story, big-rooms, fireplace, w/d included, bus-rt. $500/mo., cheap utilities. 775-0482. Why Pay Rent? 2+3/bdrm homes available w/payments you can afford. 1-800-868-7307, 778-8222. Yellow Rose, Bryan. Open 7daysAvk. AUTO 2bdrm/2bath, includes a/c, appliances. Build credit and equity instead of renting at payments less than rent. 1- 800-868-7307, 778-8222. Sublease 3bdrm/2bath duplex, good neighborhood, near Wolf Pen Amphitheater. $310/mo. +1/3utilities. 695-9469. FOR SALE Free Radio -«.$1,2SOH Fundraiser open to student groups & organizations Earn S3-S5 per Visa/ MC app We supply all materials at no coat Call tor info or visit our website Qualified callers receive a Free Baby Boom Box 1-800-932-0528. Ext #85. www ocmcon- cepts com Sublease at Melrose. 3bdrm/3bath. $419/mo. per bed room. Call Suzanne @680-3180. (2) DCM KX12 home speakers $250/o.b.o., Pioneer home receiver & single cd player $30/ea. or $50/set. Chris 764-2835. Fun )ob selling cigars in local nightclubs mission, +tips 698-4078 $5ftw. ♦com- 1985 Nissan Sentra, 4-doors, auto, a/c, radio. Great condition. 70,500 miles. $2,000/nego. 862-9485. 2bdrm/2bath, near Aerofit, on Villa Maria, nice yard, quiet neighborhood. Available May-1 st. Call after 6p.m. 779-5929. Sublease in June. 2bdrm/2bath apartment, Briarwood. $597/mo. including utilities. Call 695-8082. 1990 Mazda 4x4, new paint, linexed, $4,995/nego. Matt @268-4562. 3bdrm/1bath house, CA&H, fenced, deck, utility room, $695/mo. 1208-Phoenix-St. 693-5885 Summer lease. New 2bdrm/2bath, 4-blocks to campus, shuttle-rt. $600/mo. David 680-8829. 16X80 mobile home. 3bdrm/2bath, new. a/c & furnace, deck, $12,500. 693-8004. Gold’s Gym Is now hiring for customer service repre sentative Apply In person at our Brymn/C Sta location 1991 Toyota Tercel, excellent condition, very low mileage, 1-owner, $3,150/nego. 693-5368. 3bdrm/2bath house. Available June-1 st. $900/mo. In South wood Valley, fenced yard, on shuttle-rt. '694-2576. Summer sublease 1-room, 3-bedroom duplex. $250/mo. +1/3bills. Furnished. Call Melissa-Ann 779- 9051. 1995 mobile home 16X60, 3bdrm/2bath, excellent con dition. $17,000. Call 779-6456. 1997-Ford Explorer Sport. 2-door, 5-speed, a/c, fm/am stereo/cassette, power locks/windows. $14,000. Call 409-826-6425. 3bdrm/2bath, only $695/mo., w/d Included, centrally located, preleasing for August. 764-2019. 1995 Mobile home, 16X80, 3bdrm/2bath, electric, w/d, celling fans, great investment opportunity. Derek 288- 8222. Help wanted. Two posrtions for telephone interviewer, hlhng immediately part-time, evening and weekend hours, campus )ob Bilingual (English A Spanish) a must Bachelor degree in health or social science field required excellent hourly pay for right person(s). Cal Stephen Thigpen @PPRI survey lab 0845-9550 it h the new R<"> ue Kittens & cats tor adcoto litioil Ot nated. only to excellent nomes 82;::.r|_c( i rps Yellow Lab puppies- AKC ecsie-: Hit) : i\ i C l- :. iU P exse cal S ■ |Q(1 tO t L O REAL ESTAl-dilonally „ ps positio ••Attn Parents Students & Investi': , New 4-bedroom homes less /6ll lL?clCl0r rooms out & live for Free. CaB ^ c -j j-j jropriate t 3bdrm/2bath hot. close to mad & i 629-0381 . comer toll onties. almo! ROOMMATE: sion and t ;en non-re lets. ’87-VW Jetta-GL, 4-door, runs great, good condition, $1,800. Phil 847-2475. 4-Blocks from campus. 