The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, March 11, 1999, Image 4

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on Campus
By. The Tree
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TTn. —T ' 1999
Page 4 • Thursday, March 11,1999
S tephen King once said
legendary director
Stanley Kubrick, who
died Sunday at the age of
70, “wants to make a
movie that will hurt peo
ple. ”
That single quote more
than sums up Kubrick’s
films, films that are surreal
and baffling, yet unforget
ireciop s
Kubrick remembered as innovative directi
His movies have forged a place in cinema
history, as has his attention to detail.
The Bronx native, turned London recluse,
is reknowned for control over his movies —
Kubrick’s contract with Warner Bros, stated
that he could make any film he wanted to, at a
cost to be determined and have it released ex
actly as he intended. His home even had edit
ing facilities in it.
Kubrick was not the most prolific filmmak
er — he only made 13 films, one of which.
Eyes Wide Shut starring Tom Cruise and
Nicole Kidman, has yet to be released — but
he has left his imprint upon cinema history.
• The Killing (1956) served as an inspira
tion for Quentin Tarantino’s Reservoir Dogs.
The Killing stars Sterling Hayden (who was
the unforgettable, fluoride-obsessed Gen. Jack
D. Ripper in Dr. Strangelove) as a crook in
volved in a racetrack heist gone horribly
• Spartacus (1960) was reportedly disliked
by Kubrick, but the film has its fans. Kirk
Douglas stars as a slave who leads a rebellion
against the Roman Empire.
The film features one of the most famous
scenes in cinema history when a plethora of
slaves stand up and declare, “I am Spartacus!”
in order to protect the real one.
• Lolita (1962) has a special place in pop
culture: the name “Lolita” means a young girl
of loose morals.
The film, based on Vladimir Nobokov’s
novel, is about Humbert Humbert’s (James
Mason) obsession with the 15-year-old Lolita
(Sue Lyon).
The movie was both a commercial and crit
ical success.
• Dr Strangelove: Or, How I Learned to Stop
Worrying and Love the Bomb (1964) is the
complete title of Kubrick’s hilarious satire
about nuclear war.
Recently named the 26th best American
film of all time by the American Film Institute,
Peter Sellers plays in three roles in this Oscar-
nominated film. Dr. Strangelove also
has one of the most memorable scenes:
Slim Pickens bull riding a nuclear bomb
as it is dropped on USSR.
• 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968) was
voted by a Sight and Sound survey of
both critics and directors as one of the
greatest films ever made and made the
API list at No. 22.
More of a silent film than a “talkie,”
2001 is considered one of the most am
biguous pictures ever made.
Critics originally panned it, but
Roger Ebert praised it: “What he had
actually done was make a philosophical
statement about man’s place in the uni
verse using images as those before him
had used words, music or prayer."
• A Clockwork Orange (1971) is so
violent and nihilistic that it is still
banned in England.
It is the story of a young punk (Mal
colm McDowell) who undergoes a radi
cal technique to eliminate his destruc
tive urges.
A Clockwork Orange almost becomes
a caricature and desensitizes the audi
ence to the point where the violence be
comes humorous.
Perhaps this is the effect Kubrick
was trying to achieve.
• The Shining (1980), based on the
Stephen King book of the same name,
is about an innkeeper (Jack Nicholson)
who comes down with a serious case of
cabin fever and tries to murder his wife
and son.
The Shining is a chilling picture, and
Nicholson has one of the most imitated
lines in cinema: "Here’s Johnny!”
• Full Metal Jacket (1987) is not real
ly an anti-war film as it is a look at the
dehumanization of man in combat.
R. Lee Ermey is terrific as a brutal
Marine drill instructor preparing re
cruits for Vietnam. The sniper scene in
Saving Private Ryan was modeled after
a similar scene in Jacket.
Kubrick was perfection. The former
photographer changed film.
• His movies are beautiful, slippery,
hilarious, violent, border on the avant
garde and are indescribably unique. He
will be missed.
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Jeff Schmidt is a senior
journalism major
Continued from Page 3
“It was something that no one
would expect me to do,” she
said. “I thought it would hurt,
but it didn’t really hurt that bad,
until he dropped the ball in my
mouth and I almost choked on
Schill said although the pierc
ing itself was relatively painless.
the recovery period was an un
forgettable experience.
“The next week was the
worst,” she said. “Your tongue
swells to twice its size and your
friends make fun of you all the
“I was interviewing for a job
at the same time, so it was pret
ty difficult. I had to really think
about concentrating on pro
nouncing my s’s and stuff.”
However, there are two side to
every story.
Vohid Karimod, a junior fi
nance major, said getting a tattoo
is a form of self-torment.
“I don’t think tattoos are
‘cool’,” he said. “They are
against my religion. They torture
your body, you’re not supposed
to do anything painful to it.”
Karimod said he has a friend
who wants to get a tattoo, but he
I “We an
skid. “If [ti
and motiv,
ija placet
Ji Mary Iv
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■a of the
would advice her not to do is to prevei
“She thinks it’ll be sex; terrenttoi
eventually she will outgrow* 1 'Idren k
he said. I The fail
Schill said although shev. l ' ()n * 1 Y
never get a tattoo, sheiscorff'^'P ^
ering getting another piercirlp 1011 ^ ■ IJ
“I want to get somethinyl^-
pierced,” she said. “It’saddicj , 1 lliees
Once you get something d*' 1 l()l P‘ ![,
a drug."
tages of at
ge. A qui
Billow eac
puts to o
I College
•7 pm - “My 1st Boyfriend” a play by Guiller
mo DeLeon, is being presented at Yahoo.
•8 p.m. - Sky with the suspect
ing at The Theater.
will be play-
•7-9 p.m. - Lawrence James , an act
artist will be performing at Brazos BlueR
• 7-9 p.m. - Hot Club of Cowtown, a west
ern swing band will be perfroming at Brazos
Blue Ribbon Bakery.
•9:30 p.m.
- Ruthie Foster is playing at
9:30p.m. Blue Notes Allstar will I
at Fitzwilly’s.
Friday, March 12
• 8 p.m. - Last Free Exit, Steamroller, Kid Fan
tastic, 12th Egg Conspiracy,
• 7 pm - “My 1st Boyfriend” a play by Guiller
mo DeLeon, is being presented at Yahoo.
• 7 p.m. - “My 1st Boyfriend” a play
mo DeLeon, is being presented atYahoi
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