The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, March 10, 1999, Image 8
w — The Battaeion Classified Page S • Wednesday, March 10,1^ Holdscla adds to li To place a classified ad: Phone 845-0569 or Fax 845-2678 Office: Room 015 (basement) Reed McDonald Bldg. Business Hours 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Monday through Friday Insertion deadline: 1 p.m. prior business day Private Party Want Ads $10 for 20 words running 5 days, if your merchandise is priced $1,000 or less (price must appear in ad). This rate applies only to non-commercial advertisers offering personal possessions for sale. Guaranteed results or you get an additional 5 days at no charge. If item doesn’t sell, advertiser must call before 1 p.m. on the day the ad is scheduled to end to qualify for the 5 additional insertions at no charge. No refunds will be made if your ad is cancelled early. of honoi Tennesse stark All-America le ANNOUNCEMENTS COMPUTERS FOR RENT HELP WANTED PETS (AP) Chamique Holdscl; been a standout since shej at Tennessee, Now she alone. Holdsclaw was a unai ""Help on the spot* 828-4832. Mason's Mobile Car Repair. "'Custom Sportswear Screenprinting*" Special- Every 12th T-shirt Free w/this ad. Exp.3/12/99. Student 680-0033. Internet Secrets!! Over 30 Internet Secrets that will completely blow your mindl! Call 24hrs. 1-900-773- 5050, Ext.5852. $2.99 per min. Must be 18yrs. Serv- U: (619)645-8434. Large 1 -bedrooms at great prices. Available now & for the fall. Call Academic Village Apartments. 846-9196. Need a study break? Go to Games, contests, chat lines, free classifieds and more!! Pro Wrestling "I admit it: I watch pro wrestling” T-shirt $10. 1-800-948-6050. Pentium-ll 333MHZ $875, 350MHZ $915, 400MHZ $1,065, 6.4GBHD, 15"monitor, 56kmodem, 36XCDROM, 3D-video, s/speakers, upgradable, Pentiium-lll 450MHZ $1,265, warranty, 846-7186. Let US pay YOUR utilities! 1 Bedroom available now, 2 floor plans in the Northgate area starting at $355.00. United 694-9140. $$Money$$ Sweetwater Pools. Great Opportunity to Make Money & Enjoy the Summer!! Now hiring Management Positions. Water Safety Instructors, and Water Exercise Instructors. Training is Available. INTERVIEWING OVER SPRING BREAK. Excellent Pay!! Call for an Application! (281)988-8480. Rabbit tor sale 4 months old. 764-6157 and leave message $30 o.b.o. Please call Yellow Lab puppies- AKC registered First shots paid for. $300/$250. Please call Shawn at 776-7024 DJ MUSIC Lincoln Square Apartments. Large 1bdrm/1bath with walk-ins, on shuttle! Close to everything (3-blocks from campus)! Start @$395. Call 693-2720 for appt. ANTIQUES ‘28 maroon Bugatti kit car. VW Chassis & engine, new clutch, new brakes, good condition. Must seel! $5,500/o.b.o. 281-893-5859/ owner. "Party Block Mobile DJ"- Peter Block, professional/ experienced. Specializing in Weddings, TAMU func tions, lights/smoke. Mobile to anywhere. Book earlyll 693-6294. MILL CREEK CONDOS. Contemporary 2/1 (loft bed room) complete with w/d. Pool, Tennis ct, on shuttle. Start @$550/mo. For appointment call 846-2976. "Assistant Manager positions open. Schedule flexible around classes. 2-yrs college preferred. Apply at Burger King, 1719-Texas Ave., Culpepper Plaza. ROOMMATES Bat j Nice duplex. 1/2-Off Ist.-Month. shuttle, near campus. 694-8339. Very clean, fenced, ’Part-time janitorial commercial cleaning. Mon.-Fri. 5:30p.m.-8:30p.m. or 6:00p.m.-9:00p.m. Call for an appointment. 823-5031. Female only. Summer sublease from May-Aug w option to renew. Large bedroom w/own bath. W D conn . pets ok. 694-8504 Looking for roommate? Find one tor Free! at www cot- AUTO EMPLOYMENT Northgate area, new building, 2bdrm/2bath & 3bdrm/2bath, w/d conn. Leasing now. Call 846-4076. 100 instructors/ counselors needed. Coed sleepaway camp. Pocono Mountains. Pennsylvania. Good salary. 