3bdrm/2bath house on Timm. $1,050/mo. Available May or August. 693-5695. Summer sublease efficiency. May rent freell Available immediately. $375/mo. Plantation Oaks Apartments Call (409)574-1025. 1995 Redman mobile home. Bryan. $17,000. 779-0358. 16x60 3bdrm/2bath In Jeweler needed Self-motivated Flexible hours Please call 695-1328 ’91 Toyota Corolla. 35,000 miles, new tires, speakers, $4,500/firm. Amanda 268-4487. 4-Plex, 6-blocks from campus, remodeled, $380/mo., $200/dep. 3988, 776-9833. 2bdrm/1 bath, newly No pets. 1-800-521- Summer sublease w/option to extend. New 3bdrm/3bath w/free phone/cable. $300/mo. per person, o.b.o. Sterling University Village. Mandy 691-5535. 3bdrm/11 Z2bath frame house on 1-acre, some appli ances. $50,000. (409)778-3553 evening & weekend Leasing Agent. R E kcense required Excellent oppor tunity to make lots of money Equity Real Estate Can Keith @696-4464 3bdim/2 $300/me Summa had ipaf ’97 Jeep Wrangler Sport, soft top, 34,000 miles, $15,900. 846-5488. 4bdrm/2bath nice brick house. Summer lease. 3/4-mile from A&M. $1,180/mo. 764-1739. Summer $267/mo. sublease, 1-room, 3-bedroom duplex. h1/3bills, w/d. Brian 693-2401. 4 Super Swamper 33X12.50 TSL tires on IS” chrome rims. Fits CJ’s F-150 & Bronco. $350/o b o. Used 10,000 miles. 847-3491. nates needed to I nge backyard Si Lifeguards/Managers wanted 8510 Please can 281-371$ Everyone , •sity shouli jally “Aggi -plied to thi ne mannei ’97-GMC Z-71, extended cab, 3rd-door, 350, leather, fully loaded, lots of extras, maroon/tan, $900/down & assumes payments. (512)837-0452. Affordable & comfortable 21/2 apartments in great loca tion. On shuttle, w/many amenities. Start @$500. Call Timber Creek @846-2976. Summer sublease, totally furnished, 4bdrm/2bath, mid May-Aug. Great area. 696-0254. 4-plece feminine bedroom set with comforter and curtain $350. Must sell!) Please call 696-2460 Little Caesars Pizza- now accepting pizza makers, delivery drivers and managers B/C Sta location none for Apply at iss nMdsdto ► 1/4uMroes. 7 ated as eqi ■re seems t Summer sublease. Ibdrm/tbath, furnished, 1-mile from campus, bus-rt., rent negotiable. Mike 695-0701. Can’t find It? Can’t sell It! Do It for Free! at www.col- ’98-Camry LE, V6, beige, tinted, 14kmi., ultra clean, $19,200. 680-1057. Graduating!! Moving to New York. ’97-Explorer XLT, loaded, must see, $6,000/o.b.o. Klarissa 696-6121. Attractive large 1-bedroom 4-plex apt., w/d, built-in bookcase, large covered deck overlooking woods, 1.5- miles from campus. Available July-15th. $435/mo. 1- 409-273-2479. Summer sublease. 2bdrm/1bath duplex. $250/room. Large yard, 5-minutes to campus. Chase 823-2969. Custom rims: Fittipaldi Polaris 17X7" wheels, fir Honda Civic and similar imports. $500. Please call Brian at 695-8145. Max Food Mart has immediate openings for night & weekend cashiers. Apply @3211 -B Texas. Bryan 2-roommatos r from campus. Paul 846-6219. n between pets wefayned Ninfa’s is now accepting applications for Host iWartstaff positions Inquire within. F-Roommate a sap ttrrout duplex, w/d. C Sta S25(yrao - AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR Mason’s Mobile Car Repair. 4832. Help on the spot. 828- Casa Blanca Apartment- 4110 College Main. Walk to campus or ride shuttle bus. 2bdrm/1bath, year lease, $395/mo.- water, sewer, water heating paid. 9-Mo. Ssummer leases available. Also furnished apartments. 846-1413. Summer sublease. 2bdrm/1bath. Bus-rt. Some bills paid. $450/mo. Willowick Apartments. Amanda 680- 0263. FURNITURE!! Sofa, computer desk, kitchen table and chairs, etc. Call Lori @694-2089. Summer sublease. 2bdrm/2bath, University Commons, $377/mo. each. furnished, 694-7034. w/d, Movingll 50-gallon corner aquarium w/stand ♦acces sories $250, 30-gallon w/stand ♦accessories $225 775- 6264 NOTES-N-QUOTES is now accepting applications for in-store workers for me Fa# 1999 semester Call 846- 2255 for more information, or apply at 701 W University, directly across from Blocker F-Roommate needed Summer 2txJrm/11/2balh apartment $215’ i for ms and time A&f 1 unfair pol :ween non- F-Roomn furnished ilized all A, r? slme side BED AND BREAKFAST College Station 4-plex pre-leasing/ summer & fall, 2bdrm/11/2bath, w/d, shuttle, some fenced yards, $495- $535/mo. 693-0551,764-8051. Summer sublease. 2bdrm/2bath, furnished, University Commons. $377/mo. Contact Jenny @680-9382. Part-time cook position needed Grill. 764-2933 Koppe Bridge Bar 6 Exquisite Victorian accommodations and romantic can dlelight dinners. Finest in the Brazos Valley. The Famous “Calvert Inn" Gourmet Bed & Breakfast and Restaurant. 364-2868. Summer sublease. 2bdrm/2bath. Huntington Apartments. $609/mo. Call Mindy at 680-1534. Need the perfect ring dance dress? Stunning floor length, sleeveless, black, size 8/10. Worn once, $240 new, asking $80. 696-3858. F-Roommate Aug. 15th b# ♦ 1/2bills 7644 ™ i/31) 623' For examp ’Ibatnix,' ve looked l Part-time receptionist/ clerical position Knowledge ot Quickbooks helpful. Flexible schedule. Call 778-7368 COMFORTABLE- CONVENIENCE PLACE. 2/1 or 2/11/2 apartments at Spring Heights! Some with fire place, all with/w/d conn. For appt. call 846-3569. Summer sublease. 3bdrm/2bath duplex, own bedroom, bus-rt., deposit paid, w/d, $250/mo. +1/3bllls. Otis 764- 6897. Redmann trailer, 14X60. 1.5-miles from campus. 2bdrm/1.5ba, kitchen appliances, fenced yard, storage. $9,500. 775-6413. Pass out flyers, $8/tv . need car. 972-640-4204 F-Roommata summer route fenced yard $22 2450 I Nebraska >. -IPopulatio difim deck jrts. In the HEATHER’S GLEN BED & BREAKFAST Elegantly restored Victorian Mansion in downtown Conroe. Perfect for overnight accommodations (private Jacuzzi bathtubs for two in bedrooms). Call for free brochures on weddings/ overnight accommodations. 1-800-66- JAMIE. Condominium for rent. 2bdrm/1bath, I.IOOsq. ft., w/d conn., $525/mo. 731-1217. Summer sublease. 3bdrm/2bath new duplex, negotiable. Call Cathy @823-6288. Reduced 2bdrm/1bath, 12x60 m.h. In park. 7-mlles to TAMU, $7,500/O.b.O. 774-8926 Plano instructors/ player needed Summer camps Massachusetts looking tor stall with solid piano back ground who can teach children to play and accompany musicals Good salary, room A board, travel allowance Call 800-494-6238 or e-mail: JobaOgreatcampfoba com FMon-amoker s ] K y apartment wM. ihulsit . 8094 ler hi;;h scl Sut the A Cripple Creek condo. June, July & August. Ibdrm/tbath w/w&d, $425/mo. (or 696-4859. COMPUTERS Economize with our 1-bedroom, 4 floor plans, all bills paid. $355.00 and up. United 694-9140. www.united- Summer sublease. 3bdrm/2bath duplex, yard, pets ok. $900/mo., deposit nego. 5-minutes from campus. 