1 -800-422-9842. ( M-Roommate a.s a p 2bdrm/2bath apartment on SWPkwy by Kroger's Shutlle-rt $21 S/mo ♦ 1 futilities Dayo. 695-0680. 1983-Chevy 1/2-ton p/u. rebuilt transmission, runs good, $1,400/o.b.o. 845-0894,778-2760. 1990 Mazda 4x4, new paint, linexed, $5,500/nego. Matt @268-4562. Part-time computer analyst/ technician needed for local engineering company. McCord Engineering, Inc. 7607- Eastmark Dr., Ste.102, C.Sta., TX. 764-8356 or post- Now only $28/mo. for a new pair of W/D. 764-2019. One bedroom apartment available for summer. $325/mo. Call Melissa @361-0125. FOR RENT Prelease May through August. 2bdrm/1bath. Turner. $395/mo. W/D conn. 693-1448. 1994 Ford Probe, blue, 74k, $7,300/o.b.o. Call Amanda @691-5340. '87 Honda Accord- 4-door, standard, carll 260-2675. Best offer takes $600/mo. 2bdrm/2bath. Pets ok, clean, near campus. Parkway-Circle Apartments. Sublease till August. 694- 9040. Prelease May-August. University Oaks 2bdrm/2bath duplex with yard. $605-$615/mo. 693-1448. '87-VW Jetta-GL, 4-door, runs great, good condition, $2,000/o.b.o. Phil 847-2475. 1-2/Bedroom apartments. Some with w/d, some near campus. $150-$300/mo. 696-2038. '89 Mercury Sable, V6, 110k miles, $1,200/nego. Hiro @691-8045 or 2bdrm/2bath, includes a/c, appliances. Build credit and equity instead of renting at payments less than rent. 1- 800-868-7307, 778-8222. Rosewood Villas. Summer sublease. F-Roommate. $290/mo. +1/3bills. W/D, nice!! Leslie/680-8190. '91-Mazda RX7, sleek black and beautiful, $5,100, 690- 3073, after 5p.m. '93-Mazda MX-6, leather, sunroof, alarm, 83k, automat ic, $7,800. Call 696-4641. Affordable & comfortable 21/2 apartments in great loca tion. On shuttle, w/many amenities. Start @$500. Call Timber Creek @846-2976. Sublease Ibdrm/lbath College Park Apartment, rent free!! Call 764-3025. ‘96 Chevy step-side, fully loaded, automatic. 34,000mi. $16,000. 731-1433. All we need is YOU! 3 spacious plans of 3 bedroom, 3 bath 2 story duplexes, move in now or prelease for May. Extras galore! United 694-9140. Sublease a.s a p. 2bdrm/2bath apartment, Briarwood. $597/mo. including utilities. Please call 695-8082. Summer sublease. 1bdrm/1bath condo, on bus route. $395/mo. 764-8476. Red '90-Nissan 300-ZX, leather, t-tops; 107k, new tires, $7,800. 764-0505 Humberto, Aldo. AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR C.S.- Ready for move in! 2 bed-11/2 bath downstairs 4- plex, fans, fireplace, w/d conn. $530.00 United 694- 9140. Summer sublease. 2bdrm/1bath. Apartments. $400/mo. 693-0501. Willow Wick Mason's Mobile Car Repair. 4832. Help on the spot. 828- C.Sta. Near campus. Pre-leasing for May. 2bdrm/11/2bath 4-plex; 3bdrm/2bath duplex. $500- 775/mo. 693-2256, 696-1245. Summer sublease. 2bdrm/2bath, fully furnished. University Commons. $377/mo./person. Contact Jenny @680-9382. BED AND BREAKFAST Exquisite Victorian accommodations and romantic can dlelight dinners. Finest in the Brazos Valley. The Famous “Pink House" Gourmet Bed & Breakfast and Restaurant. 364-2868. Casa Blanca Apartment- 4110 College Main. Walk to campus or ride shuttle bus. 2bdrm/1bath, year lease, $395/mo.- water, sewer, water heating paid. 9-Mo. Ssummer leases available. Also furnished apartments. 846-1413. Summer sublease. 3bdrm/2bath house. Near campus. Big yard. $275/person. 693-5722. Summer sublease. Furnished 4bdrm/2bath. University Commons. $285/mo. Please call 574-4103. Summer sublease. University Commons. New 2bdrm/2bath, furnished. Call 680-9333. COMPUTERS College Station 4-plex pre-leasing/ summer & fall, 2bdrm/11/2bath, w/d, shuttle, some fenced yards, $495- $535/mo. 693-0551,764-8051. TIMBER CREEK FOUR-PLEXES. Large studio (1,042sq.ft.) 2/11/2 with/w/d! Pools, Tennis ct., on shut tle! Start @595/mo. Call 846-2976. 