823- 8914. Ring Dancell Perfect Dressll Emerald green A silver. size-7, full-length with beads +sequins, open back. Worn twice. $85. Laura 764-3939. Position open for part-time office manager. Flexible schedule. 20hrs /wk Fax resume 693-5136 or e-mail Female roommate needed 4 fully (umished. w/d. Leave ores! : Whe traditii Looking (or roommate? find ore lor FsBBf q y 1J ^ legohq com r P S O U A ( k Summer sublease. 4bdrm/2bath. Sterling University. $355/mo. per person (three people ok.). Call 691-5550. Rolling Ridge 16x66. new plumbing, a/c, covered deck, fenced. 972-407-9705. New Mitsubishi Amity CN mobile computer. 9x7x1. Pentium-133, 48-MB, 1.2-GB HD, 3.5-FD, CD-Rom, Windows-95. $700/nego. 1-409-294-1503 (day), 1- 409-293-8781 (eve.). F/non-smoker. Summer. Share 4bdrm/4bath. $389/mo. +utilities. Call 680-3899. Frat house lease/sale, 4-acre, 8-rooms, 5-baths, call 268-1008. Summer sublease. F-Roommate. 2bdrm/1bath apart ment, furnished, w/d. $352/mo. May and August rent paid. Amanda 680-0046. Sleeper sofa $100, recllner $40. file cabinet $20, match ing w/d $150, refrigerator $50, bedroom suite $200. Gavin 776-0252. Will dellverll Professional couple seeks college student to provide summer childcare In our home to 13-yr old boy Must provide own transportation. $t35/wk. Call 698- 3794(eve). MRoommale ASAP 2Mm ♦ 1 futilities Near bus-rt Can Rogi >t imagine ; ich down b Pentium 333MHZ $799, 350MHZ $850, 400MHZ $960, PIII-450MHZ $1,195, W/6.4HD, 36XCDROM, 56k- modem, 15"monitor, s/speakers, 32MBRAM, upgrad able, warranty, TV-Tunner $40. 846-7186. Free cable!! Summer sublease. University Commons. 1bdrm/4bdrm apartment, fully furnished, w/d, shuttle, next to pool Atennis court. $285/mo. Noah 694-2484. Summer sublease. M-Roommate. Furnished 4bdrm/2bath. $285/mo. Please call 574-4103. HELP WANTED Retell Sale* Self-motivated A dependable people Full or part-time Benefits available Starting S6 50/hr. Advanced Wireless. 2230-So Texas Ave . C Sta M-Roommate Fall-99 2tx)rr.:|< ♦utilities On bus-rt.. 2-poofe. CillM|icll'(i thl’V ( p'Mountec d Silver Taj M-Roommate. Summer-'99 36T location Shuttle route Call 696-2 Summer sublease. M/F. Single bedroom at The Enclave. $450/mo. 764-9574. Zip drive, internal, new 100mb, includes start-up disks, pamphlets, tools disks, $85. Please call Rudy at 268- 6792. Lincoln Square Apartments. Large Ibdrm/tbath with walk-ins, on shuttle! Close to everything (3-blocks from campus)! Start @$395. Call 693-2720 for appt. Summer sublease. May 22-Aug.16. Ibdrm/tbath, on bus route. Parkway Apartments. $430/mo. Call Deanna 695-6823. “Shift Supervisor** Retail experience or 2-yrs. college preferred. Flexible around class schedules. Accepting applications ©Burger King, 1719-Texas, C.Sta. Servers wanted. $8-S10flir. Cashiers also needed Apply in person 2-4:OOp m., Mon.-Frf. ©Golden Corral DJ MUSIC Male roommate needed. 1606-Luza, Bryan, Texas. $300/mo. +1/3-eiectric. Call 1-800-889-2917. ""Party Block Mobile DJ“- Peter Block, professional/ experienced. Specializing in Weddings, TAMU func tions, lights/smoke. Mobile to anywhere. Book earlyll 693-6294. MILL CREEK CONDOS. Contemporary 2/1 (loft bed room) complete with w/d. Pool, Tennis ct., on shuttle. Start @$550/mo. For appointment call 846-2976. Summer sublease. The Enclave. Large 2bdrm/2bath, w/d, shuttle, workout Acomputer rooms. Great for 4- people. $805/mo. Call 764-4149. •Part-time janitorial commercial cleaning. Mon.-Frl. 5:30p.m.-8:30p.m. or 6:00p.m.-9:00p.m. Call for an appointment. 823-5031. Staying here this summer? Local home painting com pany hiring 20 students. Immediate and summer open ings. $7/hr. minimum. 229-1253. M-Roommate Summer-'9S Orjjongt'r holt 3bdmV2bam nice house ^ -g ie ,' non _ ri — |:aiise non-i Moving to Austin/ Round Rod Call Todd @779-2624. Moving to Houston? Apartment for rent. 2bdrm/2bath by the Galleria. $920/mo. 713-572-8289. Summer sublease. Timber Creek Apartments. 2bdrm/11/2bath. $400/mo. nego. On bus-rt. call Carrie @691-0483 or Kristi @260-2262. 100 instructors/ counselors needed. Coed sleepaway camp. Pocono Mountains, Pennsylvania. Good salary. 1-800-422-9842. ( EMPLOYMENT Delphi Programmer. Full/Part-time positions. Send resume to Fields Financial Services, P C. Box 6500, Bryan, TX 77805 or e-mail: Parkway Apartments- 1600 SWPkwy, C.Sta. Special- move-in by 6/15/99, $200 Off first month rent (year lease), 1/2-Off deposit. 1,2, or 3-bedrooms. Now avail able summer only leases. 693-6540. E.O.H. Summer sublease. Timber Creek. 2bdrm11/2bath. $520/mo. Celling fans, fireplace, balcony. Will pay $100 on 1 st month rent. Call 260-4605. Summer sublease. University Commons. 2bdrm/2bath. Furnished. $277/mo. each. Melanie 694-3129. 500 Summer jobs/50 Camps/ You choosel! NY, PA, Maine. Instructors needed: Tennis, Basketball, Hockey, Soccer, Lacrosse, Volleyball, Gymnastics, Swimming (WSI), Water-ski, Sailing, Windsurfing, Aerobics, Archery, Mt. Bike, Rockclimbing, Ropes, Dance, Theater, Piano Accompanist, Ceramics, Woodwork, Photography, Nature, RN, Chef. Arlene Streisand, 1- 800-443-6428: Summer Camp Counselors Needed For Premier Camps In Massachusetts. Positions available for talented, energetic, and fun loving students as counselors In all team sports, all Individual sports such as Tennis A Golf. Waterfront and Pool activities, and specialty activities including art. dance, theatre, gymnastics, newspaper, rocketry A radio. GRETA SALARIES, room, board and travel. June 19th-August 18th. enjoy a great summer that promises to be unforgettable MAH-KEE-NAC (Boys): 1-800-753-9118, DANBEE (Girls): 1-800-392- 3752. lize the im —ss Voluntee The hostilit Non-smoker to share 3Mm®* $375Ano. +1/3bills, near TAMU W Roommate. Summer 99 is IllO.s room, w/d, $262/mo. plus tillK' who Tennis Jobs - Summer: 1-800-443-6428 www.sum- Roommate Summer '99 GajKussBjL’S illtO tl bdrm/bath, w/d. pets ok. CalMHW ftles ” ot IH)I Sublease May-Aug Ztxlrmltiaj: yslth SigHS SU( largest bedroom $262/mo 268ii-i g, don’t let SERVICES jJP^ cent ’” tiool becomt Preleasing Now only $28/mo. for a new W/D. 764-2019. FOR RENT 1-2/Bedroom apartments. Some with w/d, some near campus. $150-$300/mo 696-2038. 1-Bedroom apartment for immediate sublease. $280 through August. Everything paid. Near campus. Call Julie @845-2215 or e-mail: y0z7381 © Ready for move-in Now or May or August preleasing. 2 and 3 bedroom apartments, duplexes, and fourplexes, w/d In some, yards, great selection of floor plans to view. Starting at $465.00. United 694-9140. www.united- Summer sublease. University Commons, furnished, bus-rt., renewal opportunity, $291/mo. 696-4395 John. A Fun Prestigious Instructor!! $6/hr. We train. 