133 mhz Hitachi notebook computer w/48 meg ram, cd- rom, xjem 3336 multifunction card, $475. Please call Rick at 361-4260. COMFORTABLE- CONVENIENCE PLACE. 2/2 or 2/11/2 apartments at Spring Heights! Some with fire place, all with/w/d conn. For appt. call 846-3569. Walking distance to TAMU or shopping. On shuttle. Large 2/2 with walk-ins/ pools. Start @$525. Call 693- 2720 for appt. Compaq-5020. 300mhz, 96mbRAM, 8.0GB HDD, 32xCD, 56k-v.90 modem. Office-97 Pro, McAfee Virus Deluxe, much more. $800/o.b.o. 694-1635. Duplex, 714-A Vassar Court. Available immediately. 2bdrm/2bath. W/D, fenced, lighted car-port. 2-people, $600/mo. 713-436-9722. Warning! You may be wasting your time! Post and find anything for rent for Free! Go to: I L_ L E R* SWIM ACADEMY HOUSTON SUMMER JOBS!!!! Miller Swim Academy is now hiring Pool Managers, Swimming Instructors and Lifeguards! Excellent pay! Sixty locations throughout Houston. (713)981-8669 Free rent until April. Large Ibdrm/lbath ©Enclave. Lots of amenities. For details 696-2524. Why Pay Rent? 2+3/bdrm homes available w/payments you can afford. 1-800-868-7307, 778-8222. Yellow Rose, Bryan. Open 7days/wk. THE HORIZON PRIVATE STUDENT DORM HOUSING FOR STUDENTS, FACULTY, AND VISITORS TO CAMPUS. FURNISHED ROOMS W/ALL BILLS PAID FREE SHUTTLE TO AND FROM TEXAS A&M DAILY, WEEKLY & MONTHLY RATES AVAILABLE CALL 779-7091 TODAY! FOR SALE 2bdrm/1bath, 12x60 on corner lot in park. 7-miles to TAMU, c/h, window a/c, plywood floor/ carpet, $8,500 o.b.o. 774-8926. Burton 168 snowboard. Canyon model 1999 model, new, perfect condition, $300. Please call Rudy at 268- 6792. Can't find it? Can't sell it! Do it for Free! at www.col- FACIAL ACNE STUDY Female volunteers, age 14 to 49, with moderate facial acne needed to participate in a six-month research study evaluating the safety and effectiveness of a marketed birth control pill. Eligible volunteers will be compensated. Call for information: J&S Studies 846-5933 Small animal clinic near Clear Lake area of Houston seeking associate. Five day work week. No after hours emergency work. New graduates welcome. Read more about the job at CVM’s website. Salary plus benefits 40-50k to start. Send resume to: Willard D. Jones Jr. DVM Animal Clinic of La Porte 202 San Jacinto St. La Porte, TX 77571 281-471-3232 Will be at CVM Dean’s Office for interviews - March 22nd. For Sale: Mattress & box spring $125. Takamine guitar with steel case $750. Please call 696-5934. Giant mountain bike Sedna 24-speed, chrome alloy, rock-shox, speed-o, helmet Stools, many extras. Perfect condition. Never left outside. $550. 696-8277. Great study desks $35-$75. Call Heather at 775-5421 or Brent at 845-4839. Must sell I '75 mobile home 12x45 1-bedroom nice trail er park, $7,000. 268-3099. Skiing? Great Deal!! 2-Ladies skis S boots (size 6 S 7) $30/set. 1-Ladies & 1-Mens Dynastar Skis $40/pair. Call 696-6184. Skiing? Great Deal!! 2-Ladies skis S boots (size 6 S 7) $30/set. 1-Ladies S 1-Mens Dynastar Skis $40/pair. Call 696-6184. Solid oak king size waterbed with four posts, new wave less mattress & heater, $400/nego. Please call 690- 7543. Stiga ping pong table with accessories $185. Yamaha trombone $160. Please call 696-8278 evenings. URINARY TRACT INFECTION STUDY Sciman Biomedical Research is seeking individuals 18 years and older with uncomplicated urinary tract infections to partici pate in a research study with an investigational oral antibiotic. If you have feelings of urgency, frequency and painful urination you may qualify. You will be compensated up to $200 for your participation. For More Information Call: 776-1417 Sciman Biomedical Research The CITY OF BRYAN is currently accepting applications for the following positions: WATER SAFETY INSTRUCTORS Must be at least 18 years of age with certification in Water Safety Instruction. Minimum