694-2122. Evenings, Saturdays, Summer sublease. University Commons. 2bdrm/2bath. 1-Female needed. Begin a.s.a.p. Renewal opportunity. $365/mo. 764-1049. 2bdrm/11/2bath apartment. Sublease a.s.a.p. W/D included, near campus, rent negotiable. 821-2663. Rosewood Villas Preleasing for Spring 99/Summer 99 and Fall 99 3bdrm/2ba, just off 2818 In Southwood Valley, or 846- 1100. Summer- Fall sublease. Large 3bdrm/2bath. $275/mo. +1/3bills. 1-Female needed. Call 776-2305. Advertising Sales Representative needed for Study Breaks Magazine. Part-time, flexible hours, Inherit solid account base, high commission, Internship credit avail able. Call 1-800-769-2158. Tennis, waterski and sailing counselors needed at chil dren's sports camps in Massachusetts. It you enjoy ten nis, skiing or sailing and love kids then check us out!! We offer salary, complete travel, room, board. Call 800- 494-6238 or e-mail Summer-'99 sublease, M/F, 3bdrm/2bath duplex, 1- room available, w/d, furnished. 775-0571. AGENTS: WANTED Licensed Leasing Agents. Please call Brazosland at 846-0606. PAINTER HELPERS No experience required. Summer work available. Will work with schedule. 775-7126 Rosewood Villas summer sublease. $300/mo., w/d. Megan 680-8190. F-Roommate. Summer-1 5/15-7/15. 3bdrm/11/2bath house, garage, hardwood floors, big yard, pets ok, walking distance to campus. $600/mo. +deposlt. 303-Live Oak. 696-9504. Assistant for chiropractic office, typing required, train. Apply at 1703 East 29th Street, Bryan. The best part-time job anyone could ask for: Come in If and when you want to set your own hnurs, get paid In cash everytime you show up. no bosses, lay down the whole time, and do something really good for the world. Donate Plasma. Earn $ 150/month. Call or come by tor an appointment or more information. Westgate Biologicals 268-6050 or DCI Biologicals 846-8855. AAA Texas Defensive Driving. Ids#.' Ticket dismissal/insurance discount I W-Th(6pm-9pm), Fri(6pm-8pm) JSS' Sat(8am-2:30pm). Inside Nations-Bt" come. $25/cash. Lowest pries ate: Unlv. Dr., Ste.217. 846-6117. Show (CP-0017). 3on Attention $9 Per Hour. Appointment. Part-time. Flexible schedules. Conditions apply. 695-1386. Computer Repairs and Upgrades. YddrH Computer and Services Company. W 1 *, Do you leave town to find a high qu eco Sectional couch with queen size sleeper, beige/tan, $250/o.b.o. Please call 260-7474. Super clean 3bdrm/2bath, w/d conn., large yard, avail able May. 708-Swiss Court. $850/mo. 695-7825. Southwood Valley 4-plex, 2bdrm/1bath studio style. 2410-Blanco. $425/mo. No pets. 731-8951. TIMBER CREEK FOUR-PLEXES. Large studio (1,042sq.ft.) 2/11/2 with/w/d! Pools, Tennis ct., on shut- tlel Start @595/mo. Call 846-2976. Sublease 2-bedroom at University Commons. Females only. Furnished. $285/mo. each. 260-8245. Cashier needed! High volume, weather oriented, busi ness seeking, cheerful person. Some computer experi ence necessary. Weekdays 1:00-6:30p.m., Saturdays 8:00a.m.-6:30p.m. ASundays 12-6:00p.m. Weekly schedule varies 15-35hrs. depending on weather. 