junior classification in high school. Prefer applicants with previous experience in some phase of swimming pool work with a Texas Class C driver’s license and good driving record measured by the City’s evaluation system. Temporary positions. Work schedule and hours vary. $8.00/hour. HEAD LIFEGUARDS Must be at least 18 years of age, HS diploma or GED, thorough understanding of preventative life guarding, current rescue techniques and procedures, first aid application and resuscitation. Must be certified in first aid, Professional Rescuer CPR, and life guarding. Prefer applicants with a Texas Class C driver’s license with good driving record measured by the City’s evaluation system and Lifeguard Instructor and Professional Rescuer CPR Instructor. Temporary positions. Work schedule and hours vary. $6.25/hour. LIFEGUARDS Must be at least 16 years of age. Sophomore classification in high school. Must be certified in first aid, Professional Rescuer CPR, and life guarding. Prefer applicants with a Texas Class C driver’s license with good driving record measured by the City’s evaluation system and previous experience in some phase of swimming pool work. Temporary positions. Work schedule and hours vary. $5.80/hour. City of Bryan - Human Resources 300 South Texas Avenue, Bryan, Texas 77805 (409)361-3831 E.O.E. 500 Summer jobs/50 Camps/ You choose!! NY, PA. Maine. Instructors needed: Tennis, Basketball. Hockey. Soccer, Lacrosse, Volleyball, Gymnastics. Swimming (WSI), Waler-ski, Sailing, Windsurfing. Aerobics. Archery, Ml. Bike. Rockclimbing, Ropes. Dance, Theater. Piano Accompanist. Ceramics. Woodwork. Photography, Nature, RN. Chet. Arlene Streisand. 1- 800-443-6428: Moving To Lubbock? Grad looking tor roommate Patrick 98 @(806)740-0211 Rosewood Villas Preleasing for Spring 99/Summer 99 and Fall 99 3bdrm/2ba, just oft 2818 in Southwood Valley. or 846- 1100. AGENTS: WANTED Licensed Leasing Agents, call Brazosland at 846-0606. Attention $9 Per Hour. Appointment. Part-time, Flexible schedules Conditions apply. 695-1386. Cashier positions available. Set work schedules for evenings and weekends. Apply at Wal-Mart Supercenter, 2200-Briarcrest, Bryan. Pay based on prior experience. $6.00/hr. minimum. Must be depend able. Class of '74 needs help- w/auction and misc. odd jobs. 822-7830. Experienced landscape/ lawn-service crew foreman. References in commercial work required. Call 846-6221 lor appointment. Full-time Receptionist, work 8a.m.-5p.m. Mon.-Fri. Very competitive pay. Apply at Jack Hilliard Dislributing Co., 1000 Independence, Bryan. Gold's Gym. Looking for qualified child care worker tor our new (acuity In Bryan. Apply at College Station loca tion. Leasing Agent. R E. license required. Excellent oppor tunity to make lots of money. Equity Real Estate. Call Keith @696-4464. Lifeguards Managers Wanted. Now interviewing quali ty people. Please call 281-376-6510. Local business needs part-time warehouse/ delivery dri ver. Must have good driving record. Call 779-7043 tor applications. Lube technician needed. Experience preferred. Apply in person at Williams Lube King, 111 Southwest Parkway East, C.Sta. Now hiring all positions. The Cowboy Club. Apply after 4p.m. at 2820 Pinfeather Road. 775-0494. Part-time technical reader, typing skills required, flexible hours, $6/hr. 774-7755. Retail Sales. Self-motivated & dependable people. Full or part-time. Benefits available. Starting $6.50/hr. Advanced Wireless, 2230-So. Texas Ave., C.Sta. Route helper needed, work 7a.m.-5p.m., Thurs.-Fri., very competitive pay. Apply at: Jack Hilliard Distributing, 1000-Independence, Bryan, 77802. Salesperson needed. Sewing Ssales experience pre ferred. Flexible hours. Apply in person- Pruitt’s Fabric Shop, 318-George Bush Drive. Summer Camp Counselors Needed For Premier Camps In Massachusetts. Positions available for talented, energetic, and fun loving students as counselors in all team sports, all individual sports such as Tennis & Golf, Waterfront and Pool activities, and specialty activities including art, dance, theatre, gymnastics, newspaper, rocketry & radio. GRETA SALARIES, room, board and travel. June 19th-August 18th. enjoy a great summer that promises to be unforgettable. MAH-KEE-NAC (Boys): 1-800-753-9118, DANBEE (Girls): 1-800-392- 3752. Summer jobs/ adventure program senior staff positions. Cavalry Outpost Commander (min. age-21) to supervise 1870's living history camp and battle reenactments. Artillery Officer (age-21) to supervise battle reenactment and mountain howitzers. Texas Ranger Captain (age- 21) to supervise 1850's living history camp, horseriders, and battle reenactments. Comanche Village Director (age-18) to supervise native American program/ weapons. Rock-climbing Director (age-21). Windsurfing Instructor (age-18). Sailing Director (age- 18). Mountainbike Director (age-18). Worth Ranch Range Officer (age-21): Rifle/ shotgun/ skeet. Ropes Course Director (age-21): Challenge course/ adventure education background preferred. 3000-acre Fort Worth Boy Scout Ranch with 19-miles of lakeshore. E.O.E. Competitive salaries/ training provided. Call Jeff, office: 817-738-5491, mobile: 817-300-8965, fax: 817-738- 7162, E-mail: Tennis coaches needed at children's sports camps in Northeastern U.S. If you enjoy tennis and love kids then check us out!! We offer salary, complete travel, room, board. Call 800-494-6238 or e-mail jobs@greatcam- HttpV/ The best part-time job anyone could ask for: Come in if and when you want to set your own hours, get paid in cash everytime you show up, no bosses, lay down the whole time, and do something really good for the world. Donate Plasma. Earn $150/month. Call or come by for an appointment or more information. Westgate Biologicals 268-6050 or DCI Biologicals 846-8855. The Deluxe Dinner hiring breakfast & lunch cooks & waitstaff. Apply in person. 203-University Dr. The legendary Sombrero Ranch is looking for individu als to be part of its cowboy history that has already spanned over three decades. Help guide tourists and horses through State Forests dnd the Rocky Mountain National Park. Reply to 3300 Airport Road, Boulder CO 80301 or Unusually high commissions. Must have or be in process of obtaining R.E. license. 260-9611. Windows Programmer- Full-time only. Elite Software Development. (409)846-2340. LOST & FOUND Lost miniature Doberman Pincher. Has on small choke chain. Answers to Rhett. We miss him. Reward if found 693-6178 MISCELLANEOUS For 7c/min. to anywhere in the U.S. (409)571-8333. Call Stephen: MOTORCYCLE '86 Honda Interceptor, 500cc, motor runs good, $500/o.b o Please call Rudy at 268-6792. MUSIC Local country band seeking lead guitarist, background vocals preferred, and some travel. 764-0826. 680-0025. PETS Adopt: Puppies. Kittens, Cats, Dogs. Many pure breeds! Brazos Animal Shelter-775-5755. Non-smoker to share 3bdrm/2bath house. $375/mo.+1/3btlls. near TAMU 764-1082 Roommates needed 80tt mh. 2txlrm2bath. 3-miles south ol A&M 693-0436. Accountant- Payroll/Benefits Specialist. Accounting Degree. 2-3yrs. experience needed. Excellent Excell/ computer skills needed. Call 774-6227 or fax 774-6207. SERVICES ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT Texas Digital, a grow ing elec. mfg. co seeks sales assistant to prepare sales corresp.. generate sales orders, proposals. MS Word. Excel and ACT, and degree a plus. Excellent benefits and bonus plan. Send resume to: TDS, 512 FM 2818. College Station, TX 77845. Fax: 409-764-8650. AAA Texas Defensive Driving Lots-of-tun. Laugh-a-tot" Ticket dismissal/insurance discount. M-T(6pm-9pm). W-Th(6pm-9pm), Fri(6pm-8pm) &Sat( 10am-2:30pm). Sat(8am-2:30pm). Inside Nations Bank Walk-ms wet- come. $25/cash. Lowest price allowed by law 111- Univ. Dr . Ste 217. 