696- 7589 to Inquire. The legendary Sombrero Ranch is looking for individu als to be part of Its cowboy history that has already spanned over three decades. Help guide tourists and horses through State Forests and the Rocky Mountain National Park. Reply to 3300 Airport Road, Boulder CO 80301 or Stopll Experienced stylist from Hoslf B/C.Sta. If you want best colorlhighfgl* rent styles call Judy. Benefield SCo. & Need transcribing, typing, etc ? CPle hrs., at (409)775-8989. FACIAL ACNE STUDY Female volunteers, age 14 to 49, with moderate facial acne needed to participate in a six-month research study evaluating the safety and effectiveness of a marketed birth control pill. Eligible volunteers will be compensated. Call for information: J&S Studies 846-5933 SUMMER LEASES Starting at $189/month FURNISHED ROOMS WITH ALL BILLS PAID, FREE PHONE, CABLE & PRIVATE SHUTTLE. CALL 779-7091 Townhouses 3bdrm/11/2bath A 2bdrm/1bath duplex for rent, on shuttle route, bike distance from campus. Available Aug.1st. Please call after 2p.m. 822-2492. University Commons summer sublease. Regularly $377/mo., $250/mo. o.b.o. Lindsay 680-8535. Cashier positions available. Set work schedules for evenings and weekends. Apply at Wal-Mart Supercenter, 2200-Briarcrest, Bryan. Pay based on prior x experience. $6.00/hr. minimum. Must be depend able. Unusually high commissions. Must have or be In process of obtaining R.E. license. 260-9611. Wanted small engine mechanic now! Call Mai @693- 2445. Putt-Putt Golf. Wedding Invitations- Free Quoles yepv11 n I jt v It Regency A other popular name brawl : i ■ * our website DK€S SUCh St on Beverly Clark accessories Windows Programmer- Full-time only Elite Software Development. (409)846-2340. TUTORS University Commons. Summer sublease. 2bdrm/2bath, furnished, with w/d. Call 680-8355. Electrical install helper. FT/PT. Camera, security, fire systems. $8-$10/hr. 567-7313. MOTORCYCLE University Commons. Summer sublease. 2bdrm/2bath, furnished, w/d, $377/mo. Meredith 680-9562. Experienced technician/ salesperson needed. Part- time. Call Dan ©Compuvlew Microsystems, 846-5454. 1992 Ninja 600, great looks, need some work, $1,800 nego. 862-9328. French tutor. $6/hr. Native conversational French with business a1.’' ! Rachel Graves, 268-7950. NORMANDY SQUARE Walking distance to TAMU or shopping. On shuttle. Large 2/2 with walk-ins/ pools. Start @$525. Call 693- 2720 for appt. FEDERAL EMPLOYMENT. $18K-$72K/yr+ Benefits, Paid Training, for Info. On Avail. F/T or P/T Positions call 1-800-585-9024, ext.4357. ‘79 Suzuki GS 750E, $1,000, Must seel! For more Infor mation please call 822-0545. 501 Nagle, College Station 846-2173 Warning! You may be wasting your time! Post and find anything for rent for Free! Go to: Horse Trainer to work with 2-year old Reining Quarter Horse. Must be experienced A have Show record In Reining. Duties will include: Showing experienced 5- year old A lessons for adult owner. 764-7921. PERSONAL Beautiful Things Happen. Singles Line. 1-900-328- 3222, ext.#5181. $2.99/min., 18+. Serv-U: (619)645- 8434. it both side^ ?m to have £ On one side ptist Church nsas — mo r „ own to the r WEIGHT LOS^carry the ‘ Bnt where T’ Get paid to lose weight. Wanted: f weight All natural, Doctor recommend 1 OUtuOIlC, til with 96% success rate! Call 279-9899 JJ] se of the Nt DO YOU HAVE SWIMMER’S EAR? 3 Blocks to campus Summer leases available Starting rent at $525.00 Spacious floor plans Covered parking available Ceiling fans Sign a lease for May and receive $200 off 1yr. or 9mo. lease. URINARY TRACT INFECTION STUDY PETS Adopt: Puppies, Kittens, Cats, Dogs, breedsl Brazos Animal Shelter-775-5755. Many pure Sciman Biomedical Research is seeking individuals 18 years and older with uncomplicated urinary tract infections to partici pate in a research study with an investigational oral antibiotic. If you have feelings of urgency, frequency and painful urination you may qualify. You will be compensated up to $200 for your participation. For More Information Call: 776-1417 Sciman Biomedical Research . Adorable Persian kittens, CFA registered, with shots, $175-$200. please call 693-0239. Metabolite and MeTrlm Plus. Enjoy prices and lose weight. Energy bees:? JlyODe S fciCt classll Call today!! 695-6983or/pi,., mtpet or sage. Free delivery in B/CS! Cash,(» , 1011 ed. )und a docui Metabolife356 TM, natural weighl-loss! : ’r4^^ 1 tailghl will energize your lifell 40%0ff. MSfl ? ■ ?nC, Shown C (409)268-8823. (Independent disIriM#' . w/ll , ^^pjici, a you Precious blonde Chow puppy. First round of shots paid. $150 o.b.o. Please call April at 260-5684. vided. Call Jen at 888-216-2887. We may be able to help! Our doctors are conducting a research study of an ear drop treatment for swimmer’s ear (external ear infection). You may be eligible for a clinical research study. Qualified research volunteers will receive at no cost: •Research related office visits and evaluations •Study medicine Compensation will be given. Call for information: J&S Studies (409) 846-5933 The City of College Station’s Parks and Recreation Department is currently recruiting for the following part-time positions: Pool Manager - Aquatics Responsibilities include developing aquatic promotional and educational materials, marketing of College Station pools, working with the media and promoting special events. Must be proficient in Publisher 98, Corel 5 and Pagemaker, with a background in flyer design and layout. $7.00/Hour Hours: Monday - Friday usually after 5:00p.m. and weekends Deadline to apply: 4/16/99 Lifeguard Responsibilities include preventing accidents, responding quickly to all emergency situations, administering first aid, and ability to communicate with other lifeguards for assistance and equipment. $5.80/Hour - $6.00/Hour Deadline to apply: 6/30/99 Pool Cashier Responsibilities include meeting and greeting customers, handling all revenue received for the city aquatic programs and to effectively participate in the emergency action system should the need arise. $5.50/Hour - $5.70/Hour Deadline to apply: Open Until Filled. Apply at: City of College Station Human Resources 1101 S. Texas Ave., College Station, TX 77842 Internet: Equal Opportunity Employer Needed 45 to lose 30lbs by 4/20. W'/llO Cd TCS if I effective, doctor recommended. How cute. H "'ge over this: ve any conce yearbook is as easy as 1-2-3! ac ;(7j ei.Kn Ordering your 2000 Aggieland rthat matter. “sexuality” £ Hhat the iru tten is that it ? birds and tl md the birds B seems to ildren can be s film lands I Station. Tie concept pit is usuall ison. The mo k” until third uple of years w know wh yearbook when you register for class# af ter that 'en the lights Use fee option 16 Don't forget to order your 2000 Aggieland during phone registration. Sex is not a c 3 aj:hed with ( J n|even toucl )a vhed betwe Having a con For any questions regarding the 2000 Aggieland, call 845WT Has Tivo j c ussion on h