846-6117. Show-up 30/min early (CP-0017). Please Anheuser-Busch marketing representative, at least 21yrs. old. self-motivated, out-going personality, willing to work flexible hours. Send resume or apply at: Jack Hilliard Distributing. 1000-Independence. Bryan, 77802. Wedding Invitations- 30% Oft Carlson Craft/ Regency Big catalogs available lor you to borrow at $50 deposit each. Call Evelyn at The Parly Block 693-6294 http://www. him TRAVEL Spring Break on Corpus Chnstl Beach 6-Person dorms: $19 2S/ea ♦tax Room for two $33 63rea ♦tax •On the water. -Kayak rentals. •Common kitchen. -Bay- view decks 1 -600-883-8507. TUTORS Experienced Tutor- Math, Biology, Botany. Biochemistry, Chemistry. Statistics and Physics New number- 690-7928 selection to The Associate: women’s All-America bail team Tuesday, becomingc player voted to the fo: three times. She was chos the third team as a freshid The most decorated p! her time, Holdsclaw Tennessee to three coi national championships could very well take lie Vols to another. She national player of the yea season and received theS Award last month as the top amateur athlete. "She is going to be bered as a player who tremendous impact oi women’s game,” Ten coach Pat Summitt said. Holdsclaw and Ps Stephanie White-McCartv voted to the first team on Jy ballots from a media pane 1? were joined on that u:E Tennessee's Tamika Cate® Alabama’s Dominique Can: Colorado State’s Becky H WEIGHT LOSS Metabolite 356 $34 Call Barbara 774-0630. Jan 826- 5541, Maddie 778-2455. Metabolite 356-TM. Finest natural herbs Formulated to raise metabolism & increase energy. 30-Day money- back guarantee. 680-0709. Astros fall to Yankees in preseasi Shape Up For Spring Break!! Metabollfe356 and Metrim Plus (''generic” Metabolite). Spring Break Special Pricesl! Save $$$ on both Metabolife356 and Metrim Plus. 695-6983 or 693-2650. Free delivery B/CS. Cks/CC accepted. The Battalion CLASSIFIEDS WISE A4CVE To place an ad, phone 845-0569 KISSIMMEE, Fla. (AP)| Jerome Walton’s two-run completed a four-run rally the final two innings and le^ New York Yankees to a 5-4 ry over the Houston Astro: Tuesday. Walton's hit came oil I lernandez (0-1), who set up Yankees’ i nfl iP comeback by walk ing the bases loaded. Mike Buddie (1-0), who allowed hits and a run, got the vie Jay Tessmer pitched the r| inning and earned the save. The Yankees (3-4) gave] Astros (4-1) their first exhib loss. Bernie Williams’ RBI sind center off Mike Hampton fC the Yankees a 1-0 lead in the 5 inning, but the Astros tied! score in the second when sew 6 ’ w * baseman Tim Bogar ca ^ home Mitch Meluskey. ® e Y P 1 Third baseman Chris Tr^’P* 6 solo homer Orlando HernaA? re is gave the Astros a lead the I* 10 ar€ not relinquish until the rjBjhis inning. Carl Everett added 111 ec * single in the fifth, and or w ' la Johnson gave the Astros a aus > t ^ 1 run lead with a solo hom . 0 ^ 100 Buddie in the seventh. -raternii ■Smol ■ue Se e 1 i\ THE ONLY THING BETTER IS AGGIELAND ITSELF. v pne ai hi* ks a: ■ectio hinninj Setting I Ac co The 1998 AGGIELAND is here. The nation's largest college yearbook 768 pages • 2-1/4 inches thick • Weighs more than 10 pounds PICK UP YOUR COPY TODAY! P icking up your 1 998 Aggieland is easy. If you ordered a book, go to the Reed McDonald Building basement (use east doors), look for the tables, and show us your Student ID. Hours: 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday. If you did not order last year's yearbook, you may purchase one for $35 plus tax in room 015 (oasement) Reed McDonald. Cash, checks, VISA, MasterCard, Discover and American Express accepted. PICK UP YOUR '98 AGGIELAND HERE